Innate King Kong: My body can grow infinitely

Chapter 60 Are you willing to fight to the death with me?

In the spacious city lord's mansion.

All the people in the martial arts world gathered here, staggering and pale, trying their best to help the old Taoist just now.

No matter what the other party needs, they are trying their best to collect it.

Just to be able to prepare the talisman water to suppress the influence of the formation.

However, as time goes by, they become weaker and weaker. In just a stick of incense, a large number of people in the martial arts world have sallow faces, fall to the ground, and groan in pain.

It can be clearly seen that their bodies are withering, and their originally plump skin has lost more than ten pounds in an instant.

"Brother Li Dao, are you okay?"

Tong Zhan's voice trembled, and his face was sallow. Looking at Li Dao.

Li Fengyan and Tong Caier were also very thin, and they all looked over.

Li Dao was burly, with bulging muscles, still holding the huge axe, as if he was not affected at all.

Li Dao shook his head gently, "I am also affected, but the impact is small!"

The Five Elements Five Decay Array, in the final analysis, is to reduce people's vitality, exhaust people's blood, make people old, sick and die, and fall to the ground.

But he weighs 1380 pounds, even if it is reduced by the array, it can't be reduced by much.

At most, he can lose more than ten pounds of meat, right?

That's considered weight loss.

For his huge body, it's still nothing.

"Brother Li Dao is really a god!"

Tong Zhan said with trembling lips.

Seeing more and more people in the martial arts world lying on the ground, the remaining people in the martial arts world can no longer bear it. One by one, they become extremely irritable, with red eyes, like trapped beasts waiting to die.

"Fuck you, old Taoist priest, have you configured it? Are you kidding us?"

"Damn it, is it going to work? Haven't you configured it yet?"

"I can't stand it anymore. Even if I die, you can't have a good life. I'm going to kill that old Taoist priest!"

"Yes, kill the old Taoist priest, at worst we'll die together!"

Several people in the martial arts world shouted angrily, holding up their bodies, picking up swords and rushing directly to the hall in front.

The continuous waiting made them see no hope.

Seeing people falling around them, they would soon become the next wave.

This manic mentality made them unable to bear it anymore.

They just wanted to cut this old Taoist priest into pieces, at worst we would all die together.


Suddenly, Li Dao's body rushed over, his face was grim, his iron fist was unparalleled, and his huge fist smashed hard, knocking all the martial arts people in front of him flying backwards, spurting blood, his chest was sunken, and his bones were exposed. It was obvious that he would not survive.

The terrifying scene immediately frightened the other people in the martial arts world and calmed down a lot.

Pairs of eyes fell on Li Dao.

What a terrifying man!

What a terrible power!

Why can he still maintain such power in the formation?

"Whoever dares to step forward will die without mercy!"

Li Dao's tone was cold and echoed around.

There was no room for doubt at all!

The talisman water configuration was right in front of him. No matter how low the old Taoist's grasp was, he had to let the other party try. Whoever dared to disturb this old Taoist would be sorry for him.

If he was not worried that he could not break through the formation of Longyou River alone, he would have killed himself long ago, and why would he care about the lives of these people?

But he knew that he could not kill himself.

Therefore, he had to use the power of everyone.

"Who are you? Why are you helping that old Taoist?"

A person in the martial arts world said angrily, "That old Taoist is deliberately teasing us. He took so many of our resources and consumed so much of our time. He is clearly playing tricks on us."

"Brave man, why do you not know right from wrong?"

Another person in the martial arts world also said angrily, "Do you really think that you can fight against all of us with your own strength?"

"That's right, don't stop us, otherwise you won't get any benefits!"

"Everyone is weak, why are you still so arrogant?"

Other people in the martial arts world shouted angrily.

Among them, there are many masters of the seventh and eighth levels. At this moment, they are in a very bad mood under the influence of the formation. At this moment, they hear the words of the crowd, and they can't help but look at Li Dao.


Li Dao smashed the giant axe in his hand to the ground, which immediately shook the ground slightly, and the sand and stones flew. His face became extremely indifferent and swept towards everyone.

"So, you guys want to play with me?"

"Don't be so arrogant!"

Someone else shouted in shock.

"How dare you!"

Li Dao roared suddenly, his voice like thunder, shaking the whole square.

Then his huge body rushed forward directly, without hesitation, and smashed the crowd with his terrifying fist.

Everyone's face was pale, but they still shouted angrily and rushed towards Li Dao quickly.

Even the masters of the eighth level rushed over immediately, determined to teach Li Dao a lesson.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound was dull, sand and rocks flew, and people flew across the sky, which was horrible.

They thought Li Dao was weakened, and they thought that they would be no different from Li Dao if they burst out with all their strength.

But it was obvious that they were all wrong.

And they were very wrong.

The whole battle was like a father beating his son, crushing withering and rotten, screaming shrilly, without any suspense.

No matter who rushed over, they would be slapped away.

Even the seventh and eighth levels are all like this.

