Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 86: Encounter, A Silver-Haired Girl Like A Fairy

Luo Cheng plans to take Roswaal's influence as his own first, so that he can not only obtain the knowledge of learning magic from Roswaal, but also obtain the resources he possesses.

This country has very abundant resources and a lot of magic ore, which will play a big role in Luo Cheng's further development.

Although the Kingdom of Lugnica does not have a real king at present, but is only represented by the Sage Club, Luo Cheng is also considering establishing diplomatic relations with it as the Nine Xia Kingdom, so as to exchange resources.

Luo Cheng doesn't like war, after all, it will consume huge resources.

But if the other party shows hostility, Luo Cheng will naturally not show mercy to them.

Luo Cheng will use his own army with high-tech weapons to sweep them away.

After incorporating Naiyue Subaru into his team, Luo Cheng first took the troops to understand the terrain around them, and prepared to find a suitable base.

The place where they are located is the royal capital of Lugnica, the most prosperous place in the country of 04.

And when they passed by a street intersection, a golden figure quickly shuttled from the crowd, bringing a gust of breeze, but after the people around reacted, that petite figure had already run out dozens of times. rice.

Short yellow hair, immature face, petite figure, the knife hanging on the waist, and the seemingly absent wind around her.

With just one glance, Luo Cheng recognized the other party's identity.

Felut, this is the thief girl who stole Emilia's badges in the original book. These badges are the symbols of the status of candidates for the throne.

But in fact, she is also one of the five candidates for the throne and has a very keen skill.

But in Felut's hand, a woman with silver-white hair is chasing her.

"Give me back the badge!"

She has a delicate appearance like a fairy, her fair skin is inlaid with amethyst eyes, and her sharp ears show her identity as an elf, but there is a hint of anxiety in her bright eyes, and her long silver hair The air is scattered.

This woman is Emilia, the heroine in the original book.

Emilia is running wildly on the street. Although she is indeed extremely beautiful, after seeing her appearance and her conspicuous hair color, the passers-by around subconsciously retreat to the side as if avoiding the plague. He projected his eyes in other directions unabashedly, obviously because he didn't want to have any relationship with this girl.

This is precisely because she is a half-breed silver-haired half-elf, who looks the same as the jealous witch Shatila who once almost destroyed the continent, so she is hated by many people.

Anything related to the word witch is not a good thing.

Emilia didn't care about it at all, she was obviously used to the eyes of people around her, and the most urgent task now was to snatch back her own badge from Felut, without the badge, she would not be eligible to run for the throne .

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, he knew that it was no accident that Felt stole the Emilia badge.

This is the plot designed by Roswaal.

He uses the Book of Wisdom and knows that there will be traversers who will come to this world and appear beside Emilia, so he ordered Elsa, the gut hunter, to steal Emilia's badge and fulfill the prophecy. The traversers fished out.

And Felut is a thief hired by Elsa, but she doesn't know about it.

Felut passed by Luo Cheng's side, and their bodies touched slightly.

But at this moment, Luo Cheng keenly noticed that the belongings he carried were missing.

While fleeing, Felut did not forget to take the sheep by the way.

"Esdeath, grab her."

Luo Cheng smiled and gave the order softly.

"Happy to oblige."

Estes nodded, stretched out his hand, and the huge ice cone suddenly rose from the ground, surrounding Felut, leaving the latter with no way to escape.

Even if this petite girl has a very good skill, she will definitely not be able to escape the Teigu range of Estes.

"What, what's going on!"

Felut also never thought that his covetous momentary cheapness would cause such consequences.

"It's magic!"

"Is it so powerful?!"

"Is there such a powerful magician in the capital?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, guessing the identities of Estes and the others.

"Many, thank you!"

At this moment, Emilia ran up to Luo Cheng and the others,

"Thank you for helping me catch this thief!"

"Esdesh, release Teigu."

Luo Cheng ordered.

Estes snapped his fingers immediately, and the ice disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Emilia walked up to Felt and questioned him:

"Give me back my badge!"

"I, I didn't steal anything!"

Felt quibbled.

Although it is said that Felut is already a habitual offender, it is still a bit embarrassing to be caught in such a public place. There are also guards in this world, and she does not want to be caught in prison at this time.

Emilia's badge was in Felt's hand.

"Don't lie, I've seen it all!"

Emilia pointed to Felt's clenched fist angrily and said, of course she saw the other's small movements.

"I, I just picked it up by coincidence."

Felut lowered his head slightly, but his voice was still loud, with a 430 taste of bravado, but he had no choice but to return the badge to Emilia.

After regaining her own badge, Emilia expressed her gratitude to Luo Cheng again, with a very sincere tone.

"Your Excellency has a great kindness to me, and I don't know how to repay Your Excellency!"

But while speaking, Emilia lowered her head slightly, not wanting the other party to notice her face.

"That's all it takes, Miss Emilia."

Luo Cheng said with a smile on his face.


Listening to Luo Cheng's words, Emilia was a little surprised, never expecting that the other party knew her identity.

And from Luo Cheng's words and deeds, she didn't feel the same disgust and hostility as others, which surprised her, because few people would not hate her because of her half-elf status.

This gave Emilia a pretty good first impression of Luo Cheng.

"My name is Luo Cheng, and I am an envoy from the Nine Xia Kingdom, who came to Lugnica and wanted to establish diplomatic relations.

Luo Cheng replied slowly,

"Naturally, I did my homework in advance and got to know you, who may be the future ruler of Lugnica.

"I see..…."

Although Emilia nodded, her eyes were still full of doubts,

"Where is Jiuxia Kingdom?".

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