"Huangdi's power is unstoppable. Why not recruit Huangdi to defeat Yuan Shu first, and then let Huangdi use the opportunity of sending the King of Hanzhong to surrender to defeat Ma Teng and Han Sui to relieve foreign troubles?"

Li Ru couldn't help but suggest.

He had no choice but to let Dong Huang increase his reputation, but the other generals under Dong Zhuo were not very useful!

Letting Dong Huang go into battle can just consume part of Dong Huang's strength, thereby balancing the military strength of each department, and ensuring that the enemy is defeated and the threat is eliminated. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"Let him go to the governors of Xu Rong, Li Jue, Guo Si and other departments?"

Dong Zhuo lightly twirled his beard without commenting.

But many times, not taking a stand is an attitude in itself.


At this time, Li Ru did not dare to say more.

He knew the worry in Dong Zhuo's heart, and he was fueling this worry, so at this time, he could only remain silent.

"Nanyang, let Niu Fu go."

Dong Zhuo thought for a long time and decided to give his son-in-law a chance.

Niu Fu thought that he was also a strong general back then. He followed him in the north and south and killed countless enemies. Dong Zhuo was relieved when he was allowed to stand alone!

"There is little chance of a war in Liangzhou in the near future. Allocate some troops and let Dong Min take them to Jizhou. Tell him that if he holds on, he will be the Mu of Jizhou and even the King of Jizhou!"

"Bingzhou has asked Dong Yue to be the governor. As for you, just choose one of the Three Dukes to be the governor first!"

Dong Zhuo made overall arrangements.

He assigned the two key places of Jizhou and Bingzhou to his brother Dong Min and clan brother Dong Yue respectively. He felt that with the foundation laid by Dong Huang, these two people should be able to defend these two places.

Of course, when he made his wish, he did not forget his son-in-law Li Ru, and decided to make Li Ru the third prince.

A bowl of water must be leveled!

Dong Zhuo has gone from being a strong man to today, and he has already become proficient in the methods of winning over and controlling his subordinates.

"Thank you, Father!"

After receiving the promise, Li Ru quickly thanked him.

Of course, Li Ru knew that he was not a talented person to lead troops in war, so he naturally wanted to be able to follow Dong Zhuo and get promoted steadily.

But since he had accepted Dong Zhuo's plan, as a beneficiary, Li Ru naturally could not raise any objections to Dong Zhuo's arrangement.

As for why Dong Zhuo didn't mention Dong Huang again this time, it wasn't because Dong Huang was so good at fighting!

Dong Zhuo was in his prime, and it wasn't like he couldn't give birth to a son. Of course, he couldn't let Dong Huang lose his tail!

In Dong Zhuo's heart, Dong Huang and Dong Min have almost the same status. They are both the future pillars of his son and even the Dong family, but they cannot replace him or his son as the core!

To put it bluntly, Dong Zhuo, whose ambition was stimulated by Dong Huang and Fu Shou, was already thinking about how to usurp the Han Dynasty and become independent, how to make his son the master of the new empire, and how to let Dong Huang protect his son!

With this ambition, Dong Zhuo's ideas are naturally different from those of Dong Zhuo in history!

Dong Zhuo was actually very satisfied with Dong Huang's ability to understand current affairs.

But this inevitably leads to another problem. The combat merit of other generals is too low to convince the public. In the future, I am afraid that they will not even be qualified to check and balance Dong Huang.

Not only that, the world is not peaceful now. There are many people who are dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo, so he needs more troops who can fight. In this case, it is naturally necessary to train other generals so that they can check and balance Dong Huang in terms of status and prestige.

Dong Min and Niu Fu are Dong Zhuo's two most promising candidates.

In Dong Zhuo's view, letting Dong Min, who has many years of experience in fighting, go to Jizhou, which is rich but has a complicated situation, should be considered as giving full play to his talents; letting the strong man Niu Fu deal with the playboy Yuan Shu should not be a big problem.

Dong Huang, who was eager to return home, was also very satisfied with Dong Zhuo's order to return to Chang'an as soon as possible to prepare for the wedding.

Dong Huang participated in these wars more for generals and war points, but by now the battle was already depleted of men and horses, and it was time to take a rest.

After all, he has to stay in this world for more than two years. There is no need to rush into a war. Whoever laughs in the end is the real winner.

In Dong Huang's plan, at least the next year and a half will be spent on recuperating, expanding the military, and preparing for war. In the last year, he will concentrate his efforts to eliminate all those who may threaten him.

Dong Huang felt that with the wealth, manpower and accumulation in Yizhou he had collected in the past six months, it would not be an exaggeration to pull out an army of 500,000 in one and a half years, right?

When there are changes in Yongliang, we will leave Yongliang. If there is no problem in Yongliang, we will first enter Jingzhou to level the south of the Yangtze River, and then decide whether to go north depending on the time.

