Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 497: Assemble, Ragnarok!

When the words fell, Yemengar let out a sigh, and the icy cold wind actually made Fenrir's incomparably thick hair flutter.

Of course, the wind also caused the Nine Realms, including Midgart, to fall soft winter snow.

However, it was raining in Surter's house. In this regard, Surter, the fire giant who lives in the flame world, can only express that he is very confused.

My house is on fire, how can it rain?

Not to mention the strangeness of other worlds, after Yemengard sighed, Yoyo said.

"Can you understand me, that kind of... the feeling that I can't find anyone of my kind in the world.

Although, in essence, I am not a snake, but a frost giant.

But anyway, my existence is the greatest snake!

In other worlds, with my existence, there is no problem at all to become a snake god.

But here, I, the snake god, can't even control my own kind!

In addition to being out of control, even myself was constantly influenced by Nighold!

That guy has been gnawing at the roots of the tree, and as long as he is tired of gnawing, he will call us again and again!

If it wasn't for my own strength, I would have rushed to Niflheim in a daze just like other people of the same kind to help Yemengad bite the roots of the tree!

He's so **** good, with him on my head, I'm in constant danger of being chased! "

When the voice fell, Yemenga looked at Heisenberg and asked seriously.

"Your Majesty Heisenberg, are you sure that you are ready to fight the most terrifying creature in this world!"

"I'm done," Heisenberg replied nonchalantly.

Yemenga was a little dissatisfied with this, he shook his head gently, and then continued to ask.

"You look perfunctory, and I don't want an ambiguous attitude or a casual response.

I want you to know that when you make a decision and work for it, you can die on the battlefield at any time!

No matter what great achievements you have in the past, no matter how powerful enemies you have defeated.

I can guarantee that Nighold is different from every enemy you have ever defeated! "

"Yeah, I know, just seeing you, I can already guess Nighold's power.

Look at it, Fenrir is not very weak, you are a little stronger than him, besides you, I know that there are many giant beasts similar to you in Tangle.

But you are all terrified of Nighold.

So, do you think I can't guess Nighold's level?

So, do you think I'm not ready yet? "

The voice fell, Heisenberg raised his right hand, and a ball of water full of alcohol kept expanding in his hand.

In a twinkling of an eye, the water balloon swelled all the way, and it actually swelled to an extent that was even bigger than Yemengarde's entire head.

Heisenberg raised his right hand to the top of his head and turned the water polo slightly.

"Don't think I'm an ignorant fool, the worldly python, the reason I'm relaxed is just because I'm fearless.

So put your worries aside and join my team just like you said.

Come on, I'll treat you to a drink, and take this as the beginning of our friendship! "

Heisenberg threw the water polo at Yermengard, watching the approaching water polo, Yermengard blinked in confusion.


He exclaimed, then quickly opened his mouth wide, and the water polo suddenly rushed down his mouth into his stomach.

This time, the poor earthly python was really stunned.

He opened his mouth sluggishly, and sighed in disbelief while enjoying the taste of the wine.

"It's unimaginable that I will have a day when I drink until I am full. I thought I would never get drunk in my life, because there is simply not enough wine in the world for me to drink!

Even if I tried my best to grab some leftovers from the World Tree from Nighold's mouth to make wine, the amount would still be far from satisfying my appetite!

You... your power is not power, but a purer creation!

You're not an ordinary god-king, hell, I should have thought of that.

Without enough strength, how could you challenge Nighold!

With your hand, you have simply touched the edge of the level of omnipotence that you want to achieve!

Although I don't know how far you have gone on this road, as long as you stand on this level, even if you can't kill Nighold, you can definitely cause him a lot of trouble! ! ! "

The voice fell, Yemenga became more and more excited, and his body couldn't help twisting slightly.

It may have been a slight movement that caused him to uncontrollably burp.

This time, the thick alcohol smell directly covered the entire Nine Realms, and most of the creatures in the world were directly drunk by the heavy alcohol smell.

Even the gods of Asgard.

They were drinking and cursing in the corner because they were being teased by Odin.

