Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 438: old friends reunited

"Injustice begins with Marvel(


While throwing himself into Heisenberg's arms, Mogo roared Heisenberg's name with particular dissatisfaction.

However, the little girl's angry look was fierce, and it really couldn't make Heisenberg feel the slightest fear.

Patting the little white-haired Lolita in his arms, Heisenberg held Lolita's armpit and lifted the little girl up.

"What happened, who is mad at you?"

"It's you, you haven't been home for a long time, Sun!!!"

"Haha, okay okay, I will definitely take you for a walk in the next world.

No, there is no need for the next world, I just happen to have something to tell you! "

Heisenberg said as he put the big **** the ground.

After being put down, Mogo got angry for a while, turned into a slime form, and threw himself on Heisenberg's head with a plop.

Looking helplessly at the green ball above his head, Heisenberg shook his head and patted Mogo's round body lightly.

"Wait a minute, I'll gather everyone and talk about it!"

The voice fell, and Heisenberg clapped his hands gently...

At the same time, in countless worlds.

Loki, who is leading his troops to accept the Frost Giant's surrender.

Clark, who is exploring new worlds and constantly fighting a demon named Buu.

Hela, who is leading troops to invade the universe, is constantly invading on the site of supreme wisdom, and at the same time attracts the attention of Captain Marvel.

There are also countless figures of the kingdoms of gods that are constantly passing through in many universes.

The moment Heisenberg clapped, they all stopped their movements!

But Clark was a bit miserable. He was directly hit by that pink fat Buu this time.

Fortunately, Clark's friend named Sun Wukong helped him take over the war with Buu, which Clark had just met, which allowed Clark to free up his voice to listen to Heisenberg's words.

And then, facing the waiting of all the subordinates in the feeling, Heisenberg said softly.

"Everyone, temporarily put aside the things at hand and return to the Kingdom of God to gather.

We are about to launch a huge operation! "

"Received, boss!"

"Grandpa, I'm a little troublesome. There is a super villain in my world who destroys the world. I'm dealing with him, so I'm afraid I have to wait a while!!!"

"Your Majesty, I'll be right back!"

"I...I also run the Earth Council, uh...the one I created recently.

So, I'm afraid I'll be a few minutes later, I'm going to talk about various matters with my recently recruited assistant, Robin, and Council Vice President Barbara. "

"Big action, haha, my Atlantis and I can't wait!

By the way, Your Majesty, why do they always show contempt for me when I introduce myself to them in different worlds?

Do people in other worlds look down on a female sea king like me? "

"Your Majesty, is it related to Diana?

After she lost contact, you called a big operation, was it Diana she...? ! ! "

"I'll call someone. Some people are still in different corners of the world. Only my speed can find them the fastest!"

"Your Majesty, I have suspended my experiment. Are you in the Kingdom of God? I will arrive at the Infinity Plaza immediately!"

"Haha, I just built my storm axe, and there is a big action coming to my door, I'm so excited to explode!!!"

"For the Burning Legion!"

"Sorry Your Majesty, he was bewitched, we are treating him, and he is reluctant to use honor points to recover!"

All of a sudden, countless beings in countless worlds made their own reactions.

Some are faster, some are slower, but all in all.

From the moment Heisenberg's voice fell, The Flash had already rushed to him and stood firm!

"Boss, haha, why am I still the first?

I even notified the comrades in more than a dozen worlds who turned off the communication and focused on special training.

Alright alright, maybe I'm going fast again, which is really making me sad.

The faster I go, the more time I spend in a daze.

But now I know exactly how to go fast, but I can't slow myself down.

They call me the **** of speed, but I'm the **** of speed at best, and I'm like perfect speed control.

But the amount of honor required for that is simply sky-high, and it's too difficult for me! "

As soon as Xiao Shan appeared, she talked a lot to Heisenberg in her own rhythmic words.

Looking at the active Flash, Heisenberg smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, the most suitable person for this big operation is probably you.

Unlike them, this time, maybe you'll have some really big gains! "


What's the big catch?

My God, I'm so curious, boss!

I……. "

"Ahem, if you keep your mouth shut, you'll be on your way, boy!"

"Uh... well, I'll be quiet now, quiet..."

Xiao Shan, who was reprimanded, stepped back helplessly.

