Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 175: positive union

In the current Justice League circle, as long as Xiao Shan is quiet, it is really normal.

Everyone chatted happily, and Xiao Shan, a shy man, responded to everyone's conversations in an introverted way like an ordinary young man.

We chatted until after eight o'clock, drank more than thirty bottles of Kesheng Road, and did not stop for breakfast.

Heisenberg really satisfied the curiosity of the little reporter, Louise, and Louise's questions didn't make him tired.

As someone who has won the Pulitzer Prize, a Nobel Prize in journalism, although Louise is persistent, she is not bad at communicating with people.

Under the girl's progressive inquiries, Heisenberg almost introduced Krypton's system, his own past, and Krypton's customs.

There were many things in Heisenberg's memory that even Clark had never heard of, which really satisfied the curiosity of everyone present.

If it weren't for an emergency, I'm afraid this pleasant breakfast will last until noon!

At around 8:30, Heisenberg was using the force field to control the light energy, as everyone showed the image of the Mauernier hammer and the handprint he pinched on the hammer.

The spaceship dome suddenly opened.

Since the dome was opened in the direction of the tarmac, the rooms of Heisenberg and others could not be seen there.

Although Heisenberg and Clark saw it, they didn't care. People have been coming and going here recently, right?

As for the other Victor who saw it all….

As a newcomer, he prefers to talk less and listen more.

In the direction of the apron, Bruce stepped off the plane with a sullen face, and then followed the guidance of the little robot with Arthur, and walked towards the direction where everyone had breakfast.

While walking, he also introduced to Arthur.

"This is our base, the original Krypton spacecraft. It is still a bit desolate, but we are repairing it.

You can also get involved, and building this place yourself will give us more of a sense of belonging.

Now I will take you to meet everyone. They are all serious people. Looking at the direction of the robot, they should be decorating the Kryptonian planning area of ​​the spacecraft.

After seeing Heisenberg for a while, suppress your bad temper.

I may not be your opponent in pure fighting, but my friends, whether Clark or Heisenberg, you are not an opponent! "

Having said that, Bruce sighed and said.

"But I didn't expect them to work so early today. I'm afraid Heisenberg was busy with work, so he had time to use the Rainbow Bridge to pick us up."

The words fell, Bruce and Arthur walked for a while, and when the last door in front of them opened automatically, they saw the scene inside the house.

Looking at Heisenberg, who was chatting with a beer bottle at the moment, and at the members around Heisenberg who were listening carefully...

Arthur's beard-covered lips trembled.

I saw him turn his head and asked softly towards Bruce.

"Is this your job too?"

Bruce didn't answer him at all, only to see him calmly speed up, all the way behind Heisenberg.

"We're back!"

"That's good, seriously, I was just wondering when you'll be back!"

Heisenberg laughed and teased, then waved the control particle to put together a chair for Bruce.

While Bruce sat down, Heisenberg naturally waved to Arthur in the distance.

"Arthur Curry?

If I remember correctly, is that your name? "

"Of course!"

Arthur answered with a frown, and as he leaned in, he asked Heisenberg rhetorically.

"What about you, are you the sun god?"

"Otherwise, do you think I'll be the Moon God?"

As Heisenberg spoke, he threw out a bottle of beer, which floated in the air to Arthur, and then came into Arthur's hand in a blink of an eye.

Arthur was not polite, and when he took the drink, he moved his right hand slightly.

The drink in the bottle suddenly surged by itself, and the cap of the beer bottle was lifted.

Then he sat down on the chair prepared for him, sat down next to Bruce, and held up the bottle to the crowd.

"If that bat had said that we work this way, I'd probably have been here a few hours earlier!"

After speaking, he drank his dry beer in one gulp, then burped in satisfaction.

Putting down the bottle, he fetched new wine and grinned at Heisenberg.

"You're the boss of this place, right? Let's talk about it. You spend three million to hire a guy like me. Who do you want to beat?"

"three million?!!"

Xiaoshan roared in surprise, this number made him feel a little inferior, after all, Heisenberg recruited him only for the burgers and pizza that Eva bought...

As for Victor.

He smiled disdainfully.

As a steel skeleton covered in mysterious metal, he has more than three million parts, hehe....

Aside, after hearing Arthur's words, Heisenberg showed a funny smile on his face.

I saw him pick up the bottle and touch Arthur, and then said softly.

"With your words, the first batch of people we expect at the moment is only Mera and Diana left!

Let's clean up first, and then I'll summon the two of them. "

"So, are we going to have our first meeting?"

Bruce asked softly, then looked at Heisenberg seriously.

"If so, I think you should clear the table of food and wine first."

"Yes, just to clean up our breakfast!" Heisenberg affirmed.

Later, Heisenberg cleaned the interior of the room.

After everyone sits down again...

