Innate King Kong: My body can grow infinitely

Chapter 112 Officially falling out! (Nine thousand!)

I saw the old man, who was not tall and very thin, and his black robe looked old. He sat down with his back to Li Dao, and the words in his mouth seemed to have different meanings.

"Yes, the world is about to perish. If the old gentleman doesn't stay at home to recuperate, why are you still wandering around?"

Li Dao's voice was heavy and he spoke slowly.

"I am a restless person. I can't bear to see the world coming to an end, but I have no way to stop it. I can only wander around in search of relief."

The old man said again.


Li Dao frowned and said: "Like the old gentleman, I am also a restless person, but I can't stop all this. It seems that we are in the same boat."

"Suffering from the same problem?"

The old man suddenly burst into laughter and said, "It's really interesting that someone can feel sympathy for me."

He slowly turned back, and his deep eyes fell on Li Dao, with a hint of surprise and amazement, as if he was formally looking at Li Dao for the first time: "My little brother's body shape is truly unprecedented and unprecedented."

"What's the point of this? It's just about growing taller."

Li Dao shook his head.

"This is not as simple as being taller. This is the first time I have seen one after traveling all over the country for so many years."

The old man said in a solemn voice again.

"What? Then you're not afraid?"

Li Dao's voice was indifferent.


The old man's face was startled, then he laughed again and said: "That's right, your body shape is so weird, normal people should be afraid, hahaha."

He laughed heartily and his voice was hearty.

Li Dao frowned, feeling more and more weird about the old man.

"Old sir, who are you? Do you want to take action, or how? You might as well say it clearly."

He got straight to the point and didn't want to waste any more words.

When such an old man suddenly came to him, he didn't think that he was just talking nonsense.

"Take action? Why should I take action?"

The old man raised his eyebrows.

"Aren't you here to take action?"

Li Dao looked coldly.

"of course not."

The old man shook his head and said calmly: "I said that I couldn't bear to see the world perishing, so I could only wander around for relief. As for coming here, I just heard the rumors and came to see the world."

Li Dao's expression became even weirder.

Not here to take action?

Who is this old guy?

"A huge change is about to happen, and it is likely to affect some second-level dynasties. There is no way to solve it so far. Before these second-level dynasties are not affected, I can only take another look."

The old man sighed softly.

"What a big change?"

Li Dao's eyes flashed.

"In the third-level dynasty [Great Qin Dynasty], a demon cave that has been sealed for a long time is about to be broken open. Once the seal cannot be sealed, the demons in the demon cave will wreak havoc and spread to half of the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Qin Dynasty. Although there are ways to resist, the secondary dynasties located near the Qin Dynasty are in trouble. "

The old man sighed softly and said: "Those demons have been sealed for a long time. They kill people and suck blood. They are cruel in their methods, and their respective strengths are not weak. I am afraid it will be difficult for the second-level dynasty to stop them."


Li Dao's heart condensed and he said: "Will the demons from the third-level dynasty spread to the second-level dynasty?"

"Yes, but this is also my guess. Maybe the third-level dynasty will have blocked those demons by then? Who can say for sure in the future? Maybe I am too pessimistic."

The old man shook his head gently.

"Senior, who are you?"

Li Dao asked.

"Me? I'm just a wandering cultivator with no roots, no matter where I go. I have no name, no surname, and no origin. I met my little brother today just by chance."

The old man smiled slightly, stood up, walked out again with a cane in his hand, and said: "This world is so big, there are really many wonders. Little brother, I look forward to the day when you and I can meet again, hahaha."

He laughed loudly and walked away.

Li Dao's huge body rushed out of the tavern immediately, and saw that the old man's body had already disappeared.

It comes without a trace, goes without a trace, and cannot be captured at all.

"What a profound strength!"

Li Dao felt secretly in his heart.

But is what he said true?

A long-sealed demon cave in the third-level dynasty is about to be opened?

