Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 91: Shit scepter is useless

Looking at the crimson energy that gradually subsided beside Wanda, Heisenberg let out a light breath.

This is really... terrifying the Kryptonians.

Who is Heisenberg most afraid of on Earth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe today...?

Seriously, there is only one Scarlet Witch!

Because of Crimson, she was still in the strength development period until the end of Avengers IV.

Judging from the expressiveness of the movie alone, Wanda has never had a limit at all!

Unlike the Hulk, his limit in the movie universe is fourteen punches by Thanos....

Not like Thor, the limit is the storm thin thunder, and an axe almost killed the six gems Thanos.

Not like the US team, the limit is the three blooms of the hatchet, the shield, and the real universe.

And Wanda’s limit….

At least until the end of the movie universe, no one knows how strong she is!

And if she was simply strong, Heisenberg wouldn't care.

But Wanda's strength is precisely the kind of spiritual strength that Kryptonians are most afraid of!

As soon as she debuted, she used her psychic ability to molest the entire Avengers!

It makes Iron Man still in shadow, Thor has not raised his head until now, and Team America can go back to dance with Peggy, and it is probably due to the influence of Wanda's illusion!


At the first moment when Wanda might lose control, Heisenberg took out the Mind Stone and gave Wanda a savage blow!

And this is also the first time Heisenberg used the Infinity Stones!

So he gave Wanda the first time?

cough cough....

In short, Heisenberg carried the Mind Scepter, and while gradually communicating with the Mind Gem, he gave Wanda an order to sleep!

He didn't want to communicate with trouble. With Wanda's current state of chaos, where she lost her love, God knows how she can use her chaos magic!

Just like that, Heisenberg said to Wanda with a smile while manipulating the Mind Stone.

"Go to sleep, Wanda, stop thinking about it..."

"Thanks, Mr. Heisenberg, I feel better and seem less miserable!"

Before Heisenberg finished speaking, Wanda thanked Heisenberg with a calm expression on his face.

She speaks so fluently that she doesn't seem to be a little sleepy at all!

Listening to Wanda's words of thanks, looking at Wanda's calm and happy face...

Heisenberg raised his eyes in amazement, quietly increasing the output of the Mind Gem.

"Uh, Wanda, I know you've been trapping yourself in pain, but it's all over, you have to look forward, so rest!"

As he said this, he controlled the Mind Stone to operate with full force.

until five seconds have passed.

Wanda still flashed his big eyes and looked at Heisenberg with a peaceful face...

"Okay, that's it."

Heisenberg reluctantly retracted his scepter, stuffed the broken thing back into his pocket, and asked Wanda softly at the same time.

"Before you, you asked me for a soul gem and revive your lover's vision, right?"

"That's right, Mr Heisenberg, I'm sorry.

My sudden visit seems to affect your hunting trip. "

"Emm, that's nothing..."

Heisenberg shook his head and continued to say to Wanda with a wry smile.

"Let me tell you straight, you want the Mind Stone in my hand to stay in your universe, that's totally impossible.

Because every universe has only one Mind Stone, and only one Mind Stone.

If my gem stays here, the mind gem of the universe will not respawn with the other five gems.

That is to say, if this gem is left, at least one of you and me will be missing a gem forever.

You understand this, right? "

The voice fell, Heisenberg looked at Wanda, waiting for Wanda's....

Wait, he doesn't seem to need an answer anymore.

Because Wanda, who was still calm just now, was filled with impulse and pain in just a moment!

The chaotic magic that was no longer restless a second ago, instantly escaped from Wanda's body.

"Mr. Heisenberg, you mean that even if the gem that made my lover is right in front of me, I can't use it to save my lost lover!

Right? ! ! "

boom! ! !

In the blink of an eye, crimson energy burst out suddenly, and the huge plaque in Hollywood Hills disappeared instantly, and that was just the aftermath of the energy.

As for the main body of energy, it was all wrapped around Heisenberg at this time!

Heisenberg instantly enjoyed the thrill that Thanos had enjoyed, and the muddy energy lifted him out of thin air.

And this energy continued to stimulate Heisenberg's brain, causing Heisenberg to gradually have countless violent thoughts!

So Heisenberg decisively took out the psychic scepter, and with the power far exceeding Thanos, directly controlled Wanda's energy, and pressed the psychic scepter on Wanda's chest again!

After a while, the crimson energy disappeared completely, and the pressure on Heisenberg disappeared.

And Wanda, her face at this time was as calm as before.

"I understand, Mr. Heisenberg, the past is over after all. I shouldn't continue to miss the impossible past under such circumstances."

"Hmm, I hope you've really figured it out."

Heisenberg nodded, then retracted his scepter.

And Crimson did not continue to go crazy.

The two just floated in the air, looking at the Hollywood Hills that had just been destroyed, speechless for a moment.

