Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 69: It's disrespectful to me

Hill's voice fell, everyone in the audience looked at me, and I looked at you again...

Tony and Rogers did believe it, so much so that they were a little moved.

And Captain America and Iron Man, these two people who knew the inside story, just wanted to laugh.

Even Heisenberg couldn't help but turn his head and gave Gu a dumbfounded glance.

Only Banner sighed helplessly!

"You praised it early, I'm not dead yet!"


Hilden frowned. She originally wanted to use the Banner incident as a breakthrough, and turn the rhythm of the conversation into revealing future events.

For example, let’s talk about why Hulk is in New York and Banner is here, why their bodies and souls are separated, where Banner died, and what kind of battle he died in.

In that way, she can not only get information about certain enemies, but also get clues about certain future events, and even get a way to kill Banner!

But her plan was shattered in an instant.

At the same time, Gu Yi pursed his lips helplessly.

I saw her let go of the teacup and let it float in the air.

And she herself reached out and drew a circle in the direction of the ceiling.


The Hulk's huge body immediately smashed into the crowd.

"Oh, I'm buying it!!!"

Pepper was so frightened by this huge body that she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she saw Heisenberg was still there in time, and her husband was supporting her.

On her side, she just forced herself to calm down, but Gu Yi on the other side clapped her hands again.

Before Banner's soul could react, he got into Hulk's body in a blink of an eye.

After a while, the Hulk humbly got up and smiled embarrassedly at everyone.

It's okay if he doesn't smile, but when he smiles....

"Oh, God!"



In a short moment, Pepper made a direct plan and slammed Banner back onto the sofa.

Fortunately, Tony hugged Pepper in time to prevent the unilateral beating from intensifying.

But even if she sat down, Pepper was still a little apprehensive. After watching the series of videos of the Hulk destroying the city, it was difficult for her to let go of this big green guy.

Seeing Pepper so nervous, Heisenberg raised his hand and patted it lightly.

Everyone immediately looked at Heisenberg, including Pepper.

I saw Heisenberg nodded to Pepper and said softly.

"Stay calm, he won't be a problem."

"ok, I get it."

Pepper responded with difficulty, then leaned on Tony.

But it's strange. After Heisenberg said this, she really didn't feel so apprehensive!

It must be because..., because she has seen the video of Heisenberg hitting Banner with three punches, it must be.

Seeing Pepper calm down, Banner helplessly smiled at everyone.


His thick voice resounded in the living room.

"I'm used to it, and I will use time to prove that my current image is safe."

This time, Pepper was completely relieved.

Can communicate, can communicate, and can't scream, especially when Superman is next to him.

Absolutely no problem!

At this point, the scene was quiet for a while, and Tony pondered for a while before asking.

"Before I start the discussion of the future, I want to ask one thing, Heisenberg!

That's why your extremely elegant female friend can assert their identities? "


Heisenberg nodded, then turned to look at Gu.

Gu smiled at him, and then explained to everyone.

"I am the contemporary supreme mage of the ancient order, and the ancient order has been guarding the earth with Asgard for nearly two thousand years.

Asgard is designed to deal with the invasion of outer space creatures, while the ancient order is responsible for dealing with the infiltration of demons from different dimensions and multiverses.

I have inherited the will of the previous Supreme Mage Agamato and have been the Supreme Mage for 642 years. This is my identity and the premise of my guarantee of their identity. "

"Ancient Order? Supreme Mage? That Mage of the Mage?!!"

Tony couldn't close his legs in surprise.


Iron Man beside him saw Tony's surprised bear appearance and couldn't help sneering.

"The world is much bigger than you think, young me!

But now is not the time to say that!

Captain, it's time to get down to business! "

Iron Man said this and reminded Captain America.

Captain America suddenly became serious, only to see him straighten his back and speak with difficulty.

"That's right, in short, our identity has been recognized by the two Infinity Stone holders, then.

Tony and I in the past, the secrets behind us, or questions like Infinity Stones, please don't ask any more questions for the time being!

We can come here, and the Pym particles we carry are seriously insufficient, and we must cherish every minute.

So, Mr. Heisenberg, Ms. Gu Yi, I would like to borrow the Mind Stone and the Time Stone from you two, hoping to get your approval! "

When Captain America finished speaking, Gu Yi smiled and looked at Heisenberg. At the same time, he took off the Eye of Agamotto and placed it in Heisenberg's hands with confidence.

"You decide!" Gu Yi smiled gently.

Following Gu Yi's words, the US team of four looked at Heisenberg in unison.

Even if Hill didn't understand the foursome, he also felt the tension in the atmosphere, so he followed Heisenberg.

Just as the US team of four looked forward to it, Heisenberg gently shook his head.


In an instant, Captain America's face fell, while Iron Man frowned.

