Hearing that the Joker suddenly wanted to attack Superman, Reverse Lightning expressed a warm welcome. The more people who deal with Superman, the better, but in order to confirm the Joker's intentions, he tentatively asked: "He is a Superman, and he can do anything without a knife or a gun. Not something ordinary people can handle.”

The clown smiled, his eyes flickering on the Qinglong handicrafts in his hands, and he stroked the dragon scales and shrugged: "Isn't there such a cute little guy?" The clown wanted to kill Superman entirely because she didn't like Superman's style. This kind of guy is completely nosy, there are countless people dying every day and every second in the world, why does Superman want to reverse this law?

The Joker wants to kill Superman, the person who disrupted the order, for Tianxingdao. Everyone will die. Her son can't avoid it, and so can others.

It seems that the Joker is really going to deal with Superman. Reverse Lightning said that the Joker is a lunatic, and Superman is going to be unlucky.

The Joker can break the bottom line of Superman's morality, because the Joker is omnipotent and uses all kinds of despicable means. A Joker with kryptonite would definitely be a Superman's nightmare. Reverse Lightning said that it may be more appropriate to give kryptonite to the clown than to Aquaman, but he doesn't like putting eggs in one basket: "Clown, keep half of the kryptonite, I have other uses."

Shaking his greasy long curly hair, the clown pretended to hide kryptonite in his arms: "This is a gift you gave me, I like it very much, I can't be separated from this green cutie."

"You only need a small piece to deal with Superman, or you can leave me a dragon claw." Reverse Lightning doesn't ask for everything, just leave a little kryptonite for self-defense.

The clown looked at the reverse lightning, and then looked at the blue dragon, it seemed that it was really inseparable from the stone sculpture.

This **** madman, Reverse Lightning said that this female clown is not a good thing. The same villain is also different. Reverse Lightning has its own pursuit, which is to defeat The Flash psychologically and physiologically to enjoy the speed force alone. He is not a disorderly guy like the clown. He has his own goals, codes of conduct, and his own dignity, so Reverse Lightning looks down on the crazy clown.

"I can tell you some other information about Superman, such as what skills he has." Reverse Lightning lured: "You don't want to deal with a powerful enemy that you know nothing about."

Although the clown is crazy, she is very wise, and she also knows that it is not wise to challenge Superman rashly even if she knows her weaknesses: "Poor little baby, it seems that you are going to become disabled, but your clown mother will definitely love you." Love Looking at the stone sculpture in his arms, the color of the voice section changed dramatically. The clown had already broken the stone sculpture's right front paw: "Deal."

Reverse Lightning looked at the stone that Joker handed over, and his heart was done. With kryptonite, he was no longer afraid of Superman: "Joker, if you want to deal with him, you have to be careful with his eyes..." Reverse Lightning put what he knew about Superman. The intelligence told the Joker, Superman's skills and his morals: "Good luck." Saying that, he jumped over the range of the lubricant, and Speed ​​Force quickly left.

The Joker's eyes are getting more and more dangerous. Superman's power is beyond her imagination, but it's interesting, "Superman Killer, I like this name." The Joker knew that he had to be prepared to make a move, and slowly disappeared into the dark, blood-colored The smile left an afterimage, so she won't rob the exhibition hall today, she has other jobs.


The dark night of Gotham City is even darker, and the feasting and feasting seem to be swallowed up by this strong dark curtain. There are many restaurants and casinos here, and here is the most famous, most corrupt, most luxurious, and most corrupt selling gold cave in the world.

Wayne is the ruler of this vice city. The private jet attached to Wayne Casino shuttles big people from all over the world every day. Gotham City is world-renowned for its most comfortable service.

It seems that even God can't bear to see the fall of human beings, so Gotham City is covered with dark clouds for more than half a year, and there is no sunlight during the day, and it is even colder at night.

This is a city that cannot be saved, but even such a city has its own rules and its own rulers.

The ruler of the day is Thomas Wayne, the owner of Wayne Casino, who jokes with big people. He alone owns 80 percent of Gotham's casino business. Once a doctor, he was determined to use the wealth of his father to change the city, but after the death of his son, he gave up his wish and denied the way to change the city in the past. He has fallen to become the ruler of the dark world and established his own rules.

At night, Gotham City is an amusement park for Batman and his opponents. The strongest criminals and the strongest knights fly over the walls under the cover of night to perform a musical called violence.

It was getting dark, and Batman came out of the nest. He is not trying to uphold the law, but to uphold the rules of his own casino. But today is an exception. This Batman also has his lifelong goal of capturing the Joker.

Today, there is a figure of the Joker in the Gotham City Exhibition Hall, and Batman can't wait to come to the scene. The black out-of-print classic car was parked on the side of the road, and the sturdy Batman wore a sturdy armor to make the cockpit a little crowded.

Obviously drunk driving, if there is a traffic policeman, you can smell the aroma of alcohol wafting from the cab from the moment the door is opened. Wine is good wine, but this Batman seems to be greedy.

Look at his car again, it's not a fashionable technological chariot, just an expensive black classic car. UU reading www.uukanshu.com His equipment only has two pistols, and there is no magical treasure belt. This Batman's style is obviously very different from the mainstream Batman.

The shaggy-bearded Batman took a breath while holding the car door, woke up from the turbid cold wind, and took a step to the scene. Banana peels and lube are first introduced to the eye.

Batman narrowed his eyes, continued walking, and soon found the stolen item. He looked left and right, continued walking, broke the door of the management room, entered it, awkwardly turned on the computer, and browsed unaccustomedly.

Obviously, this Batman is not very good at high-tech products. It can be seen that this is an older Batman, and his real identity is Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne's father. After the death of Bruce Wayne, his father accidentally became Batman, but not the guardian of justice, but the ruler of the city.

Finding the source of the photos of the stolen exhibits, Batman keenly discovered the keyword 'meteorite'. Bruce Wayne's keen insight also seems to be inherited from his father, and Thomas showed strong detection and layout skills after he stopped being a doctor.

From the two unconnected things, banana peel and lube, he speculates that it has something to do with the clown. But since the clown is here, she can't just take away an invaluable jade carving. I'm afraid her goal is not jade but something else.

The Joker has made a big move. As the Joker's husband, Batman knows her.

That's right, the Joker and Batman in this world can be regarded as a couple. No, it should be said that they were a couple first and then became Batman and Joker respectively.

Everything stems from crime alleys.

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