Infinity Throne

Chapter 978 Crossroads

Outside Heian Temple.

A black cat bites a garland bracelet and looks cute under the tree.

Such a cute wild cat should have attracted many tourists queuing up to pet it, but right next to him stood a giant man two meters tall.

Juhan's bare feet, his clothes and trousers were stretched out by those strong muscles, and looking at the fleshy face, one could tell at a glance that he was not a kind person.

This also resulted in such a cute black cat squatting under the shade of a tree for half an hour, but no one dared to risk his life to come up and pet him.

...may be crushed to death by a giant man.

"Will nothing happen to you, young master?"

Miaomiao was a little worried.

This is the first time in the young master's life that he has traveled far away.

They also promised to take good care of the young master.

A hundred years ago, Miaomiao had an experience of working as an errand in the palace.

Nowadays, times have changed, and everything has become insignificant and unfamiliar.

"Probably not. Young Master is very smart."

Ju'er is very confident in the young master.

"Don't worry, Taixiao is a great fried chicken monster who can beat an old cow to death!" Niuyou said with excitement and excitement, breathing heavily.

Butter can be considered convinced by that punch.

That powerful punch and the pleasure of Taiyi's knuckles jamming into flesh even haunted Niuyou, and he is still unforgettable to this day.

The feeling of being fucked into the soil is so ecstasy.

While the three foreign demons from Luzhou in Beiju were waiting in boredom for Yi Lin and Xuan Ci to come out for sightseeing, a strange person caused a commotion among the tourists.

I saw him wearing a black vest, with his butt raised up, his face almost touching the ground, spinning three times to the left and three times to the right.

“(╥ω╥) # ~~It’s Xuanci!”

The black cat purred and covered his eyes in despair.

The bull scratched his head hard, loudly - that was where his horns were, and muttered to himself: "Do you need to pee urgently?"

As we all know, the dog family has always had a bad habit passed down from generation to generation, that is, they like to urinate and defecate in the same place.

If they change places, they will feel uncomfortable.

So when Niutou saw Gou Di's actions, he made a guess without using his brain.

Brother Dog has not "awakened" to his weird actions at all, and in the eyes of normal people, he looks like a psychopath.

The two demons, Black Cat and Ju'er, have lived in the human race for hundreds of years. Even if it is "hundreds of years" in ancient times, they know that Brother Dog's behavior is not good.

But before they could step forward to stop them,

Brother Gou stood up quickly and walked up to Butter, Black Cat, and Ju'er in two steps. He looked solemnly and pointed in a certain direction:

"There's evil spirit there!"

Before Brother Gou could finish his words, he followed the shadow and instantly ran out in the direction of the evil spirit.

The speed was so fast that the tourists were stunned.

I secretly thought that this lunatic must have been a sprinter before.

"Wait! Brother dog, don't be impulsive!"

Niutou roared, stamped on the ground, and rushed to stop him.


Miaomiao opened her mouth wide, and the chrysanthemum bracelet in her mouth fell to her feet.

After a moment of silence, Yimao Yiji.

Miaomiao rolled her eyes,

The leaves of the chrysanthemum tremble,

They all said in unison:

"Two idiots."

In the underground Zen room.

Yilin was told her past life identity by Zen Master Tianxin, and she calmly asked:

"Why did Master say this?"

"When a man is about to die, his eyes can see through the illusion."

"One of the six great magical powers of Buddhism... the power of fate?"


Yi Lin nodded calmly and sighed: "I haven't seen you for a hundred years, Zen Master Tianxin, you seem to..."

"Almsgiver Lin, I am a poor monk who has only a short time to live. He is still alive today. He does not seek immortality, but just waits for you."

"wait for me?"

"You have come all the way here, but are you here for Chunzhen?"

"No, I'm here for Wang Xiaohu."

Zen Master Tianxin was barely breathing. He made a sighing gesture, his forehead drooped slightly, and then he raised it again: "Back then, the dead leaves wanted to cross him, and the poor monk also wanted to cross him, but they never expected that Chun Zhen was destined to be crossed in the end. , but not us.”

"Please elaborate."

"One day, Chunzhen will go astray. At that time...only...Lin..."


Talking and talking,

Zen Master Tianxin exhaled his last breath and fell in front of Yi Lin.


Yi Lin quickly stepped forward and felt Zen Master Tianxin's breathing and pulse.

Zen Master Tianxin... is dead!

Yi Lin had no time to feel sad for the death of Tianxin Zen Temple, but felt that she couldn't laugh or cry.

"You should speak clearly!"

We promised that monks would not play riddles!

Yi Lin was speechless.

But just when he was trying to help Zen Master Tianxin up,

There were footsteps on the stairs.

Chunhan walked in and said sadly: "Master Tianxin has passed away!"

Yi Lin turned around and looked at Master Chunhan who was kneeling in front of the body of Zen Master Tianxin: "I haven't found the answer I'm looking for yet. Did Master Tianxin tell you the second half of the sentence in advance?"

Chunhan knelt on the ground, and when he raised his head, tears flowed from his muddy eyes.

After a while,

He recounted the story of Wang Xiaohu that he had known over the past hundred years.

Listening to Master Chunhan’s narration,

Yi Lin finally understood the former identity of the man in front of her.

It turned out that he was the King of Zhengbei who dominated the north back then!

After the civil strife ended that year, King Zhengbei suddenly woke up, regretted his life, and hated the past, so he went to Ping'an Temple to become a monk and became Wang Xiaohu's junior disciple, just to have peace of mind for the rest of his life.

Dharma name: Chunhan.

