After separating from Jester, Renault bowed his head down to Su He's side in despair. The green leaves above the tree man's head hung down, looking very pitiful.

Su He asked: "You were also said by Jester?"

Renault nodded in shame. Jelster criticized him for not fulfilling his duties as a tribe and taking good care of Xiaoshuren.

Galaxy Trees are a kind of genderless intelligent creatures. Their reproduction depends on the parent star. Unlike some intelligent races, the division of labor between females and males is clear. There is no such thing as a partner in the ancient traditions of the Galaxy Tree people. Generally, after the Galaxy Tree people enter the larva, they will leave their home planet to live alone. Now, as the Galaxy Civilization communicates and merges with other intelligent civilizations, the existence of a partner is gradually accepted by the Galaxy Tree people. But for Renault, who had drifted alone for thousands of years, he had never been in contact with the galactic civilization, naturally, he didn't know what the union of Su He and Lu Li meant.

The honest Star River Tree people blame themselves, "Xiao Hemiao, Jelster is right, you are too young to find a partner. Besides, Mr. Captain is a good man, but humans are too strange. You should get in touch with some other intelligent civilizations. The Xikua people who exist in liquid form are very good."

"Cough." Su He didn't say anything, Lu Li who had found him coughed lightly to remind him of his existence.

Renault: "..."

The leaves on top of Renault's head became even more sluggish when he was caught saying bad things about someone behind his back.

Su He endured a smile and looked at Lu Li, thanking that his aesthetic was not influenced by Renault. He knows the Siqua people, one of the alien civilizations that the Galactic Federation has contact with. The Xikua people in their normal state are a large group of silvery liquid, which has no fixed form like mercury. They will transform and transform into others when needed. He wanted to ask Renault is it true? Isn't he also weird in Renault's eyes? However, seeing Renault's embarrassment at this moment wishing to go underground, Su He swallowed the question.

"Mr. Captain." Renault said awkwardly.

Lu Li smiled gently, and said nonchalantly: "The gravitational interference caused by the Dawn has disappeared, and the Iris is about to enter the wormhole. It is expected that we will arrive at Kahn Star in ten minutes. Do you want to come to the command room together?"

"Well, let's come with Renault." Su He tried to adjust the atmosphere.

Renault wailed Lu Li's invitation, his tall body quickly decomposed into green galaxy particles, and the metal wall infiltrated one side and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Land from:"…"

Su He couldn't help but laughed. Lu Li raised his brows slightly, and easily pressed Su He against the wall, lowering his head to block his mouth. In the lingering kiss, a strong resonance swept through their bodies. Su He's heartbeat became rapid, Lu Li clinging to him, his heartbeat calmly, echoing Su He's beat. Their hearts beat up and down, like an ensemble. Su He pulled Lu Li's hand and began to write in his palm. The sensitive five senses of the sentry made Lu Li immediately recognize what Su He had written. The corners of his mouth were slowly convulsed, and an unspeakable beautiful feeling came from the bottom of his heart. Lu Li kissed Su He's chin to his ear, licked his earlobe and whispered, "I love you too."

Su He hugged Lu Li tightly, and the little haze caused by the Shuren's opposition was swept away. The spiritual bond between the two was covered by galaxy particles, and the distortion and penetration became stronger and stronger.

In the gloomy starry sky, Iris quickly disappeared in the wormhole, and the frenzied energy field gradually closed. The coordinates where an A-class starship appeared before Iris. In the command room, Kellogg looked incredulous, "I'm not mistaken, am I? That miser Lu Li was willing to open the wormhole. Where did Iris come from the energy stone?"

From Zhenhaixing to Kahnstar, it takes seven or eight hours for normal driving, and only one jump is needed to open the wormhole. Everyone knows that the wormhole is convenient, but the huge energy consumption determines that the opening of the wormhole is a luxury even if it is enlarged to the Federation. Most people will only jump through the wormhole when necessary.

Kellogg shook his fingers exaggeratedly, and the huge ruby ​​ring gleamed in the light.

Adjutant Zhao Yingyuan has long been accustomed to Kellogg's exaggerated style, and calmly said: "Maybe the federal compensation has been in place. After all, the general has knocked a lot from the Fourth Army. These are all from Major Lu."

"That's how much!" Kellogg was born in the Reknis family of the Federation, and he didn't like that thing at all. "Lu Li has no family support behind him. He needs to raise a starship himself, as well as Kahn's thousands of sentinels and hundreds of thousands of regular troops. The Fourth Army's compensation is estimated that even Kahn's consumption in one month is not enough. ."

Zhao Yingyuan quickly gave the second answer, "Maybe Major Lu robbed a certain Star Thieves group and made a fortune on his way back to the Federation."

This speculation was very consistent with Lu Li's behavior, and Kailock frowned, and quickly turned around in his heart to guess which unlucky ghost had hit Lu Li's men again. After thinking for a long time without a clue, Kylock snorted and took his attention from the Iris.

"Open the wormhole and we will return to Bai Yuanxing."