Is there a demon about to wreak havoc on the world?

"It seems like this world is destined to become more turbulent."

Li Dao frowned.

But it's too early for him to think about this now.

He is under the surveillance of Zhuang Longtian, and he may encounter a crisis from Zhuang Longtian at any time. The most important thing is to get over the current hurdle first.

Although he has not obtained a complete beast soul during this period, his body has continued to grow, growing by 30 centimeters in just one month, reaching the current 345 centimeters.

Even the Eight Treasures Golden Body of Lieyang has been secretly perfected.

His overall strength has improved by an unknown amount compared to a month ago.

These are his trump cards!

Moreover, it seems that he has not fused the beast soul, but in fact it is almost the same as the fused beast soul.

Because his own infinitely growing body is a beast! !

Give him time, and it won't make any difference whether he fuses the beast soul or not.

Sooner or later, the density of his flesh and blood will grow to the point where it can rival or even crush a Martial Saint.

"Now the only way to buy me more time is to continue to delay and show weakness."

His heart surged and he walked outside.

at this time!

A figure shot towards him quickly and landed in front of him. He bowed his head and bowed.

"Leader, the leader has a new order, take action against Tie Xuan Sect!"

The man cupped his fists and shouted.

"Tie Xuan Sect?"

Li Dao's eyes flashed and he said: "One of the eighteen large sects?"

"Yes, many elders and protectors in the sect have all arrived, asking you to lead people to surround you as soon as possible. This is the address!!"

The man immediately took out a note and presented it to Li Dao respectfully.

Li Dao reached out with his big hand and took a picture of the note.

I saw a few words written on it.

Lotus Peak!

It seems to be one of the peaks where Tiexuanmen Mountain Gate is located.

"I know, let's do it now!"

Li Dao's voice was low, and he suddenly looked to one side. His voice spread far away and said, "Xuan Qing, recruit people immediately and prepare to gather!"

The place suddenly became busy, with figures and chaotic atmosphere.

One master after another is constantly leaping forward.

During this period of time, they were not only purging, but also absorbing. Almost all those who were willing to join them were taken in.

Therefore, the overall strength of the Holy Fire Sect has also improved by leaps and bounds during this period, and there are many more capable people under its command.

The other direction.

Holy Fire Cult Headquarters.

In the dark and dim hall.

A huge blood pool is located here, surrounded by thick stone pillars with countless inscriptions and talismans carved on them, forming a mysterious formation that covers the entire hall.

There was no trace of the bloody smell in the palace spreading outside.

During this period, almost all those arrested were thrown into a pool of blood.

The entire blood pool is like a bottomless devil's cave, which is open to all kinds of rivers. No matter how many people are thrown in, they can't make a single ripple.

Long-term investment has made the color of the blood pool increasingly bright red.

There was a buzzing sound on the surface, with many bubbles floating around.


On one side of the blood pool, three tall figures stood quietly.

A man with a burly body, white hair, and a straight back, like a giant bear, is the old leader Zhuang Longtian.

The other two were slightly shorter than him, and they were all unfamiliar faces.

Standing side by side with Zhuang Longtian, his status is extraordinary.

"Brother Hong, it's still too slow. We need to capture more talents. It has taken so long for the Blood God Pond to reach this level. Compared with other places, it is more than half a step slower."

On the left, a tall figure with a cold voice shook his head and said to Zhuang Longtian.

"Now I am short of manpower and cannot take action against the eighteen sects, which has led to the slow progress. But now that all the small and medium-sized sects have been eliminated, we can free up our hands to deal with the eighteen sects. The progress will definitely be improved in the future. ”

Zhuang Longtian responded.

"As long as you know, the bosses are urging us very urgently, otherwise we wouldn't come here again and again."

The figure on the left spoke calmly and said: "The demon cave is about to be breached. Forces everywhere are trying to protect themselves. We can't lag behind others. Otherwise, if you get into trouble in the future, the higher-ups will not let you go."

