Innate King Kong: My body can grow infinitely

Chapter 118 Swallowing the Emperor's Blood! Facing 300,000 Troops Alone!!

The black valley stretches as far as the eye can see.

Mountainous, rocky, and lush.

There is an air of decay underfoot, like a corner forgotten by the world.

Li Dao had a solemn look on his face, carrying a giant ax on his back, standing on a huge blue stone, looking far ahead.

The breath disappeared.

It's no longer as strong as before.

The Precious Blood of Hades is really weird.

Know how to hide yourself.

"Don't worry, I have a way to lure it out."

Xuan Qingzi whispered.

He jumped lightly, climbed up the cliff on one side, looked around, chose a suitable place, jumped directly, landed there steadily, and then took out a piece of fresh meat prepared in advance from the package and placed it on the There.

He also took out more than ten black dragon-locking nails and quickly drove them into the surrounding ground according to specific arrangement rules.

After finishing, he bit the tip of his tongue and drew more than a dozen runes on the ground.

It wasn't over yet. He took out a small bottle of red liquid and carefully sprinkled it on the surface of the fresh meat. Suddenly, the surface of the fresh meat squeaked, and green smoke quickly came out, filling the air with bursts of rich blood. , the smell is pungent.

Xuan Qingzi immediately withdrew quickly and landed in the distance.

"Okay, the trap is ready, move quickly!"

Xuan Qingzi whispered.

Li Dao's eyes flashed slightly, and he flashed by, hiding in the distant mountains and forests.

The Precious Blood of the Underworld Emperor is extremely cunning. It must be unique in its ability to escape from the third-level dynasty to this place.

"hope everything is fine."

He thought to himself.

Although he has been searching for the precious blood of Hades these past few days, he is also paying attention to the situation outside.

The Zhou Dynasty actually compromised with surrounding forces!

The four major dynasties began to target him at the same time.

It's really ironic.

When did he have such dignity?

Time passed.

The afternoon passed in a hurry.

The outside world is abuzz.

The masters of the four dynasties are all taking action.

The endless army was mobilized, and the figures rushed out, making a rumbling sound, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. The endless people and horses were rushing towards the Beast King Valley at a fast speed.


There were already more than ten Tianwu Realm masters who had used Qinggong and rushed over first.

The purpose is to be able to keep track of Li Dao at all times.

There are even Tianqi masters who have secretly set up a large formation in the valley entrance area to prevent Li Dao from suddenly breaking through.

The huge Beast King Valley immediately attracted the attention of the whole world, and countless people talked about it.

far away.

The man in white robe looked surprised. He stood on a hill and looked at the endless army galloping from a distance. He said: "It's such a big battle. There must be at least hundreds of thousands of people, right? Look at this flag. More than one dynasty?"

"At least 300,000 troops, including the Great Jin, Great Zhou, Great Shang, and Great Xia, the four second-level dynasties are all in action."

The thin old man next to him responded loudly.

"All four dynasties are dispatched just to deal with that troll?"

The man in white robe was surprised and said: "Is this troll so scary? If a human formation composed of 300,000 troops is controlled properly, even the Martial Saint may be trapped. Then can the troll reach the level of Martial Saint?"

"I heard from outside news that it's not the case yet. He is following the path of magic martial arts. Even if he reaches the top of his training, he will only be able to achieve the ninth transformation of magic martial arts."

The old man frowned.

"Three hundred thousand people just to deal with the ninth transformation of the magic weapon?"

The man in white robe had a strange expression.

"The human formation is different from the earth formation and the celestial formation. The human formation is largely influenced by people's hearts. If that troll can destroy people's hearts, then an army of 300,000 people will be nothing at all."

The old man responded.

"It's simple to put it, but I've never seen someone try to break up the morale of an army of 300,000 people with the power of one person."

The man in white robe shook his head directly and said: "I am even more curious about this guy."

If at first he doubted the authenticity of the external rumors.

So now he has believed 90%.

Because everyone outside is saying this, saying that the troll is one foot tall and has a waist that is ten girth larger.

This gave him something to look forward to.

The other direction.

Boundless black woods.

It's dark, dense, and boundless.

This day.

A sudden change occurred.

Waves of terrifying bloody smell suddenly surged out from the black wood forest. It was so powerful that it made the black wood forest rustle and countless fallen leaves dance wildly.

It was as if something extremely terrible was about to happen.

The poisonous insects and beasts that originally lived in the black wood forest also began to escape one after another, panicking.