After a while, Wanda pursed her lips and laughed, and Heisenberg was taken aback by her sudden smile.

"Suddenly laughed? It's alright, as long as you're happy."

Heisenberg asked, and Wanda glanced at Heisenberg after hearing the question.

"You are in New York, New York is gone, you are in Los Angeles, Hollywood Hills are gone, are you really Superman?

You are obviously the destroyer of America, right? "

"Haha, well, even if it is."

Heisenberg shrugged helplessly. The destroyer of the United States is the destroyer. With his fighting style, it is estimated that he will kill more cities in the United States in the future....

Thinking of this, Heisenberg suddenly reacted!

"Wait, you did the Hollywood Hills, it can't be on me, can it?"

As soon as the words fell, Wanda was shocked, and she suddenly looked at the broken mountainside in front of her with surprise!

The sense of ruin was almost overflowing. The broken Hollywood plaque and the pitted mountain made Wanda cover his head in pain.

"I'm out of control again, right, I've always been like this, gradually losing control of my power!!!

Why should I have this power, why should I go through all this? ! !

I'd rather the whole world never existed... um. "

Wanda, who was on the verge of eruption, looked at his chest speechlessly. He felt embarrassed when he was a child, but now Bai Daruan, who only feels proud, is indeed that familiar stick!

So she looked calm, and at the same time she looked at Heisenberg with a little helplessness.

"Your Excellency..., I'm giving you trouble!"

"It's okay, you...let's try to control your emotions as much as possible. This endless outburst is not a good thing for you."

As Heisenberg retracted the psychic scepter, he pointed to Wanda's head.

"Do you know where your power comes from?"

"Of course, I was used by Hydra in experiments on the Mind Scepter, so..."


Heisenberg interrupted Wanda, showing her the Mind Stone.

"This gem is here, do you think your power really comes from it?"

Saying that, Heisenberg let the scepter get close to Wanda.

Feeling the continuous approach of the gem, Wanda calmed down and kept in contact with the gem, but until the end, Wanda shook his head helplessly.

"I can only feel the peace and familiarity in the gem, it... feels like an old friend!"

"Yes, it's like a friend!"

Heisenberg nodded with a smile and continued to explain to Wanda.

"Your situation is similar to Captain Marvel, you are both talented people.

For you, the Infinity Stones are not the source of your power, but the key to unlocking your own energy.

The impact of the space gem allowed Carol to open the double star form and possess the power of a new star.

The Mind Stone allows you to communicate with the dark world, and has been favored and invested by Sithone.

Because of this, the Mind Stone will make you feel so intimate, because it does not accomplish you, but it guides you.

By the way, maybe you don't know who Sithawn is, and you don't need to think about that.

You just need to know that every time you lose control, it will take you one step closer to the darkness! "

Speaking of which, Heisenberg gave Wanda a deep smile.

"Don't force me to kill you, then... it's not something that can bring a good mood to you and me!"

As he spoke, Heisenberg sighed inwardly.

He can kill surprise without feeling, because he has always hated surprise.

But for Wanda, who he doesn't hate so much, and even admires more.

After all, he will not kill easily.

And what about Wanda at this time?

God knows if Heisenberg's words made a difference, and I saw Wanda lowered his head and looked thoughtful.

After a while, Wanda raised his head sharply.

At this moment, Heisenberg clearly saw Wanda's eyes, and the pain in her eyes at this time far exceeded her every previous outbreak.

She looked extremely calm, but behind this calm, Heisenberg seemed to see the dark energy one after another! ! !

At the same time, Wanda said.

"The Mind Stone is the key to unlock my power?!!

So the Mind Stone will make me feel gracious? ! !

Everything I love comes from the Heart Gem, and the reason why I fall in love with him is because he can bring me peace and tranquility!

So I never had a lover, everything is a heart gem! ! ! "


Heisenberg was speechless, a woman in love was scary enough, and as a result, he actually met a very attractive woman who had lost her love....

So annoying!

He put the scepter of mind on Wanda's chest, and without saying a word, let Wanda calm down before talking.

The power of the Mind Stone was continuously released, and under the influence of this energy, Wanda slowly raised his head and said coldly to Heisenberg.

"If you stab me in the chest with your **** stick I'll send you to see Vision!"

Heisenberg: (°_°)…

The crimson energy kept coming towards him, shooting him directly on the Hollywood Hills behind him.

This time, the Hollywood Hills are completely gone, at least from the part above the mountainside, it has all turned into countless dust.

And at this time Heisenberg... .

Depressed, he took the scepter of the mind and scolded him fiercely.

"Damn scepter, no bird can use it!"

As soon as the words fell, he was holding the unparalleled chaotic energy, and he buckled the soul gem and held it in the palm of his hand.

His right hand suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, and Heisenberg rushed to Wanda with his fist.

One punch smashed this **** chick completely stunned!

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