Looking at Sol, who was kneeling in the rubble with his arms open, screaming in the sky, full of loneliness and loss...

Heisenberg suddenly felt like he was in the DC Universe!

Because he saw Aquaman in Yijianmei BGM...

"Cough cough!"

He couldn't help coughing twice, and at the same time, he reached out and wiped Miaolnier vigorously.


The handprint on Mjolnir faded a little, but the rune on the surface of the hammer also faded.


Heisenberg was a little embarrassed, and seemed to have broken her...

He had no choice but to put on a nonchalant expression and threw the hammer at him in front of Thor.

"Hi, man!"

He said, at the same time the action of throwing the hammer brought out a stream of electric sparks!


A violent noise accompanied by electric light suddenly flashed in Sol's dull pupils.

"It can still be used, it's powerful, I'll give it back to you!"

After speaking, Heisenberg hurriedly bent down and handed the hammer to Thor.

It looked like a hammer that was lost and found.

Look at the extra friction marks on the surface of the hammer!


My hammer! ! !

No longer in my shape! ! !

Also despised! ! !

Ah ah ah! ! ! "


Mjolnir was thrown directly to the ground by Thor, and at the same time he turned and ran, rushing into the distance.

While running, Heisenberg could still hear Thor's continuous wailing.

Our Prince of Asgard seems to have completely lost his faith.

Seeing this, Heisenberg helplessly spread out his hands and said to the Justice League pendants not far away.

"Go and watch him, after all, it's Thor, the **** of thunder. I'll need him to be useful in a few days."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bullseye and the others took two steps back almost in unison.

The eyes they looked at Heisenberg were full of fear!

My own boss is really terrifying!

That's an enemy that they can't fight even if they hang together!

But as soon as the boss made his move...


The boss didn't make a move at all, and Sol fell!

Thinking about that Thor, who was in high spirits a minute ago, turned into a grumpy man who couldn't feel his breath in a blink of an eye.

The most extreme is!

Even if he is like this, the boss still wants to use him!


Heisenberg noticed the eyes everyone was looking at him, and immediately clapped his hands angrily.

"Don't stand here, take Sol for a drink, it will cure him!

Also, Rumlow, is the blueprint for our Injustice base ready? "

"It's the Justice League!" Before Rumlow could speak, Daredevil couldn't help but interrupt.

Heisenberg cast a glance at Night Demon and said lightly.

"Well, it's Zhenglian. In short, is the design of the base out?"

"Don't worry, boss, the design can be put into the day after tomorrow at the latest, but do you want to rest in the nightclub these days? After all, the location of the Zhenglian Base is the theater where you live, and the construction will be very noisy!"

"No need."

Hearing Rumlow's suggestion, Heisenberg pointed to the ruins under his feet.

"Since Central Park is so abandoned, let's buy it.

The base is built here! "


Rum Loden nodded in response.

Seeing this, Heisenberg turned his head to leave, but Bullseye suddenly called out to Heisenberg.



Heisenberg looked back and saw Bullseye pointed to Mjolnir on the ground and asked.

"Is this thing just put here?"

"Let's leave it alone. When Thor comes to get it himself, he will remember the hammer when he has had enough!" Heisenberg said lightly.

"But, boss, don't you need this thing? It's called an artifact, right?"

Bullseye asked suspiciously, but Heisenberg just nodded disdainfully.

"Hehe, this thing is useless to me, you can play."

While speaking, Heisenberg rushed into the sky and disappeared.


After he left, Bullseye looked at each other.

After a full five or six seconds, Rumlow spoke.

"Cough!" He said, "Don't be discouraged, Thor is indeed not a trouble we can handle.

Don't think about comparing with that monster, we can at least fight a dozen Captain America, that is our most traditional superhero, but he is not our opponent! "

As soon as the voice fell, the wrinkles on Ye Mo's face started to form.

"Fake!" He scolded: "We are the Justice League of TM, why do we want to fight Captain America?!!"

"For example, haha, for example, let's go after Thor!"

After speaking, Rumlow was about to leave, but he suddenly noticed that Bullseye was still staring at Thor's Hammer in a daze.

So he turned around and asked.

"Why, can't bear it?"

"Of course I can't bear it. This is Thor's Hammer. Even if there are two more fingerprints, it still represents an incomparably powerful force!"


Hearing this, Rumlow smiled very happily.

"Don't think about it, man, we can't take it, let alone even if we can, we still can't even handle the boss's move.

So we only need to have the boss standing behind us, let's go! "


Bullseye nodded and followed the crowd into the car he drove.

After waiting for the car to start and drive in the direction of Thor.

Bullseye suddenly remembered something, and asked Chao Ye Demon casually.

"By the way, Matthew, didn't you take that hammer just now?"

"He didn't take it. After all, my little man was going to try it, and I just arrived.

So I got ahead of him, haha! "

Erica smiled and answered Bullseye's question for Matthew. At the same time, she tucked herself into Matthew's arms and asked softly.

"Otherwise we'll go back and let you try too, dear?"


Night Demon shook his head disdainfully.

Erica kissed Matthew, then turned her head and made a joke at Bullseye who was driving.

"Look at my man, and look at you, it's just a broken hammer, right?"


Meanwhile, Heisenberg returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, six women with tall legs and long legs bowed to him!

