Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 183: Still dead?

Opposite Arthur, Heisenberg looked at the shivering strong man and smiled coldly.


he said.

"Have you figured out what to do with my spear?"


Arthur was stunned, he didn't even have a chance to do it, and in a blink of an eye, Gungnir, who was thrown by Heisenberg, pierced his waist!


After a scream, Arthur looked at the spear passing through his waist and began to cry out in pain.

"My God, you made me think about it, I can still think about it!!!"

"Fuck it, I've told you many times, although your physique is good, it's not as good as Diana and Clark, let alone me!

In the case of inferiority in all aspects, if you still decide to go to the battlefield with your bare hands, then I have no time to accompany you to laugh! "

The voice fell, Heisenberg called his right hand, and Gungnir was about to fly back in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Arthur shuddered all over, and in the next second, he firmly grasped the handle exposed by Gungnir outside his body and wailed.

"Wait a second, wait a second, it hurts more to pull it out ttttt... ah ah ah!!!"

Along with Arthur's wailing, Heisenberg sneered and threw the recovering Arthur out.

I saw him lightly smash the duel field with Gungnir, and smiled.

"I said that I will not hold any hands or waste any time with you. After I pointed out your problems, I immediately thought of a solution.

If you still have the same problem when you face me for the second time, then don't blame me! "


Clark, who was stared at by Heisenberg, shuddered and stood up reflexively.

I saw him drifting toward the arena while saying helplessly.

"Grandpa, Arthur's problem is okay, your suggestion to him is to find a handy weapon.

But I need to constantly improve my fighting skills, but skills are not as easy to solve as weapons! "

"So, isn't **** actual combat the easiest way for you to improve your skills?

come on! ! ! "

Heisenberg sneered, then jumped out in a blink of an eye.

Just as Clark was about to be alert, he felt light all over his body, and his whole body suddenly fell into the sky!

That's right, Heisenberg changed the gravity in the vicinity, and for Clark, his feet were now in the sky!

In order to adapt to the force field controlled by Heisenberg, Clark tried to follow the space to constantly change his posture. In this way, the next second he flew towards Heisenberg on his head and feet.

Heisenberg's manipulation didn't end. Clark had just gotten used to the sense of space above his head and feet, when the gravity around him fell towards the left rear.

This made Clark particularly sad. The changes in the force field and gravity made him completely at a disadvantage before he had a chance to fight Heisenberg.

Clark, who was interrupted by the ever-changing force field, was pinned to the ground in a blink of an eye by Gungnir thrown by Heisenberg.

Not only that, Heisenberg directly spread his feet and stepped over Clark to stand above his body.

Whenever Clark tried to break free, Heisenberg simply punched and broke Clark's movements.

Heat Sight and Frost Breath took turns in battle, and Clark was completely at a loss when he was beaten.

This kind of beating actually lasted for more than ten minutes!

Feeling the constant vibration from the center of the arena, Mera took a deep breath.

"It's better for Kael. Whenever it's his turn, we can rest for a while!"

"Woooooo, but my Clark was beaten so badly!!!"

Louise was sobbing, Grandpa Grandpa was too much.

How can Kryptonians teach children like this, you don't think of your own race as Spartans!

Hearing Louise's cry, the Amazon female warriors near her frowned in disgust.

"Women from outside, don't cry, the sacred gladiatorial fight should not be stained by your tears!"

"That's right, why cry like the weak, real warriors should fight like this now!"

"If I also have this ability to recover quickly, then I can't wait to be punched out by my comrades every day!

In that case, it won't take long for me to be stronger than I imagined! "

"Yeah yeah!"

A group of Amazon female warriors chatted here, and they all looked at Diana, who was cultivating not far away.

Being stared at by the clan's eyes as if they were about to eat people, Diana tightened her whole body, and she couldn't help clenching her shield and yelling.

"Look at what I do, it's not that my intestines haven't been beaten out, three times, that's three full times!!!"

"Cough, Diana..."

The female warrior closest to Diana hesitated until she couldn't bear it any longer before she whispered to Diana.

"You are a demigod, or a child of His Majesty Zeus, presumably your words should make His Majesty the Sun God pay attention.

Can you let his sunshine stay in the arena for a longer time? After all, you guys won't be able to fight 24 hours a day, so can we also play in the rest of the time! "

As soon as she finished speaking, the small blinking eyes not far away suddenly lit up.

"I agree!!!"

I saw Xiao Shan roared impatiently.

"How long have we been playing, has it been more than six hours, we can't always occupy other people's arenas and not let it go?

Diana, let me go to the sun **** with you to talk about how to give the Amazons a little more chance! ! ! "


Hearing Xiao Shan's words, Diana smiled very meaningfully.

I saw her chuckle and shook her head.

"If you want to say it, you can say it yourself, I am no different from my clan, I like the feeling of constantly welcoming death.

