Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 76: Encounter across time and space

Chapter 76: The Encounter Across Time and Space

Noticing that Heisenberg's eyes were very strange, Natasha thought for a while, then suddenly smiled slyly, and asked him at the same time.

"I still don't understand, why did you go to Mivor to save me and Barton in your future?"


Hearing her question, Heisenberg couldn't help but smile.

"The reason for saving you is probably to make everything more interesting!"

"Hmm, I feel like you are looking at us from the perspective of God!"

Natasha looked up at Heisenberg and continued to comment softly.

"But you do have the power of a god!"

"It's far from bad, if I'm really strong enough, the **** snap of my fingers won't be enough to hurt me!"

Speaking of this, Heisenberg deliberately raised his right arm, which was covered with blood and blisters, and turned it towards the sun, trying to bask in the sun.

Seeing Heisenberg anxiously drying his hands, Natasha looked startled and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow, it looks like being in the sun will make you recover faster, are you a superman?"

"Haha, you have good eyesight. In my universe, they call me Injustice Superman!" Heisenberg nodded.

I saw Nata chuckle immediately.

"That's great, because Superman can only be Louise's, but Unrighteous Superman is everyone's!"

Hearing this, Heisenberg turned to look at Natasha's gentle facial curves.

He watched for three seconds before turning his attention to Natasha's burgundy hair.

I saw him suddenly reach out and gently rub Natasha's hair.

Natasha was about to dodge the moment Heisenberg stretched out her hand.

But she didn't know what to think, and she stood there abruptly, letting Heisenberg's big hand fall on top of his head.

While Heisenberg was rubbing her hair, Natasha tried to shake off the charming thoughts in her heart and murmured to him.

"Tsk tsk, my **** on earth, are you treating me as a pet?"

"Of course not, it's just..."

Heisenberg looked at Natasha with a particularly soft look, and he continued.

"It's just that you in this world are different from all the other, countless stories of you.

You are really beautiful here, especially your soul! "

Speaking of which, Heisenberg withdrew his hands with mixed feelings.

He had to admit that Natasha's death in Avengers IV was his second regret for the movie Avengers IV!

At this time, Natasha, after Heisenberg closed her hand, gently smoothed the hair on her temples.

At the same time, she lowered her head and muttered with a smile.

"In Mivor, that's why you rub my hair?"

"Uh..., did I do the same to you in 2014?

Haha, that's probably what I've thought about doing that now! "Heisenberg laughed and laughed.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became silent until Natasha whispered.

"This time... thank you!"

"Forget it, just don't hate me in the future."

As Heisenberg said that, he suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Natasha behind him, and then he used his intact left arm to stretch straight into the sky!

Seeing his actions, Natasha was slightly surprised, but she still pulled out her pistol immediately.

I saw that she quickly aimed in the direction Heisenberg's palm was facing, and at the same time asked Heisenberg softly.

"You've been looking at the sky, so what are you waiting for and what are you on guard for?"

Hearing Natasha's question, Heisenberg smiled and finally explained.

"Remember everything I said before snapping my fingers?"

Hearing the question, Natasha thought quickly.

After a moment, she raised her head sharply.

"You are waiting for a worthy opponent, so who is your opponent?!!"

boom! ! !


People who are busy don't notice, and people who aren't busy don't want to notice that.

In a world that seemed to belong only to her, Nebula quietly left the conference room and came to the room where the shuttle platform was.

She quickly set the corresponding parameters for the time machine, and then simply pressed the start button.

In an instant, the spaceship that belonged to Thanos suddenly rushed out of the quantum realm!


In the conference room, because Heisenberg snapped his fingers too suddenly, Tony didn't have time to turn on the defense mode at all.

And because the fully enclosed defense mode was not turned on, when the Thanos flagship came through and broke through the ceiling of the Aegis shuttle hall instantly!

boom! ! !

Everyone heard the earth-shattering sound!

At the same time, Natasha, who had been staying beside Heisenberg, suddenly shouted at everyone!

"There are enemies, be alert!!!"

In a short while, Iron Man put on his armor, Hulk raised his fist, Captain America raised his shield, Thor...

Sleep well in the infirmary.

Aside from Thor, everyone looked at the almost obscuring spaceship in the New York sky!

"Damn, what's going on?"

"Heisenberg, what have you done?"

"This is Thanos' flagship, how could his TM appear here!"

"Prepare for defense!!!"

With the roar of Captain America, Natasha looked at Heisenberg for the first time!

I saw that her face was full of disbelief and pain after being deceived!

"Heisenberg, tell me you didn't bring it!!!"

"Well, of course I didn't do it."

Heisenberg first smiled at Natasha, then raised his left hand and shouted at the crowd.


