When the words fell, Heisenberg showed his usual sneer, but after he laughed, he quickly frowned again.

He finally thought of the reason why he specially went to see Spider-Man, who was only eight years old, and gave the watch to the little spider.

The reason why he went back to the roof to make plans for his future.

Whether it is saying goodbye to the past or looking forward to the future.

Everything is because now he doesn't want to change back to the ordinary self in the past!

It turns out that he is the real greedy person. Once he gains the power he has now, he will never want to be ordinary again...

Then, let's not be human.

I saw Heisenberg nodded to himself, and at the same time instructed the system.

"It takes more than 6,000 origin materials to go back to the original universe, right?"


"How much will it cost to get back to the Marvel Universe?"

"The round-trip cost is the same."

"Will the Marvel Universe continue to run when I go home, or will it be suspended?"

"As Lawful, you want it to work, and it works!"

"Haha, I don't know what your system is asking me to do. My rights are too great, but my responsibilities don't seem to be much.

But that's fine, take me home and stop Marvel first! "

While Heisenberg was talking, Gu Yi showed a bright smile in the faraway Kama Taj.

Feeling the time and space that is gradually suspending around her, it is a time-stop that even she can't control.

She didn't feel any fear, because she had already seen that the universe would get better after each such pause brought by Heisenberg.

And Heisenberg, he quietly turned into dust, turned into a black hole, and rolled himself back to the original universe!



As if dropping a stone in the water full of waves, Heisenberg quietly emerged from the foot of the most famous mountain in Phoenix, unnoticed.

There used to be his home, it was... the place where he opened a mahjong parlor before crossing.

But now....

Heisenberg glanced left and right. His mahjong hall was actually closed? ! !

Anger immediately surged into my heart. Could it be that I encountered the plot of the return of the God of War?

Someone took advantage of their disappearance and started to bully their elderly parents, smashed their mahjong parlor, and even madly licked their orange cat's head? ! !

"I'm not here these days, how long has it been since the origin universe?"

"All timings are based on the lawful ones. Eleven days have passed since the originating universe."

"To project everything that happened in Phoenix these days into memory fragments and send them into my mind, how much origin material do I need?"

"It's very simple, one hundred and eighty-six squares."

"do it!"

Heisenberg gave an order, and everything that happened in Phoenix for the past eleven days unfolded in Heisenberg's mind.

That is, the Kryptonian's brain can only accept such a huge flow of information. After Heisenberg selected the information, he finally found out what he needed.

Seeing this, he immediately had mixed feelings.


"Why, what are you all doing? Aren't you good friends? Can a good friend kill someone? Why should I lose my son for such a big living person!"

"I told him a long time ago not to cause trouble, not to cause trouble, why did it disappear, was it kidnapped, ask us to get the money, we will give it!!!"

"Seal it, keep the sadness!"

"Sold it? Why sold it? It's my son's place. I'd rather rebuild a mourning hall for him!"

"Where the **** did he go, baby, his dad, you're looking for it, go find his friends and ask!"

"We called the police, yes, yes, yes, I am Hai Dayou, my son is missing!"

"Can't you find it? There's no news at all. Aren't you **** police? People, if you can't find it, just keep looking for it, big living people, please!!!"

"Daughter-in-law, I... I really can't find our son, where else can I find it!!!"

"Husband, our son is back, he is back, his watch is gone, he must have taken it away!!!"

"What table?"

"Just the pile of clothes he left in the mahjong hall, there is a watch in it, he likes the one most, it's hundreds of thousands, I have been keeping it close to my body, it's gone, he must have come back and took it again. !"

"What on earth did he do to disappear? He owes money, and the family is not short of money. He gives us a lot every year!"

"Did you go bankrupt and offend anyone?"

"You stop. When he comes back, he must be in trouble, and he will come back sooner or later!"

"Yes, our son will come back!"


For a moment, Heisenberg burst into tears....

Well, the extremely melancholy Heisenberg suddenly found that even though he was hit by such a huge emotion, he still couldn't shed half a tear.

His parents still loved him as much as before, but he has changed and become... incredible....

Feeling the clear sadness in my heart, but I also clearly discovered the most real thoughts in my heart.

Even if his parents love him and need him.

He was also reluctant to throw away everything he had.

His heart has become wild, and he wants to go to every universe to feel the splendor of every different civilization.

He didn't want to keep his strength in the Origin Universe and become the ordinary him he used to be!

Or be a superman from the origin universe!

not to mention…….

Heisenberg thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly.

What my parents need now is not this self who does not value the value of life, but is also full of ambition and desire for control!

"System, reshape a me, a me from the past, and give him all the memories of my past!"

"Received, you need two hundred and twenty-six sources of origin material."

"Do it, send this me to my parents, they need me!"

The voice fell, and Heisenberg soared into the sky. He controlled his position to refract the surrounding light, making it impossible for all the cameras to take a clear picture.

Flying out of the universe all the way, Heisenberg stayed on the moon and looked at the earth, which was not far away for him.