As soon as the smell of alcohol came, they got a little excited, and turned over to the bottom of their respective chairs. . . .

And the initiator of all this, Yermengade continued to open his mouth in excitement after hiccups.

"Hey, hey hey hey.

Nighold is in trouble!

It's so **** exciting, I have to get involved, there's nothing more exciting in the world than cleaning up Nighold!

However, with our current strength alone, I am afraid it is not enough to fight Nighold. "

Having said that, Yemengard cautiously looked at Heisenberg and explained softly.

"I didn't look down on you, and now I believe that you are at least capable of being on an equal footing with Nighold.

But you are you and Nighold is Nighold.

You must know that Nighold is never alone. Beside him, the incomparably huge snake creatures are all his subordinates.

Those poor, controlled kin even if they were originally weak.

But after Nighold devoured the roots of the world tree for countless epochs, these giant snakes have long been powerful to our level.

Guin, Moin, Graback, Grafworud, Overnear, and Swaffnir.

There are really too many powerful snakes with names and names around Nighold.

Because of absorbing the nutrients of the World Tree, those giant snakes have unique strength and element resistance even if they are not as good as me.

If you don't want them to create extra difficulties for you in your fight with Nighold.

Then you must have a force that can block all the giant snakes for you! "

The voice fell, and Yemenga lowered his body comfortably. He pressed his chin directly to the void and lay down in front of Heisenberg.

While happily experiencing the feeling of being slightly drunk, Yemengarde murmured the list.

"Let me think about it, Fenrir and I can probably block three or four real giant snakes, and together with your subordinates, you should be able to solve one.

In this case, we only need to find seven or eight teammates like me and Fenrir, and we can completely stop the giant snakes under Nighold! "

After Nighold finished speaking, he confidently grinned his infinitely huge mouth.

"Don't worry, I'm completely different from my cold brother, I'm not like Fenrir, who is so cold that he has no friends at all, and only a brother like me can rely on.

In the circle of giant beasts, my personal connections are extremely bright, and I can connect to the Nine Realms just by sleeping, and everyone is willing to show their faces.

Since I have such a good opportunity, as long as I raise my arm, everyone will respond.

Wait for me, I'll call them for you! "

"Great, thank you!"

After listening to Nighold's big package, Heisenberg nodded gratefully.

But after he nodded, Nighold thought for a moment, and then said.

"Your Majesty, although I am determined to help you, they are not like me.

I can call them over and I can call them to stand by our side.

But to get them to do their best for you, I'm afraid you'll have to make a little sacrifice in the distribution of the spoils. "

"Oh? What sacrifice?"

"Of course Nighold is yours, as long as you can fight and kill him.

Then no one can take away your right to assign Nighold.

But other than that, other giant snakes….

If my friends are to contribute, the serpent's body should at least be left to them.

Without that fresh meat, we guys would be too hard to eat a full meal! "

"Ha ha!"

Heisenberg was amused by Yemengar.

"I thought what you said, it turned out to be just the corpse of a giant snake.

Don't worry, I'm not interested in them, you'll get the spoils you each deserve!

This is my guarantee. "


After receiving Heisenberg's assurance, Yemengarde nodded with satisfaction, then he straightened up, opened his mouth wide, and let out an extremely loud and long roar.

At this moment, Asgardri, countless gods all woke up from drunkenness.

Yemengade's voice is unknown to anyone in the Nine Realms.

Not to mention the Asgardian **** who has always regarded him as one of the greatest threats?

However, these gods were not too nervous, they just thought that this was Yemengad's wake-up qi again.

After all, most of them did not understand the language of Yemengarde.

But aside from these ignorant Norse gods, Asgard still has smart people.

Such as Odin, such as Mimir.

All these gods, known for their wisdom, could understand the language of Jermungard.

Odin clenched the armrest of his seat sharply.

Yemengade was actually anxious about most of the giant beasts in the Nine Realms.

What is he doing?

What is he going to do! ! !


Not to mention Odin's nervousness, the moment Yermengard's roar stopped.

