Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 476: Nordic, Nordic.

In the ancient vast land of Asgard.

For the first time, Odin returned to his hometown in disarray.

He has defeated countless enemies, including his father, his brother.

He has also faced more than one failure.

Those failures may have frustrated him, but they never disappointed him.

But, at this moment...

After announcing the end of the meeting, seeing Tyre and others leaving one after another, Odin was no longer angry with Tuo's challenge to him.

All that was left in his heart was fear.

Or panic.

And despair!

He lost so badly!

This is the first time in his life that he has encountered a winless battle. His enemy is not fighting him at all, but playing with him!

He didn't even touch the enemy's skin, or in other words, he couldn't even see the enemy's figure in the end!

His weapon was taken by his enemies, and he was pierced through his heart countless times by his own weapon!

Faced with such a result, Odin was in despair!

At this moment, how can he defeat his enemy?

How will he defeat the completely irresistible God King Heisenberg!

Although now he has returned to his country with his own deployment, he knows that disputes will come back one day after all!

Even the weak will rise up against an invasion.

What's more, the strong ones?

Heisenberg will never let himself live a leisurely life, Asgard must be fully prepared, fully! !

For a while, Odin was restless, as if he could see the rainbow bridge all over the sky coming to his kingdom at any time!

Even in his dreams, he couldn't sleep well. In his dreams, he flew out countless times, and was stabbed in the chest by his own Gungnir countless times.

Sitting there, he moved his fingers anxiously.

He recalled the past, after he was not as strong as he is now!

He recalled what he did at the time, when he went to the front of the World Tree, sacrificed his eyes to the Well of Eternity, and then hung his neck from the World Tree.

He also drew seven deadly wounds on his body, and the blood from those wounds brought him to near death.

As a result, his soul entered the realm of the World Tree, and he used his last remaining eye to see every corner of the entire Nine Realms!

Seven days later, Odin left the World Tree, and at that time he really became the current God King!

His divine power traverses every note of the world tree, and his tentacles spread to all the worlds linked by the branches of the world!

At that moment, Odin was immeasurably powerful, but he never felt that he was invincible!

Because he has too many opponents, too many!

Nighold is still eating the roots of the World Tree. Odin is far from Nighold's opponent. He can only let the Valkyrie who extradited souls privately deliver the souls of countless sinners to Nighold. in the mouth.

Use the soul to make the black dragon full, so that the black dragon can slow down the speed of eating the World Tree!

In addition to Nighold, Odin has countless terrifying opponents.

It is like the worldly giant python Yemengade that surrounds the entire Nine Realms Lake, or surrounds the entire Nine Realms, whose size cannot be calculated.

This giant snake, whose tail extends from the underworld of Heim and whose head is rooted in Midgart, has inexplicably descended into his own nine realms!

Even though Odin had observed every corner of the Nine Realms, he didn't know where this giant snake appeared.

Fortunately, this snake is not Odin's trouble.

First of all, the earthly python doesn't eat much, and what he eats will naturally flow through his abdominal cavity and then transfer to the Nine Realms.

The wool comes from the sheep, and Yemengard is like a garbage hauler.

He eats some useless rubbish, and then produces countless wonderful objects with mysterious special and magical properties.

Aside from the slightly rancid smell of those items, those items were interesting.

What's more, although Yemengarde is troublesome, he is not his enemy.

Odin knew that he and Yemengarde would never be rivals!

Because through the prophecies of the three goddesses of fate, the whole of Asgard knows it.

Yermengard is Thor's old enemy. One day, they will both die in the middle of the deepest lake in Midgart in the process of Ragnarok!

So aside from Yemengard, who is the enemy of Odin's fate?

This point, Odin has long known clearly, he will die on the body of a wolf!

The wolf's two children are always walking between the sun and the moon.

Among those two children, a giant wolf named Skool kept chasing the sun.

The other one is called Hati. He is always attracted by the moon and tries to devour Yingying's moon.

