Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 322: Westchester massacre

"Wait, what the **** are you talking about?!!"

Heisenberg's voice just fell, and before the little wolf girl could react, Logan on the side exploded?

"If I heard correctly, you actually want this kid to kill those shit..."

Speaking of which, Wolverine was silent for a while.

After a while, he coughed twice.

"Cough, who are they?

Well, I don't care who this **** is, anyway, are you making this kid kill? ! ! "

"That's right, I'm letting this kid kill you!"

Facing Logan's accusation, Heisenberg simply stood up.

He came all the way to the little wolf girl who was full of anger and excitement, and in the slightly tangled attitude of the little wolf girl, he reached out and rubbed the little wolf girl's head.

In the face of the big hand, the little wolf girl bared her teeth gently, but it was a pity that Heisenberg was not afraid of her at all.

So, Heisenberg's palm gently pressed on the little wolf girl's head.

"Look, Laura, you know them all, don't you.

Here, someone created you alive and injected you with that **** Edman alloy!

Do you still remember the pain in the past? "

The voice fell, and Heisenberg looked at Logan.

"If I remember correctly, even when your old wolf was injected with Edman metal, he almost cried in pain.

Not to mention the poor child Laura! "

"No, I didn't cry!"

Although Logan was at a loss for words, he still emphasized one sentence.

Heisenberg ignored the stubbornness of the old wolf and saw him continue talking to the little wolf girl.

"In addition to the people who made you, there are more people who train you.

Some of them gave your favorite pet, like a rabbit.

They make you love rabbits, they make you tear your rabbits apart.

Such a taste, don't want to give them back? "

"Of course she should think like that, but she shouldn't do such a thing now!"

Logan was still chattering beside him.

Heisenberg continued his teaching.

"Before, you escaped your original fate with the help of another person.

However, in addition to you, there are many people like you who are tortured by the fate they made up.

When you decide to flee, you don't have the power to change that, but when you have the power, do you want to let them go? "

At the same time, on the other hand, Lao Lang continued his persuasion out of the last pity in his heart.

"That girl, yes, it's you, little girl.

Don't listen to the **** next to you!

Whatever you've been through before, I can guess how unpleasant those experiences were.

But I am sure that if you choose to do it yourself today, then no matter how happy you are in the future, their blood will linger in your dreams!

Trust me, I have the same claws as you, I…. "

The old wolf stretched out his claws with all his might, and with the blood dripping from his fingers, he looked at the girl with hope.

Who knows....

Facing the gossip of Heisenberg and Logan, Laura made a decision very simply.

She let go of Heisenberg's hand and put her claws next to her mouth instead.



Just as the little wolf girl was about to lick her claws, she found herself licking Heisenberg's palm.

She suddenly looked at Heisenberg suspiciously.

Facing Little Wolf Girl's dazed look, Heisenberg smiled.

"Do it if you want to, don't develop this messy habit, dirty!"

The voice fell, the little wolf girl nodded dizzily, then turned around with a cold face, and went back to the people who had hurt her!

In the end, she was the first to stop in front of Dr. Rice.

Looking at the cold and **** little wolf girl, Dr. Rice smiled gloomily.

"I failed, hehe, even if the genetically modified food I developed destroys the hidden mutant factors in everyone, there are still such terrifying mutants born in the world.

I just hate myself for not having…. "

Sa! ! !

Little Wolf Girl didn't want to give him a chance to speak. Her slender but extremely sharp claws cut off Dr. Rice's head directly.

Grabbing Dr. Rice's head, the little wolf girl with blood on her chest slammed the head up to her.


The girl roared desperately, and then, in Professor X's extremely disappointed, Wolverine's extremely relieved eyes, she rushed to the other twelve people!

For a while, there was mourning everywhere, and the blood and brains almost covered the little wolf girl's entire body.

Little Wolf Girl's sharp blade had already torn the gifts into pieces, but she did not stop, and no one else stopped her.

This kind of venting lasted for more than seven minutes. When the little wolf girl finally stopped, she was already kneeling in the flesh and blood of her organs, and she turned into a deadly, beautiful but **** little devil. .

Facing such a little devil, Heisenberg smiled and leaned over to the little wolf girl and stretched out his right hand to her.

"Congratulations on getting rid of the nightmare from the past, little one!"