In just a short moment, the entire square instantly became quiet, with wailing sounds everywhere, and no one dared to talk nonsense anymore.

Li Dao had a cold face, his huge body was like a demon, and he stepped on the cheek of an eighth-level master with his soles. He glanced at the crowd coldly and said, "How are you doing? Do you still want to play?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, just listen to the strong man, spare my life!"

The master of the eighth level said in panic.

Being stepped on by Li Dao's huge feet was like being stepped on by an elephant's legs.

There is always a danger of life and death.

"If you don't dare, just calm down for me. From now on, I have the final say here!"

Li Dao spoke indifferently and kicked out.

With a bang, the master of the eighth level flew out on the spot.

Li Fengyan and the Tong siblings were secretly shocked when they saw it again, and their hearts were raging.

How many secrets does this weirdo have?

Extremely poisonous if eaten raw!

Ignore the formation!

It's absolutely terrible.

Some time passed, and most of the people in the square were weakened and lying on the ground, weak and with yellow faces, as if they were terminally ill.

Even Li Dao gradually frowned and looked towards the room.

It's been so long and there's still no reaction from the old man?

Could it be that he died in the room?

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to wait.

As dusk arrives, the red sunset covers the sky.

Just when everyone was about to be unable to bear it any longer, the old Taoist rushed out of the room with a flushed face and extremely excited.

"Everyone, the talisman water is configured. It is configured, but it can only last for an hour."

"An hour? What do you mean?"

Li Dao quickly came to the other party.

"It means that the time is too short, and the veteran can't study it in depth. This is just a hastily prepared talismanic water. After drinking it, the body will not be affected by the curse for an hour at most. If it exceeds an hour, it will still become weak again."

The old man responded quickly.

"Is that so?"

Li Dao frowned.

But I quickly accepted it.

An hour at a time is better than nothing.

"Hurry up and let them drink, and everyone will find a way to break out!"


The old Taoist got busy quickly, got the prepared talisman water, and began to drink it one by one.

Li Dao was also busy pouring talisman water on everyone.

A whole day passed.

Covered by the strange formation, the people in the city became even more weak.

As far as I could see, there was almost no one left standing.

Almost everyone was so angry that they were dying, and they felt like they were about to decay.

Viewed from a high altitude, the huge city is almost like a dead city.

However, as they drank the talisman water, the people who had been lying on the ground in the city lord's palace quickly began to return to normal, with their faces flushed, and they got up from the ground.

Although the body is still very thin, at least the true energy and blood are not affected.

As soon as the people in the world who had been beaten before recovered, their eyes immediately turned fierce and they all looked at Li Dao. However, as soon as they caught Li Dao's gaze, they immediately shuddered and quickly restrained themselves.

"What? Still want to die?"

Li Dao's voice was cold.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

The master of the eighth level said with a smile.


Li Dao snorted coldly, glanced at everyone, and suddenly shouted, "Everyone, I just got the news that the Yellow Turban Army is coming quickly. As long as we leave this city, we can join the Yellow Turban Army. Instead of staying here This city is just waiting for death. Why don't you follow me and fight out of the city? Maybe you can have a chance of survival. I don't know, what do you want?"

His roaring voice shook the entire square.

Everyone's ears were ringing.

"Strong men, there are so many people outside the city, and they form a human formation. If you attack rashly, I'm afraid it will be the same as getting killed."

A master of the sixth level changed his expression and said aloud.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Li Dao's indifferent eyes fell directly on him, bringing complete depression and said: "Won't you die if you are trapped in this city?"

The master of the sixth level immediately lowered his head, sweating.

"A strong man, if you want to break out of an encirclement, you must first have a plan. I wonder if you have any plan?"

The old Taoist asked suddenly.


Li Dao frowned and said: "What plan are we talking about at this time? Everyone rushes out of the city in a hive, and they can run as much as they can. It all depends on fate!

Moreover, the talisman water you take can only last for one hour. After one hour, you will be suppressed again!

I looked carefully before, except that Long Youjiang is located in the East City, there are not many experts in the other four directions. We only need to choose the West City to break out, and run away before Long Youjiang arrives! "

Everyone's hearts tightened.

I felt tremendous pressure instantly.

With just a few hundred people from the martial arts world, they dare to attack the enemy's tens of thousands of people. Is this possible?

"Don't think too much. If you delay for one more moment now, the talisman water on your body will be consumed for one more moment! Do you really want to wait here to die?"

Li Dao raised his axe, his voice roared, and he waved his big hand and said: "You are willing to follow me and fight to the death!"

Everyone's scalp was numb and their hearts were changing, but no one responded.

Li Dao's eyes darkened, his aura surged, and he shouted again: "To rebel now is to die, and not to rebel is to die. If you wait to die, how can you live in a country of death?"

Upon seeing his gaze, everyone suddenly felt chills running down their spines.

"Honor your orders!!"

Thanks: Miracle Demon Hunter, Zero One Shadow for the reward!

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