Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 17: Cross Screen, Back To Safety

"We also learned that he was ordered to do what he did."

The soldier's words echoed in the room.

And everyone present knew who planned this matter just because of this sentence.

Everyone knew that that person was Jiro Watanabe's pawn, and the only one who could order him was Jiro Watanabe.

At this time, Watanabe Jiro's face was pale, and he never thought that the back move he used to save his life would also fail.

Watanabe Jiro couldn't control so much, he could only run away with his legs open.

Compared with zombies, he wanted to stay as far away from Luo Cheng and the latter's troops as possible.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, of course he knew that Watanabe Jiro planned all this.

"Number 4, get rid of him."

Luo Cheng said lightly.

"As ordered."

Infantry No. 4 immediately took out his tactical dagger and threw it forcefully.

The blade swirled in the air, as if tearing the surrounding air, and then plunged into Watanabe Jiro's back without any mistakes.


Watanabe Jiro wailed in pain, he fell to the ground before he could run far, and couldn't get up for a long time.

And Infantry No. 4, like a god of death urging him to death, immediately walked behind the opponent.


"Do not kill me......"

"Let me do whatever I want..."

While moaning and pleading, Watanabe Jiro crawled forward desperately.

However, the wound grew bigger and bigger due to the violent movement, leaving a bloodstain on the ground.

He usually uses various violent and cruel methods to treat those who oppose him, but when he encounters all this now, Watanabe Jiro only has regret in his heart.


But the Huaxia infantrymen would not show mercy to the target Luo Cheng chose. He walked up behind Jiro Watanabe, clamped the opponent's head tightly with his arms like a guillotine, and then exerted force.


That was the sound of Jiro Watanabe's neck breaking.

For his heinous crimes, his life was finally ended.

Everyone else present was stunned, they didn't expect that Watanabe Jiro, who is usually so arrogant and domineering, would be so useless and incompetent in front of Luo Cheng and others.

But soon, most of them had joyful expressions on their faces.

They finally got rid of the rule cast by Watanabe Jiro with violence.

The crowd cheered, seeing Luo Cheng as a savior.

"Take away the supplies that can be taken away."

Luo Cheng turned his head and ordered, and then asked Xirijian to choose a few suitable people to be his future tools.

Naturally, Xirijian selected people who had not lost their morals in this stronghold.

As for the others, let them fend for themselves here.


A few minutes later, Luo Cheng and others had already left the residential area.

Each of them carried sufficient supplies on their backs, and they were already on their way back to the academy.

Luo Cheng turned his head and looked at the building behind him like a dying giant.

Even if Luo Cheng ignored this stronghold today, they certainly wouldn't last long.

The internal order has reached the brink of collapse, and no one knows what choices people will make in extreme situations.

Many people in the stronghold have been bullied by Watanabe Jiro. Although they can still bear it now, they must soon reach the limit of collapse.

Faced with long-term bullying and humiliation, they may also make crazy moves.

In addition, Watanabe Jiro has no overall view at all, he just blindly enjoys the pleasure brought by power, and has no plan or arrangement for the stored materials at all.

According to this development, even if the supplies are so abundant, they will definitely run out soon.

This stronghold will definitely not last for a month.

And all of this was caused by Watanabe Jiro himself.

Now that Watanabe Jiro is dead, Luo Cheng doesn't care how other people should live.

At this moment, Luo Cheng and the others were quickly returning to the school, but infantry No. 1, who was walking in the front, suddenly made a stop gesture.

"Report the situation, No. 1."

Luo Cheng said.

"Report to the commander, there is another group of corpses ahead!"

Infantry No. 1 reported immediately.

In front of them was another group of densely packed zombies, moving towards Luo Cheng and the others.

It's a wave of moving corpses.

Zombies don't have the ability to think, but sometimes they form such huge groups.

"Change route!"

Luo Cheng immediately issued an order. Although this was the shortest distance to go back, if he forced his way, he would only seek death.

The group of them immediately changed their route and headed in another direction, and the zombies followed closely behind them.

Although Luo Cheng and others have traveled a certain distance, because the other route is too rough and the road is full of obstacles, their speed is very slow, and the distance between the zombies is getting shorter and shorter.

They could almost smell the stench emanating from the zombies behind them.

Luo Cheng turned his head, and the distance between them and the zombies was less than 20 meters. Because the line was changed, there was still a distance from the academy. If this continued, the zombies would definitely overtake them.

Can only deal with the enemy!

"Infantry squad, cross cover!"

Luo Cheng ordered immediately.


Infantry No. 1 and No. 2, who were moving in the front, stopped immediately, turned around, immediately took out their light machine guns, and began to shoot at the group of zombies.

The bullet precisely avoided the other people behind him, suppressing the zombie's advance.

The Huaxia soldiers produced by the system not only have the accuracy of every shot, they will not feel hungry and tired, but also the modified light machine gun they hold is more powerful than any rifle in the world today. It is powerful, fast, and easy to change bullets. , can carry out almost seamless fire suppression, and they are also wearing armor made of special materials, which cannot be destroyed by the teeth and claws of the zombies.

After waiting for other people to pass by their side, the two of them immediately moved and evacuated, and then No. 3 and No. 4 took cover, and so on.

Now that it has been exposed, Luo Cheng and others have no worries about shooting.

"Alice, hurry up!"

Xirijian also squatted down, picked up his daughter on his back, and started running.

The hail of guns and bullets poured down, and they had wiped out more than a hundred zombies in an instant.

But there were far more than a hundred zombies, and they continued to flow, almost smashing the obstacles on the road to pieces.

However, the purpose of Luo Cheng and others is not to wipe out the zombies. The more frequently they shoot, the more zombies will be attracted, and the bullets are not unlimited, so the most urgent thing is to leave and evacuate here as soon as possible.

Under the mutual protection of the four soldiers, the crowd distanced themselves from the zombies without any risk.

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