A huge figure with a ferocious body, two and a half meters tall, covered with black scales and densely covered with barbs on its back, suddenly jumped out of the dark wood forest. It was covered in mucus and blood, and it had an ugly appearance and a ferocious smile.

Like some evil spirit coming out of hell.


Its broad, dark feet directly stepped firmly on a huge bluestone.

Suddenly the entire bluestone fell apart.


Bursts of frog-like laughter quickly erupted from its throat, echoing around, filled with bursts of pungent, bloody and weird aura.

It sounds extremely harsh.

The air all around was rippling, like another layer of dark red ripples sweeping across.


Deep in the dense forest behind it, scarlet eyes lit up one after another.

Large groups of demons quickly rushed out from the black woods, black and dense, and rushed directly, with waves of the same strange giggles echoing quickly.

The whole area was in chaos, with flying sand and rocks.

These strange demons, after appearing, rushed directly towards the entire Great Zhou Dynasty at a speed like a tide.

Time passed by minute by minute.

One day later.

The sky darkened.

Li Dao, who was hiding in the woods, frowned secretly, and a hint of impatience emerged in his heart.

Still no movement.

After waiting for two days, except for some perception at the beginning.

The rest of the time was calm.

It was as if the Hades Emperor's precious blood had completely escaped.

Even he couldn't sit still.

But suddenly, he heard some movement in his ears, his eyes were slightly cold, and he turned his head to look behind.

He saw four or five figures appearing in the woods behind him, their eyes flickering, hiding in a corner, looking cautiously at him.

"Where is that Li Dao hiding? What is he doing?"

"It looks like he is waiting for something."

"Waiting for something? Is there really a monster here?"

"That's impossible!"

"No matter what he is waiting for, we must not let him get what he wants. We will take the opportunity to make a noise and make him fail!"

Several people whispered.

But suddenly, a gust of wind flashed in front of them, and a strong evil spirit surged towards them like a tide.

Li Dao's tall and terrifying body appeared in front of them almost instantly, unusually abrupt, with a gloomy face and huge and terrifying eyes, looking down at them.

The people in front of them were startled and shocked, and almost fell down.

Li Dao!!

"Do you want to make a noise?"

Li Dao asked gloomily.

"Don't be so arrogant, retreat immediately, otherwise I will activate this talisman immediately. Once activated, the area within a radius of dozens of feet will explode directly!"

A Tianwu realm master hurriedly grasped a black jade talisman and shouted.

"Yes, retreat immediately!"

The other people also took out the jade talismans and shouted.

Li Dao's heart instantly felt cold.

The voices of several people were so loud that they might have disturbed the blood of the Hades Emperor.

Dare to threaten him here now?

"Leave here immediately, I can guarantee that nothing has happened."

Li Dao's voice was gloomy.

A flash of light flashed in the minds of several people.

They really guessed it right.

Li Dao is really waiting for something here?

"You said it well, Li Dao, you killed our predecessors of Da Shang Zhenwu Academy, how should this account be settled?"

A Tianwu realm master sneered, suddenly signaled to his companions, and said: "Send a signal!"

The man next to him immediately took out a signal flare.

Just then!

Li Dao felt a sense, turned around suddenly, and his heart was moved.

The breath that frightened the beast soul just now appeared again, extremely strong, and in the distance, it seemed that his bait had been discovered.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!"

Li Dao whispered, his face grim.

"You tell us to get out? I won't get out. Send a signal!"

The Tianwu realm master just now seemed to think that Li Dao was sure to win, and said with a grim smile.


Suddenly, Li Dao's tongue burst into thunderous sound, using the secret technique of transmitting sound into the ears, and the dragon roar directly shook the minds of several people in front of him, making their faces instantly dazed, their minds roaring, and their faces shocked.

Then Li Dao's body swept past like lightning, his big hands tore, puffing, blood pouring, and almost at the same time, all their arms holding the jade talisman were torn off.


The screams of several people were heard instantly, hysterical and extremely harsh.

Li Dao was furious, and the black giant axe swept past quickly.

At the same time!

Far behind, the Hades Blood, which had just approached the bait, heard the noise and immediately began to hide again, fleeing far away, but Xuan Qingzi had already activated the secret technique at the first time.

In an instant, the dragon-locking nails around the bait burst into light at the same time.

The runes on the ground seemed to come alive, bursting out countless twisted runes.

The entire rear was blazing with light and howling with strong winds, as if forming a blood-colored cover.

Inside the cover.

The Hades Blood, which was still hiding, was suddenly forced out and revealed its true form.

