Infinite Terror of Others

Eighty-seven: The True Evil Eye of Revenge 1

The cursed blood quickly fought with the wronged soul and reacted violently upon contact, canceling each other out. Finally, both phases were killed at the last moment. And when the dark brown gas completely disappeared. The fish that seemed to have survived for thousands of years also fell to the ground in shock.

"The side mission is completed. The reward 'Reverse Time Restoration' will be activated after the mission is completed."

The main god's prompt sounded next to Zou Hanger. Zou Hang subconsciously pursed the corner of his mouth and swallowed the trace of blood remaining in the corner of his mouth. With a bang, Zou Hang fell to the ground. It is unknown whether he is alive or dead. Zou Hang's blow just now released all the blood in his body. No reservations. The power of vampires comes from blood, and the place of life is already blood. Without blood, a vampire will still die.

Dragon Storm Huang Jian and Bai Yu had given up when the last spiritual bullet was fired. Waiting for the enemy's ghost to approach and death to come. But suddenly, he discovered that the innocent souls blocking the door disappeared without a trace in the wind, emitting screams like ghosts crying and wolf howling. The disgusting corpse-like gas can no longer be smelled.

"Did you succeed?" Huang Jian sat down as if exhausted.

"Probably!" Long Bao still held M's already hot barrel tightly and looked around cautiously.

Bai Yu rushed out of the room first and looked around. It was discovered that the guilty soul had completely disappeared, and the bright underground laboratory was now completely illuminated by white lights. From time to time, piles of corpses were seen on the walkways. The corpse in question is the inanimate gun or clothing that cannot be digested. The previous masturbation team members had already turned into a pile of rotten meat. Fortunately, the rotten meat at this moment no longer has the disgusting corpse odor.

Look down. Bai Yu captured a human form. He summoned the other two people and hurriedly ran down. During this period, after going down a few floors, I actually saw a masturbation team soldier who was crying and yelling, "Don't kill me." Bai Yu sensitively dropped him into the deep open space beside the corridor. A prolonged cry followed by a muffled 'bang' sound.

When the three of them arrived at the bottom floor. The masturbation team soldier's brain was already boiling. And not far away. Zou Hang's body was motionless. The external burns almost tore off most of the muscle tissue on his surface. The hair was also burned off. Bai Yu replaced the remaining ordinary bullets with the few remaining ordinary bullets, beat the body of the masturbation team soldier into a sieve, and threw it on Zou Hang.

Report that glimmer of hope. Everyone just sat quietly...

this day. The little dog is very happy. I do not know how it is. The thick fog that has hung over Japan for a month has dispersed. And the strong corpse smell no longer exists. Probably because of the sunshine, he felt that their Amaterasu God had mercy and saved them. The thing that excites him the most. The walkers scattered across Japan are like kites with their strings broken. Everyone only knows how to rush forward, even if there is a concrete wall in front of them, they only know how to 'move forward bravely'. Not only that, these walkers have almost no offensive capabilities. Slaughtering things that have no power to fight back has always been what the Yamato nation is good at.

So Xiaoquan ordered all masturbation teams in Japan to be sent out to conduct a sweep. The ban on the people was also lifted to allow the remaining civilians in Japan to join in.

I was busy for a long time until everything was arranged. This gave him some time to rest.

"You guys should get out too! I don't have anything to do with you now." Xiao Quan drove out the soldiers holding two iron boxes behind him. Just yesterday, due to the large-scale attack of the Pacers, I heard that some ghost-like things were killing people everywhere. The cabinet decided to use nuclear bombs to shuffle Japan's largest cities with the highest concentration of monsters. This is indeed the most hopeless solution. The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki poisoned generations of outstanding people of the Yamato nation.

it's good now. It won't be long before the crisis is over!

In fact, all this would have passed. But it’s impossible now!

Bai Yu slowly ascended in a CH-47J transport helicopter. Set off for Tokyo with several survivors of the reincarnation team. More than ten people have died in this 'fish'. And there are countless people who have died in the world of terror. If this were the real world, I really don’t know how shocking it would be.

After experiencing so much life and death, everyone changed a little for a while. It can be said that it is in terms of mentality. Look at the sunshine in the sky. There is a strange calmness. The aftermath of a disaster will always make people cherish their lives more and live longer. But this is a scary world. Can it exist for a long time? According to Zou Hang, if you don’t want to live in terror, then let others experience infinite terror!

The plane flew over Okinawa, where everyone first appeared. UU看书 There are not many people here. And it is located where the fish first charge. There are not many living people left who are still 'fighting' with those stupid walkers.

But Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is much more lively. The streets were filled with soldiers from the Masturbation Team who were chasing the walkers. Of course, there were also many civilians who ran out of the building and fought with poles and stones as one body.

According to this progress, the task should be completed in a short time. However, these things can all be done by others. The current target of the Samsara Team is the Congress House. Picking up a ‘teammate’, so to speak. However, Enron has now been infected and turned into a walker. If everyone wants to return to the main god's space, they must let her die. This is another difficult choice!

But a few people didn't know it yet. An Ran has already left this world!

The helicopter has slowly landed in the parking lot in front of the Congress House. At this moment, the 90-style tanks that were originally here have invaded the nest and gone out to 'capture the bandits'. The masturbation team that was always vigilant around them was nowhere to be seen, leaving only some people responsible for vigilance. However, the CH-47J transport helicopter did not attract their attention.

Bai Yu, Huang Jian, and Long Bao got off the plane first. The last one, Zou Hang, whose entire body was covered with first-aid bandages, only revealed two breathtaking pupils. Slowly get off the plane -

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