His voice made everyone look at him, and he continued.

"Those who play with time will eventually be played with by time.

So, get ready for a crash! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanctuary No. 2 in the distant sky suddenly fired more than 30 energy bombs with wide coverage at the Avengers Building.

Looking at the fast-moving bomb, then look at Natasha, who was so panicked that she didn't know how to panic.

"Enjoy the beauty to come, Avengers!"

He yelled as everything around him floated.

The incomparably surging force field expanded rapidly. With him as the center, within a radius of nearly 300 meters, countless wastes such as tables and chairs began to rotate with the force field.

Those tables and chairs are only the external manifestations of the biological force field, and within that is Heisenberg's precise control of his own force field.

The next moment, in front of all the Avengers, energy bombs bombed.

The Fulian Building, which covers an extremely large area, instantly collapsed into ruins like an alien battlefield!

The shock wave continued to bloom, smashing all the buildings around the Heisenberg biofield.

But no matter how hard they try, don't even think about breaking through the biological force field by even a centimeter!

The explosion lasted for more than half a minute, and for a full half a minute, the ears of the Fulian people were full of noise.

But they were so shocked that they forgot everything, and the only thing they could do now was to cast a shocking and admiring look at Heisenberg.

Meanwhile, Temple Two.

Thanos is using the observer to check everything in the Fulian Building.

Collapsed buildings are a matter of course, they don't take it seriously.

But the biological stance that Heisenberg maintained made Thanos take a deep breath.

Aside, Ebony Throat frowned and said.

"Your Majesty, this seems to be Heisenberg, the leader of the Injustice Alliance and the Skrull Restoration Organization!"

"I know!"

Thanos answered dully, then he stood up and took the double-edged greatsword held by Black Dwarf on his right hand in his hand.

"I didn't expect that my first encounter with him was actually in this future time and space. I really look forward to it!"

With that said, he descended from the flagship and walked straight to the middle of the collapsed ruins.

At the same time, Heisenberg also withdrew the biological force field and looked deeply at Thanos.

At this moment, Iron Man suddenly asked Heisenberg.

"That's not what you did, did you!"

Heisenberg did not answer his question, because everyone saw the figure walking towards Thanos in the distance!

Nebula from the past is now going to Thanos with a proud face.


She bowed respectfully.

"I successfully brought you to this time and space, and also weakened Heisenberg, the leader of the Injustice!"

"well done!"

Thanos nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time he looked at the injured hand of Heisenberg in the distance.

"He snapped his fingers?"

"Yes, father!"

Nebula nodded and said yes, which made Thanos continue to praise her with satisfaction.

"Well done, let's go!"

Hearing this sound, Nebula's originally excited face was suddenly filled with confusion and loss.

Her lonely figure swayed among the ruins where the flames and rock formations overlapped, and she seemed to have lost the whole world.

Looking at such a nebula, Thanos sighed softly.

"Go, bring all the original stones for me!"

With just one command, Nebula was instantly reinvigorated.

I saw her nodding excitedly.


She answered, and then rushed into the distance!

After Nebula left, Thanos looked at Heisenberg and silently planted his double-edged sword on the ground.

At the same time he took off his helmet and put it on the blade of his great sword!

As for Heisenberg, seeing him slowly lift off into the sky, he maintained a standing posture, floating all the way, and landed in front of Thanos with majesty.



The two said each other's names to each other, and it seemed that even they themselves When they appeared under the same starry sky at the same time, everything would turn into a king-to-king situation!

In the Union Building, Iron Man looked left and right and gave a serious order.

"The Hulk and I will help Heisenberg, and the others will check Thor's injury as soon as possible. The medical room where he and Rhodes are located is far away!"

Hearing his words, Natasha and Barton acted immediately.

But Rogers remained in place.

I saw him tighten the shield in his hand and said firmly to Iron Man.

"I won't miss this war, Tony!"

Looking at the determined Captain Rogers, Iron Man could not speak the language of refusal.

But let Rogers, an ordinary man, participate in the war with Thanos....

"Captain, you have more important work, I need you to contact all the resurrected Avengers!

Total war is coming and we need their power...! "

"Hehe, Tony, you've never been good at lying!

If Strange had really foreseen what's going on, they'd definitely be there when needed, not by me calling them. "

Rogers interrupted Tony.

"You just think that I, an ordinary Captain America, can't handle the emperor from the universe, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his empty right hand.

The next moment, in the whistling sound, Thor's Hammer suddenly stopped in his palm!

Looking at Thor's Hammer that kept flashing arcs, Iron Man only felt the corners of his eyes were extremely sour.

He turned and sighed softly with his back to Rogers.

"I knew you were worthy!"

half dead

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