Zhuang Longtian suddenly shuddered, with a faint look of fear in his eyes, and said: "I will try my best. If I can't finish it on time, I will jump off myself!"

"Hopefully that day won't come."

The figure on the left spoke.


There were more bubbles in the blood pool in front of me, and the smell was pungent. A scarlet blurry figure slowly emerged from the blood pool. A pair of cold and terrifying eyes, like blood-colored lightning, looked out. There were many fine scales on the face. First.

"Has the blood god's seed been successfully conceived?"

The tall figure on the right flashed his eyes.


The figure on the left snorted coldly, and with a sneer, a burst of energy instantly shot out, heading straight towards the blurry figure.

The blurry figure jumped up, reaching extreme speed, and suddenly jumped out of the blood pool, like lightning, directly appearing in the distance. It was tall, about two meters tall, and its eyes were cold and strange.

But just as he jumped out, another finger light shot over at extremely high speed, seemingly giving him no chance at all.

The blurry figure had no time to dodge, and quickly pumped up the energy and blood in his body, roared, and punched the finger of light like a steel bar.


The fingerlight was exploded by him, but the next moment, the exploded fingerlight quickly reorganized again, passed through his eyebrows with a splat, and hit his body hard in the distance.

The blurry figure struggled for a moment and died tragically.

"It's too weak. It's not even as strong as Tianwu. It's a complete waste. Brother Hong, we must speed up the process!"

The person who took action had a cold voice.

"Okay, I will try my best!"

Zhuang Longtian's face was gloomy, his hands clenched, and he seemed to be ashamed of the failure in front of him.

Two days later.

In the vast forest.

Li Dao led a large group of people and appeared in this area.

His guess was good. Lotus Peak was indeed located near the Tiexuanmen Main Altar and was one of several roads leading into and out of the mountain.

When they appeared here, there were already countless corpses left here.

A large number of Holy Fire Cult masters were gathered here with pale faces. Each one of them had injuries on his body and his face was ashen.

Many people had their arms broken.

More importantly.

There is obviously a great atmosphere here, which is boundless and covers the surrounding areas.

Even as soon as Li Daogang arrived, he felt that his energy and blood were quickly suppressed, and soon only the strength of the tenth level of foundation building was left.

The big formation swallows them all!

His expression hardened, and he already knew what was going on.

"Li Dao, you're here!"

A Dharma King walked over quickly with a gloomy face.

Li Dao frowned and said, "How is the situation?"

"The Tiexuan Sect fought a desperate breakout and lost 30% to 40% of its masters in two days. Now only a few people are blocked in the mountains. Their old sect master is also inside. He fights to the death and has beaten back many of us. He attacked in waves and even killed more than a dozen experts in the Tianwu Realm."

The Dharma King Guo Xun said in a low voice.

"What about the other entrances?"

Li Dao asked.

"We were surrounded by a large formation there, and there may have been some who broke through, but it was definitely not as intense as here."

Guo Xun responded, saying: "You should have felt it. A large formation has been swallowed up here. Their mountain-protecting formation and our human formation have reached a stalemate. All the Tianwu realm masters have been suppressed. Li Dao, the leader has repeatedly passed on Come and order us to take over Tiexuanmen quickly without any further delay."

"I know, but it's not an urgent matter."

Li Dao responded, saying: "The formation is swallowing each other up, the situation is critical, even a master in the Tianwu realm will die miserably at any time."

"Then the leader wants us to attack directly."

Guo Xun took out the secret letter from the sect from his arms and handed it to Li Dao.

I saw that the above content is very brief.

The general idea is to wait until Li Dao arrives and then take action directly.

"Li Dao, since the leader has given the order, then hurry up and act on it."

Xuan Qing on one side said gloomily.

Li Dao frowned, a little unhappy.

But suddenly, he felt something and looked up directly.

