Infinity Throne

Chapter 859 In Jingnan City

Wenyun Province.


As the sun sets in the sky, the thick ice and snow begins to melt.

The ice and snow melted into streams and trickles, eventually flowing into the moat.

On the city wall, guards wearing heavy armor patrolled the city wall with neat steps.

There is a long queue in front of the city gate, and only after being inspected by the city guards can you enter the city.

The moat around Jingnan City is nearly a hundred meters wide at its longest point. Normal troops can only enter the city through the suspension bridge lowered from each gate. Once the suspension bridge is closed, the city looks like a barbed iron barrel, capable of both offense and defense.

There are four gates in Jingnancheng.

East, west, north and south gates.

The four gates are equally guarded and there are no loopholes to exploit.

“I didn’t expect that a ‘passing warrant’ is required to enter the city.”

Yi Lin, Jian Nanchun, and Xia Xiaoman came to this conclusion after observing from a distance for a long time after arriving outside Jingnan City.

Jian Nanchun reached into his arms and rubbed the mother-in-law nails, as if he could feel the body temperature of Junior Sister Chao Rushuang through the connection of the mother-in-law nails. Jian Nanchun was agitated in his heart, but his face remained calm and calm, and he said with a slight smile: "It was like this last time I came here. There were heavy troops stationed in the city, and the military spirit soared into the sky, making the city like a furnace, and the evil spirit was overwhelming. . Ordinary monsters and monsters are simply inaccessible."

"So you didn't enter the city last time?"

Yi Lin looked at Jian Nanchun.

Jian Nanchun immediately took his hand out of his arms, pretended that nothing happened, and said calmly: "It's not necessary."

Yi Lin nodded and understood: "Although this defense is tight, it cannot guard against the monks."

Jian Nanchun said: "Junior Brother Lin, you don't know something. Although the Jingnan City Wall cannot prevent the monks, the Zhennan Palace, the military camp, the granary and other important places in the city are all affixed with the 'Forbidden Spirit Talisman'. Once someone is pregnant, When a cultivator crosses the boundary, the 'Forbidden Soul Talisman' immediately spontaneously ignites and issues a warning. The Forbidden Soul Talisman is a continuous line, with hundreds of talismans strung together into one, and each point is heavily guarded. This way, it can prevent the monks from , it can also prevent assassins, killing two birds with one stone."

"But what if you notice it?" Yi Lin frowned: "With your senior brother's level of cultivation, isn't it easy to break into Zhennan Prince's Mansion?"

"Uh..." Jian Nanchun was slapped in the face by Yi Lin's wave of flattery. He wanted to agree, but after thinking about it, Jian Nanchun was an honest person and never told lies, so Brother Chun could only look embarrassed and tell the truth. Dao Lai said, "Junior brother Lin is wrong in what he said."

"What's the difference?"

"You don't really think that there are no masters from the monk world garrisoning the huge Jingna City, do you?"

Jian Nanchun's words reminded Yi Lin that there were many monks among the assassins who were chasing Xia Xiaoman.

These monk assassins claimed that they were non-sectarian cultivators outside the country, but only they knew where they came from.

Seeing Yi Lin's silence, Jian Nanchun dissuaded him and said: "According to me, there is no need for us to forcefully break into Jingna City. We are going down the mountain to investigate whether there are people from the Demon Sect secretly causing trouble in the turmoil of Daqian." , we only need to go straight to Qingdu to investigate, isn’t it straightforward? Why make a big detour to come to this deserted southern land, abandoning the near for the far? "

Yi Lin was still silent.

"So, what's the point of arguing with King Zhennan if you have nothing to do?" Jian Nanchun thought that Yi Lin had changed his mind, so he followed the temptation and said, "It's easy to turn around! My good junior brother!"

Yi Lin suddenly slapped her forehead: "Yes! Why didn't I think of that!"

Jian Nanchun: "?"

After Yi Lin finished patting her forehead, she looked back at Jian Nanchun and Xia Xiaoman, who looked confused, and said with a smile: "Senior brother is right, we shouldn't sacrifice the near for the distant..."

As he spoke, Yi Lin's eyes finally fell on Xia Xiaoman.

Xia Xiaoman: "...???"

at the same time.

Zhennan Palace.

The hall is resplendent and the stove is booming.

