Infinite Terror of Others

One hundred and seventeen: Those who see the curse will die.

Long Bao heard the sound and hurried forward. After checking his breathing and seeing that Huang Jian was still alive, he felt relieved. He carried Huang Jian and walked back. When passing by Baiyun. Baiyun seemed to have woken up with a start, and his tears were almost endless. She hadn't cried in a long time. For a long time, I collected weapons and went back to when I was three years old and cried over a broken toy. But Bai Yu comforted her at that time. Bai Yu is no longer here at this moment...

There was no time for more rest, and the seal of the White House was lifted. Everyone's first thought was to leave here and find Zou Hang.

certainly. When several people appeared in embarrassment outside the gate of the White House. It's not just Zhang Xun and Zou Hang who are waiting for them. And Toshio’s equally scary little devil.

"If you close your eyes, the fearful one will bite your tongue. It can't kill anyone!" Zou Hang's voice broke the tranquility of the night. Everyone was shocked, and they subconsciously followed Zou Hang's words before they had time to think about it. Of course the dreamer and the dead are not among them.

When Zou Hang's unwavering sense of crisis suddenly dropped. He had counted three million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and thirty-three. This long series of numbers represents every second. This only happened within ten minutes after the white rain interrupted. If you observe Zou Hang carefully now, he seems to be much older. Although the appearance is still the same, the aura is as if it has been standing alone for decades.

Just now, he seemed to be able to feel the anger of the brat Dao Junxiong. And then he opened his eyes and remembered this passage.

Zou Hang wanted Bai Yu and the others to pay for what they had done. When Zou Hang discovered the kid Junxiong, he could already guess the enemy in this dream. Bai Yu was no longer among the people present, coupled with the feeling before and Jun Xiong's anger now. Zou Hang can roughly guess a few clues.

"He has paid. I hate this thing!" Zou Hang blurted out the words. Junxiong, who was already facing several people, suddenly felt that the person who could hurt him was sober. Just before turning around, I heard: "Quickly disapparate!"

The surrounding air seemed to be torn apart violently and violently shaken. In the blink of an eye, Zou Hang was no longer seen in this open green grassland.

Junxiong seemed to be very angry at this original prey. He actually gave up on those people and disappeared Piaohu.

When a gust of wind blows. Although the wind in late autumn makes people feel a bit chilly. But the atmosphere of terror that had been plaguing everyone was gone. Perhaps the ups and downs of the wind represent the end of this dream. However, everyone in the Samsara Team still cannot leave this terrifying world!

"Can you open your eyes?" Ke'er asked carefully.

"No! Keep it closed for now!" An Ran said.

But if anyone notices, An Ran has his eyes open at this moment. As if deep in thought. Of course, it didn't mean that she didn't believe the warning Zou Hang gave them. Just after everything calms down. He could already feel Zou Hang and the creepy things leaving.

Although An Ran remained silent. But he vaguely caught some unusual clues. Like said before. An Ran understands Zou Hang like no one else. But now she looked at Luo Chen, who was still sleeping soundly, and seemed to have some understanding. Maybe she was the first person to notice what Zou Hang was doing.

This mission has almost no meaningful hints, making it confusing. But the enemies these two times still looked like horror movies. Resident Evil, The Grudge. In other words, the enemies that may appear next may also be monsters that usually appear in movies. And the reason for everything was that Luo Chen, who was sleeping soundly in front of him, opened the door to hell.

(Sleeping? Dreaming?)

If this mission is made up of dreams, how do you leave this world? It’s about continuing to experience these annoying dreams. Or is there another way...

An Ran was a little troubled. The frown is frowned, which is very Xi Shi's mood. Originally she didn't want to think about this, after all, Zou Hang could lead her. But in An Ran's heart, she no longer wanted to rely on Zou Hang. And she noticed the change in Zou Hang, which might be indifferent or fatal.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side. Zou Hang may have only a small amount of blood left in his body after that bloodshed. But this stock is still much fuller than before. He used rapid transformation and was thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye. The control of blood has become more comfortable, and it is not as unbearable as when I first used it.

"Can you really not win?" Zou Hang seemed disdainful. After thinking about it, the previous inference can be ignored. That judgment might have been too hasty at the time. Just now, when he opened his eyes, the burn on Junxiong's back gave him confidence. Although the damage caused by an almost full blow is not obvious, it also breaks the myth of invincibility. As long as there is enough blood. He was sure to send this thing back to the Lord God.

Maybe there are other ways to eliminate the curse, but although this is the stupidest method, it is also the most direct.

Looking at the towering Santa Maria Hospital in front of us. During the first few ‘meals’. Zou Hang knew that the blood bank was very well stocked. If the blood volume of forty people was used to kill the blood, the kid would leave burn marks the size of his palm. So what about the blood volume of four hundred people?

Jia Shu entered the blood bank lightly. Don't care what your blood type is. Zou Hang opened his mouth and inhaled, and out of thin air, the tightly packed rubber bags exploded with the restless blood inside. The thick blood mist all over the sky began to drip. The huge humidity has dyed the floor and surrounding walls into Zou Hang's favorite red.

At this moment, a cold breath approached the front door. Just as he was breathing, a small figure appeared in the door like a ghost. A pair of lifeless eyes locked on Zou Hang.

At this moment, Zou Hang was shuddered by the cold light. But he raised his lips coldly. Without hesitation, he turned around and tried to confront him.

There was a moment of eye contact. Zou Hang's pupils couldn't help but expand. My whole body seemed to be covered with vines and I couldn't move. A depressing atmosphere led to the fear of not having anything to do with Zou Hang attacking his whole body. But, so what?

Shame on blood

At this moment, the boiling blood from Zou Hang's body was flowing throughout his body, and invisible blood vessels suddenly appeared on his pale skin in the form of green meridians. Then the swelling enlarged rapidly. It exploded with a pop. With the blood of the cause, the power of God's curse. Wrap up that terrible curse.

The cries of ghosts and wolves howled, and the screams were endless, and ordinary people could not bear the frequency to express the pain at this moment. But Zou Hang never appreciated it. At the same time, the blood-sucking skill is displayed again. Bo Jue's blood-sucking range meant that he didn't even need to move. In a matter of seconds, the red water flowing around him and the blood mist in the air rushed into his body.

Shame on blood


The power of vampires comes from blood. As long as blood exists, they are the masters of life.

As the shining fragments disintegrated and disappeared into the air. The dream is over.

When the fish belly turns pale again in the east, the first twilight shines over the ruins of this city. Eight of the twenty people on this mission are still alive. It’s just that this number may need to be reduced some more-

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