Several people around him also realized something was wrong and quickly raised their heads.

Deep in the mountain road ahead, among the layers of formations, a thin old man with silver hair and a yellow robe was walking forward slowly, holding a huge black long knife.

There was no expression on the withered face.

A pair of eyes were indifferent and empty.

It seems that he has become numb to everything.

"It's the old master of Tiexuan Sect, he's here again!!"

Guo Xun's expression changed and he shouted: "Take over!!"

Although this place has been swallowed up by a large formation, they also have sword formations that can briefly besiege the opponent.

All the masters acted quickly, holding weapons in hand and looking forward with full vigilance.

I saw the old man with disheveled silver hair, and a large number of Tie Xuan Sect disciples appeared one after another. Each one had a resentful look on his face, holding a weapon, following behind his old sect master, staring at everyone.

"Is this the old sect leader? Guo Xun, you are too useless. How can you kill so many people under the great formation?"

Xuan Qing's voice was cold.

"His sword skills are unparalleled and extremely terrifying. Even if he can't use the Tianwu, he is still unstoppable."

Guo Xun explained quickly.

"Trash is trash, what more can I say?"

Xuan Qing shouted coldly.

Guo Xun's expression changed, and he suddenly did not dare to say any more.

at this time!

A tall figure suddenly jumped down from the top of the mountain on one side, cut through the air, and sent out a harsh whistle like a meteor. With a bang, it landed not far from the master of Tiexuan Sect.

The powerful explosive force caused the ground to rustle and numerous cracks appeared.

"Brother Zhu, I'm not late, am I?"

After the figure landed, he turned around and looked at the old master of Tiexuan Sect.

"Just right, not too fast, not too slow!"

The old master of Tiexuanmen made an old voice.

The figure suddenly smiled and was very satisfied. He turned around and looked at Li Dao and others.

He was wearing a blue robe, with gray hair and beard, and was of medium height. His eyes fell directly on Li Dao.

"Is this the famous troll Li Dao?"

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

Li Dao responded.

"You have done many evil things and purged so many forces. Aren't you afraid that you will go to hell in the future? You must know that people are doing it and God is watching. Why do you need to do it so absolutely!"

The old man exited.

"Your Excellency is also here to help?"

Li Dao frowned.

"I just can't stand your behavior."

The old man said.

"Since you are here to help, there is no need to talk nonsense. Talking more is useless."

Li Dao interrupted the other party's words.

The old man's tone stiffened, and he quickly smiled and said, "Okay, what a troll Li Dao."

He turned to look at the old master of Tiexuan Sect and said: "Brother Zhu, you were known as the best swordsman in the past, and you were invincible under Tianwu. Now it's up to you to swallow us up in a big formation."

"Don't worry, just help me support the others."

The old master of Tiexuan Sect had an old voice and was still walking forward step by step. The long sword in his hand was bright and sharp, shining brightly, and said: "I am invincible under the Heavenly Martial Arts!!"

A strong aura emanated from his body.


Xuan Qing's voice was cold and he shouted: "Do it!!"

He rushed over directly.

Guo Xun immediately called on everyone to rush forward quickly.

The old man in blue robe gave a sharp shout, and immediately pulled out an iron sword. With cold light and bright sword energy, he rushed towards Xuan Qing, Guo Xun and the others quickly.

A big iron sword seemed to have come to life in his hand. The sword was cunning and strange, with a cold light, and it carried a fierce sword intent as it violently pressed towards the crowd.

At the same time, everyone behind the Tiexuan Sect Master quickly jumped out, drew their weapons, formed a sword formation, and quickly faced Xuan Qing, Guo Xun and others.

The two sides immediately engaged in a fierce battle.

In the chaotic crowd, only Li Dao and the old master of Tiexuan Sect were left.