Twelve girls dressed in tulle danced and sang in the main hall of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion. They performed various difficult dances, such as arching bridges or doing splits, with their flesh hidden and flesh exposed, which was amazing.

A middle-aged man with thin features and a majestic face, wearing gorgeous clothes, was condescending, holding his chin with one hand, watching the dance performance of the girls, his eyes showed no fluctuation, as if he was fascinated by the vulgar dancing in the hall. , lack of interest, and seems to have such a temper that he can't get aroused.


Under the flickering firelight, in the shadow behind the middle-aged man, with a burst of light and shadow distortion, a man wearing a black robe and a red mask on his face appeared behind the middle-aged man.

"Your Majesty, I just received a piece of news. I think your Majesty will be slightly interested in it."

"Oh? Say."

Sitting in the main hall, this middle-aged man who was as unmoving as Liu Xiahui was the Lord of Huangnan, the King of Zhennan, Xia Xingchen.

"Princess, here we come."

"The eldest princess?" King Zhennan looked slightly stunned: "Which eldest princess?"

"Oh, the prince's good niece, Princess Zhenping."

"She's actually still alive?"

King Zhennan suddenly sat upright, his body trembling slightly.

After a while, King Zhennan waved his hand, and the musicians in the hall stopped playing music at the same time. The girls also stopped dancing obediently. For a moment, the main hall of King Zhennan's palace was silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

"Back off."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The girls retreated, some with a bit of disappointment on their faces.

They wore very little on purpose today.

Faintly visible, coquettish yet pure.

Everyone hopes that if they are caught by the prince, they can even be a bed-warming maid for a night. When they climb the branches tomorrow, even if they can't fly on the branches and become phoenixes, they can transform from wild crows that no one cares about to become inlaid. The canary raised in the golden cage no longer has to worry about food and clothing.

I never expected that the prince would not like this.

After the musicians and dancers retreated, King Zhennan's trembling body suddenly stopped shaking.

I saw him looking up and laughing in front of the masked man behind him: "I didn't expect it to happen at this juncture. God helps me! God helps me!"

Not long ago.

"I am the current eldest princess of Daqian, Princess Zhenping. I would like to see King Zhennan."

Xia Xiaoman, followed by Jian Nanchun, came directly to the city gate and pretended to announce his identity.

The city guard was suddenly startled: "Which eldest princess?"

"Presumptuous!" Xia Xiaoman was from the palace after all. Even if he had been working as a sidekick for a year and lost a lot of his energy, when it was time to pretend, Xia Xiaoman would never hesitate. In this moment of anger, Xia Xiaoman's eyebrows stood up, and he suddenly had a noble temperament: "How many eldest princesses are there in the Daqian Dynasty? I see that your head is crooked and you don't want to live anymore!"

When the guard saw that the opponent was there, he pretended not to come and immediately reported the situation.

About ten minutes.

News came back from Zhennan Palace.

"Welcome to Your Royal Highness the Princess!"


"Welcome to Your Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Welcome to Your Royal Highness the Princess!"

The city gate was wide open, and rows of heavily armored soldiers knelt down in fear to greet Xia Xiaoman.

Xia Xiaoman raised his proud head and walked towards Zhennan Prince's Mansion amid the admiration of thousands of people.

No one found it.

When the eldest princess entered the city.

A shadow that no one could detect separated from the shadow behind the eldest princess, and then swam out of various postures in broad daylight, got into the surrounding houses, and disappeared.

In a street corner, Yi Lin returned to her human form.

"Look, it's so easy to get in."

In fact, there are many ways to enter the city. Yi Lin can enter by opening any door. But because he was not familiar with the structure inside, if the positioning was not accurate, Yi Lin was worried that he would open the exit in a place that should not be opened, which would only increase the variables.

No, with the name of the eldest princess, the world is so big, what place can’t you go to?

Yi Lin flicked her wrist and pulled out a handmade folding fan.

On the white paper of the folding fan, there are four characters written with dragons and phoenixes dancing - "The trees are beautiful in the forest".

This is a small fan he made to show off when he was bored.

After all, Yi Lin has a [versatile] talent. Don’t waste your skillful hands if you do some handicrafts.

After sneaking into the city, Yi Lin waved her fan and wandered around the streets looking like a local.

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