After taking over control of Navitsky's body, Qin Hao came back to his senses and bent down, then picked up the amoeba disguised as a small stone. After the amoeba got it, it quickly turned into a bracelet around it It was on Navitsky's wrist, and then Qin Hao pulled his sleeves to completely cover up the ring.

Then Qin Hao walked towards the government building where he worked at the same speed as Navitsky just now. Because he had mastered all of Navitsky's memories, Qin Hao found the government building where Navitsky worked easily.



The Borg people seem to be very indifferent among them. After Qin Hao walked into the government building, he met many of Naveski's colleagues, but they didn't even say hello to each other. Everyone just passed by. A feeling of being a stranger.

After coming to his office area, Qin Hao sat down. Because Navitsky's level is not high, Qin Hao's work is also very simple. In addition to processing some simple data and summarizing them, he just does some Errand work.

During the morning's work, Navitsky's supervisor came over to assign several tasks, but his tone and attitude were very indifferent.

"Hey! What's the point of living in this kind of society..." Qin Hao couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart. He even wanted to hand over the control of his body to the parasites, because these jobs were so boring.

Just when the work in the morning was about to be completed, Qin Hao's boring life finally ushered in a turning point. Naveski's supervisor came to his desk again and dropped a document on his desk.

"Send this to Lord Fred!" the supervisor turned and left after finishing speaking!

"I'm going! Is this the opportunity?" Qin Hao picked up the file expressionlessly, but secretly pleased in his heart, because from Naveski's memory, Qin Hao knew that Fred was the one he was looking for now. The mayor of this city is considered to be the upper-middle level of the Tivira planet. Through him, Qin Hao can get in touch with the Borg of a higher level, and then he can master the code of the protective shield of the Tivira planet. .

Carrying the documents, Qin Hao, like other Borgs, left his desk expressionlessly, and then walked unhurriedly towards an office at the end of the corridor.

"Papa..." Qin Hao knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A voice came from inside, but this voice was more lively than other Borg.

open the door,

Qin Hao walked in, and then he put the document on Fred's desk with both hands, and said in his mouth at the same time: "Master Fred, this document needs your signature!"

"Hmm! Put it down!" Fred said without raising his head. It's not worth raising his head for such a small task as Naveski.

"Lord Fred..." Qin Hao said again.

"What? What's the matter?" Fred asked, looking up.

"Go to hell!" Qin Hao picked up a cup on the table and threw it at Fred's forehead.

Fred was not prepared at all, he was a little slow to dodge, the teacup picked up by Qin Hao smashed on his forehead, and blood was left immediately.

"You're crazy!" Fred was instantly irritated. As soon as he pressed the corner of the table with his right hand, he turned over from the table, and then punched Naveski in the chest.

"Boom!" With just one punch, Fred smashed Naveski's chest down. He is in a high position and makes a lot of money, so he has modified his body to a higher degree and used more materials. Exquisite, by comparison, Naveski is not Fred's opponent at all.

So Navitsky's act of provoking Fred was courting death. No matter in terms of legal principles or personal combat effectiveness, Navitsky was seeking death, but at this time, the person who controlled Navitski's body was not Not himself, but Qin Hao!

For Qin Hao, it doesn't matter whether Navitsky is dead or alive. The important thing is that Qin Hao needs a chance to get in touch with Fred, so that the parasite can escape from Navitsky's body smoothly. , Transition into Fred's body.

At the same time, Qin Hao also needs to let Navitsky have a reasonable way to die. After all, when the parasite escapes from Navitsky's body, he will either die or regain his self-awareness.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible to let Navitsky regain self-awareness, which will expose the existence of parasites, but if Navitsky dies inexplicably, it will also attract the attention and investigation of the Borg people, so what is wrong with Qin? Hao's next move is very unfavorable.

That's why Qin Hao controlled Naveski to provoke Fred. He needed to create the illusion that Fred accidentally killed Naveski.

"You're insane! Are you going to rebel?!" After Fred smashed Naveski's chest with a punch, he was not satisfied, and he continued to beat Naveski, who was helpless.

Although chest collapse is a serious injury for most intelligent creatures, the Borg are different. They generally have modified their bodies, so although this injury is not serious, it is definitely not fatal, and it can even be repaired. No effort.

Facing Fred's beating, of course Qin Hao had to struggle. While resisting the attack, he looked for opportunities to turn over.

After Fred was beaten for a long time, his anger disappeared, so he was going to let go of Naveski, and then asked him what he was doing today, but at this moment, Qin Hao broke free from Naveski's control , and then grabbed a saber that was used as decoration in the office.

For the Borg, the weapons of this cold weapon era are actually very limited in lethality. They are just pure works of art, but now Qin Hao controls Naveski to pick up the saber and then stabs at Fred.

"Endless!?" Fred, who was originally angry, was irritated again, because Naveski's hacking and hacking destroyed many works of art in his office, and these works of art cost him a lot of money. I just bought it.

The furious Fred threw himself at Navitsky's side again. He grabbed Navitski's wrist and broke it hard. Navitski's mechanical wrist was broken, and the saber fell on the ground. on the ground.

"Boom!" Fred grabbed Naveski's neck and pressed him against the wall next to the window.

"It's time!" Qin Hao screamed in his heart, and then he ordered the parasite to release the toxin, killing Navitsky's brain, and then he controlled Navitsky's body to struggle vigorously, and broke away from the Buddha. The moment Red took control, Qin Hao broke the glass of the window and jumped out.

"Hey!" Fred exclaimed. He just wanted to subdue Naveski and teach him a lesson. He didn't even want to push him downstairs. You know, his office is on the thirty-fifth floor, so high Falling from the distance, judging from the degree of Navitsky's transformation, he is almost certain to die!

. m.

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