He regarded Lu Li as his opponent, and he couldn't wait to observe Lu Li's every move with a magnifying glass. Now that Lu Li's behavior exceeded his estimate, Kailuoke felt uncomfortable suddenly. Zhao Yingyuan contemplated his heart and shook his head speechlessly.

Lu Li didn't know this naive idea of ​​Kylock. At this time, the Iris had left the wormhole and was about to arrive at Kahn Star. Kahn Star is located on the southeast border of the Galactic Federation and is under the jurisdiction of the Seventh Legion. It is a huge terrestrial planet.

Two hundred years ago, the Galactic Federation expanded and explorers discovered this planet for the first time. At that time, the whole planet was covered with a black-red low shrub. Seen from the sky, the endless black forest is almost covered with this dry planet.

The original explorers positioned Kahn Star as an agricultural star. The atmosphere here is suitable for human survival, and there is land that has been tested and can be used for planting. The economic value is rated as medium. However, with the further exploration of the expedition, humans discovered an extremely scarce metal-Kahn β on this planet, and the economic value of the planet has jumped from medium to high. Countless gold diggers and speculators have immigrated madly here, and even the dark beasts that followed in the footsteps of mankind have not been able to stop mankind's enthusiasm for developing Kahn.

In less than a hundred years, the rich Kahn β was dug up. Crazy digging and the invasion of dark beasts quickly destroyed the ecological environment of this planet. The black forest can no longer be seen from the sky, only the sand-yellow earth and the sandstorms that blow up from time to time. The immigrants who had flocked to leave here like sand in an hourglass scrambled to leave here, and only the garrison of the 7th Legion remained on the entire planet.

This is Lu Li's introduction to Kahn Star. Su He sounded unbelievable, "It only took a hundred years to destroy the ecological environment of the entire planet?"

His tone made Lu Li smile bitterly, and explained: "The mining of Kahn β is relatively rough, and the damage caused cannot be repaired by nature."

Su He blinked, still imagining what a rough method, Kahn Star had already appeared in front of his eyes. Like Zhenhaixing, Kahn's outer space also circles a low-Earth orbit. The troops stationed in the orbit apparently recognized the Iris and let them go respectfully. The Iris soon selected the coordinates and began to land, and the sandy-yellow ground appeared more and more clearly in front of Su He's eyes. He almost immediately understood what Lu Li meant by rudeness. Looking down from the window, large and small black holes are scattered all over the planet, as ugly as scars on the clean skin of human beings. The land is barren and desolate.

The preciousness of Kahn's beta metal and the threat of the Dark Beast led to the reckless and destructive exploitation of the Federation. Although many scholars criticized the Federation’s practices afterwards, the destruction had already been done, and Kahn Star was just a microcosm of the process of the Federation’s colonial expansion.

"Oh!" Su He stared out the window for a long time and couldn't find words. He felt desolate enough for Broken Star, and it was not even as bad as Broken Star.

"Disappointed?" Lu Li walked to Su He, stood side by side with him, and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay." Su He thought about another question, "You and everyone are stationed here for a long time, the environment is so bad, it's very hard, right?"

Lu Li paused and said, "Sentinels are used to it. The regular troops will take a rotation every six months. I was worried that you would not like it here. If you don't like it, I will send you back to Zhenhaixing."

Su He tilted his head and looked at Lu Li, "Sentinel shouldn't be able to leave the guide, right?"

Lu Li said, his eyes focused on Su He, "I can get used to it, the key is you..."

"I want to be with you." Su He interrupted him, "Aren't we going to remodel this place?"

Su He's tone was simple, Lu Li looked at him and laughed softly, "Okay!"

The two looked out the window together, and the landing of the Iris was a canyon. The two silent cliffs were so high that a large flat valley was formed between them. Dense metal buildings filled half of the canyon, and airships and mechas could rise and fall everywhere.

The sandstorm was raging outside the canyon, and the storm that was advancing slowly like a huge wall was blocked on the side of the cliff. The side of the cliff, which is thousands of feet high, was sharpened as a knife by the wind, but the inside of the canyon was calm and calm. On that day, the Legion chose the canyon as a military station, probably because there was no trace of Kahn beta metal after exploration underground. Who knows that two hundred years later, the cliffs on both sides will become natural barriers, and this station will be free from the problem of sandstorms.

As the size of the buildings on the surface became more and more normal, Iris began to slow down. Airships and mechas lined up one after another in the air to welcome the return of Iris. I don't know who fired the first shot, and the entire canyon suddenly roared. The Planet Garrison used this method to replace the salute to greet Lu Li and his party.

Su He straightened his body subconsciously, this feeling is hard to describe. He inexplicably thought of the military parade that he had watched on TV in the past. It was obviously different from the situation at the moment, but it was somewhat unspeakable. The blood in Su He's body was surging, and pride grew in the presence of him. He glanced at Lu Li quickly, happier than he was welcomed.

Lu Li sensed Su He's mood, stretched out his hand to hold his hand, smiled and said, "You can use this as our second home."

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