Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 141: Desire has been decided

Hearing Frigga's question, Heisenberg's body, which was sitting upright, paused lightly.

After a while, he sighed, and his body softened a little. Not only did his back naturally lean back on the back of the king's seat, but he also tilted his head slightly to the left, leaning against Frigga's arm.

His hair ran across Frigga's veiled arm, and he asked softly.

"Is there anything in the world that you can't notice, Frigga?"

"And where His Majesty is going!"

Frigg spoke softly, and while she was speaking, she wrapped Heisenberg's head around her chest.

The back of Heisenberg's head rested on a piece of warmth, but the two people involved had no hint of charm at all.

Just listen to Frigga continued.

"I have thought about many places, such as Gao Tianzun's Saka Star, or the territory of the Celestial Clan, or other areas that you have never been to but are particularly longing for."

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped massaging and rested her chin on Heisenberg's thick hair with a worried look on her face.

And she continued to say worriedly.

"But I can't think of why you're so preoccupied with it now.

I don't know why you, with the power you have now, are still worried about your upcoming journey! "


Heisenberg interrupted Frigga to defend himself.

"You misunderstood, how can I be worried, I'm not afraid of the journey I'm going to go through."

"Then why don't you, who won't be worried, be prepared to never come back?"

Frigg asked in reply, and at the same time gently hugged Heisenberg's head.

"You just told me a lot about what you plan to do in the next few years.

Are you just telling me what are you going to do?

Of course no, you're actually telling me what I should have done if you weren't there then!

When you feel subjectively that you need me to understand your thoughts and be ready to do it all for you, aren't you also ready to not come back? "

When Frigg said this, Heisenberg suddenly felt a little nervous to be seen through, so he hurriedly planned to raise his body.

But Frigga was already prepared, adding a little more strength to surround him, and while continuing to wrap him in his arms, he also explained to him in a low voice.

"Don't get excited, I didn't say you're afraid, after all, you only told me what you need to care about in the past few years, not what you need to pay attention to in Asgard in the next few thousand years, right.

In the past few years, although you have been jealous, it is only jealous. Like you, I don't think your jealousy can really cause you trouble! "

Speaking of this, Frigga suddenly smiled, and she pursed her soft lips playfully, and said to Heisenberg with a longing look on her face.

"But Your Majesty really surprised me, you didn't talk about this with your subordinates, or with Hela and Loki!

I never thought the person you chose to trust would be me, and it has always been me.

This is something I've never thought about. For example, Odin, even before he left, didn't explain any long-term plans to me. He only had his children in his heart!

Compared with Odin, and even compared with all the famous gods and god-kings in the Nine Realms, you are much gentler than them, Your Majesty.

I really envy your future lover, her destiny will far surpass all the **** queens in the history of the Asa.

You and fate will treat her kindly together, right! "

The voice fell, and Frigg rubbed Heisenberg's hair lovingly.

After a period of contact, Frigga knew Heisenberg's character.

Although this man seems willing to resort to violence and is good at killing opponents, his language of behavior is still domineering and powerful.

But this man's mind is actually extraordinarily delicate and gentle.

Frigga, who lives between the Asa Gods and the Vana Gods, has always lived a life where power is supreme.

Of course, she would not understand Heisenberg's oriental philosophy of trusting and entrusting her partner, even if it was only a nominal partner for the time being.

And at this time Heisenberg, he could not avoid feeling something extra from Frigga's words.

At the same time as his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he planned to raise his head and continue to say something to the woman behind him, or simply do something.

But at this moment, the sound of messy footsteps entered the ears of the two.

For a moment, Frigga's eyes widened sharply.

Sensing that the sound was getting closer, she hurriedly released Heisenberg and gently jumped off the armrest of the throne.

Then she frowned her beautiful brows, and reached out to tidy up the front of her chest a few times.

As for Heisenberg, he looked at the four figures gradually approaching outside the Asgard Palace with a displeased face.

I saw Sif and the Fandral trio walking all the way towards here on an outing.

From a distance, the four of them saw Heisenberg on the throne and Her Highness the Queen beside him.

Sif even took a breath of admiration, Her Royal Highness is really beautiful!

Especially His Royal Highness's complexion today, with two light burgundy prints on his warm face, which makes women fascinated by it.

Seeing Sif and the others getting closer, Frigg pursed her lips, leaned over gently and bowed to Heisenberg.

"Your Majesty, I'll go down first."


Heisenberg nodded, watching the goddess of love walk away from him with graceful steps.

After a while, Heisenberg returned to his senses and looked at the four of Sif with a slight dissatisfaction.

Of course they wouldn't let His Majesty ask them first, and they all bowed to Heisenberg in unison.

After the ceremony, Sif looked at Heisenberg with hope and asked aloud.

"Your Majesty, the four of us want to patrol Midgart. After all, there are tens of thousands of Chitarians raging in the atrium!"


As soon as Sif's voice fell, Heisenberg scolded him directly, which made Sif's nervous fingers tremble.

But fortunately, Heisenberg only scolded, and then he said to the four.

"Compared with your respect, I hope you can be honest enough!

Why don't you just state the fact that you're going to visit Saul?