Hearing Heisenberg's words, the little wolf girl raised her head in confusion.

Look at Heisenberg's smiling face, and the big hand he stretched out.

The little wolf girl hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched her hand towards Heisenberg.

But just when the two hands were about to touch, the little wolf girl pursed her lips, and she quickly retracted her hands.

Then, she first retracted her claws, and then she put her hands full of blood and thick pulp on the clothes that were also full of blood, and wiped them desperately.

However, no matter how much she wiped, she couldn't get her hands clean.

For a while, for some reason, Little Wolf Girl was so anxious that even tears began to brew.

She didn't find it sad that she couldn't hold hands.

It's just that she suddenly found out, just as the old wolf said.

It turned out that when she really did it, the blood stains really couldn't be wiped clean.

Looking at the little wolf girl who was about to cry, Heisenberg smiled and shook his head, then continued to reach out.

Squeezing the palm of the little wolf girl, she will sit on the ground and the little wolf girl will be pulled up, and then said.

"Don't think about things you shouldn't think about, you just need to know that you did nothing wrong.

As for what is right and what is wrong.

I was right! "

The voice fell, Heisenberg moved his right hand, and the stains on Little Wolf Girl disappeared in an instant.

Then, Heisenberg looked at the little wolf girl's dress.

Jeans, denim clothes, even if this kind of dress is clean, there are not many little girls that should look like.

"Come on, give this cute child a change of clothes, just a different one... It's closer to our style!"

When the words fell, Heisenberg gently picked up the little wolf girl and sent it to the arms of the person in charge who hurried over.

Feeling Heisenberg's movements, Little Wolf Girl panicked for no reason.

She quickly grabbed Heisenberg's arm!

Looking at Heisenberg's expectant eyes, Little Wolf Girl hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help opening her mouth.


The little wolf girl said weakly.


She just repeated Heisenberg's name.

And her indifferent voice, but enough attachment, had already fascinated Heisenberg.

So Heisenberg patted Little Wolf Girl's hand.

"Go ahead, change into a suitable outfit and get some sunshine with me.

In addition to sunshine and drinks, there are many delicacies waiting for you. "

The voice fell, the little wolf girl nodded clearly, and then jumped out of the arms of the person in charge.

"I'll go by myself!"

She said firmly, and then walked further and further behind the person in charge.

After the little wolf girl disappeared in the direction of the dressing room, Heisenberg sighed.

On the side, countless staff rushed towards the bloodstain.

Sweeping, watering, and after a while, there was no more blood on the ground.

As if nothing ever happened.

By the time the cleaning was over, Heisenberg had already reclined back into the reclining chair.

He waved to Gabriela, who was standing sluggishly not far away.

Beside Gabriela, the service staff pushed her waist, making her wake up suddenly.

She bowed quickly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Heisenberg, I..."

"No more words, thank you for taking care of Laura, Gabriela!"

The voice fell, and Heisenberg waved his hand casually.

"But considering that you are the so-called renunciation, and considering that you have done the same wrong things as those gifts.

So, the merits and demerits are equal. "

Having said this, Heisenberg nodded to the person in charge.

"send her home!"


The person in charge immediately took the lead, and before Gabriela could say anything, she was already dragged onto the plane by countless soldiers.

After the plane took off, Professor X finally couldn't help it.

He sighed and said to Heisenberg.

"It's a bit cruel to that child, Your Excellency."

"No, no, don't say that to me, you hypocritical Virgin, stupid old fellow!

Come to think of it, all I did was give her a choice, an opportunity to decide whether or not to vent her resentment.

What really caused her pain wasn't the deceased who threw her into this terrifying fate? "

The voice fell, and Heisenberg snapped his fingers.

"Come on, Professor X may drink too much, give him a bowl of bean juice to refresh himself!"

"Wait, please don't do this, I think what you said makes sense, makes sense!"

Professor X smiled helplessly, then looked at Logan and asked.

"Logan, what do you think?"

"I don't feel anything because no matter what I do, I can't change what has happened.

What's more, I won't publish your long and sad tirade about what has happened! "

When the words fell, Logan lay down and tucked his feet into the woman's arms again.

He was relieved, and let himself, the old ghost who was thrown away by the times, relive the joy of the past!