And the father of these two wolves is the fierce wolf Fenrir who is still in the sea of ​​chaos and the underworld of Heim!

Odin knew that he would be swallowed alive by this wolf one day!

But even if he knew, Odin would not dare to do anything to this wolf, because it was Odin's destiny, destined destiny to be swallowed by him!

In the Nordic world, fate is supreme, even the **** king cannot reverse it!

If Odin takes action against the giant wolf too early, then one day, he will fall into Fenrir's mouth earlier than predicted!

Except for Nighold, Yermengard, Fenrir, Skool and Hattie.

Asgard also has countless dangerous opponents.

Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, still roams the northernmost ice field in Midgard.

Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, is still active in the deep sea in the northernmost part of Midgard, and brother Odin's body is still swallowed by Kraken!

The hellhound Garm ruthlessly guards the abyss of the underworld, and his huge mouth always competes with Asgard for the soul from the world!

Where is the soul, that is Nighold's appetite, for this, Odin was so anxious that his hair turned white, really white!

As for the most dangerous….

If it is said that Odin is most worried, of course, it is the legendary fire giant Surtur!

This giant who symbolizes destruction will always be the **** of the end that will destroy Asgard, end Ragnarok, and end the era of Viodin's rule!

The threat of the world without the truth of Greece!

Without the threat of Heisenberg and the guys he's destined to punch in.

That Odin still has countless time to plan and arrange his future.

He will plunder resources from different worlds bit by bit according to the original plan, and then use everything on his own troops.

After the Asgardian army is strong and strong, the gods that follow can be of great use.

One by one he'll cut out Asgard's threats!

He originally thought so, he originally thought he still had enough, almost infinite time.

but now….

Of course, after thinking that Heisenberg may bring people into Northern Europe at any time.

Those giant beasts that he had put behind him have all become thorns in his eyes, thorns in the flesh!

If the culprits destined to create Ragnarok in Asgard join forces with the foreign enemy Heisenberg.


For a time, Odin was furious!

"Tyr!!" he yelled!

With his roar, Tyr, who had just left the temple, came to Odin again.

He looked at Odin with a heavy brow and asked softly.

"The memory has just ended, why did you call me, Your Majesty?"

"Tyr, I need to know the latest news from the Greek world, especially about Heisenberg and his warriors!

You've always had a knack for cruising the astral world, and you're much better at scouring the news than that stupid Thor!

So, go to the Greek world and report me every news from that world!

We must know when they will come! "

"Of course it can!"

Listening to Odin's order, Tyre agreed very simply. Tyre was also very worried about the possibility of the Olympus pantheon entering his own world.

After receiving the order, Tyr quietly transmitted the astral channel and came to the world of Olympus.

In this way, Tyr, who was full of thoughts, collided with Zeus's final thunder that destroyed everything!

At that moment, Tyre really thought that his lurking operation had failed, and he almost exploded his last wave of divine power fighting his mother.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the thunder to completely dissipate from the world.

At this point, Tyre started his own investigation, and within two hours, he found the information he needed.

I saw him watching the deployments of the Divine Kingdom entering and leaving the infinite gate, while eavesdropping on the various conversations between them.

"In ten days, we're going to fight Asgard?"

"Damn, we are from Asgard, did your Majesty let us beat ourselves?"

"Don't worry about it so much, anyway, I listen to your majesty. As long as your majesty says that Asgard should be fought, then I will go back and demolish my old house!"

"Haha, don't be **** kidding, the place where Your Majesty is going to fight will never be our hometown, maybe there are other Asgards?"

"Who knows, don't think too much, come and move the food in first."

"Mom, these plants can talk, what the **** is this thing coming out of?"

"It seems to be called Vegetable Story mobilizing the world?"

"Damn it!"

After listening to a group of people talking, Tyr knew what to do, so he hurriedly returned to Asgard.

Standing in front of Odin's throne, Tyr reported with great seriousness.

