Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 100: Loki's pain

Asgard, the side hall of Asgard, Frigga recovered her divine power tiredly.

As the core weapon of Asgard, the rainbow bridge not only undertakes the heavy responsibility of transmitting the army, but also shoulders the responsibility of the star destroying weapon.

If you don't use the full version of the Rainbow Bridge, but directly use dark magic to use it, the burden on the user is extremely serious!

Even if this burden is borne by Frigga and Odin together, Frigga is already pale at this time.

She took two deep breaths, looked at the sky in the distance with heavy eyes, and then walked towards the treasure house of Asgard sadly.

No one knew that child better than she did, and if she was right, she would see Loki in the treasure trove!

In this way, Frigga bypassed the maid of Asgard, bypassed everyone, and walked into the treasure house alone.

Not long after she came here, Loki really appeared in front of her!

The blue light flickered, the energy of the space gem disappeared in an instant, and Loki looked around confidently with an evil smile like before.

Unfortunately, that confidence disappeared in just a few seconds.


He frowned, and while greeting, he walked towards Frigga suspiciously.

"It's been a long time, and I'm really happy that you look as radiant as ever.

But why are you waiting here, wanting to see with your own eyes how my traitor destroys the kingdom that Odin cherished most in his life? "

"Call him father, son, he is your father!"

Frigga tried her best to remind her, but Loki didn't listen to her words at all.

I saw Loki curled his lips indifferently as he passed Frigga and came to the location where the ice box was stored.

This artifact, which he used to freeze Heimdall, was lying quietly on the collection stand as before.

Loki made a regretful sound as he picked it up.

"Unfortunately, this country has always been like this, and it has not changed for thousands of years!

They are savage, arrogant, despise intelligence and value brute force.

They are arrogant, arrogant, immutable until death.

There are actually quite a few advantages here, but compared with their disadvantages, the advantages of the absence of presence are almost completely invisible.

Just like this weapon, it clearly has the power to destroy the entire Asgard, but their pride is not allowing them to completely seal it! "

Having said that, Loki turned slightly and pointed the ice box in his hand at his mother.

"Odin doesn't love me, the people of this country don't love me, the army doesn't love me, neither does the sergeant major!

Obviously I work harder than anyone, obviously I can do better than anyone, but every time I show my expectations for that seat, they just snicker.

Even if I take the throne with my brain, they will only despise, fight, and cheer for my future failures.

Prejudice is like a mountain, mother! "

Having said that, the Ice Box in Loki's hand was activated violently, directly freezing Frigga's body.

But Frigga did not resist, and Loki did not completely seal Frigga.

I saw that Frigg's exposed head suddenly smiled, and she looked at her son with a smile.

"I know you won't hurt me, boy."

"That's because I also know that you won't hurt me, mother!!!"

Looking at his usual kind mother, Loki burst out violently.

I saw that the expression on his face became more and more broken, and his tone became more and more severe!

"You know, Frigga, I loved you the most when I was a kid, because I think in Asgard, you are the only one who really cares about me!

But now, you have become the most painful person for me!

You know that I have always been rejected by this country, and you know that I will hate them like the enemy, but it is because of your love that I have always been tormented between destroying it and forgiving it, unable to extricate myself! ! !

If you never loved me, it would be very easy for me to die, because then, whether I live or die, I can have real value!

If I live to destroy this kingdom, that moment will be the joy and honor of my life!

And if I die in resistance, then I can face death calmly, and tell myself that I have not passed through this world in vain, and I have not felt sorry for you like I do now!

But it's you, when you let me live, I couldn't take revenge with all my heart, and I couldn't look back calmly after death.

Especially, no matter how painful I feel because of your existence, I can't forget your love for me! "

Having said this, Loki turned away and never looked at his mother again.

He dared not look at Frigga's tearful eyes again.

So he finally said to Frigga without looking back.

"This time I am destined to succeed because I have found an extremely powerful ally.

Not Thanos, but an incomparably great native **** of Midgard.

I will kill Odin to prove my abilities to him, and also to prove him wrong.

But I won't destroy Asgard, I'll even protect it, as you've always hoped!

If my miserable and deformed mind is what you want, you have succeeded.

Not being loved is not real pain. What really hurts my heart is that I will eventually have to avenge too many people who don't love me, and therefore betray the only one who loves me! "

After saying these words resolutely, Loki quietly walked out of Asgard, and the moment he stepped out of the gate, the Ice Box in his hand suddenly bloomed.

The endless power of frost quickly permeated every corner of Asgard, freezing Asgard's most glorious palace into an exquisite work of art in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, Loki took back the Ice Box and took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In the blink of an eye, a space force that is different from the force of frost revolves rapidly.

