Infinite Terror of Others

Seventy-one Crime and Punishment

He came to Azhong's house and knocked lightly. When he entered, he immediately saw Hua Zhi lying on the sofa. Zou Hang murmured to himself: "Will I become like that?" In just a moment, Zou Hang had drawn out the silver Desert Eagle and aimed it at Hua Zhi's forehead. He hated the smell.

"No! She is Hua Zhi, not a monster!" Azhong hurriedly stood in front of Zou Hang.

"She is a monster in my eyes. But don't worry, you and she will both die!" After saying that, a gunshot rang out, and Hua Zhi's body was beaten into pieces. And those body fluids and rotten flesh almost covered the entire room. Fortunately, Zou Hang has the ability to pass through a hundred flowers without even touching him.

But before Ah Zhong came back to his senses. But was surprised to find. At this time, Zou Hang's eyes were red, and two rows of fangs were raised in his mouth. The blood on his body kept opening large and small holes in his body, and all of it flowed into Zou Hang's mouth. After a few seconds, he turned into a mummy!

The actions of the reincarnation team came to a standstill. Zou Hang moved to the house next door that originally belonged to Azhong and Hua Zhi. The disappearance of those two plot characters may be well known to all the team members.

The next day, Zou Hang's body gradually became so weak that he could hardly stand upright and could only crawl on the ground. His body was already covered with many small red bumps. However, this extreme weakness made Zou Hang understand that he might lose his self-consciousness soon. An Ran keenly sensed something about Zou Hang's abnormality. Regardless of Zou Hang's objections, he stayed to take care of him.

On the third day, the bacteria of 'fish' are not as convenient as the T virus. Hua Zhi was also infected by the walking fish, and the mutation only appeared on the third day. The same goes for Zou Hang.

When An Ran walked into the room, she looked at Zou Hang who was beyond recognition. He just frowned and relaxed again. Putting aside the extremely disgusting corpse odor, his breathing no longer showed disgust on his face, but a smile. Putting Zou Hang's head on her lap, she didn't want Zou Hang to be too sad, and she treated him with her as usual without any scruples. Although she felt a little psychologically opposed to Zou Hang's almost rotten body at the moment, she still Strongly force yourself to accept and accept everything about this loved one. She wanted to tell Zou Hang that no matter what he became, her love would not diminish. She will always encourage him and will definitely find a way to help him recover. Of course, Zou Hang doesn't know all this, and he doesn't even bother to know it! Because from the beginning to now he has treated Enron as a tool, nothing more.

Maybe not enough. Zou Hang had already decided that An Ran would be tortured to death.

But now An Ran feels a little disappointed because Zou Hang hasn't said a word in the past two days.

There is no way to recover. No! Zou Hang knew very well that this was not a biological crisis. This is a group-killing mission. Once infected with the 'fish', you can only wait to die. Unless you have strong resistance or strong cell activity. But he was in the reincarnation team, and his cell activity of 70 was many times that of ordinary people, so he still couldn't resist. He sucked up every drop of blood in Azhong's body, but it still had no effect at all. He couldn't get help from the outside world. It can be said that it is dead.

Actually die! To be honest, Zou Hang was not afraid at all, but he was a little regretful that the plan in his heart had not yet been implemented. And as it is now, it won't be long before the consciousness is blurred, but it won't die yet. Instead, it will turn into a walking mass of rotten meat and be dragged to the walking machine as a consumable. The mouth and anus will be blocked by the protruding tube and squirted out. Full of corpse-smelling gas.

For those who are truly infected, the strange stimulation and discomfort in the vagina may not be scary at all. But what is truly terrifying is the mental torture. Compared with these, death is the relief that people long for.

The infection route of 'fish' bacteria is not only through entering the body through the stinging feet, but this method is the easiest and most convenient for huge fish schools. After all, no one would open their mouth to eat something that has rotted and smells like corpse.

Transmission into the body, bacterial infection. The infinite terror of others.

This is exactly what Zou Hang wants to do.

"An Ran, I want you to do something!" Zou Hang's voice was not loud, but An Ran could hear it clearly.