The other party was thin, with a fluttering robe and a head full of silver hair, each strand of which was crystal clear. His feet were still walking step by step. The huge long sword in his hand was bright and strange. His voice was low and his momentum was slowly rising.

"Young man, you had a bright future, but unfortunately you had to help the tyrant. Do you know why I have been unwilling to break through?"

His eyes were deep and black, staring at Li Dao closely: "It was to eliminate the scourge from this world, and now I finally waited for you!"

"You have been waiting for me?"

Li Dao's eyebrows moved, and he said: "Do you really have such strong confidence?"

"I said, I am invincible under Tianwu!!"

The old master of Tiexuan Sect spoke in a cold tone, and his breath spread.

Li Dao suddenly laughed, opened his mouth, and said: "Really? I just don't believe this evil!!"

The old man snorted coldly, stepped on the ground, and his thin body suddenly rushed forward, with a sharp breath, and the whole person seemed to have turned directly into a hideous and terrifying mad sword, bright and dazzling.

An indescribable terrifying sword energy instantly rushed up to the sky.

At this moment, his body seemed to have completely disappeared.

Only a huge long sword was left, breaking through the air, destroying everything, and smashing everything.

The whole space was instantly bright and white, and nothing could be seen.

Man and sword become one! !

Li Dao's pupils shrank, and his blood and qi burst out all over his body. His muscles were hideous, and the power of the Fiery Sun Eight Treasures Golden Body instantly spread throughout his body. With a roar, the giant axe suddenly swept past, black and hideous like lightning, bursting out with a shocking momentum.

"Thunder shakes the mountains and rivers!"


The sky shook, and the earth trembled. Endless sword energy and lightning swept in an instant, shaking all directions. Large tracts of trees and rocks were all shattered and shot randomly.

Li Dao's huge and ferocious body did not move a step. His face was gloomy, and the muscles on his arms bulged. The giant axe chopped firmly on the opponent's long sword, shaking the sword energy and forcing the opponent's body out again.

"Invincible? You can't do this!"

Li Dao's tone was cold.

The old master of Tiexuanmen's pupils shrank, and suddenly shouted, retracting the long sword. The whole long sword directly appeared with fine silver light. It was swung, whirring, and silver light ran everywhere.

"Eight Directions Wind and Thunder Slash!!"

Boom boom boom!

Countless sword shadows and silver light instantly crushed towards Li Dao.

At the same time, accompanied by the powerful power of heaven and earth.

The whole area of ​​heaven and earth was shaking, and endless power was surging, automatically blessing these countless sword shadows and silver light.

Divine level martial arts! !

Li Dao's eyes were gloomy and he was unmoved. He swung the giant axe in his hand, bursting out dazzling lightning, and blasted out one axe after another, shattering the knife shadows and silver light.

All the knife shadows and silver light could not get close to them.

From beginning to end, his footsteps did not move much.

No matter how fierce the wind and rain are, I will remain unmoved.


There was another loud noise, and the black giant axe swept past, firmly holding the weapon in the opponent's hand, and said coldly: "You are invincible under Tianwu? That's bullshit!!"

The old master of Tiexuanmen flushed, his heart was burning with anger, and he felt that his self-esteem was greatly hit.

Hundreds of years of reputation were destroyed in an instant.

At the same time, he was shocked by Li Dao's strength.

Such a monster, if he is not killed now, who in Tiexuanmen can escape in the future?

For the sake of the descendants of his disciples, he must also kill this beast.

"Blood Record, open!!"

The old master of Tiexuan Sect roared suddenly, and all the meridians and acupuncture points on his body burst, banging, and blood spurted out from his body, instantly turning into a bloody man.

His whole aura began to rise rapidly, and his body was like a volcano erupting, and his strength was extremely increased. Although he did not break through the suppression and reach the Tianwu realm, he was infinitely close to Tianwu.

He reached the critical point of Tianwu!

In order to kill Li Dao, he cut off his own meridians and life, and forcibly improved his own strength with his life.

