Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 168: Newbie!

Heisenberg, who was far away in the DC world, did not know that several people who wanted to see him were detained on Asgard by Hela.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care at all.

At this time, he woke up from the bed leisurely. This time, there was no harassment from Superman and Batman. He slept until half past ten.

Turning his pajamas into a bracelet and wrapping it around his wrist, Heisenberg floated naked into the particle bathroom and cleaned his body, which he didn't need.

In the face of long lifespan and great power, Heisenberg had to maintain the habit of being a human being.

What's more, he likes the feeling of taking a bath and the feeling of eating elbows.

After taking a shower, Heisenberg clapped his wristband, and he wore the suit and coat that he often wore.

Taking a walk in his coat, he followed the passage and came to Clark who was busy with work.

"Grandpa, are you awake?"

Clark said without looking back.

"I'm connecting the water pipes here, we don't need to use the advanced energy that comes with the spacecraft to the little things in life.

For example, taking a shower with those high-energy particles is too wasteful. "


Heisenberg is embarrassed.

"The spacecraft is all powered by me."

"Yeah, it's precisely because the entire ship runs on your bio-energy that we should save even more.

It's good that there are only a few of us now. When there are more clan members in the future, we can't rely on your energy for everyone's food, clothing, housing and transportation. "


Heisenberg nodded and picked up the prepared pipe.

Looking at the drawings, the heat vision immediately plowed on the ground, and the route for burying the pipeline came out.

"Wait, Grandpa Grandpa, the sewer pipes can't be buried near here, I'll deal with the sewer pipes."


Heisenberg smiled, the current spaceship really made him feel at home.

It used to feel far away from him, but he really liked it.

Like him, of course, is Clark. With the progress of the transformation of the spaceship, the area left by Heisenberg for the clansmen gradually began to be pre-planned.

While planning, Clark couldn't help but see what the clan looked like after they returned.

Now he is no longer alone, he has Heisenberg by his side.

And the future!

Thinking of all the possible scenarios at that time, Clark, who buried the pipeline, smiled deeply.

In the distance, the door of the spaceship opened again, and Batman, holding countless food, walked in from the door.

Coming to the front, Bruce placed the piles of food directly on the table made of particles.

"You're late today, man!"

Heisenberg gave a small greeting, and Bruce nodded helplessly.

"Something went wrong, and Harley Quinn was mysteriously transferred out of Gotham by the U.S. government, which made the clown a little restless.

I wasted a lot of energy last night to get him and his lunatic followers under control! "


Hearing Bruce's words, Heisenberg sat down at the table and asked as he unpacked.

"It sounds like this clown has the ability to cause you trouble, so why don't you just kill him?"


After Heisenberg's question came out, Bruce shook his head coldly.

"I've missed the best opportunity and it's pointless to kill him now, because now the Joker is no longer a criminal, but a spirit.

Just like Hitler who once set off a wave of naruto, the clown has also become the spiritual leader in the eyes of countless clown gang members.

They deeply believe that the Joker is right.

Killing him now will only make countless numbers of him appear in the world, because the spirit in their hearts will not die, and that will lead to chaos in the world.

So I can only keep him in prison and let him keep failing, so that he will be like Hittal who was in prison in the past.

As long as he does not come out of prison, those who believe in him will not cause new turmoil. "

When the words fell, Bruce couldn't help shaking his head.

"I admit that I have a lot of trouble with Gotham, and 90 percent of it comes from the Joker.

He is the face of chaos, a sign, a symbol.

Only by letting people see his own failure can we curb the clown in people's hearts.

Once the clown is completely dead, the symbol will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he will become the Gandhi and William Wallace in the heart of the gangster, and countless people will release the clown in their hearts! "

Speaking of which, Bruce spread his hands.

"So, I really can't do anything about him now, can I kill all the **** who believe in him in one go?

And then there are new villains and I kill new villains and new bastards?

In the long run, I will become the villain, which is inevitable! "

"As long as you have an idea."

Heisenberg nodded lightly, picked up the breakfast that Bruce brought, and ate it.

While eating, he continued to speak.

"But if it were me, I would just clean up all of humanity.

Obviously, the wrong system has brewed up such a wrong and pure person as the Joker, then I will break him up and provide a better starting point for the earth! "

"No no no no!!!"

Heisenberg's words made Clark in the distance simply raise his head.

"Grandpa Grandpa, don't think like that, when we pay attention to evil again, we might as well look at the opposite hope.

Even in Gotham where Bruce is located, where gangsters are rampant, villains are everywhere, and there is a pure evil city like the Joker, there are too many people who want justice. "

"Yes, Mr. Heisenberg!"

Bruce sat heavily opposite Heisenberg and said to Heisenberg seriously.

"Humans are indeed ignorant, blind, vulgar, directionless and easily provoked.

Whether they will be good people or bad people depends on the means of our own and the bad people.

