Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 31: You are not qualified to represent the earth

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

With Hulk's roar, the narrow door was torn apart instantly.

The metal wall and metal door more than half a meter thick, just the sound of being torn apart made the Hydra agents extremely uncomfortable!

Sitwell covered his ears with difficulty, and hurriedly found a safe place to hide before the Hulk came out completely.

As for the other Hydra agents, they lined up one by one and began to lure Hulk.

Hulk finally squeezed his huge body out of the room, and then a blast of bombs hit his brain.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has carried out countless simulated attacks on Hulk, and they know what kind of weapons can do what to Hulk.

Hulk is almost immune to most damage, but he still responds to sounds.

Physical attack, elemental attack, the effect is extremely poor.

But as long as the sonic weapon is used, even if the Hulk cannot be killed, it will make Hulk feel angry and painful!



The messy voice exploded in Hulk's ear, and his bloodshot eyes suddenly turned even redder!

"Ouch, Hulk~~ very angry!!!"


The huge body slammed directly into the wall of the corridor, and the poor wall immediately shattered.

He didn't follow the route planned by the Hydra agent at all, but smashed through the wall all the way, and rushed directly into an unknown place.

This is embarrassing....

Looking at the Hulk who kept venting his desire for destruction along the wall, the Hydra agents let out a sigh of relief while thanking God.

They look at me, I look at you....

Finally, a responsible person spoke up.

"Emmmm, that's it, the monster has come out anyway!"

"That's right, we don't need to do anything, the Hulk will be destroyed for at least ten hours every time he appears!"

"so we……."

"Let's take our good colleagues for a ride. It's been too difficult for them to be SHIELD agents among us all these years!"

"That's right, haha, let's go!"

Just like that, the Hydras in charge of the Hulk couldn't be hilarious, they survived!


Meanwhile, in Tony Stark's lab.

He is developing his battle armor. This time, he wants to make the armor easy to wear while ensuring the material and combat effectiveness of the armor.

The discovery of new elements has made his energy a lot more abundant, so he can add weight to the armor to a certain extent, which also gives him a lot of inspiration.

When he thinks about it, his battle armor should at least automatically fly to him from a distance and wear it automatically.

Perhaps the problem of automatic combat will take some time to overcome, but automatic flight...

He thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

"It's a bit difficult to fly automatically. I need a little thought. If I don't require the flight attitude of the armor, can I make the armor into the shape of a missile?"

Thinking of this, he was overjoyed, as if he had found inspiration.

So he called out the console and quickly rewrote the parameters of the new armor.

At the beginning of the work, Tony only felt inspired, as if every time he flicked his fingers, he could generate new ideas.

How to fold the armor, how to set the infrared, how to correct the autonomous flight system, how to extend the armor.

Thoughts are like a comet in the sky, Tony is even cooler than Gaochao at this time!

But he just had less than three minutes...

The comet turned into a meteor in an instant, passing by in the blink of an eye.

Believe me, he is by no means too fast, but really disturbed!

He actually heard the sound of a bomb going off!



Ping pong~~~.

Although the voice was slight, it was very unique.

Tony immediately called Jarvis and asked him to show the location of the bomb.

In just a moment, Tony rushed into the battle armor before he even had time to wipe his oily hands.

In an instant, Iron Man is here!

The red-gold armor slid across the sky, and Tony could clearly see the fire from the Tri-Wing Building.

"What the **** is going on??"

He simply couldn't understand, Sanqu Wing was one of the most important bases of S.H.I.E.L.D., so was it just invaded?

"Captain America and the others are not going to attack the Purple Man tonight, so what?

Is the purple man so arrogant? Not only did not lose? Counterattack on S.H.I.E.L.D.? "

While guessing, Tony flew to the Tri-Curved Wing Building.

During the flight, he ordered Jarvis to decipher the internal communications of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After a while, Tony finally heard the captain's voice...

I have to admit that no matter how unforgiving he is, in fact, he respects Captain Rogers the most.

This is known from the first time he connected to Rogers' headset.

Through the headset, Tony heard the chaotic but continuous gunshots, the sound of punches to the flesh, and the muffled groans between a group of men and a few women...

This feeling....

"Cough, Steve, what happened, why did the three-curved wing explode?"


Rogers was startled by the sudden sound in his ear, and then he reacted immediately.

"Is it Tony? Hell, Hydra is hiding in the middle of S.H.I.E.L.D., we need support!"

"Huh? Did you swear just now, does the captain also swear?"

"Now is not the time to talk about that, Tony!"

Captain America's tone was extremely helpless. As he shouted, he used his shield to slap the Hydra agent in front of him to the ground.

After continuing to punch two more punches in the face, Captain America took the time to call out to Tony.

"You have the advantage of vision in the sky, how about supporting the places that you feel most need support?"

"No problem, but are you sure I don't need to support you first, Captain?"

"I can still control the situation, but I don't know how the Three Curved Wing Building is now, maybe..."

"Wait, I know where I need me the most, damn, Hulk is here!!!"

Tony interrupted Captain America directly, and then the communication was cut off instantly.

It's not that Tony can't keep in touch during the battle, but....