It was not tall, only the size of an adult's palm. It was wearing a dragon robe and a flat crown on its head. Its face was pale and its breath was strange. There was a hint of shock and majesty between its eyebrows. Its body was madly colliding in the cover, making a bang, and the whole cover was torn into pieces.

"Hurry up, warriors, come and help me!!"

Xuan Qingzi shouted hurriedly, almost unable to trap the other party.

Li Dao was startled and immediately attacked with all his strength. He instantly transformed into a demon warrior, ferocious and violent, surrounded by lightning, like a black waterfall, instantly submerging these people.

Boom boom boom!


Three dead and two seriously injured!

All flew backwards!

But he had no time to continue attacking, so he turned around and walked away, rushing towards the direction of the Hades' precious blood.

The two seriously injured masters were terrified and covered in blood. They hurriedly ran for their lives regardless of everything. They were all burnt and their bones were broken. The flares on their bodies finally flew out.

Everyone outside the valley was shocked and looked up.

"The battle has begun. They have been discovered by Li Dao!"

"The army is about to be completely assembled. When the army is assembled, take action immediately!!"

On one side, a huge army had already gathered, with flags covering the sky and a large number of people.

In the distance, the sound of galloping continued to come, with a mighty and rolling smoke and dust.

"Prince, the demons are about to break through the black wood forest, and we can't stay here any longer."

The thin old man in the corner couldn't help but whisper.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't we send someone to notify them a long time ago?"

The man in the white robe was unmoved: "To be honest, I want to go deep into the valley and see this guy with my own eyes."

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he really wanted to see this legendary troll with his own eyes.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't act immediately.

Instead, he continued to wait.

In the valley.

Li Dao's huge and ferocious demon body rushed past quickly, and his eight arms moved together, making a terrifying rumbling sound, smashing countless obstacles along the way, and finally saw the appearance of the ball of Hades' precious blood clearly.

The moment he saw it clearly, Li Dao was also secretly surprised.

Is this the Hades' precious blood?

Wearing a dragon robe and a flat crown, he looked like an emperor.

If he wasn't short, he would have been very imposing.

The Dark Emperor's Blood trapped in the formation was also slightly startled when he discovered Li Dao's huge size, but soon it struggled more fiercely, screaming sharply, and desperately rammed its body into the heavy cover, making the entire formation flickering, as if it was about to break.

Xuan Qingzi, who was struggling to maintain the formation on one side, was suddenly shocked and flushed, his face changed, and his blood was boiling.

Suddenly, he bit his tongue, spurted out blood, and directly activated many dragon-locking nails.

The dense dragon-locking nails flew up from the ground, like lightning, and flew towards the Dark Emperor's Blood, and seven or eight of them were driven in at once.


The Dark Emperor's Blood was seriously injured and suddenly screamed. At the same time, a layer of scarlet strange light appeared on his body. This light seemed to be able to ignore the obstruction. It wrapped its body and broke through the formation.

It rushed out with a bang.

At first glance, its body seemed to be burning.

"Stop it!"

Xuan Qingzi shouted.

Li Dao's huge black body rushed over quickly, with flying sand and rocks, violent breath, and bursts of terrifying roars. Eight arms moved together and quickly slapped the Dark Emperor's Blood.




Dragon roar!

Waves of terrifying attacks fell on the Dark Emperor's Blood one after another.

The Dark Emperor's Blood just fled and screamed continuously. No matter how much attack it endured, it never looked back. The surface of its body was burning, as fast as a lightning.

If Li Dao did not have eight arms, he might not be able to catch up with it.

The two chased and fled, and rushed to the deepest part of the valley in a blink of an eye.

Xuan Daozi's face was pale, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly followed.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he shouted in surprise: "Be careful, warrior!"

The Hades Emperor's Blood rushed into the deepest part, with a grim smile in his eyes, as if some conspiracy had succeeded. He suddenly turned back, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, countless array patterns burst out from all directions, densely packed, and pressed towards Li Dao.

It was as if more than a dozen mountains were pressing on Li Dao's back at once, rumbling, and the sound was so loud that Li Dao's movements suddenly became difficult to move.

His entire huge body suddenly paused.


The Hades Emperor's Blood gave a strange smile, and rushed directly and quickly towards Li Dao's eyebrows.

But little did he know that when he just rushed out, Li Dao's face also showed a strange smile, as if some conspiracy had succeeded.

I have long sensed that you have set up a large array here.

Waiting for you!

The blood of the Hades Emperor, which was rushing towards him, was stunned when it saw the strange smile on Li Dao's face, and it felt bad.

