Infinite Terror of Others

Forty-eight Peaceful Heart

I live in a suburban county, and land is expensive in the city, so some schools have moved to suburban counties. Compared with the city, after the land is sold, a school several times larger can often be built.

And An Ran's home is not far from those colleges and universities.

To ensure student safety. The school is basically managed in a closed room. Of course, many students will climb over the wall and walk half an hour away from the farm area to go to the street Internet cafe to surf the Internet. Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

Life in a closed trial school is so depressing. It's so oppressive that one can't breathe. And every time the students here want to vent completely.

An Ran was in the third grade of junior high school at that time, attending a middle school in a suburban county. An Ran has an innocent and lively personality, and her appearance is quite cute. Young people who are just starting to fall in love will inevitably express their love to her. There is something quite sincere and enthusiastic about it. The time occupied here is called A. Although An Ran hasn't thought about that yet, she is still a little touched by A's sincerity.

Evening self-study usually ends at 9:30. On that day, An Ran was distracted by some trivial matters and did not leave school until 10 o'clock. The night is already deep. My usual classmates are no longer here. An Ran could only go home alone. And not far behind him is A. Maybe it would be better not to win her heart.

But it really was the end of the world that day.

A group of three college students might want to get back before the school night inspection. They all hurriedly left the Internet cafe. Students who have nowhere to vent mostly go online to watch movies.

Maybe he was hot-headed and saw An Ran alone. Evil intentions emerge. In suburban counties, most of the farmland is remote.

The screams of grief did not have any effect, but people who had done bad things would feel guilty.

After the three people left, A, who was still in a daze in the distance, recovered from his surprise.

It was only when An Ran was disheveled and most vulnerable that he found a familiar figure, which was the deepest blow to his heart. After a heavy slap, An Ran endured it sluggishly...

Afterwards, A changed schools. Even a few college students couldn’t remember what they looked like. And the shame of being a girl. The story is hidden.

Maybe I am selectively frustrated and don’t think about it.

Or you want to feel safe. When An Ran was interacting with others, she would silently endure no matter how she was treated. She just wanted to find someone who could protect him. To give him a sense of security, she could sacrifice everything for that person...

(It seems that there really was a case of college students having sex. I seem to have read about it somewhere. But then those college students were sentenced.) Zou. sail. one. Sample. cold. Blood. of. point. Cut. Wire……

perhaps. Enron finding Zou Hang was the biggest mistake.

It seems like Zou Hang saved An Ran twice! The first time was when the car exploded when Liang Jun died, and Zou Hang used Bai Hong as a shield. The second time was to kill Wang Zhiming. Of course, it can be said that Zou Hang was not trying to save An Ran both times! But Zou Hang has already killed An Ran once, if the main god in "Death is Coming 1" had not prompted him. Now Zou Hang is planning to kill An Ran for the second time.

What kind of world is this? Dirty society and ugly human beings. There's no point complaining, too many of these things happen. A few people are cynical, and most people look on with cold eyes.

However, when I look at human beings, I hope they can fulfill their nature and are not like animals or foreign objects. What is the behavior of those who will never come back if they are cynical?

Zou Hang and An Ran have similarities. He is also innocent but abandoned by society. But both do very different things. If we use a flower as a metaphor, Zou Hang is a rose with thorns. No matter who comes close, he will be pricked by the thorns. And An Ran is a white lily, pure, helpless and kind but bullied by others.

But saying this now has no effect. No one knows what Zou Hang wants to do, and no one can predict the outcome.

It can be said that there were no setbacks in the ten days. It passed quickly. Just looking at An Ran's face, it didn't look good. And there are a few scars on the arm. But the happiness on his face that he had never felt before came from the bottom of his heart.

Some things are more important in Zou Hang's heart than surviving.

Checked your belongings one last time. When the Lord God's emotionless prompt sounded. The two of them were already standing within the beam of light.

"Enter the light beam within thirty seconds, lock the transfer target, and the 'fish' begins to teleport."

(Okay. Now it’s time to officially enter the horror film. It’s time for me to pick out the supporting cast in the post. Not all the supporting cast will be dead this time. There will be a few who will become long-term partners, or ‘tools’ haha.

I would also like to thank all readers, UU Kanshu www.uukansu. nnet explains something. This book is not the work of a master and only a limited number of people will read it now. So I will read the book reviews every day. Basically, if you have any questions or suggestions, I will explain them.

The protagonist of this book is Zou Hang, and of course it will not always be written about him alone. Even if everyone wanted to, I wouldn't write it this way. Otherwise, forget about changing it to first person. Regarding the argument that everyone keeps saying that the protagonist is too bloody and would be used to kill others except himself. It's just time-consuming, after all, it's "The Infinite Terror of Others". Of course this other person will be infinitely terrifying.

Chu Xuan is the prototype of the protagonist, but he and the protagonist are two different people. Said Zou Hang is not as strong as Chu Xuan. To put it bluntly, I can directly make Zou Hang become a great person, and let him fill in all the pitfalls that I have made in my hands. But then Zou Hang is really not a human being. At that time, he could really live alone. I am taking this character very seriously and I believe everyone can see it.

The protagonist will change and become acceptable to everyone, but it’s definitely not yet time. The three chapters posted today are so coded that it gives me a headache. Everyone, please don’t be angry with Zou Hang and blame me. Only when he reaches the extreme can there be a turning point. I believe everyone will see it when it is finished. Also, I can’t match the update speed of the great masters, but 6,000+ a day is considered decent. All right. I admit there was a lot of nonsense today. At worst, I'll post more tomorrow. I upload as many codes as I want without saving them. Now I don’t even have time to read...) -

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