Lieutenant General Tsuru trembled violently, hearing the voice of the Warring States.

“Do you want to execute Ace early??”

Bound by the stone shackles of the sea tower, Ace’s body on the kneeling ground trembled violently, and his eyes were dark.

“Little ghost, today I will kill you in the headquarters of the navy no matter what!!”

The red dog is full of firepower, and the magma fruit ability is used to the extreme.

“Big Spitfire!!”

His lower body has all turned into magma, and the whole person is bathed in the magma hot spring.

Countless magma bombs blasted towards the ice lions in the void.

Not to be outdone, the green pheasant naturally used its frozen fruit ability to completely turn ice lions into ice sculptures, and then fell to the ground and shattered.

“Ah la la ……. The ability of the fluttering fruit is really terrifying!! ”

The green pheasant’s face was already gloomy to the extreme.

“In that case, then go all out, if you let him escape today, I’m afraid it won’t be something we can deal with next time!”

The navy’s most powerful general, Sakaski, who has always been proud and conceited, also frowned at this time.

It was as tricky as rumors!

“Meteor Volcano!!”

“Ice Age!!”

The two most powerful admirals in the navy headquarters finally stopped leaving their hands and released the strongest fruit ability.

The red dog swings a huge lava fist.

The lava giant fist enlarged in the wind, turning into countless magma bombs that completely sealed the back road of Yebai, and the shrouded range had exceeded hundreds of meters.

There are even quite a few members of the White Regiment and the Navy.

But at this time, the red dog could not care so much.

The strength displayed by Yebai was almost beyond their control.

If you don’t use killing moves, you don’t know when to fight.

The green pheasant, who had been working with the red dog for many years, naturally knew what was in his mind.

Needless to say, decisively unleash the widest range of destruction and the most powerful ice age.

Countless freezing cold qi burst out from his body and surged towards Ye Bai at lightning speed.

Freeze everything you encounter along the way.

Of course, under the control of the pheasant, all the cold air seemed to have vitality and avoided the magma bomb of the red dog.

It is enough to see how well the Admiral has developed the Devil Fruit.

“Good to go!!.!”

Ye Bai smiled viciously and faced the joint attack of two admirals.

Not only did he not have the slightest cowardice, but he was fierce in battle.

There are not many opportunities to compete with two of the Navy’s top combat powers.

“Let you try this trick!”

“Laser Steel Giant!!”

Ye Bai temporarily distanced himself from the two with a teleportation and cast his fruit ability at the same time.

In an instant, on the battlefield within a radius of several hundred meters, countless swords, guns, swords, and all kinds of metal objects escaped everyone’s control and flew to Yebai’s side.

Under the gravity control of Night White, all the metals are recombined and then change into new forms.

Completely wrap Ye Bai’s entire body.

And all over his body, new weapons were loaded.

“Steel Giant!!!”

In an instant, Yebai turned into a steel giant nearly 100 meters tall.

And that’s just the beginning.

Ye Bai knew that this alone could not deal with the joint efforts of two admirals.

Suddenly, the surging and vast armed color domineering and overlord color domineering burst out from the body.

Two streams of air, one black and one red, rose into the sky, intertwined with each other, covering the outside of the steel giant’s body.

It looks a bit like Barrett after the theatrical version uses the combined fruit.


“Pheasants, red dogs, come to fight !!!”

The steel giant let out a roar.

Swinging his huge fist, he shot down the magma bombs that came from the air.


The frozen ice gas arrived in an instant, and the moment it touched the steel giant, it spread towards the surrounding body at lightning speed.

In less than two breaths, the cold air froze most of the steel giant’s body.

“Find death!!”

Yebai snorted coldly, and the armed color domineering burst out.

Crush the ice that covers the body surface.

“Laser laser!!”

The steel giant made parallel movements, and the laser laser shot out of his eyes was like a long sword of hundreds of meters that blasted all the incoming ice into powder!

And shot towards the red dog and the green pheasant. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everywhere the laser went, ravines appeared on the hard ice.

It’s 10 meters deep.

Swept to the body of the naval soldiers and members of the White Regiment, it turned into powder in an instant.

Not even the screams came out.

It is enough to see the power of its horror.

“Damn, stay away from that laser!!!”

“Quick!! Get out of that area!!! ”

“Yebai, this madman, is this an indiscriminate attack??!”


Both the navy and the members of the White Regiment roared.

They saw with their own eyes that when the laser shot through a vice admiral and the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ outer group, their bodies were instantly cut into pieces.

There is not even time to react.

“Pheasant, red dog, come on!!”

Ye Bai’s roar came from the steel giant’s body.

He turned a deaf ear to the angry scolding from the outside world.

Neither the navy nor the members of the White Regiment had anything to do with him.

If you die, you die.

Count them out of luck when they die.

Whoever disobeys to come to him is!

Yebai let out a roar, wrapped in a high-density armed color domineering giant fist and swung at the two red dogs and green pheasants.

Because of the blessing of the rabbit charm, although the giant is a hundred meters tall.

But the speed is lightning-fast.

A teleportation came to the back of the pheasant.

Before the giant fist hit the pheasant’s body, the strong fist wind had already distorted the space and blew away the cold qi on the pheasant’s body.

“Little ghost, don’t be too arrogant!! Inu Nie Red Lotus!! ”

Seeing this, it is naturally impossible for the red dog to let the night white succeed, and the magma quickly turns into a dog’s head dog.

The magma dog’s head, which was comparable to the giant’s fist, opened its hideous mouth and tore towards the steel giant.


With a loud bang, countless magma splattered out.

The steel giant directly smashed the magma dog head of the red dog.

Then the power did not decrease, and it hit the chest of the red dog at lightning speed.

With a bang, the magma body of the red dog was instantly broken, and a powerful shock wave penetrated out.

Directly blasted a white regiment warship a hundred meters away from the red dog into powder!

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