Why did this human smile?

He was not afraid?

Did he have another conspiracy?

But seeing that Li Dao's limbs were bound by the formation and he could not move, it still gritted its teeth and quickly drilled into Li Dao's forehead.

No matter what conspiracy you have.

It was transformed from the true blood of the Hades Emperor, and it contained supreme majesty!

In terms of spiritual power, it is unparalleled in the world!

It didn't believe that the other party could do anything to it.

However, as soon as it drilled in, a sudden change occurred.

[Warning! Warning! ]

[The host is experiencing a major pollution, and the body growth is suspended for five days! ! ]

[Warning! Warning! ]

[The host is experiencing a major pollution, and the body growth is suspended for five days! ! ]

A familiar and beautiful voice sounded in Li Dao's mind.

The next moment, the Dark Emperor's Blood showed a look of fear and screamed sharply, as if it had encountered something extremely terrifying. Its body was disappearing quickly, as if it was being swallowed up by something.

It desperately wanted to escape outside.

But it was useless.

The powerful and terrifying suction was like a huge whirlpool, locking it tightly, causing its body to break and shatter continuously.

"How could this happen? This is impossible, this is impossible, stop it, stop it!!"

A series of sharp and piercing screams came from its mouth.

Its whole body was burning, and it desperately used forbidden methods to break free from the restraints.

But as its body burned, it was swallowed up faster.

It seemed that the more it struggled, the more terrifying this swallowing was.

In the end, its face was full of fear, it desperately begged for mercy, and tears were gushing, like a child in despair, but all this was useless.

Even if Li Dao wanted to save it, it was impossible!

Because this is an in-person obliteration from the panel.


In an instant, the will of the Underworld Emperor's precious blood was completely wiped out, leaving only the pure and powerful precious blood, which was quickly absorbed by his body. In an instant, Li Dao's body was covered in incomparable scarlet light.


Although his entire huge body was still firmly pressed by the formation, it was changing rapidly.

Every inch of flesh and blood and every inch of skin is changing.

Like rising from the ashes.

The light was bright, and the whole world that was directly illuminated by the burning blood seemed to become brighter. Every inch of the body seemed to be made of divine gold, and the light shone brightly.

not far away.

Xuan Qingzi, who rushed over quickly, looked at Li Dao blankly with a look of surprise and disbelief.

He blocked the possession of the Underworld Emperor's precious blood?

How can it be?

The Underworld Emperor's precious blood is emperor-level true blood. It contains endless coercion and terrifying mental power. How could it be swallowed up instead?

The more he looked at Li Dao, the more he felt that it was filled with endless mysteries.

How could this guy from a mere second-tier dynasty stop the emperor's power?


Low and terrifying sounds continued to emanate from Li Dao's body, as if there was an endless river rushing through his veins.

This time Li Dao's transformation lasted longer.

The power of the Hades' true blood has endless potential, reshaping his body and increasing his potential, making every inch of his body begin to be reborn.

In terms of power, this is definitely more terrifying than any beast soul he has fused before.

It can be said that since the creation of the magic martial system, absolutely no one has integrated the true blood of the Hades Emperor.

Li Dao is the only one in the world!

His whole body was constantly changing. The burning breath forced Xuan Qingzi to be unable to get closer again. He could only move away quickly. He felt that the distance was getting closer and the skin all over his body was tingling.

Like being burned by invisible flames.

"It's incredible, it's incredible. If you fuse the true blood of the Underworld Emperor, will he break through and become a flesh-and-blood demon?"

Xuan Qingzi murmured to himself.

Flesh Demon God, this is the realm recorded in books.

Although some people have achieved it over thousands of years.

But without exception, they are all crazy.

The thoughts of killing invaded the body and were difficult to control. After killing countless people, they disappeared.

Li Dao wouldn't be like this, right?

For a moment, he became uneasy and secretly nervous.

In the end, he was very decisive and turned around and left.

However, just as he was about to run out of the valley entrance, he suddenly stopped again and his expression changed in surprise.

From a distance, he could hear the roar of people and the neighing of horses outside the valley. Looking up, he saw the boundless army, vast and endless as far as the eye could see. He was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Great formation!!"

How many people has this damn monster offended?

Someone actually used such a huge human formation to block him?

Xuan Qingzi did not dare to move forward any further, his expression changed, and he could only retreat temporarily.

Beyond the valley.

The crowd of men and horses gathered in an endless mass, completely blocking the entire valley entrance.

After many days.

Three hundred thousand men and horses were finally fully gathered.

