Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 158: daytime

Heisenberg did not respond to Clark's words, and he walked out of the passage slowly, step by step.

The robots he passed by beside him all turned around and continued to look at him as he passed by.

That consistent mechanical feeling made the citizens of the metropolis who gradually saw Heisenberg tremble uncontrollably.

Accompanied by the gentle but particularly heavy footsteps, Heisenberg finally got out of the spaceship, came to Clark, and even appeared in the eyes of Metropolis citizens.

At this moment, countless citizens took a deep breath. Heisenberg's coat, his invisible power, and the image of the godfather in every American citizen's heart silently overlapped.

They saw Heisenberg stretch out his right hand, and a spear flashing with fire suddenly appeared in his hand.

With the shocked expressions on the citizens' faces, Heisenberg tapped the spear to the ground.

Boom! ! !

For a moment, the flames spread out like a splash of water centered on Gungnir's landing point.

The flames passed over countless citizens, and even rushed to the cameras used by countless citizens to shoot.

Whether in front of the TV or the citizens at the scene, they all took a step back.

But the flames cruising from their bodies didn't hurt them!

Just when they were puzzled, Heisenberg spoke up.

I saw him open his arms and show everyone a smile that was so understated that it was almost invisible.

"I'm glad I can wake up from my slumber, so I'll send you all night and day."

The voice fell, and the fire that swept half the earth suddenly swayed.

Immediately afterwards, the hemisphere where the United States was located at this time was still in the dark, but the sky once again burst into light.

Its daybreak! ! !

There is no need for Gungnir to act as a second sun, nor for any luminous celestial bodies suspended there.

As the **** who controls the great sun and light, as long as Heisenberg is willing, he is the sun!

The whole of the United States was boiling at this moment, and countless people came out of their sleep and looked at the sky in confusion and shock.

As for all those who did not rest, but watched Heisenberg's live video, they simply praised in shock.

There are countless people who are fanatical about religion, and they kneel down at this time.

What makes them kneel is far more than their admiration for God, more people are repenting, they need to repent, and they dare not not repent!

And those who didn’t kneel like Heisenberg….

It was like the citizens who were gathering around the Heisenberg spaceship at this time, and they had long since lost the ability to kneel.

Heisenberg's power is far from the pure power shown by Superman!

The daytime acting on the rules made them lose all their strength, and they could only look at Heisenberg dully, and Heisenberg's figure would never disappear from their minds again.

Countless kilometers away, in the office of the President's War Conference, the President of the United States stood up sluggishly at this moment.

I saw him trembling and stretched out his right hand, gently laying it on his chest.

"God bless America, but what are we to do with a true God..."

Behind Superman, the person in charge closest to the spaceship widened his eyes and looked nervously in all directions.

There is no sun tomorrow, but everything he can see is the same as in the daytime!

He saw the soldiers behind him lay down their weapons tremblingly, he saw many police officers even bending over, and he saw that the citizens regained the strength to move, but those strengths only made their bodies lower.

Turning around, the person in charge looked at Heisenberg, his eyes filled with fear and repentance.

In the ten minutes before, did he actually attempt to besiege a true god?

God, is he the sun, or is he just you?

He said let there be light, so our world has light!

But what does he want?

With countless fears, the person in charge held the phone firmly in his hand.

The current situation is not something he can decide. He is no different from other passers-by now.

Because even if he issued an order to attack Heisenberg, no one would listen to him!

At the same time, in the territory of this ancient god, countless strong men raised their heads.

Diana, who was sending Louise into her home, had not had time to say goodbye, but she looked out in surprise at the incomparably warm day outside.

Bruce, who was chatting with Alfred at Wayne Manor, stood up in shock and rushed all the way to his cave and to the console that controlled the three satellites of their company.

In the ocean, a brawny man covered in tattoos surfaced in surprise.

And tens of thousands of meters below him, the red-haired princess left the palace in astonishment and rushed towards the sea that should not have been shining at this time.

In the palace, the heir to the throne was awakened from his sleep, and he gathered his followers in the sunlight, preaching the heresy that humans would use sunlight weapons to kill them.

He wants war.

But the always calm minister beside him just looked at the top of his head worriedly.

Today, when the seven seas are still not unified, there is a new powerhouse on the land!

Has anyone awakened from the ancient gods who once challenged Amazon and Atlantis together?

He is worried because he wants peace.

On the paradise island he mentioned, the queen looked up at the sky in surprise. In the sunshine in the ubiquitous night, she felt countless divine powers, and the invincible spirit that was full of divine powers.

She thought with joy at this moment that her gods had returned!

Unlike the Queen, the icy life does not feel any surprises from the divine light.

The robot hiding in the Metropolis apartment, the alarm message kept flashing in his mind.