Immediately after Xiao Shan arrived, Heisenberg was a little unexpected, and saw a door suddenly appear beside Heisenberg!

After the door opened, Crossbones, Bullseye, and the blind man walked out together...

Well, it's not blind, it's Daredevil, laughing at it.

Seeing the three of them, Heisenberg tilted his head in surprise.

Seeing this, Crossbones said to Heisenberg seriously.

"Long time no see, boss, as you can see, in order to complete the task more conveniently, I exchanged any door with Bullseye and President Night Demon....

Of course, in order to collect any door, we also exchanged the four-dimensional pocket.... "

The voice fell, and Crossbones held back his laughter while pointing to Daredevil's stomach with black lines all over his face.

Heisenberg looked down the fingers of the crossbones, and his face suddenly turned black....

Is the fourth-dimensional pocket the reason why Daredevil wears this white apron on the outside of his suit...

It's too hot for the eyes! ! !

While spitting out a groove in his heart, Heisenberg waved helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I'm relieved to see you adapt so well."

"Haha, of course, boss.

We couldn't have adapted better!

After having the honor point system, Crossbones exchanged Captain America's physical fitness for the first time.

The three of us are currently studying the Force in the Star Wars universe.

The Force is the dream of every American!

Of course, the dream is more of a lightsaber!

But it's over, and you're disappointed, boss.

Me... and a few of us.

Our strength is really not keeping up with the trend.

Compared to Fist of the Gods, which is Chief Clark, we are too weak.

But we know that no matter how weak, we can still earn honor points for you in the right universe.

That's what we should do.

You have given us unlimited possibilities, we will make a career, boss! ! ! "


Listening to Bullseye's words, Heisenberg was suddenly moved for some reason.

Yes, as time goes by, his subordinates are getting stronger and stronger.

Even in the world of Greek mythology, those who belong to the gods have become multiverse-level powerhouses who can fight the five gods.

Even those old buddies that I had back then had the exchange system that I gave them.

In terms of strength, they have also been unable to keep up with the progress.

Did you treat these old hands a little bit badly?

Thinking of this, Heisenberg patted Bullseye on the shoulder and asked softly.

"How's Billy going, isn't he with you?"

"Huh? Boss, don't you know? Billy has been staying in New York in the Marvel universe.

He said he wanted to keep the opera house for you, and he didn't know when you would go back to rest. "


Bullseye's voice fell, and Heisenberg suddenly had mixed feelings.

In order to protect and take care of his earliest foothold, Billy didn't even try to enter the gate of the infinite world? !

Thinking of this, Heisenberg frowned and said.


The voice fell, and Billy, who was still dispersing the dust on Heisenberg's bed, came to Heisenberg in a blink of an eye!

Being suddenly summoned, Billy was really confused, and he quickly pulled out the pistol at his waist.

But then he saw the people around him, and when he saw Heisenberg, he immediately showed a slightly shocked look.

But even though he was shocked, Billy was not rude. Like the steward of a thousand-year-old nobleman, he bowed gently to Heisenberg with incomparable grace.

"Master, please do your best!"


He looked elegant and well-behaved, his first butler.

Heisenberg was suddenly speechless.

His lips quivered twice, and he reached out his right hand and pressed it lightly on Billy's shoulder.

"Why didn't you go to the infinite gates to find strength, Billy, like them?"

"Master, not everyone needs to be your warrior, I am no longer your strength compared to everyone else.

Besides, the Opera House is your first stop in the Marvel universe.

That is the miracle you left behind, and it is necessary for me to maintain harmony and hygiene there. "

"no need!"

Listening to Billy's explanation, Heisenberg simply shook his head.

"I don't want you to dedicate your life to a house I lived in!

I need you to do more than that!

I need you to chase longer life, I need you to have more power.

You are still an ordinary person, then go to Brother Stark to get a complete set of multi-functional linkage armored space station, and go for a walk in the world marked as below three stars!

Your... recent work, I appreciate it, but that's not enough.

You deserve your own life!

What's more, walking through different universes and seeking more honor points is also helpful to me.

Would you like to support me in another way, Billy! "

"Of course I will, and I will do it all my life, my lord!"

Billy bowed deeply to Heisenberg, and then he gave a smile that resembled Alfred's.

Billy asked in a low voice, standing behind Heisenberg.

