Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 201: Shocking The Audience, The Fog Monster Is Nothing But That

"Lord Luo Cheng, I've caught it."

Estes said lightly, at this time she was holding a cotton candy-like object in her hand, which was the entity of the Mist Demon.

"As expected of Senior Estes!"

Kikyo exclaimed.

Just now, Luo Cheng took Kikyo and Estes into the fog, and ordered Estes to use Teigu's power to freeze the surrounding environment.

Of course he knew that the fog was the monster's body, and ordinary physical methods were of course useless.

But the cold can make the mist demon unbearable.

Under the low temperature, the body of the fog demon will gradually freeze, so it also has to shrink its body to protect itself.

"It turned out to be a creature that can gasify itself, which is interesting.

"Lord Luo Cheng, what should we do with it?"

Estes asked, as long as she pinched it lightly, she could end the demon's life.

"Leave it alive, maybe it can be used as experimental material."

Luo Cheng said.

Immediately, the temperature of Esdeth's hands became lower and lower, and he froze the 04 fog demon in his hands into ice cubes, and then asked Ram to take it back into the mobile fortress.

In the distance of Luo Cheng and others, Tsubaki has been observing them silently, and was shocked by Esdesh's power.

But her eyes were focused on Luo Cheng and the witch beside him.

Looking at the familiar little witch, Tsubaki couldn't help talking to herself softly.

I seem to have seen it it her?"

The reason why Tsubaki recognized Kikyo's identity in a short time was because she vaguely remembered that she had been with Kikyo not long ago.

The reason why she can remember Kikyo is not because there is anything special about Kikyo, but because Kikyo's background is too ordinary.

Ordinary to the point of extraordinary.

Among the many apprentices, Kikyo is the only one who comes from an ordinary mountain village, not the heirs sent by various famous families.

It was snatched first!"

Above the river valley, Master Mibao and Master Mengxin, who were still standing there observing the situation, saw annoyance and regret flashing in their eyes after seeing Luo Cheng and others capture the monster.

The main purpose of their trip this time is to get rid of demons all over the world besides playing. As young monks who have just achieved some success in cultivation, they also want to take this opportunity to make a name for themselves.

But before they were ready to make a move, Estes had already caught the monster.

Therefore, one can imagine the two people's feelings when they saw that it didn't take long for Luo Cheng to catch the monsters that plagued the monasteries and the monster-killing families that could not be solved.

But apart from regret, the two of them couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Luo Cheng and others are much stronger than they imagined.

"Did you just see what just happened?"

Master Mibao asked.

"I see..."

Monk Mengxin frowned tightly, the cold just now made him a little unforgettable.

"What kind of power is that?"

"That person, isn't he going to seal the monster?"

"Is she going to purify directly?"

Master Mibao looked at Luo Cheng and the others below him suspiciously.

Because monsters are hard to kill, even if many demon masters catch monsters, they can only seal them.

After seeing Esdeth freeze the fog monster into ice, the hearts of the two were even more shocked.

In the entire valley, everyone's eyes were attracted by Luo Cheng and others.

Such a special strength, such a powerful force...

"Where the hell did this guy come from"

Seeing the relaxed look of Luo Cheng and others, Chun, who was struggling to maintain a standing posture, couldn't help frowning.

Although she is not too young, but because of the relationship of family inheritance, she has been well-known since she was a child.

Therefore, Tsubaki has a good understanding of the power of the exorcising masters and the tricks they use.

But she had never seen what Luo Cheng and Estes showed just now.

Haven't even heard anything like it.

Is this really an exorcism spell?

While everyone was guessing Luo Cheng's identity, the rich businessman from Water Village who entrusted everyone to get rid of the demon walked quickly towards Luo Cheng with a flattering smile on his face.

He was stunned by the scene just now, and it took several seconds before he recovered.

He bowed respectfully to Luo Cheng:

"May I ask what your name is?"

Hearing the rich businessman's question, everyone present was very curious about the existence of Luo Cheng.

Although they all knew that it was Esdeth who defeated the mist demon just now, from the perspective of words and deeds, Luo Cheng's status is far above Esdeth's.

Who is he?

where is he from

What exactly is the power of that woman?

Before Luo Cheng could answer, Lamu, who was standing next to Luo Cheng, answered his question first.

"This lord's name is Luo Cheng."

Hearing the word Luo Cheng, Monk Mengxin and Master Mibao shook their heads.

They had never heard of the name.

"Master Luo Cheng's strength is high, and he must come from a famous family!"

Luo Cheng said slowly, there was no superfluous expression on his face,

"I'm just a traveler."


Hearing Luo Cheng's answer, the wealthy businessman was a little surprised, but he nodded immediately,

"Thanks to the help of several masters this time, come, this way please!"

Luo Cheng was entertained by the wealthy businessman, so he stayed in the water village for a few more days.

In the village of water, there are a few exorcists who are still staying in the village of water. They are full of interest in Luo Cheng and want to know the origin of the other party.

However, these exorcists did not dare to strike up a conversation with Luo Cheng, because they could feel the terrifyingly powerful aura of Luo Cheng and others.

Except for one person.


She knew Kikyo, and knew how ordinary he was, just an ordinary low-level demon extermination master.

However, why did Platycodon grandiflora go with Luo Cheng et al.

Tsubaki has never heard of the name Luo Cheng, but she has seen Esdesh's power and knows that Esdesh is by no means an ordinary person.

As for the strength of Luo Cheng, the boss of Estes, how strong will he be?

Moreover, Tsubaki is more concerned about Esdesh's unique ability, which is beyond the scope of spells in her impression.

So Tsubaki followed Luo Cheng all the time, observing him.

Of course Luo Cheng noticed the other party's existence, but he didn't care.

Although the other party will become a black witch who will cause harm in the future, but this has nothing to do with Luo Cheng.

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