Heisenberg suddenly felt a blistering hurricane rising from the void beside him.

The hurricane continued to gather, and it directly evolved into a huge tornado.

In the center of such a tornado, a giant eagle with a height slightly higher than when Fenrir landed on four feet and a wingspan more than twenty times longer than Fenrir suddenly appeared.

The moment the huge bird landed, it looked towards Yemengard.

"Giant snake, what's the matter with me, you won't want to grab the World Tree material with me to make wine again!

I can tell in advance that Nighold has been a little irritable recently. If you want me to help, I will give you 20%! "

"Damn, Vaderfornir, am I the kind of miser you think I am!

This time I not only want to make wine, I also want to invite you to drink snake wine!

If I can't make wine with those giant snakes around Nighold, how can I contact you! "


The giant eagle Vidfornir was a little confused.

"Are you drinking too much?"

"Go away, I'm not talking stupid drunk, let alone bragging.

I got to know a big guy, this guy is on the same level as Nighold, that is the level where everything can happen and everything happens at will!

Wait a moment, when everyone is here, I will introduce you to the big guy!

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, why don't you follow along? "

At the same time as Yemengarde's voice fell, a huge squirrel suddenly appeared in his three-inch position. This squirrel was about the size of Fenrir, but it looked a little hideous and its hair was a little messy.

"Haha, Yemengarde, and my old friend Vidfornir, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, Taratosk the squirrel, the day you've been waiting for is finally here!"

After Yermengard said hello, he turned to Heisenberg and said softly.

"Your Majesty, these two are all old friends of Nighold!

This is the giant eagle Vader Fornil who lives in the top crown of the world tree and uses the countless universes linked by the branches of the world as materials to constantly trim his feathers!

As for this one, it was Taratosk, who lived on the trunk of the World Tree and kept using words to stimulate the giant eagle and Nighold to fight.

I called the two of them first because they were definitely the most determined ones.

As for what's next, I'll call my other friends for you. "

The voice fell, and despite the shocking eyes that Vidfornir and Taratosk looked at Heisenberg, Yemengarde screamed in the sky again.

The moment the laughter fell this time, the void around everyone suddenly changed!


I haven't finished writing it yet, I am writing it, and I will revise it in a few minutes, causing trouble for everyone.



This is the giant eagle Vader Fornil who lives in the top crown of the world tree and uses the countless universes linked by the branches of the world as materials to constantly trim his feathers!

As for this one, it is Taratosk, who lives on the trunk of the World and keeps using words to stimulate the giant eagle and Nighold to fight.

I called the two of them first because they were definitely the most determined ones.

As for what's next, I'll call my other friends for you. "

The voice fell, and despite the shocking eyes that Vidfornir and Taratosk looked at Heisenberg, Yemengarde screamed in the sky again.

The moment the laughter fell this time, the void around everyone suddenly changed!

This is the giant eagle Vader Fornil who lives in the top crown of the world tree and uses the countless universes linked by the branches of the world as materials to constantly trim his feathers!

As for this one, it was Taratosk, who lived on the trunk of the World Tree and kept using words to stimulate the giant eagle and Nighold to fight.

I called the two of them first because they were definitely the most determined ones.

As for what's next, I'll call my other friends for you. "

The voice fell, and despite the shocking eyes that Vidfornir and Taratosk looked at Heisenberg, Yemengarde screamed in the sky again.

The moment the laughter fell this time, the void around everyone suddenly changed!

This is the giant eagle Vader Fornil who lives in the top crown of the world tree and uses the countless universes linked by the branches of the world as materials to constantly trim his feathers!

As for this one, it was Taratosk, who lived on the trunk of the World Tree and kept using words to stimulate the giant eagle and Nighold to fight.

I called the two of them first because they were definitely the most determined ones.

As for what's next, I'll call my other friends for you. "

The voice fell, and despite the shocking eyes that Vidfornir and Taratosk looked at Heisenberg, Yemengarde screamed in the sky again.

The moment the laughter fell this time, the void around everyone suddenly changed!


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