Inside Tyrant

Chapter 154

Why so serious?


The team owner is watching from the sidelines, can it not be serious?

However, the game is not taken seriously, you can win!

At least when facing Su Ran, it was serious and useless!

The Hornets attacked, and Al Jefferson went down after cover.

Kemba Walker hit the ground and split the ball, and Al Jefferson just raised his hand to face the frame, and was directly shot down by Su Ran’s face!

“Al Jefferson’s movements are too slow!”

The commentator on the sidelines directly said: “Especially in the contrast of Su Ran, Al Jefferson is like a slow-motion replay!” ”

“Actually, Su Ran is too fast!”

Another commentator watched Su Ran gallop through the whole field and said directly: “Whether it is Su Ran’s speed or speed, even many defender players are not his opponents at all!” ”

Not to mention an inside player like Al Jefferson?

Su Ran quickly rushed to the front court, and it was another violent buckle to finish!

The Hornets fans who were booing at the scene also lost their voices instantly.

As the team owner, Michael Jordan did not change his expression.

Su Ran burst the wasp, which seemed to have been expected by Jordan for a long time.

In the first quarter, the Charlotte Hornets desperately tried to save their decline in front of the team owner.

At least in the first quarter, make the situation as tense as possible.

But it is a pity that Su Ran did not leave any room for negotiation for this team at all.

Played the first quarter, once again slammed a single quarter, and grabbed a rebound and sent a block!

Su Ran helped the Minnesota Timberwolves, first quarter:, lead the Hornets by points!

“Looking at Su Ran’s data, today, he is once again moving towards the triple double!”

“For Su Ran, the biggest challenge of the triple-double is how long he can play!”

Another commentator saw it very thoroughly: “If the game is too fast, he may not have enough time to brush three doubles!” ”

After all, now the game looks like it’s going towards garbage time.

It is impossible for Su Ran to brush data in garbage time!

So the pressure, it’s all coming to the Wasp!

“The game is not over yet!”

In the intersection, even after the team trailed by points, Hornets coach Steve Clifford roared: “As long as there is one minute left in the game, we will fight until the last minute!” ”

The fighting spirit of the Charlotte Hornets rekindled the enthusiasm of all the home team fans!

Not admitting defeat is what makes this team so supportive!

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Hornets rotation team swung their extraordinary level!

The beginning is a wave: strong to close the point difference!

“Our deal is imminent.

Su Ran had no idea about the imminent score, but the serious deformity of the team’s second team had to be resolved.

“We’re already talking to your planned team.”

Sam Mitchell hastened to report the situation: “A team wants to make adjustments in the offer. ”

“Three teams said they were considering it and two teams didn’t respond at the moment.”

Su Ran has given many trade plans, and the Timberwolves’ senior management will remain open until the trade deadline.

Waiting for a response from all the offer teams!

“You know, some players don’t have to be in such a hurry, but there are players who I give high priority.”

Su Ran calmly drank water: “It’s best to finalize the deal before the All-Star Game.” ”

The sooner this kind of trading thing is resolved, the better.

Dragging it back, Su Ran was still worried that the night would grow and dream more.

The Hornets’ second lineup’s offensive lasted more than a minute, and the feel gradually declined.

The Timberwolves’ second lineup gradually stabilized the situation.

By the time the two starters reappeared, the Timberwolves still held the point lead.

The Hornets attacked, and Al Jefferson simply gave up the low post and pulled out to help his teammates do a shaft tandem attack.

Kemba Walker carries the team’s offensive banner.

It’s just a pity that after Al Jefferson blocked several times in a row, it was Su Ran who changed the defense in front of Walker!

After both attacks were rejected by the caps, Walker also began to transform into tandem team attacks, counting on Batum, who signed in the summer to save the team.

Sadly, since signing the big contract, Batum’s form has been lost.

The Hornets in the second half of the second quarter suffered a scoring drought and were killed by the Timberwolves at the chance of the Timberwolves.

At the beginning of the second half, the Hornets were still very stubborn to spell out a wave: but with Su Ran’s inside blocking Al Jefferson scored, and caused additional penalties.

After the fight, the Hornets completely lost hope of turning the game around!

In the end, to the encouraging cheers of the audience, the Charlotte Hornets were all over the court: , losing to the Minnesota Timberwolves by points!

‘We fought until the end, so I think the players did a really good job.’

In a post-game interview, Hornets coach Clifford first praised his own team, and then praised Su Ran: “Unfortunately, our opponent has Su Ran. ”

‘He always stepped up and helped his team stabilize when we were ready to turn things around.’

“Su Ran is like Tim Duncan, we lack such a stable sea god needle.”

Or rather, the whole alliance lacks such a fixed sea god needle!

‘It was a great game and I’m happy with the team’s performance.’

Michael Jordan gave a rare interview to the media after the game: “But the victory belongs to the better side, and the Timberwolves are obviously the stronger team.” ”

When asked by a reporter why the team is so far behind, Jordan has not yet left.

Michael Jordan said directly: “First of all, I am a basketball fan, and secondly, I am the owner of the Charlotte Hornets. ”

“Su Ran’s game is a game that any basketball fan will look forward to watching.”

“I think as long as I am a basketball fan, I will not choose to leave the court early in the game with Su Ran.”

Regardless of the outcome!

Jordan’s speech was also regarded by many media as the highest level of recognition of Su Ran.

Of course, Su Ran’s performance today is also worthy of Jordan’s level of recognition.

Rebounds plus blocks!

Su Ran won a terrifying triple-double for the fourth consecutive game!

And lead the team to a winning streak!

It’s just a stone’s throw away from the winning streak!!

(Today’s hard work to challenge ten more, if there is an unexpected situation will be explained later in a chapter update, recently related to promotion, there will be a lot of entertainment, life is not easy, please understand!) )_

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