In short, Dong Huang has already made a big plan and is not in a hurry. As soon as Dong Zhuo's order arrived, Dong Huang couldn't wait to gather his army, and crossed the river with a large amount of loot.

Dong Huang decided to go to Luoyang to rest first, and then went to see Dong Zhuo in a light package.

In this battle of Hebei, Dong Huang gained a huge harvest. Not only did he have horrific trophies, but he also had many talented people join his command.

In addition to the talents Zhao Yun and others obtained in Jizhou, Dong Huang also obtained Wang Chang, Wang Chang's cousins ​​Wang Ji and Jia Kui, and Taiyuan natives Guo Huai and Hao Zhao in Bingzhou.

Among these five people, except for Wang Ji, who is inferior, the others are also second-rate top generals in the game.

Among them, Guo Huai played many roles in the Northern Expedition against Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei in history.

Hao Zhao became famous in a battle while defending Zhuge Liang in Chencang.

Jia Kui was a talented person in both internal affairs and military affairs. He had a granddaughter named Jia Nanfeng, who was one of the culprits who caused the Eight Kings Rebellion.

Wang Chang's civil and military skills were among the best in the post-Three Kingdoms era. He was capable of both civil and military skills and was quite comprehensive.

For these five people, Dong Huang also made appointments based on the principle of making the best use of everything. However, Dong Huang did not have much hope for them to truly return to their original aspirations.

Among the five people, the one who is most likely to truly return home is Hao Zhao, who was born in a humble family. Needless to say, the two royal families are also a wealthy family. Although Jia Kui seems to be in a poor family, he is also from a wealthy family. Historically, he has been married to the Guo Huai family and the Sima Yi family, which should not be underestimated.

People from these big families have the most complex thoughts, and it’s very difficult to truly return to your heart!

But no matter what, it would be nice to have some use for it.

Zhang Ji and Du Ji had no intention of returning, so Dong Huang continued to use them.

There is no way, there are still too few internal affairs talents, Dong Huang can only make do with it for now, even if they cannot bring back the exclusive war space, at least they can not hold back in this world!

Of course, not everyone has as many ideas as the Wang brothers. There are a few people who have very simple ideas and just want to become famous.

These people are Fazheng, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu, Man Chong, Meng Da and Ma Jun.

Several of them were people who took the initiative to serve Dong Huang.

Dong Huang was not well-known before, so it was impossible for anyone to defect to him. However, Dong Huang first won a great victory in Luocheng, and then defeated the jujube camp, and then sent troops to Hebei. He won many battles, became a general of hussars and a champion, and had the opportunity to open a palace. Qualifications, naturally there will be people willing to make a career.

These five people are among the best.

Dong Huang met them at his official residence in Luoyang.

Among these people, Meng Da, the second-fifth son, was somewhat looked down upon by Dong Huang, but whether it was Fazheng, Cheng Yu or Xi Zhicai, they were all top-notch advisers. Ma Jun was a skilled craftsman, and even Man Chong, He also has a very outstanding performance and is a qualified cool official eagle dog!

Xi Zhicai was Cao Cao's important counselor in history, and it was only after Xi Zhicai's death that Guo Jia emerged; Fa Zhengze was Liu Bei's important counselor, and his importance in Liu Bei's heart was once greater than that of Zhuge Liang; as for Cheng Yu, not only Cao Cao's important counselor is even as ruthless as Jia Xu. He is the kind of terrifying talent that even if I can't get it, I will never let others get it.

If you get one of the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks, you can conquer the world!

If Jia Xu and Cheng Yu get one of them, it will be a disaster for the people!

Of course, Dong Huang was not stingy with high-ranking officials and generous salaries for these three talents. Not only did he promote them to Jia Xu's deputies, but he also promoted them to become Jia Xu's deputies.

Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu, who often feel sorry for themselves and lament that they were born at the wrong time, feel that they have finally met the Ming Lord. Fa Zhengze, who thinks he is very talented and wise, feels that he has a similar spirit with Dong Huang. The various signs of the three of them make Dong Huang feel that , they might return earlier than Jia Xu!

As for Man Chong, he was appointed by Dong Huang to be in charge of justice and military law, above Xiahou Lan; Meng Da also made reasonable arrangements.

Regarding the issue of women, in the Three Kingdoms era, is it necessary to fall in love with a woman? Isn't it just a vassal of the strong? When Cao Cao arrived in Wancheng, he couldn't say to Zou, "Madam, would you like to go on a date with me tonight? Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? In a year's time, would you like to wait for me to divorce another woman and then sleep with me in the same bed?" Can the bride price be smaller?" If that's the case, he doesn't need to do anything else.

And the readers of this book should come to see war, not love, right?

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