Ikari Shinji stared blankly at the words that had been flashing on the TV screen from noon yesterday until now. He thought that something big had happened, but it had nothing to do with him. Although everyone said that his father was an important person to protect all mankind, Shinji Ikari thought that his father was his father, he was him, and it had nothing to do with him.

But a phone call last night made Ikari Shinji pack his bags. He has to take today's train to No. 3 Shin-Tokyo City. It was his father who told him to go.

Ikari Shinji didn't know what to say when he could see his father, whom he hadn't seen for many years. He was a little overjoyed, but more worried. His father was always a strict representative in his heart. The ruthless back that his father ruthlessly left him in his hometown when he was young is simply the shadow of Shinji Ikari's childhood. Now that he is in junior high school, he still has nightmares.

"This must be terrorists declaring war on the whole world." The taxi driver said, speaking of the uninterrupted words of various countries: "Ling Boli may be the saint of terrorists, this must be a cult terrorist." "This At the end of the year, we have no hope. Fifteen years ago, God sent a meteorite. Now the news says that we humans are going to fight against some apostles. Isn’t this a joke? We have no future. The most pitiful thing is that you are born The young people before and after the second shock have never had a good life at all, and have never seen many things, what a pity."

The driver was very enthusiastic, but Ikari Shinji didn't know how to respond, because he didn't care much about this kind of thing, so he could only say: "We can still learn about disappearing species in textbooks."

"Can the pictures in the textbook be the same as what you see in reality?" the driver said silently: "Especially those seafood, there is no chance to eat them now, and the marine creatures that used to be full of streets have become treasured creatures, don't say You can only go to the Seawater Purification Museum in the outer sea after eating and even watching, do you think it can be the same?"

Ikari Shinji has nothing to say. He really hasn't eaten seafood much.

Because the signal was intercepted, people are panicking now, and no one can say why. Those who have experienced the second shock suspect that the anomaly may be a harbinger of another cataclysm.

You must know that the second shock caused too many disasters, not only the extinction of marine life and various small animals, but also the disappearance of half of the human population. Humanity can no longer withstand another shock.

The reason why it is called the second shock is because the high-level hopes that modern people will not be too pessimistic and disappointed, so the great flood of "Noah's Ark" in the Bible is the first shock. The ancients can continue to reproduce, and there is no reason why modern humans are inferior to the ancients with the backing of technology.

After the second shock, defined as the second shock, it was also really encouraging and brought most people back to rebuilding.

Ikari Shinji's luggage was very light, with only a few clothes, an old-fashioned Walkman, and a photo of the receptionist, a very beautiful big-breasted sister. He wasn't planning to stay for a long time, so he only brought a change of clothes.

The train is empty. The third new Tokyo city is a newly built city and a station for various troops. Sooner or later, it will become a battlefield, so few people will take the initiative to enter the city.

In the daze, he seemed to be falling asleep, but he only felt a violent shaking. Ikari Shinji's forehead was already on the back of the front seat, and then he saw from the corridor that the car in front was seriously tipping to one side, and the train derailed.

The railroad track was damaged, and the front of the train didn't find the problem in time. Now it rushed out of the railroad track and was about to rush from the bridge into the river. Obviously, in this environment, someone has gone crazy.

Ikari Shinji had no sleep, grabbed the handle in horror, but it was of no use, he was weightless. The earphones flew out of his ears, and he grabbed the chair handle with both hands.


Shinji Ikari slammed his head into the back of the chair in front of him, his whole body hurting, but he didn't fall off? The train stopped?

It's not that it didn't fall, or that the train stopped, but that Superman caught the train in time. The protagonist had been discovered long ago, and it happened to help.

Fly? Looking out of the window, you can see that the train cars are rising. Ikari Shinji couldn't believe his eyes.

Kent put the train back on the tracks and flew parallel to the train windows for a while, greeting the poor few passengers in the carriage.

A person who can fly, Ikari Shinji widened his eyes and watched the red cloak fly through the window at a constant speed. He looked carefully and said that he really came to a big city. The people in the big city are really different. People have known.

Although the train has returned to the rails, it must not continue to go. The police car of the Third New Tokyo City will investigate the situation and then send the passengers to the station of the Third New Tokyo City.

As for what the passengers said they saw a trapeze, the police didn't believe it. It was obviously just luck. How could there be a trapeze.

"The criminals are getting worse and worse now, especially the signal intrusion that started yesterday is like calling on criminals to commit crimes together. Our police are already busy enough, so don't make trouble, don't talk about flying people." The police said helplessly. .