Bruce looked at Heisenberg dully, and asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Wait, this is...?"

"This is a new table, we can't let them eat our leftovers, right?"

While speaking, Heisenberg patted Xiaoshan on the shoulder.

"Barry, it is estimated that I will depend on you again for wine and food. Get a table in a minute. Is there a problem?"

"no problem!"

Barry smiled and happily accepted the money from Clark, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

For him, as long as there is something to do, it will not continue to be embarrassed among a group of people.

In the next instant, a full four cases of beer appeared beside Heisenberg.

At the same time that Xiao Shan disappeared again, Heisenberg slapped Arthur, and the two alcoholics put the wine on the table first.

Clark continued to take all kinds of food brought back by the Flash and put them on the table in different categories.

Victor was recording the dishes, trying to figure out what flavors his Heisenberg liked.

It's a skill that even robots have to master.

And Louise skillfully took the camera, ready to make a simple record for everyone...

Of course, her plan was stopped by her husband.

Clark set the dishes, took the time to turn off the camera, and stuffed the thing back into Louise's bag, all the while shaking his head at his lover.

When the sluggish Batman came to his senses, the sumptuous reception was ready again. Looking at the hot scene in front of him, Bruce shook his head very uncomfortably.

"Are you sure this is for a meeting?"

"Of course, if you don't talk about serious things at the wine table, aren't they all hooligans?"

Heisenberg joked, then closed his eyes, his thoughts continued to spread with the biological force field.

The force field that enveloped almost the entire planet instantly found Mera and Diana.

On Paradise Island, Diana was bathing when Heisenberg's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Diana, there are a lot of newcomers to the Justice League, you might as well come back and have a look."

"Hmm, so you can find me and talk to me from this distance?"

Diana asked with a frown, and at the same time turned over gently in the pool, changing herself from the lying position to lying on her stomach.

Hearing Diana's question, Heisenberg smiled.

"Even if it is farther away, it can be found, so if you encounter trouble in the future, you might as well call my name!"

When Heisenberg finished speaking, Diana nodded and asked softly.

"Wait a minute, I'll pack up and go, do you want to wait for me?"

"Call me when you're ready, and I'll use the rainbow bridge to bring you here!"

"Wow, Rainbow Bridge!"

Diana blinked curiously.

"I haven't seen this kind of power, is it your unique divine power?"

"You can also learn, I will teach you when I have time!"

"That's great, thank you!"

Hearing this, Diana got up excitedly, took a silk scarf from the side and put it on her body, and then changed into her battle clothes nearby.

At the other end, Mera was being grounded in her room by her own father.

When she was sent back to the sea by the light of the Rainbow Bridge, the turbulent energy reaction immediately attracted the attention of the Atlanteans.

And King Nereus of Zebel Kingdom, who is also Mera's father, immediately grounded his daughter who had fled to the land.

Once, it was not a big crime for the Atlanteans to go to the land, and who did not have the past to sneak away.

But after the former Atlana princess fled, all of that was outlined by the various countries of Atlantis.

Once upon a time, the whole of Atlantis, who did not take the story of the Princess of Atlana as a lesson!

"If you go to the land again, you will be caught by the land people to give birth to a child like the Princess of Atlanta!!"

Something like this, even Mera didn't listen to it when she was a child...

So, who is the Princess of Atlanta?

She is Arthur Curry's mother.

So, I learned that my daughter went to land to find some gods, and she even found her...

Knowing this news, Mera was imprisoned on the spot….

But she is not a little girl who is willing to be grounded obediently.

After just one sleep, Mera had her escape plan dreamed up and implemented as soon as she woke up.

Turn the maid over with the tray first, then throw it on the bed and put it in the sleeping position.

Looking at the comatose maid with a large font on the bed, Mera suddenly felt a little shy.

She never noticed that her sleeping appearance was so embarrassing...

Cough cough! !

Mera straightened her expression, put on the costume of a maid, picked up the tray, and planned to leave the room by catching fish in troubled waters.

But she just walked to the guard at the door, and when the guard was about to expose her, she was stunned.

"This is Mera, right? The members of the first phase of the Justice League have gathered. If I can, I will send you here!"

"Of course you can, UU reading you can take me now!!"

Mera was overjoyed, it seemed that she didn't need to think about how to escape.

And her words surprised the guards at the door.

"Princess, go back to your room, you are still on the ground, and King Nereus has not announced the lifting of your ban!"

"Who are you talking to, has anyone invaded?"

"Attention, there are intruders!"

"Attention all units!!"

A group of guards surrounded Mera, but their expressions were smiling. Who didn't know that this princess was the pearl of King Nereus' heart.

No one would really do anything to her.

But in the next moment, a rainbow light suddenly dropped from the guards, and the light directly pulled Mera and disappeared.

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