After looking at it for a long time, he finally shook his head.

"When people are out of town, they always feel that the people in their hometown are more beautiful and the water is sweeter.

But when he came back, he found no difference.

Even for me, this ordinary world called Origin is far less exciting than other universes! "

Heisenberg took one last look at the Origin Earth, then turned around and said softly.

"System, come out and talk!"

"I always."

"Yeah, it's always been there, even before me, you still exist, so what about me before, that is to say, your other hosts, are you detached or dead?"

"They left unfinished business."

"Well, they are all dead. After all, living people only have goals, not unfinished careers!"

Heisenberg nodded knowingly, then continued to ask the system.

"I'm lawful, but to be honest, my job doesn't look like law at all.

So, tell me, what changes will my work bring to the universe, and what will they mean? "

"Whether order or chaos, the universe does not need the continuous extension of a single thought, only the balance of order and chaos can ensure that the universe will never come close to the end.

Whether good or evil, the loss of a diverse universe will approach the limit of entropy faster than the normal universe, so the host's job is to bring changes to the universe, and every change will add weight to the balance and continuation of the universe.

As the lawful one chosen by the will of the universe, you are one of the most suitable beings to accomplish this task. You will bring order to the chaotic world, make the righteous world feel evil, rekindle the blood of the decadent world, and make good The world of war is at peace.

This is your job. "

"Ha? Hahahaha!"

Heisenberg suddenly laughed. It turns out that this is the true meaning of the Law.

His lawfulness is not the law that guards the order, but the law that brings the world back to balance.

A life cannot be too good or too evil. He needs to ensure a balance between justice and evil in a universe, that is, to be a wicked person in a world that is too just, and a good person in a world that is too evil.

Life cannot develop too fast, nor can it develop too slowly. Heisenberg needs to intervene in the development of the universe, so that the overall environment of the world can reach the state that the universe really needs!

"But the system, I can't see the degree of the universe's balance at all, which is the so-called increase in entropy, so how can I judge whether my actions are effective?"

"You don't have to judge those, the immutable multiverse has always followed its destiny as it should have continued.

But when the lawful invaders broke into the unchanging multiverse, they have injected a change factor into the unchanging universe.

You don't need to deliberately pursue balance. What you do, every trace of your destiny, and every ray of origin material you harvest will prolong the universe's path to destruction.

You have no right or wrong, neither good nor evil, but you must be the most special and meaningful life in the universe, no doubt about it. "

"Haha, God knows what you said is true or false, but I like what you said, the most meaningful life?"

Heisenberg smiled, but shook his head again.

"It's not so much that I am the most meaningful life, but I want to thank you for giving me this extra meaningful life. Let's go back to Marvel!"

The voice fell, he turned into dust at one time, and disappeared in the origin universe in a blink of an eye.

Marvel world, Heisenberg opened his eyes.

He still stayed on the rooftop.

Very good, it seems that his departure will not have any impact on Marvel.

Of course, Heisenberg knew that there were various Supremes in Marvel, but it turned out that the authority of the system was even higher than those Supremes.

oaa, Supreme, right? Heisenberg is looking forward to the day when he will be beheaded.

But that is in the future, and now he still has to continue his plan.

Let S.H.I.E.L.D. accelerate its research on the Rubik's Cube!

But this thing needs a suitable leader to carry out.

The current New York S.H.I.E.L.D. is in a situation where the chaos of the United Nations countries makes it impossible to influence S.H.I.E.L.D.

SHIELD in New York is almost what Captain America said alone~www.NovelMTL.com~ His character will not start with the universe Rubik's Cube.

So, I had to ask those Skrulls to send Nick Fury and Hill back as soon as possible.

Nick Fury....

Heisenberg shook his head, he had to die, his hide-and-control character was destined to be trouble.

So, let Hill take up the post of Director of SHIELD ahead of schedule!


Originated from Earth, Phoenix Mountain Police Station...

Heisenberg looked at the policeman who kept asking him in confusion.

"I ran naked?!!

I ran around naked, and I was riding a horse to play cards, you know, the kind that doesn't play with money, and I ended up on the street all of a sudden! ! ! "

"What? You said I lost 230,000 in one fell swoop?

That's all a joke, we won Happy Beans! ! ! "

"What the heck, you said that my friends have admitted that in order to avoid the trouble of my disappearance, they took the initiative to report that they gambled to avoid trouble?!!"

"When did I disappear!"

"Why did I disappear... What date is today?"

"Oh my god, yes, what's the matter with me? Why did I suddenly disappear when I was playing cards?"

"I'm in a special situation. Besides, although I lost a lot, but I didn't give them any money at all, can't you be bragging about me? Why do you arrest me, why do you arrest me!!!"

"Catch me and run naked..."

"Is this what I think? I'm not pretending, it's a showdown, I'm kidnapped by aliens!!!"

"As for the reporter, approaching the science column group, isn't this more bizarre than the scream of a sow in the middle of the night!"

"Let go of me, I'm not crazy, let go, let me go, I'm biting, I'm biting!!!"

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