"Explosive Flame Gold Killing Slash!"

The old master's gray hair flew, his eyes were blazing, his face was angry and twisted, he jumped up, and endless sword energy burst out from him, and the whole long sword became dazzling again, and chopped down towards Li Dao.


Another crisp sound, shaking all directions, and the sword energy rolled.

Li Dao's body still did not move half a step, his face was indifferent, and he firmly blocked the opponent's long sword.

It seemed that even the opponent's full-strength attack was nothing in his eyes.

The horrible scene shocked the blue-robed old man and a group of Tiexuanmen masters.

This troll!

How strong is it?

"Old Sect Master!"

Someone shouted.

The old Sect Master of Tiexuanmen's eyes widened and bloodshot, even he showed deep despair.


This troll is really uncontestable!

I have already used forbidden magic and killed myself, but I can't shake him!

"The sects in the eastern region will not let you go!"

The old Sect Master roared angrily.


The breath burst and the sound roared.

Li Dao finally took the initiative to attack. With just one move, he broke the long sword in the opponent's hand. His body was like a demon dragon rushing forward, unstoppable. No matter what tricks he used, he could not stop him. The giant axe in his hand swept across in an instant.


Blood spurted out, and the large head flew high.

A leader of the Ninth Transformation faction died tragically! !

"Brother Zhu!"

The blue-robed old man's eyes widened and he shouted in surprise.

He was so frightened that he finally didn't want to stay any longer. He quickly jumped up and wanted to leave this place.

"Don't let him go!"

Xuan Qing shouted sharply.

The giant ax in Li Dao's hand had already flown over immediately, with an unparalleled aura, as if it was alive. It made a terrifying sound and slashed hard at the blue-robed old man.

The old man in blue robe quickly turned around, his sword shadows were brilliant and dense, and he shot towards the giant ax in Li Dao's hand, making a clanging sound and full of energy.

However, although he blocked Li Dao's giant axe, Li Dao's body soon appeared in front of him, and a huge palm swept across the sky.

The blue-robed old man's expression changed, and it was too late to resist.


Blood spurted out, the body flew upside down, and was hit in the distance, spurting out blood.

"Take them all back."

Li Dao's voice sounded, and he walked towards the depths of Tiexuanmen.

Xuan Qing immediately stepped forward, quickly grabbed the old man Lan Pao, and at the same time ordered to capture the remaining Tiexuanmen disciples.

There is no suspense about what happens next.

The remaining Tie Xuan Sect masters were no longer able to resist at all, and were quickly captured.

However, when Li Dao searched for Tiexuanmen, he found that the huge Tiexuanmen had almost been evacuated.

They had broken through several waves of strong men before, and most of the treasures and the like had been transferred.

"Li Dao, the leader has given a new order. After taking over Tiexuanmen, rush to Yulongmen immediately!"

Suddenly, Xuan Qing's body ran quickly from outside.

"What's the hurry? Can't you take a break?"

Li Dao's voice was calm.

"This is the leader's order!"

Xuan Qing said in a low voice.

Li Dao raised his brows, turned around and said, "I fought fiercely with the master of the Tiexuan Sect. My internal organs were injured and my strength was severely damaged. I need to recuperate for a few days. I have to go to the Yulong Sect. You can go by yourself."


Xuan Qing's expression changed. He didn't expect that Li Dao would dare to openly disobey the leader's order and said, "Li Dao, do you know what you are doing?"

"Do you want me to repeat that?"

Li Dao's tone was cold and he looked down at the other party.

Xuan Qing instantly felt an overwhelming pressure, like a mountain bearing down on the top of a mountain. It was difficult to breathe, and he said gloomily: "Okay, you rest!"

He gritted his teeth secretly, turned around and left.

Li Dao had no expression on his face and took a deep look at the other party.

He had no way to change Zhuang Longtian's decision, he could only continue to delay time.