During the fifty years of Xia Xiaoman's reign, Master Chunhan stayed with Zen Master Tianxin, and while comprehending the Buddha's Dharma, he himself was enlightened.

In the past, in order to compete for the throne of the emperor, King Zhengbei, who did not hesitate to raise troops to conquer the world, actually put down his obsession and became a monk. This made Yi Lin sigh with emotion. The Buddhist words are really sharp and can bring down a prince alive. Influence.

Let’s go back to Wang Xiaohu.

Wang Xiaohu originally lived peacefully as a monk in Ping'an Temple.

Until the tenth year of Zhenping calendar.

At that time, he was preparing to go to Jamfu Island in Nanzhanbuzhou to study Buddhism and go south to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

But unexpectedly, something happened.

On his way south, he unexpectedly met his parents who had been separated for ten years.

That was the old Wang family next door to Lin's house.

During the war, the villagers of Qingniu Village were displaced and walked alone in the war, struggling to survive.

The king's father and mother did not know that Wang Xiaohu had become a monk in Ping'an Temple and lived on the streets as a beggar.

On the streets of a certain city, Wang Xiaohu suddenly felt something in his heart and unintentionally found his flesh and blood relatives. At that time, in the bumpy and displaced life, Wang's father had a broken leg and Wang's mother was blind.

Wang Xiaohu was very angry and asked who had done it. Wang Husband and Queen Mother made it clear that it was a Taoist monk from Sword Making Villa who had done it.

So, Wang Xiaohu went to Zhujian Villa alone to seek an explanation.

But the people of Zhujian Villa can be killed in one bite. It is impossible for any monk in the sect to attack ordinary people.

Of course Wang Xiaohu didn't believe it. After all, it was his parents who said it themselves. They could even describe that the person who attacked them was carrying a huge sword box.

This is the attire that the disciples of Zhujian Villa always wear when walking in the secular world.

Wang Xiaohu's cultivation back then was shallow, so of course he couldn't fight against a sword-making villa. After being injured, he was kicked out of the mountain gate.

This is not the end.

Wang Xiaohu couldn't get an explanation, so he returned to the temporary residence where his parents were accommodated.

What Wang Xiaohu didn't expect was that his instructions and comfort to his parents before going out turned into his final farewell.

What greeted Wang Xiaohu was not the concerned greetings from his parents, but... two bloody heads.

Two bloody human heads were hung on the beams, with hideous faces and horrific death conditions.

Wang Xiaohu went crazy.

His parents were brutally murdered, and his Buddhist heart, which he had cultivated for more than ten years, completely collapsed.

It is said that that day, he knelt in front of Heian Temple in the heavy rain, kowtowed a hundred times, and then disappeared into the rainy night.

About a month after Wang Xiaohu left Qingdu.

In Xuanmen, news spread that Zhujian Villa was wiped out.

One night, no chickens or dogs were left in Zhujian Villa, and all the people's heads fell to the ground.

This tragic incident made Wang Xiaohu famous on the road, even temporarily surpassing the popularity left by Lin Yi back then.

After all, Lin Yi had been dead for ten years and was already an old man, unable to compare with Wang Xiaohu's prosperity.

"and after?"

Yi Lin did not expect that his village brother Wang Xiaohu would have such a bumpy experience in the past hundred years. He couldn't help but frown and asked Wang Xiaohu about his follow-up.

But among them, perhaps because of what others reported, there were several things that made Yi Lin feel wrong.

"Later, there were rumors that he rebelled against Buddhism and joined the Mo Luo Temple under the recommendation of the contemporary saint of the Mo Luo Temple. Later, for nearly fifty years, Junior Brother Chun Zhen completely disappeared from Taoism to find traces."

"Saint of the Mara Palace?"

"Yes, there are rumors that the Saint of Moluo Palace has feelings for Junior Brother Chunzhen."

Hearing this, Yi Lin was not surprised. After all, Wang Xiaohu's charm has always been quite high.

Back then in Qingniu Village, as soon as he showed his face and took off his clothes, he made the ignorant girls in the village become the man who tossed and turned repeatedly at night and wet the bed.

Seeing that Yi Lin was silent, Master Chunhan sighed to Amitabha and took the initiative to say the name of the saint who pulled Wang Xiaohu into the Mara Hall.

"The Saint of the Demonic Palace is named 'Yan Qianxiu'."

Yan Qianxiu!

Also from the same village!

It's that Xiu'er!

Yi Lin's frown deepened.

Afterwards, Yi Lin temporarily put the question back in her mind and asked: "But Master Chunhan, you said that I came to find Zen Master Tianxin and could find the answer, but Zen Master Tianxin passed away before he could tell the answer."

"No, Master Tianxin has already told the 'answer' to Taiyi Donor." Perhaps because of Master Chunhan's limited cultivation, he could not see through the person in front of him at a glance like the deceased Zen Master Tianxin. He was the person who was in Xuanmen a hundred years ago. Lin Yi, who left a great reputation and various legends in the world, still calls Yi Lin "Tai Yi".

Master Chunhan was seen pointing at the fallen body of Master Tianxin with tears in his eyes.

When Master Tianxin fell, his hands each maintained a strange gesture.

The fingers of the left hand are bent to hold flowers, and the index finger of the right hand is raised up.

When he fell, the only raised index finger on his right hand was pointing stiffly in a certain direction.

"Ah... what the master means is: in the south?"

When Yilin saw the puzzle left by Zen Master Bai Tianxin with his life,

He was stunned for a moment.

After a while, Yilin clasped her hands toward the body of Zen Master Tianxin, admiring him endlessly.

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