Infinite Terror of Others

Eighty-five The Ultimate Showdown 2

Bai Yu saw that Zou Hang had left the room in an instant and was nowhere to be found. I originally wanted to tell him that Fujita's diary recorded that a protection was set up around the fish. If it was not lifted, flames would spurt out. Maybe he has some confidence in Zou Hang's strength, and I guess the flame will not have any impact on Zou Hang.

But Bai Yu didn't know. The weakness of vampires is their fear of fire.

Only about a minute. The blood that was left in the air from the previous bloodshed has been completely consumed by the successive ghosts. The three people were trapped inside, and life or death was only a matter of time.

Maybe it was Zou Hang’s words. Trust in Zou Hang. Several people originally knew that weapons that were hot against firearms and bullets could do almost no harm to the innocent souls. But death is right around the corner.

Dragon Storm doesn't want to die. Entering this terrifying world, one belief has always supported him, and he is almost hypnotic in his autosuggestion. He must return to the main god's space alive and bring his loved ones back to life.

The M in his hand spurted out fire, and the fired bullets caused bursts of explosions when they passed through the enemy soul. The power of a single bullet was not great, but the dense eruption could barely resist the speed of the enemy soul's charge. In a narrow doorway, the innocent soul cannot exert its ruthless power.

Maybe he was angered by Dragon Storm's resistance. The invasion speed of wronged souls has obviously increased. I saw that the weapon in my hand was already working. Huang Jian and Bai Yu also joined the resistance. The stalemate continued like this for a while. Like a siege. What's on the outside can't get in, and what's on the inside can't get out.

Bai Yu was a little sweaty. The weapon in his hand can now resist the attack of the wronged soul. This must be the strange bullets that Zou Hang asked them to use before.

However, the consumption of bullets is very high, and the firepower of three people is shared. Even if the ammunition is exhausted, it won't be long.

In fact, Bai Yu's worries may not be ignored at all. There are only about ten minutes left in the side mission Zou Hang received. If he cannot complete the mission, no matter how long the three members of the Samsara Team can resist, they will be dead.

Zou Hang knew it very well. It is actually an impossible task to eliminate all the 'fish'. After all, that doesn't just refer to the fish, but also to the humans who were infected instead of the fish. It is also a metaphor for the wronged soul.

The walking fish left the water. Although the number is large, they pounce first and then follow. But they all disappeared in almost a month. The service life of the walkers that replaced the fish was only about a month, and more than one fish would decay according to the corpse. It will be unable to withstand the pressure of the discharged corpse odor gas and explode. The most important thing is the innocent soul. As long as the guilty souls are eliminated. without its guidance and attack. Everything is just a matter of time.

And the wronged soul couldn't confront it head-on. The only hope is with the fish in that side mission. Perhaps if the source of evil is eliminated, everything will become clear. But there were only more than ten minutes left. To find out where the fish is, you need to destroy it. There are still ghosts of revenge chasing behind you. this task. Disaster! Extremely difficult!

Just as he said this, Zou Hang jumped up and fell into the depths of the underground laboratory. If you climb the stairs down, more than ten minutes will really not be enough. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But this straight line is also fatal.

Falling at high speed. Zou Hang's musculature is only at the level of an ordinary person. Falling from a height of tens of meters. There is a 99% chance that he will die, and a 1% chance that he will be treated immediately and become a high paraplegic.

The sound of wind kept blowing in his ears. Directly above him. The soul of the enemy was still chasing after him reluctantly. Probably instinctive. Zou Hang's hands seemed to be constantly grabbing at both sides. But the aisles on both sides were 6 or 7 meters away from him. How can I catch the whistling wind and air.

Zou Hang was not panicked or helpless at this moment. Wasting time on fear is just wasting your chances of success. And when he looked around, there was no one he could catch. Only air, only the wind was closest to him. In an instant, Zou Hang seemed to understand something.

Disappear quickly!

I still remember that in "Death Is Coming", Zou Hang narrowly dodged the side of his head, and the bullets flying from the front were no more than a few dozen centimeters away. At this moment, he tried to control the decrease in blood and release the kinetic energy of rapid transformation, focusing only on the part in his hand.

At this moment, the five fingers of his hands were spread out, and the fingers were trembling continuously, as if they had grasped the strong resistance between air friction, and they were trembling rapidly to come into contact with the resistance in the air. The speed of descent suddenly stagnated, and after a few seconds it seemed to be gliding, while the blood in the body was slowly decreasing.

"Self-created skill 'Sound Barrier'! When the frequency of movement of the fingertips exceeds the speed of sound, violent friction with the air occurs to achieve the purpose of gliding. A small amount of blood is consumed for support." The Lord God gave a timely reminder, which made Zou Hang feel relieved. Heart comes.

But the speed drops. The distance between the innocent soul directly above him and him quickly decreased. At this moment, Zou Hang has fallen many levels. The wide-open lights on both sides allowed him to take in everything around him. UU read www. In fact, even without the lights, Zou Hang could already see that his feet were almost at the bottom. There is a huge glass water tank not far away.

Stop using the sound barrier. Zou Hang landed firmly on the ground. Run towards the aquarium.

When in contact with the aquarium. There was a rather large fish inside. It's better to swim than to walk. It looks ugly and is full of microorganisms and juicy and ulcerated flesh. Approached the side where Zou Hang was.

The water in this tank is very strange. If it's water, it's better to say it's some viscous mixture. Zou Hang doesn't know. What was put in this water tank was the bodily fluids and blood left behind after all the bacterial experiments on animals and humans discovered by Unit 731.

The transparent aquarium is enclosed from all sides. But the glass is extremely hard, it should be extremely strong diamond-like mixed fiberglass. But I saw the unclear fish spitting out a few bubbles in the water. Instantly, an extremely stupefying corpse smell seemed to rush out through the isolation of the aquarium. In the closed aquarium, the thick liquid resembles the ripples of the innocent souls floating in the air, turning into abstract human figures and the frightened looks of various creatures.

(Qiu Laohu is so awesome. I sweat like a waterfall every day. I really can’t write words in the room. I went to the living room to turn on the air conditioner...) -

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