For a while, none of the four said a word, and they let the service staff put on sunglasses for them, and then continued to enjoy the pure sunshine.

Until the little wolf girl was sent out, everyone opened their eyes for this.

Looking at the little wolf girl wrapped in a beach sports skirt, Professor X smiled gratified.

"Hehe, Logan, look at it.

Look at this child, how similar she is to you! "

"Shit, Charles, am I just a little girl in a skirt to you?"

"No no no, it's not the clothes, it's the eyes!

It's the kind of eyes that are obviously very firm, but can't find the direction at all!

Just like you I found in the bar back then! "

Having said that, Professor X put his hand in the woman's arms and propped up his upper body with difficulty.

"I am suddenly looking forward to my future life. I can live a long time. There are many children like her who need me and your help, Logan!"


After listening to Professor X's words, Logan was blinded.

He looked deeply into Charles' eyes and asked in disbelief.

"You...even after that incident, did you still not give up your dream of rebuilding X Academy???"

When the voice fell, Logan covered his mouth fiercely, and he lost his words.

Because he just thought that what he said would be the pain of Professor X's life!

Indeed, as soon as Logan's voice fell, Professor X trembled violently.

He frowned deeply, and then his old eyes filled with tears.

I saw him gently put down the upper body that had just been lifted, and then lay there weakly, whispering in a low voice.

"I think too much, I think too much...I...why can I live so long..."

Seeing Professor X's broken heart, Heisenberg smiled and shrugged.

"Rogan, I admit that you are qualified to be compared to Tony in terms of beating your teammates!"


Who is that special, whoever he is, I hope he stays away from me! "

While complaining, Logan turned around in pain.

It is really cruel for my old friend to remind my old friend of the tragedy that happened in X Academy!

On the side, the little wolf girl walked ignorantly to Heisenberg's reclining chair, and she carefully grabbed Heisenberg's trousers.

This made Heisenberg a little embarrassed. He handed the girl to the service staff and put the **** the other reclining chairs while putting on handsome sunglasses.

The girl lay down in confusion, and couldn't help but ask.

"What's up with him?"

The voice fell, and the girl looked at Heisenberg expectantly, while Heisenberg turned to look at the person in charge behind him.

Facing Heisenberg's eyes, the person in charge sighed softly.

"A year ago, in Westchester, Professor X first suffered from Alzheimer's, which caused his ability to spin out of control.

In that incident, Professor X's psychic ability controlled a huge space-time, causing everyone who existed in that space-time to lose the ability to breathe and move! "

"Yeah, my loss of control made them unable to even breathe, I watched them helplessly die in front of me, and watched!!!

I'm an old lunatic, I should have died, I shouldn't have lived until 2028, I shouldn't! ! !

I……! "

"Stop it, Charles!"

Before the gradually collapsed Professor X lost control again, Heisenberg waved his hand to stop his words.

"No matter how much you have failed, at least you should have the heart to face all that!"

When the words fell, Heisenberg waved coldly at the person in charge, who immediately ignored Charles' pain and continued to speak coldly.

"In that runaway, Westchester killed more than six hundred, including one hundred and forty-two mutants, and seven X-men..."


Logan turned over and severely interrupted the person in charge.

"Heisenberg, you let me drink this **** wine, and let me enjoy the **** gentle country.

These things are not just to stimulate the hearts of us old ghosts with the pain of the past! "

"Logan, it's okay, it's okay!"

Professor X shook his head helplessly.

"I should listen to those, and I really shouldn't forget them, if even I forget them, forget everything at the beginning.

Well, who else will remember the evidence of their existence?

I was wrong, I made a mistake, that's the truth, that's the truth…. "

Accompanied by the increasingly lonely voice, Professor X moved his dead eyes to look at the constantly shining sun in the sky.

I've made too many too many.

Like Charles, Logan looked at the sun in confusion. His old friend seemed to have gotten rid of his illness and he came back.

But why, I feel more pain and sadness instead?

On the side, the little wolf girl looked at Heisenberg and asked softly ignorantly.

"What's wrong with them...?

Is... crazy? "

"No, child, they just didn't live the way they wanted, and at the same time completely lost that opportunity..."

"The way you want...?"

"Yeah, it's like they're in a dream, who doesn't want to live like a dream?

But who can? "


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