"But sir, should you... be concerned about the issue of the heir?

Of course you are destined for immortality, I have seen that already.

But it's time for you to have a child too, and it's only when you have a child that your life is truly complete! "


In the blink of an eye, like Alfred, Billy turned into a marriage party...

Heisenberg shook his head helplessly.

It's just that before he could speak, the green slime above his head jumped twice unhappily.

"What are you talking about, Billy!

It's enough for my dad to have a daughter!

I am his child, I am! ! !

You just look down on me at all, woo woo woo...! ! ! "


Mogo's cry startled Billy. Looking at the fake crying little Slime, Billy anxiously thought of a way.

However, this matter was not difficult for the smart Billy. In just a moment, he blurted out to Mogo.


Are you just the master's daughter?

I thought you were something else like…. "

"Cough, okay, okay, I understand.

In fact, it would be good for the sun to have more children, and I also want to taste what it is like to be an elder.

You are a good talker, and if you have time, keep in touch. I am Mogo, the planet under your feet! "

"That's amazing, Mogo, you're beautiful, and your breath smells so good, the air here is really fresh."

Billy smiled and complimented and comforted little Mogo who had changed his face like a season change.

And while Billy was chatting with Mogo, more and more people gradually returned to Heisenberg.

In addition to Clark and Batman, the Kryptonians and Hela's team gradually lined up in front of Heisenberg.

Behind them, Atlantis and Amazon are dissatisfied but really slow.

Queen Mera and Hippolyta huddled together, whispering ill of Hela.

It's not that they don't want to complain about Fiona, it's just that Fiona's identity as a Kryptonian and the Kryptonian Legion makes them a lot afraid.

Those were relatives of Heisenberg's own bloodline, and in their eyes, the Kryptonians were similar to those royal relatives in the dynasty era.

They won't compete with such a race for anything!

And when there were more and more people, interesting things that Heisenberg could see gradually appeared.

A variety of costumes, a variety of abilities, although not unified, but the subordinates often team up with each other to go to different universes.

So it can be seen that although it is confusing, according to their respective positions, the division of labor within their respective teams is very clear.

Just like the people closest to Hela.

Although they all wore bronze holy clothes.

But they do have a sticker with a racing car on it, which is responsible for maneuvering.

There are also small hammers pinned to the back of the holy clothes.

This is for maintenance.

Others simply put on big cloaks, held lightsabers, and muttered….

Cough, this is not right, this is a mess.

In short, looking at his chaotic subordinates, Heisenberg was not dissatisfied, only full of relief!

Looking at their messy clothes and decorations, even just looking at them, Heidelberg felt that his group of men were really mature!

They are not new anymore!

After all, everyone who plays games probably knows that.

Teams that are dressed upright, and teams that wear fancy clothes.

The level of the two teams is often very different.

The bells and whistles are called bosses....

It's just a rookie in a formal suit!

While watching, Heisenberg silently waited for after about fifteen or six minutes....

Heisenberg slammed open a portal above his head!

Clark was wearing a black battle uniform and flew out from there in a blink of an eye, but at the same time he appeared, a man in a martial arts uniform jumped out after him! .

As he fell to the ground, the man with slightly non-mainstream hair looked left and right.

"Fight or not, so many people!

Clark, are these your comrades-in-arms, you have too many comrades-in-arms too!

Although they have never practiced, their qi is so powerful!

Wait, there is actually more powerful Qi than you!

That is... what is that, the guy with the six fires behind him is the enemy you are looking for me to deal with! ! !

I can't feel him at all, but he's definitely strong, at least as good as the Buu we just beat together! ! ! "

"Cough, that is my grandfather, Wukong!"

Listening to the non-mainstream gentleman's question, Clark helplessly explained.

He then greeted Heisenberg while pulling Goku to his side.

"Long time no see, Grandpa.

I'm sorry, this is a friend I met in the new universe, he's just too much for my appetite!

I couldn't hold back, so I invited him over as a guest.

I'm sorry, Grandpa, I made my own decisions! "

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, Sun Wukong, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

After listening to Clark's words, I looked at the naive Saiyan Sun Wukong, but his strength was comparable to Clark's.

Heisenberg smiled and waved at Sun Wukong.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy.

But I have to fix it.

I'm not equal to Buu, I'm much stronger than that guy.

You will see in the future! "

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