As for you…. "

She took a deep look at Xiao Shan.

"You'd better just be covered by my clan's scorpion, rather than be afraid.

If you feel timid about this, then I will really look down on you, hehe.... "

"What is covered by what and what eyes...?"

Diana's words stunned Xiao Shan, and he finally realized whose arms he was in.

Immediately, his two pale cheeks flushed red, and then he struggled desperately in the arms of the Amazon woman.

In the arena in the distance, Heisenberg smashed Clark's mandible with a punch, and the crisp sound of bone cracking made Clark want to roar.

But unfortunately, he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth, so he could only hold back.

What frightened him the most was that Heisenberg's method was not over yet. He saw Heisenberg waved his right hand, and the blade of chaos formed by the molten lava appeared in an instant.


With a muffled sound, Clark only felt a heat in his left chest, and his left shoulder and arm were chopped off by Heisenberg.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A series of screams came from Louise's mouth, and this **** scene directly made the poor female reporter cry.

Louise, who walked in the wind and waves, would not be frightened by the **** scene, but she would rather pass out herself.

In that case, she would not have to watch her husband suffer such a terrifying injury!

Fortunately, an Amazon female warrior beside her seemed to hear her voice.

boom! ! !

With a knife in hand, the Amazon female warrior directly knocked Louise unconscious.

The harsh noise finally disappeared, and the female warrior who was doing it let out a long sigh.

"It's so noisy!"

She sighed and continued to yell into the arena.

"Nice job!!!"


"That's what I want!!!"

"Cut off his head!!!"

"Let him die, you are dead!!!"

"you are dead!!!"

With an earth-shattering roar of excitement, Heisenberg grabbed Clark and threw Clark into the distance.

Clark got up with a convulsive expression, and Heisenberg took advantage of this time to speak to him.

"Compared to the beginning, your reaction to being seriously injured is much better.

So now, come and attack me.

Don't you think your current state is very suitable for experiencing the sense of counterattack on the verge of death? "


Clark was stunned, the only remaining right fist clenched tightly.

I saw him move the gradually recovered mandible twice, and then softly encouraged himself.

"You're right, I'm Superman... uh!!!"

Gungnir went straight through Clark's chest, making Clark completely unable to move.

Seeing this, Heisenberg smiled.

"I said give you a chance, and you think I can give you a chance, hehe.

I can give it but I don't give it, just play~~~, haha! ! ! "

His laughter made Mera in the distant arena shudder violently.

After watching Heisenberg take back Gungnir and connect Clark's limbs, Mera's trembling became even more severe.

After Heisenberg dealt with Clark's injury, he threw Clark to the nearby Amazons who helped.

Then he pointed in Mera's direction.

"What are you shaking, it's up to you, the future Sea King!!!"

"I don't want to be a sea king anymore, woohoo!!!"

Mera was almost on the verge of crying, how did she die this time?

Terrible, God or something is terrifying! ! !

Just after Mera struggled to get up, Hippolyta suddenly stood up from the crowd.

I saw her waving her cloak, and starting near her, the Amazon women sat down one by one, and then became quiet.

After the arena was quiet enough, Hippolyta settled down and explained to Heisenberg loudly.

"Your Majesty, Amazon has prepared a feast for you and the heroes."


Heisenberg agreed looked at the moonlight in the sky and nodded.

"Then let's do it first, eat!"

After he finished speaking, Heisenberg took the Chaos Blade back into his armor and put Gungnir back in his pocket.

Around him, countless Amazons roared, and the ancient chants of warriors resounded through the zenith.

The female warriors holding the torches left early and lined up in two rows on the road leading from the arena to the banquet hall.

Heisenberg was greeted by Hippolyta and walked along the gate of the arena. Whenever he passed by the torchlighter, the two would always kneel halfway and look at his back respectfully.

However, it is difficult for them to get a response from Heisenberg, because Heisenberg is now talking to Hippolyta.

"Bruce should still be reading the books, please send someone to call him to the banquet hall.

Otherwise, his character might not be willing to come out of it! "

"Okay, Your Majesty, I have sent someone to do it!" Hippolyta laughed.


As the team headed by the two went farther and farther, the cheers in the arena gradually diminished, which made Arthur and the others who were still behind let out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't until Heisenberg could no longer be seen that Arthur finally couldn't help but mutter.

"I'm afraid I'll have to go back to the sea to find a weapon that I can afford. Heisenberg is right. I'm really not competitive with my bare hands!"

"Is that your weapon problem? I'm really embarrassed to correct you."

Mera shivered and teased in a decompressed manner, her words made Arthur simply roll his eyes.

However, although dissatisfied, Arthur had nothing to say. In order to change the subject, he summoned a stream of water and threw it on Louise's face.

Louise, who woke up from the coma, was sluggish for a moment, then grabbed the hand of Mera who was holding her, and asked in a blink of an eye.

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