The torpedo shot from both sides of the ship's side accurately hit the target in the water, but the huge shadow got closer and closer, and it didn't seem to be hindered by the explosion at all. The outermost frigate was attacked first, and was immediately cut into two pieces under the heavy blow of the underwater aT force field.

The weapons of the traditional army and the sense of honor of the soldiers were all shattered.

The red sea water was stirred up to a height of tens of meters, forming a huge splash, and the splash fell on the ship and sank, without exception. In front of the apostles, the invincible fleet that traversed the Pacific Ocean in the past had no power to fight back.

Now there is an urgent need for the second plane to attack.

"Don't think, it will create noise of thinking." One person is ample, two people are too narrow, and in the crowded eVa cab of the three, Asuka and Russell disguised as Shinji Ikari soaked in the LcL liquid.

Although Asuka asked Russell to come up, but when it really started, she complained that Russell was in the way.

Russo thought that if brother Ikari Shinji was here, wouldn't he be bullied to death in the face of this woman? "Where do you have so many things, it's you who came up, and it's you who finds trouble now, don't think you're a woman, I'll have to let you, believe it or not, I'll kick you off now, and then drive the No. 2 alone Machine." Russell's patience is also limited.

"Qi, he's obviously just a driver who depends on his relationship, but he has a great temper. Change the thinking mode to Japanese."

It's a bit of a noise to think about, though, because Russell is a fake Japanese at this point, but it doesn't matter much.

start to act! Asuka pushed the lever, stepped on the pedal, and No. 2 moved.

The second plane is flying, and the 100-meter-long battleship becomes its pedal in the sea, stepping on it and changing its orientation. I have to explain that Nika is a talented driver who has really received professional training, but the genius driver exists to support the protagonist, so it is doomed to tragedy.

The 80-meter eVa stands proudly on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Well done, Miri couldn't help applauding when she saw that the second plane came in time. Immediately obtain power from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, plug the external power supply into the back of No. 2 aircraft, and start fighting.

However, eVa is obviously a 6th battle weapon. Although it can move underwater, it cannot be as free as a human swimmer. The apostle on the opposite side was born for the water, and his movements in the water were fast and graceful. It could be said that if he went into the water, he would be suicidal.

Asuka also thought it was very tricky, but if he didn't move, would he still wait for the apostles to land?

"Aren't you very good at it? Go ahead." Seeing that Asuka was unsure of an attack plan, Russell couldn't help laughing. He really didn't like Asuka's character.

"Damn, shut up, I will do something." After speaking, the second machine took out the hidden dagger from the shoulder armor at the height of the shoulder. To eVa it is a dagger, to a human it is a great sword of a battleship.

Kent immediately left when he heard the fleet's presence of the apostles, but he hadn't arrived when the second plane appeared, because something happened on the way.

It was Ganata. When she approached the Water Apostle, she suddenly changed her face and looked terrified.

Kent didn't know what was wrong with her, "Ganatta?!" His eyebrows rose, and Kent had a bad premonition.

Ganata was preparing to eat a big meal, and had already locked the energy in the underwater apostle, but the energy of this apostle awakened part of the memory of the swallowing star for her daughter.

The swallowing star is a living dictionary of cosmic civilization, the only being in the universe who has lived in two universes, and he has witnessed the supreme secret of the universe. The formation of the universe is not an ordinary big bang, but there is a black hand behind the scenes.

Although it is only a fragment of memory, the swallowing star has indeed witnessed this, and this memory has also been inherited to Ganata. Now Ganata only feels that she is standing in the hand of the Tathagata, and she cannot escape and cannot escape. This is the first time she has felt fear since she was born.

That hand, that hand that gave birth to the universe, even a momentary memory made Ganata fall into the ice cave and tremble uncontrollably.

Kent grabbed Ganata's hand, giving her warmth and comfort, while feeding her with his own energy. He didn't understand what was wrong with Ganata and could only help her in this way.

Then Kent felt a lot of energy being fed back from Ganata, which was definitely the first time. Ganata is a foodie. Eating the energy of Kent can make human beings enter the communist society, and it can be used for hundreds of years without work. But this time Ganata suddenly fed back the energy, which further shows that Ganata is abnormal.

The feedback was Ganata's most feared memory, because her brain rejected these memories, so a brain turned into energy and sent it to Kent's brain through physical contact.

So Kent also saw the hand when the universe was destroyed and opened.

A wave of despair could not help but give birth to Kent at this time, even if he was a human being, he had no ability to create the world with one hand. Now Kent knew why Ganata suddenly stayed where she was. It turned out that she was controlled by this memory.

Kent also lost his mind for a while because he knew that a little movement of that hand could potentially wipe him out, and Kent also had a feeling that the hand didn't just affect one universe, but about the entire multiverse. The supreme existence, mortals dare not even think about it, even people are difficult to pursue.

Only people with great luck like swallowing stars have the opportunity to glimpse a glimpse of his style.

Desperate, but Kent was not defeated. Even if that hand created countless universes, it can't explain anything now, and it's not that the things of the descendants and the previous generation have not happened. It is not unheard of to see civilizations defeated or even replaced by their own creations, so Kent gritted his teeth to break free from that feeling of powerlessness.

Could this universe have something to do with that hand too? Kent thought that Ganata must have sensed the existence of the hand from the clues on this earth, and then awakened the memory.

Is that the fish apostle? No matter how the fish apostle is the first suspect target, it can't let it die easily. Kent looked at Ganata, who was still afraid of being absent, and gently hypnotized her, then teleported her to the spaceship: "The spaceship takes care of her."

"Knowing people..." The scabbard and Kent are bound by So the scabbard can know what Kent knows and thinks, and now she has seen the memory that Kent obtained from Ganata, She seemed to have something to say, but was silent in the end.

What secrets did the apostles in the sea hide?

Kent is going: "Prepare the dissection table, this time we have to thoroughly understand the secrets of the apostles."


The clouds in the sky were cut in half, and Kent showed a serious expression that he had not seen for a long time. There was actually a feeling of excitement in his heart, and there is indeed a challenge to be motivated.

Continue to add, even the sea water is cut into two sections, and the fleet is not far away. As soon as Kent arrived, he saw the apostle a carp jumping over the dragon gate, rushing out of the sea, and about to jump onto the deck of the aircraft carrier.


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