This scene made him frown in surprise.


He shouted, and little brother Billy happily came from the guest room and explained to Heisenberg from a distance.

"BOSS, these are the top models who will be welcoming guests at the charity dinner tonight. I think they need your comfort after being frightened!"


Heisenberg was stunned, then nodded expressionlessly.

"Only this one time!"

"Yes, but there is one more thing I want to ask your opinion. Ms. Pepper is currently resting in the waiting room. Do you want to take her too..."

"Cough cough?!!"

Heisenberg was instantly stunned, and he yelled at Billy with a puzzled face.

"Send her back, **** it, don't you have only one genital in your mind? How could I be interested in her!"


Brother Billy was about to explain, when the window not far from him was torn in an instant.

I saw Iron Man put on the armor again for the first time, and stopped in front of Heisenberg in a standard hero landing posture, full of anger.

Before standing up, he opened his mask and scolded Heisenberg.

"You son of a bitch, what did you plan to bring my love to your house!!!"

"Go away, don't bother me!"

Heisenberg didn't have a good face either. He just hugged the two models, looked at Billy at the same time, and said.

"Don't try to make decisions for me, explain to him yourself, don't disturb me!"

After speaking, Heisenberg ignored no one, and led the models to the bedroom in the distance.

And the next day, brother Billy rested again... This time he rested for a longer time, after all, his arm was broken.


When Heisenberg rested, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't stop them.

Since Loki appeared, Barbara had already gone to the vicinity of Fort Ellen's restaurant to observe.

And when Natasha got rid of Tony and left, Barbara immediately chased Natasha on a motorcycle.

At the same time, Hill also let Captain America and others take the Quin fighter jet and rush back to New York City as soon as possible.

She personally led people, that is, with the main forces such as Patton and Melinda, to launch a comprehensive hunt for Natasha.

To be honest, Natasha is indeed an absolute elite in the human field.

The chase continued until 4:00 in the morning, and it was not until the US team came back and personally participated in the battle that she could barely control her.


Do not make jokes!

SHIELD also needs Natasha's strength.

For S.H.I.E.L.D., killing two people is a piece of shit, they are such an unreasonable organization.

You can't see the original timeline, which is in the movie.

Patton's control directly killed hundreds of agents on the helicarrier, and even Coulson died once in this incident.

But didn't Barton just pat his **** and go to work?

Whoever owns the right is the one who decides. S.H.I.E.L.D. has the right to deal with its own agents in its own way. This is the right given to them by the United Nations, hehe....

As for Natasha, after being physically removed by Agent Melinda, she only experienced a slump for about three minutes before regaining her strength.

While putting on the equipment, Natasha finally said to Melinda.

"What a **** tonight, I thought I would die at the hands of that one!"

Hearing this, Melinda looked at her thoughtfully and said softly.

"You may feel sad when I say that, but really.

You, me, and Patton and even Captain America and the Hulk!

In that person's eyes, we are all just little people, little people who are not worth shooting!

His enemy is God, and we don't deserve his attention! "

"Haha..." Natasha smiled helplessly: "Yeah, it's not worthy, but that's fine.

At least I'm still alive, and I can do something to make up for what I can't make up for in my life. "


Not to mention Natasha's little problem, Captain Rogers was bringing someone close to Thor's Hammer at this time.

But he ran into a little trouble, because he was surrounded by too many Nuke gang members.

In the center of the crowd, Bullseye was grinning and letting go, and the guys not far from him burst into laughter again.

"Boss Bullseye, this is the nineteenth time you've come to get a hammer!"

"Yeah, haha, do you want to take it a few thousand more times?"

"I don't know who is so lucky to be able to lift this thing up?"

"Like a boss?"

"That's not luck, that's power~www.NovelMTL.com~ is extremely powerful!"

Against the noise of the Nuke Gang members, Captain America came among them in uniform.


he called to the crowd.

"I don't know if you recognize me. I'm also a child in Brooklyn. Thor's Hammer is too dangerous. We have to find a way to isolate him, at least not allow every citizen to come into contact with it!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone from the Nuclear Bomb Gang responded.

"Captain, I'm your fan, don't watch me burn, kill and loot, but I grew up watching your comics!"

"Then my comics are really sorry for your parents!"

Rogers replied helplessly, and at the same time passed through the crowd and came to the hammer.

Looking at the hammer and then at Bullseye, Rogers said while bending over and reaching out.

"If only I could pick up this thing. If I put him here, I always feel that it doesn't fit..."

Crack! ! !

Stab it! ! !

Before he finished speaking, he had already lifted the hammer!

Accompanied by the surprised applause of the countless members of the Nuclear Bomb Gang, lightning flashed between the heavens and the earth, and the endless thunder fell directly on the US team.

In just a short moment, Captain America felt that he was countless times stronger, and he seemed to have the power of a true god!

And at this moment in the Academy nightclub, Sol, who was happily drinking with Rumlow, stood up abruptly!

I saw him rush to the wall of the nightclub, kicking the wall away, and he himself looked at Central Park in disbelief.

He felt the thunder that was so familiar to him there, and the smell of Miaolnir that was in full bloom.

Before Saul had time to think, he suddenly knelt down on the ground!

"No no no no!!!"

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