Banner gritted his teeth, and Ant-Man glared directly at Heisenberg.

Looking at the weaklings who were so impatient that they wanted to kill him, Heisenberg casually spread his hands.

"You are all superheroes, hehe.

In the face of emergencies, don't be as irritable as you are now, or you will die quickly!

What's more, up to now, you have only asked me for gems, but haven't heard any of my thoughts!

All issues should not be considered unilaterally from your own perspective, so I want to tell you...! "

Speaking of which, he and Gu looked at each other.

After a while, Gu Yi violently pushed his right hand forward, directly pushing out a portal!

Opposite that door, it is precisely the psychic scepter that Heisenberg put in the theater, and...

"Oh, I'm going, what the hell?!!"


And a little brother Billy who was cleaning seriously, but was scared by the portal!

"Be quiet, Billy!"

Heisenberg rolled his eyes helplessly.

Hearing the boss's voice, Billy could see who was sitting across from the portal.


"Well, keep busy with your business."

Heisenberg nodded, raised his right hand, and the psychic scepter opposite the portal immediately flew into his hand.

The next second the portal disappeared, and Heisenberg looked at Mage Ancient One knowingly.

I have to admit, I don't need to say this, but you just understand the feeling, it's really comfortable!

Gu Yi deserves to live more than 600 years!

Turning back, Heisenberg looked back at Captain America and Iron Man.

He lightly weighed the mental scepter in his hand and continued.

"You only talk to me about your needs and the beliefs behind your needs.

It seems that you think that as long as you have faith, you can complete it as a matter of course, and I should support you as a matter of course!

From a transactional point of view, you need me to pay, but you didn't promise me anything in return!

From a planning point of view, you only talked about the gems you will send back after you succeed, but not about the risk of losing the Infinity Stones if you fail! "

Heisenberg slowly sat up from the sofa. He took the scepter and came to the four of Captain America, and asked three of them condescendingly.

"Do you know what the Mind Stone means to me?"

Team America shook their heads silently.

Then Heisenberg smiled indifferently.

"You only know what it means to you, but you never thought about what it means to me. This is a kind of disrespect to me, what do you think?"

The voice fell, and the audience was silent.

Heisenberg was not in a hurry, he just waited silently for the four American team's answers.

It took seven or eight seconds before Captain America finally got up and said to Heisenberg.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know what to promise you, and I can't guarantee our success either.

What you said is the truth, and making this transaction with us is destined to be unfair to you.

But that doesn't mean we will ask you to help us for free!

No matter what you need, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to fulfill your request.

Even if we have to sacrifice our lives in the process...

We are also willing to do anything! "

Captain America's eyes seemed to ignite a raging fire, and even the melon eaters like Hill and Tony were infected.

Even Tony was about to speak to the four of them.

Unexpectedly, Heisenberg burst out laughing.


I saw him smiling while showing the psychic scepter in front of Captain America's chest.

"I just asked you a question, do you know what this Mind Stone means to me?"

"I don't know, please explain, we are all ears!" Captain America responded neither humbly nor arrogantly.

But Heisenberg threw the scepter to the ground not far away.

Then he spread his hands indifferently.

"The answer to the question is that it means nothing to me!"

Speaking of which, Heisenberg patted Captain America on the shoulder.

"Even the Infinity Stones can't help me, so what do you think you can help me with?"


Having said this, the four Americans have completely lost the idea of ​​borrowing a scepter from Of course, that doesn't mean they gave up.

The four of them exchanged their eyes quickly, and each of them made a certain analysis of the current situation and formulated their own methods!

Banner wanted to find an opportunity to kill Heisenberg, at least to steal the gem. It seemed that he was still influenced by the Hulk, or the two of them influenced each other.

Ant-Man wants to do his old job and find a way to steal the scepter!

Captain America plans to find a way to **** the gems directly from Loki when he shuttles once, before Heisenberg and Loki fight!

And Iron Man....

He suddenly stood up, first put his hand on Captain America's shoulder, and then smiled at Ant-Man and Banner.

Finally, he looked at Heisenberg, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

"Guys, don't be frightened by this excellency.

Although he has said so many ruthless things to us, do you think he will be the kind of person who takes pleasure in playing with us? "

I saw him pointing to the door and continuing.

"From the outside to the room, you only said a word to the four of us alone!

In front of outsiders, you are not a talkative person, Your Excellency!

But you have told us so much now, which proves that you must have your purpose!

What do you think? "

After Iron Man finished speaking, he lifted the wine glass in his other hand towards Heisenberg.

Seeing his appearance, Heisenberg smiled.

It can only be said that he is indeed Iron Man. This guy may be arrogant, arrogant, ego, or he may have various shortcomings and irritating places.

But if it's only the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

This guy really is the smartest and most attractive one!

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