He guessed that he would be beaten badly by the Hulk.

He didn't want others to hear his screams! ! !


The anxiety on Captain America's face after learning of the appearance of the Hulk is indescribable.

I saw him suddenly throw out the shield in his hand. After hitting the enemy, the ordinary circular shield quickly refracted and continued to smash three enemies!

"Barton, Melinda, I'll leave it to you, I'll go downstairs to have a look.

Also, to resolve the battle as soon as possible, Tri-Curved Wing needs support! "

"Don't worry, Captain!"

Patton waved his hand clearly, and at the same time killed a hostile agent with the arrow in his hand.

Seeing this, Captain America was not very relieved to rush to the window. He raised his shield first, and then jumped out of the window.


Landing easily, the height of the four-story building is too pediatric for him.

But when he saw the tragic situation outside the apartment building, he only regretted why he brought so many people to carry out the mission.

If there were not hundreds of agents on the scene, how could they have fought for so long!

What's more important is that, as a young newcomer who has just been involved in the Aegis affairs for less than a week, he can't even tell which of the two waves of people downstairs is the Hydra!

Fortunately, he soon discovered Coulson, a person he was very familiar with.

So he took the bullet and quickly rushed to Coulson's side.

When Coulson, who was constantly dodging firepower, saw Team America...

Captain America seems to see love in Coulson's eyes...

I saw Coulson grab Team America's hand.

"Captain Rogers, I'm sorry that SHIELD has caused such a big trouble."

"Seventy years ago, I was fighting against Hydra, but I didn't expect that I would be fighting against Hydra in 70 years. What did S.H.I.E.L.D. do in these seventy years, what about Nick Fury?

Why is there no order issued? Is he even a member of Hydra? Does he not know that we must gather all the forces that do not belong to Hydra to have a chance to overcome this disaster! "

Captain America's words are deafening, but this is also what Coulson is particularly puzzled about.

I saw him wiping the sweat from the top of his head and forehead, and then asked aloud.

"Yes, the director, what is he doing so that we can only fight for each other!!!"


On the Moon, Skrull Refugee Camp, Nick Fury was looking at Talos with a gloomy face.

Just five minutes ago, he was put under house arrest in disguise by this **** old friend!

At this moment, Talos was still explaining to Nick Fury.

"Nick, I'm sorry for such a terrible problem in your department. Who would have thought that Hydra would actually be hiding among you?"

As he spoke, Talos filled Nick Fury's glass.

Nick took the cup and drank it, then said to Talos coldly.

"That's right, I, the director, have indeed neglected my duty, but I still have a chance to make up for it!

S.H.I.E.L.D. also has countless agents who are loyal to their jobs, and they will be my best help, as long as I convey the order to their ears in time! "

Speaking of which, Nick slapped the table made of unknown metal hard.

"Taros, connect the satellite signal for me, you know I need that!"

"But I really have no choice, Nick, this is the moon, and no signal can radiate here, I'm sorry."

"So how did you receive those signals from me before, and what about these videos we are watching from the perspective of your clan?!!"

"That's a different method. It's only suitable for fixed signal receivers. You understand the meaning of fixation. Arrange it in advance and prepare well!"

Hearing Taros' shirk, Nick was so angry that he died.

But he didn't dare to shoot this bastard, because he still needed Talos' help!

He pondered helplessly for a moment, reached out for the drink, and refilled it for himself and Talos.

Then he raised his glass and touched one with Talos.

"We have been friends for more than 30 years, Taros, I cherish this friendship very much!"

"I also cherish it, so I'm more worried about your safety than yourself.

Don't worry Nick, no one can hurt you on the moon, trust me! "

"But you know I don't want this **** thing!!!"

Nick Fury finally couldn't control it. He thought his best friend and only friend betrayed him!

" For the sake of the thirty years we have known each other, send me back to Earth!"

Nick Fury made a last-ditch plea to Talos.

"Think about Carol, think about the orange cat of the Primordial Devourer, think about the days when we fought together, Taros, think about it!"

Speaking of which, Taros' face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Yes, Carol, Captain Marvel, Supreme Nova!

That's really a big hassle....

So, faced with the choice between Surprise and Superman, which one do you choose?


The door opened, and the two people in thought immediately looked towards the door.

I saw a Skrull escorting the bound agent Hill and walked in with a gloomy face.

"Boss, this human is trying to steal our spaceship!"

Teng! ! !

Talos made a decision in an instant, and he figured it out.

I saw him waving at his clan.

"Detain the two of them separately in our warehouse!"

After giving the order, Talos ignored Nick Fury's terrifyingly black face and said one last sentence to Nick.

"Nick, we are indeed friends, but they are my clan, the people on earth will not allow them to come back alive, and I will never allow them to die like this!"

"So you gave up the friendship of the entire earth for these two tribes, Taros!!!"

Nick's roar almost shook the ceiling, but Talos' expression didn't change at all.

I saw him smiling as always and talking at the same time.

"Those are the best two of my only one hundred and thirty-three clansmen!

What's more, you and your fragmented S.H.I.E.L.D. can't really represent the earth! "

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