"Your Majesty, it's fortunate that you took me to investigate, otherwise I would never have imagined that our warriors, the warriors of Asgard, would join Heisenberg's subordinates!"

"Hehe, I've already guessed this. The fact that I'm slightly inferior to Heisenberg is destined to make those **** with unstable buttocks jump out of the opponent's direction!"

After Odin finished speaking, he shook his head, and then stared at Tyr's face.

"You should know, Tyre, what I need you to do is not to find out how many of our people they have, but their war plan!"

"Ten days, Your Majesty, it only takes ten Olympus days and they will break into our world!"

"Ten days!!"

At this moment, Odin was shocked, and he clenched his fist directly.

But unexpectedly, Gungnir didn't go to him like he used to.

Feeling the empty palm, Odin let out a long sigh.


After sighing, he stomped his feet gently, and countless gods suddenly heard the call from Odin!

Odin gathered all the gods, including Baldur, who had lost his immortality and kept begging for death, and Thor, who had just failed to seize power and was full of frustration and unwillingness.

In front of the gods, Odin announced the news that Tyr had found. Ten days later, Olympus would invade the Nine Realms!

Odin asks the gods to mobilize every warrior of all races in the Nine Realms to start a life-and-death battle with the imminent invasion of Olympus!

Accompanied by the issuance of the order, all the gods became active, and they were very serious at this time.

Whether they liked Odin or not, they were their own, and the **** Olympus was a true heretic!

In this way, the gods traveled all over the nine realms in these ten days, and they gathered all the people they could recruit at the edge of the lake of the nine realms in Asgardry.

Countless warriors stood here, they suddenly drank the drink that Odin gave them, and then they were ready for war!

Time passed day by day, and finally, the tenth day arrived.

This morning, when the giant wolf Skur chased the sun into the sky, Odin looked at his army and frowned deeply.

"Only the dark elves and dwarves responded to my actions, the frost giants, the damned Midgard natives, the Vanir gods, and the fire giants and dragons, all of whom took my orders as a breeze in their ears!"

Having said this, Odin gritted his teeth.

"Gods, my warriors, you and I have seen that, even in the face of the life and death of the entire kingdom, our allies still ignore our needs.

They gave up the decision to protect the world, and let us face the coming, terrifyingly evil opponents ourselves!

But this is nothing, even without them, we are destined to win the final victory!

After we have won the victory, now all the races who have abandoned us, who do not welcome us, and who do not support the races that disease is watching us indifferently!

They will all pay the price! "

At this moment, facing the soldiers who were unstable because of their defeat not long ago.

Odin relies on…

This morning, when the giant wolf Skur chased the sun into the sky, Odin looked at his army and frowned deeply.

"Only the dark elves and dwarves responded to my actions, the frost giants, the damned Midgard natives, the Vanir gods, and the fire giants and dragons, all of whom took my orders as a breeze in their ears!"

Having said this, Odin gritted his teeth.

"Gods, my warriors, you and I have seen that, even in the face of the life and death of the entire kingdom, our allies still ignore our needs.

They gave up the decision to protect the world, and let us face the coming, terrifyingly evil opponents ourselves!

But this is nothing, even without them, we are destined to win the final victory!

After we have won the victory, now all the races who have abandoned us, who do not welcome us, and who do not support the races that disease is watching us indifferently!

They will all pay the price! "

At this moment, facing the soldiers who were unstable because of their defeat not long ago.

Odin relies on…

This morning, when the giant wolf Skur chased the sun into the sky, Odin looked at his army and frowned deeply.

"Only the dark elves and dwarves responded to my actions, the frost giants, the damned Midgard natives, the Vanir gods, and the fire giants and dragons, all of whom took my orders as a breeze in their ears!"

Having said this, Odin gritted his teeth.

"Gods, my warriors, you and I have seen that, even in the face of the life and death of the entire kingdom, our allies still ignore our needs.

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