But this delay will certainly not last long.

Of course, if he didn't delay, his danger would come faster.

Once he loses his value, Zhuang Longtian will not let him go.

"I wonder if this person is around now?"

Li Dao felt awe-inspiring and subconsciously looked back.

He was really frightened by Zhuang Longtian's surveillance.

Every time he wants to leave, the other person will always appear at the right time, as if he is everywhere and knows everything.

After several times in a row, Li Dao no longer dared to mess around again.

One day later.

Holy Fire Cult Headquarters.

Zhuang Longtian frowned and received Xuan Qing's secret message. His eyes were gloomy and he whispered: "Li Dao was unwilling to cooperate and delayed many times. He seemed to be aware of it."

He thought in his mind and silently shattered the note in his hand.

"Brother Hong, if you take it seriously, stop it. Don't hesitate."

Next to him, a tall figure spoke indifferently: "The things above are the most important. Any factors that affect the progress must be eliminated!"

Zhuang Longtian's face turned gloomy and he sighed softly: "But this person is not prepared for me."

"Isn't it prepared for you?"

The tall figure suddenly showed doubts.

"I have secretly given him to Mr. Zuo."

Zhuang Longtian sighed.

"Master Zuo?"

The people around him looked shocked.

"Yes, but this person has now noticed the clues, which is a bit troublesome."

Zhuang Longtian's face changed, and he said: "It's really not possible, so we can only forcefully wake up Mr. Zuo."

Lord Zuo!

One of the senior elders of the Yin Corpse Sect.

His profound strength and noble status are far beyond what he can compare with.

The two people around him couldn't help but feel their hearts tumbling.

What a good Hong Yuantian, he actually secretly hooked up with Mr. Zuo. If he can be favored by Mr. Zuo, his future career will be just around the corner.

Although Mr. Zuo has many bodies, he has never had a body like this.

It rained heavily.

There was a whirring sound.

In a town that had just been captured.

Li Dao's tall and burly body was sitting in the tavern, drinking wine and tasting side dishes as usual.

Opposite him was Huangfu Song wearing a felt hat and linen robe.

Huangfusong had a complicated look on his face, but he came quietly just to meet Li Dao.

During this period, the Holy Fire Cult's offensive was too strong, sweeping across all directions, and all major forces were in danger.

Now they have extended their minions to large sects. Even the Red Star Sect does not dare to challenge them, so they sent him over to meet with Li Dao in private in an attempt to intercede.

"I can't decide on the above matter. Elder Huangfu, you and I have some friendship. If that day comes, I won't touch you and Brother Lin, but I can't guarantee the others."

Li Dao shook his head.

"We are both allies, why should we do this?"

Huangfusong sighed and said, "Li Dao, can't you really change all this?"

"I can't help myself, so there's no way I can change it."

Li Dao responded.

Huangfusong was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Li Dao, do you know why your leader arrested so many people? Where did he send so many masters after he arrested them? Why are so many people sent to your Holy Fire Sect, but no one is alive? , Dead without a corpse?"

Li Dao raised his eyebrows and looked at Huangfusong.

Huangfu Song gritted his teeth and continued: "According to some secrets I have found out, your leader is probably no longer the previous leader."


Li Dao looked at Huangfusong.

Even the other party already knows?

Huangfusong suddenly glanced outside. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he sent a message: "Your leader is probably refining the Blood God Pool."

"Blood God Pond?"

"Yes, this is an evil method of the third-level dynasty. It involves gathering the flesh and blood of some powerful masters and throwing them into the altar, using a large array to perform sacrifices. No matter how many people are thrown in, their bones will be broken into pieces and turned into flesh. Mud, and the refined Blood God Seed is powerful and has no consciousness, and is a pure murder weapon. The more powerful masters invest in it, the more terrifying the refined Blood God Seed will be."

Huangfusong continued to transmit the message.