Or am I, in your heart, a tyrant who doesn't even allow to visit friends? "

"Uh, of course not, Your Majesty!"

Hearing Heisenberg's words, Sif decisively shook her head and nodded again.

"Then let me be honest with you, we do want to meet Sol, I really don't know what that idiot thinks, but he wants to stay in the atrium for that **** woman!

He is the **** of thunder in Asgard, and I have to bring him back to be sent by His Majesty, so His Majesty will let us go to the atrium~~~. "

After Sif finished speaking, she immediately looked at Heisenberg expectantly, while Heisenberg smiled irritably.

"It's hypocritical to let me send you, but I agree!"

"Aha, Your Majesty is forever!"

Sif jumped up with joy, but Heisenberg suddenly stopped their celebration and continued talking to the four of them.

"You can go to the atrium, but I have other things for you to do.

After arriving at the atrium, don't just focus on eating and drinking with Sol, but take time to go to New York to find Hill, who is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the next three years, you have to cooperate with her in her work. I want you to hold the whole atrium as soon as possible, and then hand it over to me!

Got it? "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are all professional in following orders. Thank you so much. We will go to Heimda!"

After Sif thanked him, he immediately planned to leave, this mindless group of four had been so carefree for too long.

But Heisenberg allowed them to be presumptuous, as the future proved to Heisenberg.

No matter how stubborn the four of them are, they will always stand in front of the enemy, and they will always die in front of the civilians of Asgard.

As a soldier, that's enough, right?

At this moment, Sif and the others were planning to leave Asgard to find Heimdall.

Looking at their backs, Heisenberg smiled slightly.


As soon as the words fell, the four of Sif stopped abruptly, only to see Sif turned around with a face full of anxiety.

"Your Majesty...?" she asked nervously.

Heisenberg looked at their silly appearance and couldn't help but smile and said to them.

"Even if he goes to Heimdall, he has to ask for my permission, why don't I send you there directly!

Never forget my exhortation, become my sword and shield to strengthen the power of the Atrium, and do everything you need to do!

Before I send you off again, I might as well tell you a piece of news. I am in the process of screening outstanding talents and handing over the countless gods that the Asa Protoss has accumulated for countless years!

I hope you are the talents I need in the future, and I hope to see Sif become the Valkyrie and Hogan become the hunting god! "

"Is this true... Majesty...!!"

Sif asked Heisenberg in surprise, but before she could finish speaking, Heisenberg threw the rainbow bridge onto the earth.

God knows how long the brainless quartet will be excited about this news, haha!

The mindless quartet was sent away, and suddenly we were left unhappy sitting on the throne.

He stretched out his hand on the armrest, rested his chin in his palm, and thought silently.

Frigg's words today were on point, she said something that Heisenberg didn't realize.

First of all, Frigga said that Heisenberg was going to leave!

When Odin died, Heisenberg suddenly found that he was temporarily in a state of idleness!

Of course, he still has a lot to do, and after eight months with the Reality Stone and the Dark Elves, Heisenberg intends to take back the Dark Elves' world of Wattheim.

A year and a half later, the Power Stone and Xandar Star invaded. Heisenberg planned to use this incident as a springboard to take down Xandar directly, using this famous neutral planet and transit station as a bridgehead for the Nine Realms to radiate the entire universe!

Then, he will start conquering the Marvel 19999 world at hand and accomplish a great cause far surpassing Darkseid!

Why is Darkseid capable of destroying hundreds of thousands of worlds and conquering millions of worlds whenever he confronts an enemy, but not himself?

Obviously he still has so many things to do, but he inevitably has a plan to leave Marvel 19999!

Even if he leaves temporarily, he wants to temporarily put aside his plans and goals, which is unreasonable!

But when Heisenberg sat down here and re-examined everything he had recently, he finally understood why he had such thoughts!

I saw Heisenberg open the system leisurely and look at the introductions about quest rewards in the system.

The introduction of the clear five-minute reward of invincibility made Heisenberg frown unhappily.

"I always thought that five minutes of invincibility was my trump card.

But I didn't realize until now that it was just the fear and anxiety of the mortal me in the past.

When I kill a few powerful enemies, when millions of lives are lost in my hands, when I truly become the fear of others...!

I finally understand the true meaning of the invincible reward! "

I saw him smile and move the hand holding his chin, letting his fingers tap his cheek lightly.

"The reason why the system uses invincibility as my reward is just to let me know that when invincibility is still my reward, I haven't achieved true invincibility!"

Speaking of this, Heisenberg's laughter suddenly became much louder.

After he laughed said something to himself disdainfully.

"And the reward of invincibility also lets me know, whether it's in the near future, or the future far away!

As long as I still regard the invincibility of the system as my trump card, then I will never be able to become a truly invincible life form!

Because life is stronger than that level, how can there be no matching soul! "

He patted the armrest violently, showing an expectant smile, and he continued to speak.

"How can I be a mere day of doom and stay in this world for a full year until I have that so-called invincibility?

No matter how strong I am, I should be afraid!

But what I fear is by no means an invincible enemy!

What I should really be afraid of...

I am still afraid of them! ! ! "

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