(I am not qualified to evaluate the difference between good and evil! Plato said that human nature is evil. Xunzi also said that human nature is originally evil. Human instincts are all animals. If you put the environment in which you were born, An era when you go out and see nothing, and the plains are covered with bones. Your parents and everyone around you are eating human flesh, telling you that this is food. You are right to do so. Are you considered evil? Some rich and powerful people People who can eat rice take all the food into their own hands, and then call those people barbarians.

Social environment shapes a person.

My head is spinning. The social background of the protagonist is no longer in the same situation as an ordinary person. He also said that Zou Hang must be completely deceived to be a real talent. At this point, Zou Hang really became a demon. Everything he does now is based on the environment in which he grew up. In that small town did he need to deceive, need to say something nice? So it's not that I don't want to completely portray Zou Hang as the kind of person who does one thing in front of others and another behind his back. It respects the previous setting of Zou Hang. This is Zou Hang’s unique personality! MS said too much again. Everyone, keep reading! )

When Jiang Hai suddenly pointed the Desert Eagle at Wang Zhiming's head, a sharp knife in Wang Zhiming's hand was already pressed against Claire's neck. Just listen to him say: "Maybe you can blow my head off in an instant. But I am also confident that I can cut her throat before that, and my knife skills were learned from a Vietnam War veteran. The United States died under his knife." This guy has three digits."

On the TV, the scene of Zou Hang sucking blood was still playing in a loop. The wounds on Pooh's body were fatal, proving that Wang Zhiming's statement was not exaggerated at all.

Jiang Hai is already like a crazy lion. Wang Zhiming stabbed him down. The only remaining members of the Samsara Team will be wiped out in this "Death Is Coming 1".

"Jiang Hai killed Zou Hang! I will let Claire go." Wang Zhiming said.

Now maybe Wang Zhiming is more hateful than Zou Hang. However, in his hands is the team's only hope of returning to heaven. Jiang Hai looked at Bai Hong. In this game, perhaps Bai Hong is the most innocent. Thinking of this, Jiang Hai turned the gun in his hand to Zou Hang.

A cool breeze came.

"Here we come!" Zou Hang and Wang Zhiming both screamed inwardly. The smile on Wang Zhiming's face became excited. All the snakes and rats should die. Even if I don't survive in the end, I must see someone lying at my feet.

At this moment, the code of the God of Death suddenly appeared in Zou Hang's mind.

(Too many surprises. But it’s still the second step. Wang Zhiming, you’re dead.)

Claire originally went out to buy some food today, but when she came back, she was knocked unconscious and tied up by Wang Zhiming who broke in. And she came in to buy something. In the paper bag by the door. The gust of wind passed by, as if it saw the paper bag, and suddenly blew it over. A can rolled out of it. Slide to the side.

On the other side is a tank of pure oxygen, which Claire uses when working on oxygen welding and cutting. Haven't had time to move to the workroom yet. It was the can that hit the switch.

The liquefied oxygen was violently split into a powerful eruption. It actually blew over the tool rack on the side of the living room. And the freshly sawed iron hooks and welding irons on the shelf all attacked An Ran in front. If nothing happens, there will definitely be many bloody holes in An Ran's body.

Wang Zhiming was very excited. If there were no words from Enron. Maybe Zou Hang had been dealt with by Jiang Hai long ago. Now she deserves it.

In this moment of crisis. Disappear quickly! The blood in Zou Hang's body circulated at high speed again. The circulating blood was almost boiling and burning. Under this explosive force, everything around Zou Hang slowed down, or it could be said that Zou Hang was faster than human speed. Every small movement is under tremendous pressure. The air severely hindered Zou Hang's speed of action. This speed was extremely slow in Zou Hang's eyes, but in the eyes of others, Zou Hang was still where he was. Because this speed has exceeded the speed of the naked eye, it forms an afterimage effect. There was a loud clanging sound. An Ran, who was safe and sound, was held in Zou Hang's arms and was instantly on the other side.

This is the skill of vampires. Having consumed a lot of blood, Zou Hang's body was overwhelmed and he was panting heavily.

Wang Zhiming could hardly believe his eyes. Because the speed is really too fast. Jiang Hai and Bai Hong were also a little stunned.

"You all die with me!" Wang Zhiming shouted. When the sharp knife in his hand was about to pierce Claire's neck. I saw that a hacksaw that had just fallen off the shelf was pressed by the hammer, and its curved elasticity straightened, forming a reaction force that flew through the air and stabbed straight into Wang Zhiming's head. The saw blade was completely submerged halfway.

(It really feels like I’m writing 7 Deadly Sins now. It’s really hard to think of different ways of death for several people! I don’t know how many brain cells have died.)

6 plot characters on the death list. 7 members of the reincarnation team. Since the number of alternate deaths is not equal, there will be one that will continue after the death of the reincarnation team. After safely skipping death, the next name recorded in the Death Code is Wang Zhiming. Maybe he calculated the order of Death's killings, and used this list to lead Zou Hang to Pooh and reveal the inside story of Zou Hang's blood-sucking. But also because of this list. The dead man becomes himself. Maybe he calculated that Zou Hang didn't have much humanity and wouldn't risk his life to save An Ran. And there is no way to save him.

But he didn't calculate that Zou Hang had the ability to quickly transform, nor did he calculate that Zou Hang could save An Ran in order to kill him.

But at this moment, An Ran's soul was thrown into nowhere. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net In her eyes, the world is all pink. There is only one Zou Hang in her world. "He saved me, he saved me, I'm so happy!"

You can hate someone so much that you want to drink his blood and eat his flesh. Zou Hang didn't want to eat the meat, but the blood couldn't be wasted. After all, the dizziness came back to me. It must be replenished as soon as possible.

After cleaning up the body, I woke up Claire who was still in a coma! Everyone only said that they saw her fainting while passing by.

What I have to say here is that Zou Hang’s first step plan was implemented successfully. Perhaps Wang Zhiming was indeed exceptionally intelligent in deciphering the Death Code that Zou Hangdu had already given up on. If before Zou Hang vetoed that judgment, Claire really had a good hand, but it was a pity that she would lose the whole game if she made one wrong move. In the world of reincarnation, one move away is always fatal.

Maybe Wang Zhiming didn't realize this until his death. More visible to others.

There are only 4 people left in the reincarnation team. There are also only 4 plot characters left.

(The third step, there is not much suspense, you just need to wait quietly for Death to come, or do something to help Death.) -

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