Li Dao's eyes flashed, showing surprise.

"Is there still this matter?"

"Originally I didn't want to say it, but you pushed me too hastily, so I can only tell the truth. Li Dao, don't you think about the fact that you have arrested so many people, but have you ever seen one come out alive?"

Huangfusong asked.

Li Dao thought in his mind and immediately knew that what Huangfusong said was true.

Although he has been outside during this period, he has not returned.

However, after sending so many masters into the main arena, it stands to reason that the main arena should have been overrun by now. However, Zhuang Longtian still kept asking him to continue arresting people.

"Li Dao, this is not just our trouble. I'm afraid that after the Blood God Pool is completed, even you will be in trouble."

Huangfusong further persuaded him.

Suddenly, he closed his mouth and looked out the door.

Xuan Qing appeared there silently with a cold expression on his face, wearing a long robe, and his eyes were like the light of a knife, sweeping toward Huangfu Song.

"Ahem, Brother Li Dao, in this case, we have made an agreement and I will say goodbye."

Huangfusong smiled, gently cupped his hands, stood up and left.

"who is he?"

Xuan Qing asked coldly.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Li Dao grabbed the wine jar and drank it in one gulp.

Xuan Qing's eyes turned cold, he threw up his sleeves and left.

Li Dao put down the wine jar and looked outside. His burly body stood up and walked outside.

Dense woods.

Huangfusong was so fast that he didn't dare to stay for a moment. He burst out with his true energy and rushed forward as a Tianwu, for fear of encountering a plot.

However, not long after he rushed out, his expression changed and his body suddenly stopped.

in front of him.

Xuan Qing had an indifferent look on his face, slowly walked out of the forest, and said coldly: "Where do you want to go?"


Huangfu Song was shocked in his heart and said: "Li Daonai and I are good friends, what are you going to do?"


Xuan Qing sneered and said, "I think you should go to hell and be friends with Li Dao!"


Without hesitation, his body suddenly rushed out, black light burst out, and his aura was unparalleled. He instantly transformed into a Tianwu body and quickly struck Huangfusong with a light palm.

Huangfusong was horrified, and the hair on his body instantly stood up, and he felt like a mountain was overwhelming him, which he couldn't resist.

But just then!

Suddenly blood light erupted in the forest, the aura roared, and a huge black ax cut through the void, carrying endless lightning, and directly collided with Xuan Qing.


There was a loud noise and the light spread.

The black giant ax flew backwards on the spot. Xuan Qing also paused, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and said: "Li Dao!"

In the chaotic forest, a terrifying and huge demonic shadow slowly emerged, thirty meters long, with dense scales and barbs all over its body, like a terrifying hill.

After seeing Li Dao's current body shape clearly, Xuan Qing's pupils shrank, and a great crisis arose in his heart.

His magical body

It’s getting bigger again!


The sound sounded, and the huge demonic body attacked instantly. Without hesitation, it almost slapped it down with a claw.

Xuan Qing roared, and light burst out all over his body. He resisted frantically, but it was all in vain. He was hit by a claw on the spot. With a bang, his body exploded and turned into mud on the spot.


Li Dao's body quickly recovered, and in a blink of an eye it was back to its original state. His face was indifferent and he said: "I have wanted to kill you for a long time."

"Li Dao, you."

Huangfusong was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"Stop talking and leave as soon as possible."

Li Dao waved.

But suddenly, he realized something was wrong, his expression changed, and he turned around suddenly, his eyes instantly emitted a terrifying light.

not far away.

An old man with a broad body appeared, with gray hair, thick and long arms, and a pair of bright eyes, like a magic lamp, looking towards him.

Zhuang Longtian!

He appears again! !

Li Dao was immediately on full alert and retreated wildly backwards.

"Li Dao, you never seem to trust me? Why is that?"

Zhuang Longtian's voice was old, he walked over and sighed softly.

Nine thousand three hundred words!

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