Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 44: Are you all here?

After a little taste of Tony's future happiness, Heisenberg quietly fell asleep.

When he woke up again, little brother Billy was already standing beside him, reminding him softly.

"Boss, do you want to have some lunch first? You have a meeting to be held in the afternoon."

"A meeting, what meeting, what the hell?"

Heisenberg asked instinctively, and then he remembered today's work.

Yes, those **** gang bosses should also come to him to die!

Cough cough.

In a meeting, how can you say that those idiots are going to die!

So Heisenberg got up from the deck chair and went to eat something in the nightclub.

Due to the order he gave in advance, there were no half guests in the nightclub today.

At the same time, more than 30 professional cleaners have been arranged in the backstage of the nightclub.

The reason for being a cleaner and not a killer...

Heisenberg's subordinates don't need killers, because killers rely on sneak attacks to kill people, and Heisenberg's subordinates never kill in secret.

He slowly swallowed the last mouthful of steak and stuffed the last oyster into his stomach.

He put down his knife and fork, and patted little brother Billy on the shoulder.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, when they arrive, call me!"


Just like that, Heisenberg went back to the roof and basked in the sun leisurely.

If you look closely at his life, you will find that he seems to be basking in the sun nine out of ten days.

It was like this until 3:15 in the afternoon, when Billy finally came over to wake him up.

"Boss, everyone seems to be together!"


Heisenberg nodded knowingly, then got up from the reclining chair and walked towards the now closed nightclub.

Taking the elevator downstairs, Jessica and Bullseye were waiting when he came backstage.

Seeing Heisenberg's arrival, the two nodded to Heisenberg, while Bullseye said softly.

"Boss, we are all ready!"

"Well, do it cleanly!"

Heisenberg responded, then walked through the now-empty backstage, past all kinds of dancer costumes, and came to a nightclub without any customers.

The door of the nightclub has long been closed, and at this time, in the middle of the nightclub, there are more than forty people sitting randomly on the chairs.

They were either nervous or indifferently tasting the wine brought by Heisenberg's men.

When Heisenberg arrived, more than half of the group stood up decisively and greeted Heisenberg.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Excellency Heisenberg!"

Those who stood up said respectfully.

As for the remaining guys who didn't get up at all, they weren't even in the mood to look at Heisenberg.

But Heisenberg thought the same as they thought, and he didn't bother to look at these gangsters even once.

I saw him walking slowly to the front of his seat.


He tapped the table lightly and said in a very gentle tone.

"Today's meeting, I have only one thing to say. Have all the bosses in New York arrived, and is there anyone who hasn't?"

When the voice fell, one of the elders who stood up quickly shook his head and replied to Heisenberg.

"Your Excellency, we are all here!"

When he answered this question, the expression on his face was even a little excited, maybe he thought he could have the right to once gold and give him.

But he never thought of it.

When Heisenberg heard his answer...

"It's all here? Well, let's start!"

Heisenberg said softly, at the same time he simply turned around and walked back in the direction he came from.

And those of his men in the nightclub, under the leadership of Bullseye, took out their weapons in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, countless guns filled with blood and slaughter were aimed at these gang bosses.

"What's happening here!"

"Boss, you talk about things first, don't do it without even talking about it!!!"

"Damn it, we're about to do it now, but tell us what you want, in case we can do it!"

"Heisenberg, you're a **** on a horse!"

"You're too bold, you bastard, how dare you do such a thing!"

"You will pay for it!!!"

Da da da…….

Before they could finish their words, the gunshots had already sounded one after another. Bullseye even picked up the machine gun himself, so that every bullet of his own shot accurately into the chests of the gangsters.

In a short time, corpses were scattered everywhere.

And Heisenberg, looking at the corpse in front of him, nodded with satisfaction.

"Everyone is here, right? That's the only thing I have to say!"

he said.

"Since no one is late, kill each of them.

Bullseye, take your subordinates and go out to the street with the elites sent by Rumlow. From tonight, the dark night in New York will only have the name of Heisenberg!

Jessica, take the nightclub crew to clean up this place and don't let these greedy bugs stain my floor.

And Billy, young man, I appreciate your ability, I hope you don't get carried away by greed and ambition like these dead ghosts.

Everyone is entitled to achieve success and happiness through me, but those who disobey me are not.

Do your work and say goodbye to these **** **** for me! "

After speaking, Heisenberg walked back to the roof with brisk steps.

Perhaps it was because he was finally in a good mood. The way he was lying on the roof at this moment was extraordinarily leisurely.


At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is in the temporary headquarters of the Pegasus Project.

Bruce Banner, a radiology scientist who was squeezed into the Pegasus project as the commander-in-chief a month and a half ago.

He has just ended his life of being constantly excluded.