The leader, with a calm expression, appeared at the mouth of the valley in a row.

There are the dean of the Dashang Zhenwu Academy, the master of the Dajin Yipin Hall, and the master of the Daxia Longming Pavilion.

And the head of the Great Zhou Tianxuan Academy.

"It's really not easy to stop this person."

The dean of the Zhenwu Academy is a man with snow-white hair named Lin Xuandong. His specific age cannot be seen. He is dressed in a white robe and exudes a soft aura. He said: "This troll has weird bloodline and is unprecedented. If he lives in a third-level dynasty, There will definitely be endless future, but it is a pity that our second-level dynasty cannot withstand his troubles. "

"Let's do it, don't wait any longer, that troll is hiding here, probably looking for something, don't really make it self-defeating!"

Helian Tieshu of Yipintang said.

"I also want to see if this troll can break through today's formation!"

Xiao Xuan, the master of Longming Pavilion, said indifferently.

"Well, let's do it!"

The head of the Great Zhou Tianxuan Academy nodded calmly.


Three hundred thousand people and horses formed a human formation and immediately marched out into the valley in a special order. The sound was loud and the breath was powerful. The momentum of everyone was connected together, giving a feeling of soaring straight into the sky.

The entire valley was violently turbulent.

The ground shook, the mountains shook and hummed.

A layer of cruel and domineering aura instantly shot up from the ground to the sky.

It directly shook the surrounding area for dozens of miles! !

"Dayan Demon Slayer Array!"

The thin old man next to the white-robed young man flashed his eyes and said.

"Oh? What does it do?"

The young man in white robe said in surprise.

"This formation seals the sky and the earth, and is so powerful that it can turn 300,000 people into a whole body. With the blessing of heaven and earth, it advances and retreats. It is equivalent to a giant composed of 300,000 people. It has endless power, layer by layer. In addition, everyone around him will be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth. Only this giant is not affected, but can multiply his strength! "

The thin old man said.

"Wouldn't this be equivalent to a Martial Saint composed of 300,000 people?"

The young man in white robe asked.

"Roughly the same."

The thin old man nodded.


The eyes of the young man in white robe flashed.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Three hundred thousand horses, with roaring voices and mighty momentum, even ran extremely fast, with cold faces and terrifying auras as they quickly approached the depths of the valley.

Xuan Qingzi's body trembled with fear, and he quickly backed up again and ran towards Li Dao.

Suddenly, he felt something and turned around quickly.

I saw that the layer of blood cocoon that was originally wrapped on Li Dao's surface was shaken and rustled at this moment, and it was peeling off quickly, with cracks appearing on the surface, like a thick egg shell that was constantly breaking.

"Is he going to complete his transformation?"

Xuan Qingzi felt nervous.

A flesh and blood demon?

Or the ninth transformation of Mowu?

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The low and terrifying sound was still coming out quickly. Before the three hundred thousand soldiers arrived, a powerful and terrifying momentum was already coming quickly. Under the impact of this powerful momentum, the blood cocoon on Li Dao's body collapsed faster.



Most of the blood cocoons collapsed completely.

The tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, like two bloody lightning bolts, which was shocking.

After realizing that the formation was still suppressing him, Li Dao frowned, and his huge body moved slightly, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound, which caused the entire formation to explode completely.

In the valley, the sky was turned upside down and the air flow surged wildly.

Mountain walls and boulders in all directions exploded.

Like a terrifying dragon turning over.


Waves of powerful and terrifying aura surged from his body, boundless, making him want to look up to the sky and scream.




It is worthy of the precious blood of the Hades Emperor!

His eyes flashed, quietly savoring the violent power within his body, and then looked at the ferocious and huge beast's claws, which were like cast iron.

"Even I don't know how strong I am now."

"Li Li Zhuangshi."


Li Dao's majestic gaze instantly swept away.

Xuan Qingzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Still conscious!

Not lost.

He is safe.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people forming a human formation outside and they are approaching. We'd better find a way to get out of trouble as soon as possible."

Xuan Qingzi said quickly.

"Three hundred thousand troops?"

Li Dao frowned.

Only then did he finally hear the strong noise coming from outside, and feel the violent shaking of the ground. It seemed that an extremely tall giant was slowly and heavily walking toward him.

A monstrous momentum overwhelmed the world, rumbling.


A faint smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Three hundred thousand troops, you really think highly of me, hahahaha."

Waves of wild laughter came from his mouth, shaking the entire valley.

We are about to enter the third level dynasty!

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