The clowns can lead them into the sons of chaos, and I can change them into the righteous! "

"So, Bruce, you're selfish too.

Gotham is just a battleground between you and the Joker. "

Heisenberg said with a smile.

Hearing Heisenberg's words, Bruce nodded noncommittally.

"I never deny it because I'm always fighting him.

But even without me and the clown, the world is a battlefield between the poor and the rich, a battlefield between the capitalists and the exploited, a battlefield between countries, and a battlefield between beliefs and beliefs!

I'd rather let me lead the war than those entanglements, and when I win, they'll be better than other minds winning! "

When the voice fell, Bruce hesitantly picked up the dishes in front of him and scanned them with the computer on his wrist.

Scanning, he said.

"This is all the food sent by the pilgrims outside, and it is far better for them to be wasted than to be eaten by us.

After all, they really got into the mouth of your god.

But in order to prevent someone from being poisoned, I still have to analyze the composition of the food! "


As soon as he finished speaking, Heisenberg almost spat out the meatloaf in his mouth.

"Can you please stop saying these things during dinner, Bruce!"

"Well, I thought you wouldn't care about food safety because you wouldn't be hurt by poison.

But I didn't expect you to have a humanoid mind like Clark.

He doesn't actually need to breathe at all, and he doesn't need to walk, but he likes to walk, and he does the same useless breathing as a human being.

I thought it was just him. "


Heisenberg shrugged after listening to Bruce's words with a cold face in front of him.

He turned to look at Clark and said with a smile.

"Look at our think tank, tsk tsk, what do you think about every day."

"Yes, I think too much!"

Clark commented, sitting next to Bruce while holding a braised pig's foot.

Just as he was about to hold the pig's feet in his hand, he saw that Bruce reached out and patted Clark's wrist fiercely.

"Don't think I can't see you've just been laying the sewer.

Go wash your hands! "


Clark nodded heavily, then obediently went to the particle bathroom and cleaned his hands.

Seeing their interaction, Heisenberg burst out laughing.

DC Universe is really the daily life of Bat Mom and Superman Dad!

Ha ha ha ha! ! ! !


After dinner, Bruce whispered to Heisenberg as he put the garbage into the waste recycler brought by the little robot.

"Before I went to bed last night, I prepared the information of the members I selected by the way.

I think it's necessary for us to bring in our projected first members before Diana brings back the good news.

This is a memory card. "

Speaking of which, Bruce was about to insert the memory card into the computer on his wrist.

But in the next instant, the memory card floated out of thin air and fell into a group of particles that were constantly condensing next to it.

Just for a moment, the particles emit a long blue light, and then they spread out in a wide range in the blink of an eye.

All the contents of Bruce's memory card are presented to them in different categories.

"Rest assured, the technology in my hometown is capable of being compatible with ancient technology, so where do we start, Bruce?"

Heisenberg asked softly, not realizing that Batman was deeply hurt by the word ancient technology in his mouth.

After a moment of silence with a cold face, Bruce pointed to the one with the lightning symbol and said softly.

"Start with that young man!"

"Young man, you mean this lightning bolt?"

Clark asked, waving at the lightning pattern formed by particles condensed.

Immediately, a real scene like the scene appeared near the table of the three.

In that image, a young man is shopping at the supermarket, but apparently he is out of luck.

His supermarket was attacked by robbers!

The young man in the picture suddenly disappeared, but returned to the place in a blink of an eye.

In just an instant, the lucky robber was sentenced to at least three years less by the court for the attempted robbery.

Seeing this, Clark nodded in surprise.

"At this speed, even I can barely keep up. He is very good!"

"He's Canterlot's Barry Allen, and he's really good.

But don't worry, there are better ones out there! "

Bruce opened another circular symbol as he spoke.

In the picture, a body that is so mutilated that almost only the upper body remains, is gradually being wrapped by a mysterious metal to form a new life.

"Victor Stone, former college football star, he's in the Mets!"

"Well, what about the last one?"

Clark asked softly.

Bruce opened the last sign with the tip of the fishbone, and said while looking at the man in the picture.

"Arthur Curry of Mercy Harbor, the son of the sea I used to think.

But now, it is clear that he is an Atlantean, and he is also a hybrid of the nobles of Atlantis and humans! "


Heisenberg nodded curtly.

"Three goals and we happen to have three.

Then, one by one, implement the plan to recruit members as soon as possible! "

Speaking of which, Heisenberg casually reduced the Flash's picture and held it in his hand.

"I'm good at communicating with young people, so he's mine!"

"Then I'll go see this steel and iron bone. After all, he and I are both metropolitans."

Clark took the picture of Victor Stone.

At this point, the picture of Arthur Curry floats in front of Bruce.

While holding the screen in his hand, he said softly.

"Well, I'm here to recruit this Aquaman, he cares about his hometown and his neighbors, and his hometown has been in poverty, it seems I need to bring some more money.

But fortunately, that's what I don't lack the most, right? "

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