A bottle of body-building liquid quickly went down Chen Fan's stomach.

He didn't feel anything at first, but after a while, Chen Fan felt like there was a fire in his stomach.

It began to burn towards his body, making Chen Fan feel as if his whole body was on fire.

This made Chen Fan couldn't help but want to find water to cool down.

Chen Fan took out the large bucket of mineral water from his backpack and poured it directly over his head.

As the water flowed throughout his body, Chen Fan felt a little better.

But he still felt very irritable. This feeling made Chen Fan want to go find some zombies and kill them for a while.

There were no zombies on the roof, so Chen Fan had no choice but to pick up the Tang Dao and start practicing the Zhenwu Ba Dao on his own.

After practicing it once, Chen Fan felt better.

Then continue practicing the second and third times.

After practicing five times in a row, Chen Fan suddenly felt as if he was relaxed.

And what follows is that my strength has increased several times, and my body has become much lighter.

Chen Fan reached out and clenched his fist, feeling full of strength.

Chen Fan felt like he could go in and out of the zombie group now.

Open your attribute panel:

Number: 6897

Race: Human Cultivation

: First level of body training (with a strength of about 10,000 kilograms)

Talent: Danger perception (can sense danger within 500 meters in advance)

Skills: None

Life skills: No chat channel, The number of remaining personnel in the trading hall

: 8632/10000

, finally breaking through the forging realm.

The strength has more than tripled, and even the range of danger perception has been increased.

I just don’t know why, but I haven’t broken through the bottleneck even after eating so much first-grade diamond snake meat.

And after drinking a bottle of first-grade silver level potion, I achieved a breakthrough.

When the time comes, go out and ask those seniors and you may know the reason.

Chen Fan saw that there were only more than 8,000 people left. It had only been a day or two before there were only more than 8,000 people left.

And according to the information obtained from the chat channel, the Chinese Academy of Sciences learned that it will be more dangerous after a week.

And now almost 2,000 people have died. I really don’t know how many people will be left by then.

Anyway, Chen Fan is not worried about himself. He is already in the physical training state.

It should be more than enough to cope with the world.

Chen Fan put away the watermelon knife and took out a Tang knife.

After eating some more food, I was ready to go downstairs.

Now that I have no shortage of supplies, all I have to do is look for cultivation resources.

Soon, Chen Fan went down to the supermarket. After seeing that there were still many things in the supermarket, Chen Fan thought about it and decided to take some things to the trading floor to exchange for something.

There should still be many people in need of food and water now.

So Chen Fan opened the chat channel:

5568:"Who can come and save me? I'm trapped by zombies, 555."

1567:"I'm dying of thirst. There are zombies downstairs. What should I do?"

385:"Where are you all? Why aren't there any zombies here?"

8647:"You can just die of thirst and starvation. Anyway, I own the supermarket, haha."

6582:"Boss Niu B, can you Can you give me some food? Thank you."

9665:"Don't be afraid if you encounter zombies, just go up and do it."

1254:"That's right, just go up and do it. In fact, there's nothing scary about zombies. I'll do it. Several died".......

Chen Fan looked at the chat messages and roughly understood the current situation. It seemed that most people still lacked food and drink.

Then as long as he trades everything in the supermarket, he should be able to obtain a lot of cultivation resources.

I just don’t know if anyone has gotten good items now.

Chen Fan casually picked up a bottle of WHH mineral water and prepared to hang up on the trading floor.

"Get 1 bottle of WHH mineral water, the quantity increases 200 times, and get 200 bottles of WHH mineral water."


What's going on? The quantity has increased by 200 times.

Why has the upper limit of increase been increased?

Is it because of his improvement in cultivation?

Chen Fan hurriedly called to open the system:

Billion times increase system:

Level: 2

Increase multiple: 100-1000 (The quantity or quality of the collected items is randomly increased by 100 times to 1000 times, and the quality can exceed one level in this world.)

Sure enough, the system increases the level according to your own cultivation, and the current minimum increase rate is not low.

It's 100 times, up to 1000 times.

The most important thing is that the quality increase can be one level higher than that of this world. That is to say

, the items that can be increased to the first grade diamond can now be increased to the second grade or above.

If you continue to upgrade in the future, the multiplier of the increase will be more and more, and it is possible that the quality will be several levels higher than the current world.

And now the highest level can be increased to 1000 times in the forging realm, and then the realm after that.

Chen Fan was excited just thinking about it. After getting excited, Chen Fan put all the items on the trading platform.

Mineral water, happy water, various breads, snacks, tobacco and alcohol, etc., and left a message: I own a large supermarket. Buying anything of high quality comes at a price.

Not long after Chen Fan put it on the shelves, people started to contact him. Chen Fan quickly made deals with those whose requests were not outrageous. Chen Fan blocked all requests for a piece of first-grade bronze material in exchange for a meal of mineral water or a few meals of rice. However, Chen Fan ignored them.

It was quickly spread in the chat channel that people could get food and drinks here. I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck.

They found some items above first-grade bronze, but they didn't find any food or water.

After hearing that Chen Fan could get food and water in exchange

, they all came to exchange for living supplies. After all, the best thing to do was to survive, otherwise even if there were good resources, they might still be able to get it.


Soon, Chen Fan's supply was almost gone.

There were gradually fewer people coming to exchange supplies.

As for those who didn't get any supplies, they started to yell at Ali in the chat channel. But

Chen Fan didn't pay attention to those people.

Chen Fan calculated that he only traded 30 first-grade bronze zombie yuan pills, 8 first-grade silver zombie yuan pills,

15 first-grade bronze steel. After trading here, Chen

Fan found that these cultivation resources were not as much as one increase.

It felt like a waste of time. If he was lucky, he could come here quickly.

1,000 times, that’s not just how exciting it is.

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