Once his thoughts controlled his **, but his current steel frame temporarily overrides his thoughts.

His new body was terrified, and that meant his mother box in the warehouse was terrified.

In Xingcheng, the rich man sluggishly took off his green clothes and put down his bow and arrow.

He walked out of the secret room, came to the house, and looked at his sister who was bathing in the sun with concern.

His younger sister was pleasantly surprised by the sudden daylight, but as an older brother, he was only worried.

However, the countless walking and evil people in Gotham did not have the worries in his heart.

Penguin closed the curtains in annoyance, "The monsters and monsters always appear like this, and they always disappear like that, and Gotham is always Gotham!"

Riddle looked at the sky excitedly, "What makes the night as bright as day, I have one more riddle!"

Death Knell draws his knife as always, and sunlight will not be an obstacle for him to kill.

And the clown....

The clown's smile was bright and happy.

"It's so beautiful..."

He danced in the sunshine to the beat of the drum in his heart, no one dared to interrupt his excitement and joy, so he read the words from his heart.

"I love how extraordinary the world is, no matter how extraordinary it is."

After singing here, he took out the pistol that had been with him for a long time, and shot the head of a follower not far away.

Looking at the unusual bloodstain in the sun, he only felt that the blood was unusually gorgeous.

It's his favorite color.

As for Heisenberg, who had already become the focus of the world, he put away his spear, passed Superman, and looked into all the eyes that were expecting him.

I saw him open his arms, as if embracing the whole world, and nodded to everyone who paid attention to him.

"I'm back!"


"God, God!!!"


"my sun!"

"God, you are back!"

"I really didn't think I could see today, I couldn't think, I really couldn't think of it!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In a few words, everyone who could see Heisenberg was as excited as a madman, and no one knew why they were so excited!


Listen to the metropolis completely shrouded in sound, listen to the earth surrounded by excitement.

Feeling everything on this planet, Heisenberg showed a knowing smile!

Not knowing the source of the body makes him seem to have found a home in DC.

Or maybe it was the victory over the enemy who had almost killed him, which allowed him to regain his passion for fighting.

At this moment, Heisenberg standing on the present earth is even more gratified than when he returned to the origin earth.

He finally came to his senses when he gave up his past life and rebuilt his independent self back to his past.

His heart lost its place for a short time!

And at this moment, in a multiverse filled with countless lives and stories, when he returns to the world of DC, he is home!

I saw that he gently pressed the palm of his hand, and the invisible warmth brushed over everyone's body like a spring breeze.

The people who were howling with excitement were drawn to the energy and gradually ceased their voices.

Following the warm feeling wrapped around them, they looked at the sun in the center of the crowd.

And when Heisenberg felt that the world was quiet enough, he put down his hands and put them in the pockets of his trousers.

The coat behind him floated in the wind, making a loud noise.

And he said softly in the eyes of everyone admiring.

"I'm very happy to see that there are still humans and you on the earth after 10,000 years of sleep.

Then from now on, I will announce like the lucky ones that you have me again. "

The words fell, and countless people widened their eyes. No matter what thoughts they had in their hearts, they couldn't hide the inexplicable joy that rose in their hearts at this time.

Even if they themselves don't know why they are excited.

In the excitement of their approaching threshold, Heisenberg stretched out his right hand and pointed to the Kryptonian fortress behind him.

"I woke up from there, so that's my new home, and I won't leave you again."



"I can't believe it, Metropolis is so blessed!"

"Oh, God!!!"

The vocabulary of the citizens has long been lacking, and no matter how excited they are, it is difficult for them to say anything else.

Listening to the cathartic cries of the citizens, Heisenberg smiled and waited for them.

This time the sound lasted for a long time, until people closed their mouths spontaneously, and the sound gradually subsided.

Heisenberg stood in the middle of the crowd, and his eyes looked beyond the sea of ​​​​stars.

And people looked at him, and looked at the huge world and the dazzling light in his eyes.

But people don't know that Heisenberg's vision has long passed them and looked at the whole world today.

All of a sudden all of his abilities seemed to be sublimated, and endless divine power flowed out from the part of him that belonged to God.

The belief from all things makes his vision continue to rise. He seems to go beyond this time and then to look at the infinitely distant past and future.

In a trance, he vaguely understood that that was the vision of God.

It is the vision of God, it is the vision of Satan, it is the vision of oaa, it is the vision of Gaia and the disk.

It is his vision of the future, Heisenberg's vision.

So he nodded to everyone.

The moment he nodded, the person who couldn't see him clearly the second before suddenly saw him right in front of him.

People faced the light in front of them and tried to look at His face.

And he greeted the eager eyes of people and said softly.

"I am Heisenberg."

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