On this day, human beings knew that Kryptonians would also die. Under the hot sight of Kara's concentration, an unfathomable hole was melted in the earth's crust, and all life could not survive. ??

Poor Carl died just like that. His life was a sad life and a desolate life. The beginning of life is that the parents died and the mother star exploded. When they arrived on the earth, they became mice. Finally, they were killed by the cousin who had not had time to recognize them for the first time.

Although Kara didn't know that Karl El was her cousin, she was sure that the other party was a Kryptonian, and she had no guilt for her killing her compatriots, because what she accepted in Apocalypse was 'survival of the strong' education. Many years ago, her spaceship was discovered by Darkseid, and she has been living on Apocalypse since waking up from hibernation. She was cultivated by Darkseid into a cold-blooded and ruthless weapon. This time, Kara left the range of Apocalypse and came to the edge of the galaxy. I didn't expect that there would be life planets in such a remote place. When she was about to expand the territory for Apocalypse, she was attacked by people from the sea.

At this time, Kara is not a kind person. When attacked, she will fight back, so she steamed half of the Atlantic Ocean, permanently changing the ecological environment of the earth.

After she started, Kara was ready to kill all life on this planet, because life on Earth was too weak and primitive. But before she started, there was a life very similar to her in America now.

She was about ten years old when Krypton exploded. Her spaceship was behind her cousin, but she fell into a deep sleep because of the impact of the planetary explosion and involved in a different space. After waking up, she was trained by Darkseid, and was instilled with many fallacies that only the 'strong' would understand.

There is no sympathy for the weak, no gratitude for life, and no respect for civilization. Only the 'conqueror' of the galactic universe in the world can be qualified to enjoy everything in the universe, and the weak and worthless should die. This is what Kara learned in Apocalypse. of.

After killing a Kryptonian, Kara suddenly felt a familiar sense. She raised her head suspiciously, as if wondering if there was a third Kryptonian on Earth.

You must know that after the destruction of Krypton, there are very few Kryptonians. How lucky is this little earth to accommodate three Kryptonians? How small is this probability, the universe is so big and there are so few Kryptonians, and they gather together on the primitive planets on the edge of the Milky Way. Could this be fate?

"Second compatriot, I hope you can satisfy me." If the third Kryptonian meets Kara's requirements, she doesn't mind accepting a younger brother.


To mention it directly, the surrounding ruins were shattered by the shock wave, and the survivors rolled in circles on the ground in embarrassment. For the first time, they realized that their fate was so small and uncontrollable by themselves.

Kara didn't fly far, not even out of the edge of the city, and had already met Kent who was coming.

The two Kryptonians stared at each other, and Kent could see the mess behind Kara. The low-altitude sound flight almost shattered the glass of buildings in half the city. There was no sense of public morality at all.

It was also the first time that Kent saw his theoretical blood relatives. Although he had never seen them, the DNA information would not lie. The young girl opposite was Kara, another survivor of the Al family.

Carla is also looking at Kent. In terms of appearance, Kent is much better than Carl El, who has always been a guinea pig. He is handsome and unrestrained. .

"I am a warrior of Apocalypse, the best warrior under Darkseid's command, Carla Zoe, daughter of Krypton. Report your name." Carla can feel the power of Kent, and give appropriate to the strong respect.

Kent didn't answer immediately, but continued to trace the rioting route behind Kara, and finally saw the charred corpse in the Alien Research Institute, really dead.

"You killed him?" Kent didn't know what to say, everything in this world was messed up, not just Wonder Woman and Aquaman, but even the siblings Carla and Karl ended up killing each other.

"Although he is also a Kryptonian, he is too weak to be worth my time." Cara said blankly, as if she was just doing what she should do.

The corners of Kent's mouth twitched, looking at Kara's delinquent girl's attire and thinking about what the other party had gone through.

"Hey, you haven't answered my question, what's your name, and why are you here?" Kara asked.

Kent smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether he should admit that he was a relative of the other side's parallel world: "My name is Carl El, but my earth name is Clark Kent." No matter, the same DNA is unchangeable anyway. Yes, Kent can't evade the question, parallel universe relatives are relatives too.

However, Carla looked calm and didn't seem to remember that one of the tasks she was sent by her parents was to protect her cousin. Although Carla looked no more than ten years old because she had been frozen in the hibernation cabin for many years, much younger than Kent, she was indeed a cousin.

However, Carla's performance did not seem to be as simple as amnesia. Kent frowned and saw the clue from Carla's unchanging eyes. It's brainwashed, Kara is brainwashed.

"You have the strength, go back to Apocalypse with me to work for Darkseid, and the reputation of our Kryptonians will spread to the whole universe." Kara invited: "As the few survivors of Krypton, we should let Krypton The name of the star is immortal~www.NovelMTL.com~ When Carla mentioned Darkseid, her eyes flashed. Does this mean that Carla was brainwashed by Darkseid?

"The whole universe knows it? Do you all know that the Kryptonians are Darkseid's subordinates? That's not necessary, thank you, I don't want to work for Darkseid." Kent believes that if he can restore Kara's memory, he can still help Help her: "No future, listen to me, you might as well leave Apocalypse, Darkseid can't rule the universe at all."

However, Kara was just angry. When she was helpless, it was Darkseid who helped her, gave her food and clothing, so she wanted to conquer Darkseid and not allow anyone to slander him, even if it was Neither can compatriots.

Murderous Ling Ran, Kara had murderous intentions on Kent.

Kent's heart froze, thinking that Darkseid's brainwashing of Kara was not light. In fact, in addition to brainwashing, Darkseid did help Kara to live on Apocalypse, and the Dark Monarch also took a lot of thought to use Kara's power. And Kara was only ten years old at the time, and it was very difficult to live in Apocalypse, where the demons danced wildly. Except for Darkseid, everyone else was ferocious. Over time, she naturally only recognized Darkseid.

Therefore, half of Kara's feelings for Darkseid are based on brainwashing, and the other half is self-respect.

kill! Kara has no mercy for the enemies who offend Darkseid. Only after killing him can he repay Darkseid's kindness: "Go to **** to repent, and the only way to go against the dark monarch is to die--" With a punch, the city broke through the air, and the city under Kara's feet was shrouded in a huge shock wave. For a time, people turned on their backs, and the building would collapse and destroy the city. 8

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