Humans and apostles are in a hostile relationship. This is what most people know. Even Miri has always believed that humans and apostles are simply incompatible with each other. Humanity fought the apostles for self-preservation.

But now this dream tells Miri that humans and apostles are in a competitive relationship from the same source. Humans attack the apostles not only for self-protection, but for the same goals as the apostles.

This is too terrifying. In the restricted area under the Lenovo Neuron headquarters, Misato Katsuragi only felt a chill in her back. Is it inevitable that human beings will die regardless of victory or defeat?

To be precise, this is not death, but the unity of the consciousness of all human beings, just giving up the body.

But Katsuragi Misato is not a lofty person, she is a vulgar female man, and she can't understand the fact that humans are still alive after they lose their bodies. She has never considered what the essence of a human being is, whether it is expelling the shell or the will?

This is also something that a lot of people don't understand clearly. From the point of view of a normal person, Katsuragi Misato thinks that she should cherish this shell for which her parents sacrificed. If she denies her body, she also denies her parents' will.

"No matter what you are hiding, I will definitely investigate it." Katsuragi Miri thought, but she would also investigate the abnormality in her body. The black ring on the inside of the wrist is probably not normal. In the dream, he said that he could share the soul of the apostle. Could it be related to Ling Bo Li?

Although Superman said he wanted to kidnap Ling Bo Li, in the end he just took a room from the neuron underground. From that time, Katsuragi Misato suspected that Ling Bo Li was unusual. Later, Miri also used her own authority to investigate. Although she didn't know the truth, she also saw the directory of some projects.

For example, there is a 'puppet system', which sounds very evil.

Could it be that Ling Bo Li is a 'puppet' and that it is the apostle who drives her? Is it possible that Ling Bo Li is also the one who shares the soul of the apostle?

The puppet system is actually the autopilot system of EVA, and it is the hidden button of Ikari Yuandu to get rid of the EVA driver. If the son is disobedient, then kick the son out.

Although Misato Katsuragi is the director of the neuron war room, she really doesn't know the secrets inside the neuron as clearly as Ritsuko Akagi. She is just a gun to deal with the apostles.

The atmosphere of the neuron was a bit strange. Misato looked at the temporary communication device outside. Ritsuko had been hoping to continue to communicate with the spacecraft, but no matter what method they used, they could not get a response, but the scientists did not give up.

Today, Misato Katsuragi feels uncomfortable. The familiar environment is now like a jungle ravaged by wild beasts, full of danger.

The mentality is different, and the way of looking at things has changed when there is doubt in my heart.

"Ling Boli, are you feeling better?" Today, Katsuragi Miri wanted to ask Ling Boli if she knew anything about Superman or the soul of the apostles.

The basic injuries are all healed, but I'm still observing. Ling Bo Li sat on the hospital bed and looked at her immediate superior: "..." She didn't say anything, she just looked at Misato Katsuragi with calm eyes.

Sure enough, Misato also knew that Ling Bo Li was such a taciturn person, which was really tricky. These children should have lived happily ever after, but now Lingbo Rei and Shinji are forced to ride on the EVA and stand at the front line, bearing responsibilities that they should not bear. They are really despicable adults.

"Li, do you remember any other details about the previous question?" After Ling Bo Li woke up, someone had already come to ask her if she knew Superman.

Ling Boli shook her head with the same expression at the time, but now that Meimei came to ask again, she naturally continued to shake her head.

However, Misato found a trace of inconsistency in Ling Boli's movements. If there was no ring mark on Misato's wrist, she probably wouldn't care about her movement, but Misato is very sensitive to that part now. Seeing Ling Boli pressing her left hand The right hand feels abnormal.

She took Ling Boli's wrist and pulled over, and Miri saw a pattern. Not a ring, like an eyeball. "What is this?" Miri knew before that Ling Bo Li's arm was as smooth as lotus root, without any tattoos.

Ling Boli struggled to withdraw her arm, but unfortunately she didn't have that much strength.

"Rei, it's a time of crisis, so don't hide it." Misato flashed the ring on her wrist: "It suddenly appeared last night, and I had a strange dream, saying that I got the apostle's letter. Soul. Let me know if you know anything."

"My soul, and the souls of other Ling Bo Li, are the souls of the apostles." Ling Bo Li said, "They told me to guide humans to collect the souls of the apostles."

"What do you mean, Li, what are you talking about?" What other Ling Bo Li, what collected the souls of the apostles? "Tell me everything you know."

Rei also had a dream, but her dream was different from Miri's. Miri was going to collect the souls of the apostles, while Rei's sister, Li Mengli, wanted Rei to guide humans to collect the souls of the apostles.

In the dream, four Ling Bo Li happened to be sitting on a square table, and the other three told Ling Bo Li that they were going to guide humans to fight against the apostles. They were the guides and witnesses and should not be participants. Now that human beings have been given the pieces of the apostles' souls, the history of mankind will be changed.

"This ring is the proof of the apostle's soul. Miss Miri, you can also fight the apostle now. Kill the apostle and absorb the apostle's soul to become stronger. In the end, you can decide whether human beings will merge or continue to be isolated."

Ling Boli's words are simply a fantasy, fighting with the apostles? Katsuragi Misato was not stupid: "How could the soul of the apostle be absorbed by someone like me?"

"Get the soul of the Your human power will also awaken, and now you can also use the AT force field."

No way? Misato said how could humans use that kind of power. However, it seems that Ling Bo Li is not joking. Although Ling Bo Li knew about these situations in her dreams, it is really not a joke.

Can you use the AT force field like the apostles and EVA? Misato looked at her wrist in disbelief, "Isn't it just an extra tattoo?"

Ling Boli was really in a state of progress in seconds. After seeing Miri's wrist, she immediately entered the position of the leader, told Miri everything she knew, and guided her on the way to the fire, uh, the way to fight against the apostles.

Misato was still wondering, she just listened to the slap, but it was Ling Bo Li who slapped her, but there was only sound and no pain. Misato saw that when Ling Boli called, a hexagonal force field appeared on her face, which was the familiar AT force field. She can actually use the AT force field, "Am I still human?"

"You are still human, you just get the souls of the apostles." Ling Bo said calmly: "When you collect more souls of the apostles, you will become stronger, and in the end you will decide the future of mankind." , or put out the fire.

In the game of "Dark Souls", the sun king Gwen gained the power of the first fire to establish the age of fire, and then the game player appeared in the era when the first fire was extinguished, and the player recovered the king's soul by killing the powerful king, which is The initial fire power to become stronger. In the end, there are two endings of the game. One is to spread fire, that is, to continue the era of fire established by the Sun King, at the cost of players becoming firewood and burn them; The king of the dark world, the era when the first fire extinguished the fire ended. The two worlds fit together in an incredible way.

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