Hearing Zou Hang's voice, An Ran was a little happy. After all, Zou Hang finally spoke. So An Ran replied excitedly: "Say it! No matter what it is! I will help you do it!"

"!" (It was originally written in Chinese, but it is definitely too straightforward. There are more explanations in English anyway.)

An Ran bit her lower lip. She knew that if that were the case, she would be very likely to be infected by the bacteria from the 'fish' spread through body fluids. Can! This is Zou Hang's request. Moreover, it may also be his last wish. Love someone, love him forever. You should love everything about him, everything about him. An Ran shed tears, she didn't want to live if Zou Hang died. What else is there to be afraid of! I should be happy to be with him even after death.

The sweet smile at the corner of her mouth was still that innocent side. She blurred her tears, but the tears seemed to be happy and sweet.

Smile and cry, those tears are the most precious.

It's a pity that she fell in love with the wrong person. And Zou Hang is ‘not a human being’.

He took off his clothes, put down everything, and walked to the bed safely. He already ignored the swollen and disgusting body, and bent down...


(One thing worth explaining is that Zou Hang has no strength now, and An Ran is basically serving ^-^)

Very poor. I mean Zou Hang is very pitiful.

Wushan**. It's just a mechanical implementation of the plan. Although I can't leave this scary world yet. But there is one missing village regret. An Ran is dead. Then it's time for him to go.

After An Ran is done. Was kicked out of the room. Zou Hang silently recalled the eighteen years of short occupation. It seems that there is a blank in the memory and nothing is left. Zou Hang, who was spitting corpse-stench gas at this moment, was already starting to feel a little dazed. He murmured to himself: "Have I ever existed?"

existed? What evidence is there to prove it? Even if he could be buried, no one would ever pray for him at his silent grave. No one will suddenly remember his goodness after many years. safely! Maybe it will. But the sad thing is that until he was about to die, he still didn't know how to cherish and hurt the only person who loved him. It can only be said that he lived a miserable life. But until the last moment, Zou Hang didn't think so.

Divine punishment in a space bag. When Zou Hang held it in his hand, the surroundings changed. Zou Hang opened his eyes wide and looked around in surprise. At the moment when God's punishment is in his hand. He saw traces of black mist being drawn out from his body. The milky white gas filled with corpse stench ejected by the 'Goooo' and the black mist that was pulled upwards floated upward and merged, and at this time it also took shape. The turbid and squirming creatures condensed. The shape of a human head and a squeezed humanoid body. It should be the so-called soul or wronged soul!

I saw the mist constantly swirling around Zou Hang. Suddenly, countless hands stretched out and pulled Zou Hang's body. But whenever the mist touches the Divine Punishment in Zou Hang's hand, it will be directly evaporated. UU Reading The bloody part of God's Punishment keeps getting brighter. As if boiling.

Zou Hang was a little depressed. Because the body doesn't have much strength anymore. Whatever that is. Now I have no energy to care about it. Turn your right hand over and aim it at your heart. Just stab it and you'll be free. Maybe your soul will be burned as mentioned when redeeming the divine punishment, but it doesn't matter.

But this is the moment. The drooping wrist was tightly grasped by the hands transformed by those innocent souls. The human figures in the sky seemed to be tortured. They were very afraid of divine punishment, but they had to stop Zou Hang's hand one after another.

Zou Hang is very tired now. But anxious. He hates being blocked. No one can change what he decides to do. At this moment, Zou Hang got the strength from nowhere and pulled his hand down fiercely. Sending divine punishment into the heart...

Blood-red light burst out. The innocent souls let out shrill screams and were enveloped in red light. They evaporated, disappeared, and burned. No one could survive. At this moment, Zou Hang felt that all the blood in his body was boiling, flowing rapidly towards his heart. It was like being thrown into a furnace and being refined by the purgatory flames.

When everything stops. Zou Hang lost consciousness, and the Divine Punishment in his hand turned completely black. He dropped his hand and fell to the ground. When it hit the floor, it turned into flying ash -

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