I have to admit that even if he does have wisdom worthy of being a commander-in-chief.

Even if he is more suitable for this job than others.

But when he suddenly squeezed into the plan with an airborne attitude...

There are far more people who hate him than those who admire him.

However, from the first day he joined the group, Dr. Banner made all preparations.

He knows the **** of the scientific research world, and he has the ability to deal with them.

No, so far, it's been a month and a half since I joined the group.

Relying on his extremely professional strength and unrestrained ideological realm, he successfully conquered countless great scientists under his command.

And at this time, he has also successfully enjoyed the happiness that he has not experienced in countless years!

I saw him returning to his dormitory with brisk and free steps after finishing today's work.

At this time, his dormitory was no longer what it used to be like a prison, but an ordinary scholar's dormitory.

But it was this kind of ordinary, this kind of ordinary, that made him realize the happiness he wanted most.

He is no longer a monster in the mouths of others.

Now, he has truly become one of the most intelligent scientists on earth, and has become Dr. Bruce Banner who is truly worthy of his mind!

Talking about his doctorate title, Banner walked into the room smartly and skillfully made a cup of coffee for himself.

He still has a lot of work at night, and now is not the time to rest.

After drinking the coffee, Banner savoured the taste of the special coffee provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., while thinking about the periodic formula of the surging energy of the universe Rubik's Cube.

That's right, after confirming that he would not release the beast in his heart to cause trouble for S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill transferred him to the current Cosmic Rubik's Cube research team.

Thinking of his current leisure and happiness, Banner suddenly thanked Heisenberg for beating him up.

In his opinion, if Heisenberg hadn't taught Hulk a few good lessons, how could he have the life he has today!

But he didn't expect that the leisure life he had just had would disappear along with the abnormality of the universe Rubik's Cube.

I saw Banner, who had just drank half a cup of coffee, heard the phone ring.

When he answered the phone, his current deputy, Professor Selvig, the former leader of the Pegasus Project, said nervously to him on the phone.

"Dr. Banner, there is an abnormality in the spectral record of the Cube, please come and observe it as soon as possible!"


Hearing Professor Selvig's words, Banner suddenly had a bad feeling.

So he put on his white coat and rushed to the main laboratory of the Pegasus Project with the most perfect scientist attitude.


In less than half an hour, in the air carrier far above the Rocky Mountains, Hill, who was then the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., received a call from Banner.

Hill was still a little nervous when he saw the call.

It was she who defied all opposition to send Bruce Banner into the Pegasus project. If Banner caused trouble again, it would be very difficult for her to do it.

So when she answered the phone, she asked Banner for the first time.

"What happened, how is the Pegasus plan?"

"Emmm, the Pegasus plan is not bad. We have developed at least three weapons to use the energy of the Rubik's Cube based on the energy law of the Universe Rubik's Cube!"

Banner answered softly.

However, this was not enough to relieve Hill. As a professional agent, Hill had already heard something wrong in Banner's tone.

"Speaking of the main point, what happened, your voice sounds a little nervous!"

On the other side of the phone, Banner didn't seem to be used to telling leaders about the flaws in the plan.

After all, his Bruce Banner-led research project has never gone wrong.


He had a showdown. He made a mistake in the first time he independently led a scientific research project, and he became the Hulk because of it.

As for after he never participated in a large-scale scientific research project like the Pegasus Project.

So, Banner said to Hill a little nervously.

"Well, there are indeed some problems with the Universe Rubik's Cube, and I'm a little unsure about the cause of this problem!"

Having said that, Banner instinctively picked up the scientific research report at hand, and while reading the abnormal jump curve in the recent stage of the universe Rubik's Cube, he continued to Hill.

"The universe seems to have some changes that we can't control. It is much more active than before, as if something is remotely controlling it!"

Speaking of which, Banner put down the scientific report and said to Hill solemnly.

"If possible, you'd better come and experience its changes in person. It just had a small-scale energy riot. I have to apply for the evacuation of the Pegasus Project Base. I'm afraid we have to temporarily give up the research on the universe Rubik's cube. already."

"Please hold on for a few more days. I will rush to the Pegasus base as soon as possible. Before I arrive, don't do anything to the universe cube for the time being!"

Hill quickly issued an order. As the last hope of the now-surviving S.H.I.E.L.D., the Cosmic Rubik's Cube never wanted it to be useless like this.

Therefore, after hanging up the phone, she immediately ordered the air carrier to turn around and head to the Pegasus base.

In the past two months, S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been unable to deal any huge blows in the face of the attacks of the Hydra remnants and the constant pressure of the World Security Council.

But Hill is also clear that both Professor Selvig and Professor Banner, who is sure not to suddenly become the Hulk, are all leaders in the industry.

Their judgments are basically not wrong.

So, you must be ready to give up the universe cube!

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