The vortex that destroyed the space continued to expand, and fifteen Chitauri giant biological landing ships swam in the sky of Asgard!

Heimdall, who was rushing towards this place, stopped in an instant. After a short measurement, he waved his sharp sword and rushed towards the landing ship.

In his eyes, Asgard has fallen, so his next most important job is to stabilize the civilians of Asgard.

Whether it is the human world, or the kingdom of God, the commoners and people's hearts will be the most important things!

And Loki....

After finishing these two tasks, he came to the main entrance of Asgard aimlessly, leaning on the thick ice wall, and sat on the ground without any image.

The Chitauri in the distance were fighting with the remaining Asgardian guards and the civilians of Asgard.

But those were not looked down upon by Loki in the slightest.

He is waiting, waiting for a person, or a group of people, to return.

Today, when the Rainbow Bridge has not been repaired, how much power can his father, who he hates so much, put into the teleportation?


The earth, the United Nations, the five permanent members are bickering over the coming war.

Of course, the so-called quarrel was actually the result of the four permanent members making a bow to Lao Mei together.

Needless to say, when each has a powerful intelligence system, no secret can be called a true secret.

Everyone knows why the aliens came.

Isn't it because you have carried out those weapons of destruction experiments in the United States?

That is, an experiment on the universe Rubik's Cube!

In the face of this issue, the old and the United States had little room for explanation. After the short meeting, they could only send away the ambassadors of various countries with a humble attitude for the first time.

But although the UN conference is over, the work of the countries has only just begun.

There may be competition of interests between countries, but everything is nothing in the face of racial survival.

Almost all the troops that can be mobilized are urgently assembled at this time. In just half a day, all countries in the world are already ready to go!

Just waiting for the inexplicable war outside the sky to decide the winner.

At this time, Heisenberg had long since said goodbye to Gu Yi and the others, and sat alone in the yard to take a nap.

It is now 7:20 pm Earth time, Ma Xiu is waiting for the election vote in two hours, while Hill brings people together, enduring the multi-faceted embarrassment of the United Nations and the U.S. government.

After all, no matter what, the cosmic attack was all because of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe, and Hill and S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot afford this responsibility.

As for Asgard, I have to say that Asgard is really bad now.

Although only fifteen Chitauri giant landing ships invaded, the biological warriors brought by these landing ships did not exceed 8,000.

But let's be honest, the Asgardians never left too many guards.

Even if Heimdall led the rare guards to kill the enemy in succession and almost eliminated all fifteen landing ships, they would inevitably cause countless damages to Asgard.

The flames continued to burn in the urban area under Asgard, with screams and fleeing sounds one after another.

Heimdall could clearly see that the remaining Chitauri warriors were rushing towards the refugees in an organized manner.

But he and the soldiers were still stopped by the stubborn Chitauri soldiers.

They can kill these bastards, but time, and most importantly, time.

Towns can be destroyed, buildings can be rebuilt, but the civilians of Asgard cannot die.

No matter what the cost, I can't let those people suffer unacceptable damage!

After working for eight full hours, Heimdall had to admit that he needed to apply for support!


At the same time, above the sky.

Thor is waving a pair of fists, constantly tearing the Chitauri warriors who crashed on Odin's flagship to shreds!

That's right, he used his hands, not a hammer!

He also didn't use his hammer to traverse the universe like in the past, constantly destroying the enemy's aircraft.

Rather, like an Asgardian berserker, take on a small group of enemies responsible for breaking through to their flagship.

It was only at this point that Thor knew his weakness, because after he left the **** hammer, he couldn't even drive the spaceship to destroy the Qitarui spaceship like his friends, that is, Fandral and others!

Once, he relied on the hammer to traverse the sky and the ground in the Nine Realms. At that time, he never thought of systematically learning the fighting method of the spaceship.

At this time, the whistling spaceship was in his hands, that is, to the extent that he could barely drive. He was just like the person who had just finished his driver's license.

But because of this, the sober Thor gradually grew, and he suddenly discovered a blind spot that he had never discovered before, that is, everything about him seemed to be built on his hammer!

But he didn't realize it until I'm afraid it's a bit late.

At this moment, in Odin's ears, Heimdall's voice kept coming.

"Your Majesty, the Qitarui army's raid on Asgard is probably due to Prince Loki's conspiracy. The battle is out of control, and the civilian population is at stake!"


Odin nodded heavily, and then he took a deep look at Thor who was fighting on the hull.

"Let the present you face the younger brother who gave up everything and chose to betray, you can't win.

So, it's up to you, Thor! "

Odin murmured softly, and then he gave Gungnir a hard blow.

In a blink of an eye, he and the guards around him disappeared in an instant.

Today's battlefield is all handed over to the future king of Asgard...

and the more sensible Headquarters Corps Commanders.

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