"But we all saw it. Originally, the train was about to rush into the river, but suddenly it stopped and returned to the railroad tracks. Then we all saw a flying man with a red cape flying through the window. If you don't believe it, ask everyone. "

"I think you inhaled unsafe gas and saw hallucinations." The police still didn't believe it: "Okay, the car is here, we will send you to the terminal, the injured go to the hospital, and the uninjured go to the hospital. Station, get on the train and go."

At this time, in the third new Tokyo city, Katsuragi Misato had to solve the trouble of hijacking the signal before receiving Shinji: "No matter what is there, as long as the location is determined, it can be shot down." "The Self-Defense Forces have agreed to launch N2 bombs, and the result is very good. It will be back in our hands soon."

"I hope so." What else could Akagi Ritsuko say, she did everything she could.

The Self-Defense Forces are ready to launch, the target has been corrected, and a clean nuclear bomb is about to be launched. The N2 nuclear bomb with the booster added slowly lifted off into the sky. The officer on the scene raised the telescope and looked at the launch pad, saying that if he could restore the signal to normal, he would have done a good job.

"Everything is normal for the launch, and remote sensing monitoring begins."

The rumbling flames drew a smooth curve in the sky, but the rising curve suddenly came to an abrupt end in mid-air.

The picture I saw in the telescope was that the N2 bomb suddenly stopped in mid-air, neither up nor down, which was totally abnormal: "What's wrong?"

The monitoring station was also confused: "All the instruments are normal..."

"It's weird that it's normal. Is there still a rocket that can't go up or down? It's either going up or falling, how could it stay in the air?" The officer was going crazy: "Find the reason!"

However, they couldn't find the reason, and they couldn't see that there was a superman in front of the N2 bomb blocking the missile's path, holding on to the ultra-long-range missile and leaving it in the air.

Using the drone to fly over to see, the drone's optical instruments finally found the reason. However, no one would believe it even if they saw it with their own eyes.

"What is that?" Yes, what is it?

The picture was sent to the neuron, and they were waiting for the result. They didn't expect that the result would be like this. The N2 bomb was blocked by a humanoid creature.

"Apostles?!" Anything abnormal is an apostle.

But no, the blood analysis pattern is red.

Then what is this? What mistake did humans make, first with apostles and then with weird things.

"Immediately detonate at zero distance." No matter what the officer is, since he has prevented the military mission, he is the enemy.

"Yes, detonate at zero distance!"

Boom - There was an explosion in the sky, but a large amount of electromagnetic energy fell from mid-air and spread to the ground, instantly disrupting most of the electronic equipment on the surface, and even drones could only fly far away to avoid interference.

Everyone is paying attention to the ball of light in the sky, hoping to see good things happen after the light passes.

Kent said in his heart that a nuclear bomb without radiation is good. Because there is no radiation, as a conventional weapon, it is more convenient and reliable than a dirty bomb. But it was no threat to Kent, so he took a deep breath and sucked all the flame and heat into his lungs.

Breathing in and breathing in, Kent's internal organs are also indestructible. All the flames and high-temperature gases are sucked into the body, and then these energies will be quickly digested by the superhuman cells, indeed, they are digested. Theoretically, Superman can inhale anything into the body, but it cannot be stored in the cells like sunlight for use~www.NovelMTL.com~ Other energy will only stay in the body for a short time. For example, if Kent can re-inhale the The energy is spit out to cause damage, but it must be spit out immediately. If the energy stays in Kent's body for too long, it will naturally disappear, just like disappearing in nature, even Kent himself does not know where the energy will disappear.

Kent tried to surround a small bomb with a biomagnetic field, and then swallowed the bomb, and the power of the bomb quickly disappeared. Kent suspects that Superman's body has the same digestive function as nature. Except for sunlight, other energies, whether positive or negative, will soon disappear in the body. Kent believes that his body has a circulatory system as broad as nature. Unfortunately, there is no evidence for this, and simple and crude experiments do not allow Kent to understand how the circulatory system in Superman works and how it is produced.

Swallowing a lot of energy, Kent's face didn't turn red or his heart skipped a beat, but he seemed to have taken a puff of cigarettes in his lungs.

When the light and heat suddenly disappeared and Superman returned to the field of vision, everyone was stunned. From the trajectory of the gunpowder smoke, it was obvious that he was sucked out by that person. That is the energy of N2 explosion. The temperature of the core can directly vaporize people, but that guy not only endured the explosion, but also sucked all the energy of the explosion. What kind of monster is this?

At this time, all the TV screens around the world stopped broadcasting the previous text, but turned into a close-up of Superman. With this change, it is to tell everyone that the signal was hijacked by this weird man in a red cloak, and now he has finally revealed the true face of Mount Lu, a monster that makes people tremble.

"I am now declaring to all human beings: Hand over Ling Boli, I am here to kidnap." Kent made a kidnapping declaration to the whole world, which shocked their eyes. Is that okay?

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