Infinite Terror of Others

One hundred and nine: Those who see the curse will die four times

What color is blood. It is particularly common in the horror world, but it is so dazzling. Zou Hang's youth has not yet ended, he is eighteen years old. But it completely makes people unable to see the ignorance and rawness it should have. There is only coldness, coldness and cruelty. Then again, I wonder if so-called people can live long? At least in the horror world there can be no surviving non-killers!

When the bright red color blooms like a ghost, the moment is as short as a shooting star. The blood has faded away, and Zou Hang will not be the only one left behind! Zou Hang can be regarded as a ghostly existence, and so is the little boy who is infinitely terrifying.

do not know why? ! Maybe it was because the trace of deathly energy that was resting on Zou Hang's back had cut off all Zou Hang's tactile nerves. In other words, all Zou Hang's nerves are still intact, but there is a force that prevents him from contacting the outside world. Same as the former, that shrill scream also seemed to have this kind of power. Zou Hang's ears could not hear the slightest sound. Perhaps after a confrontation that only lasted a few seconds, Zou Hang was left with only his vision. But at this moment, this only sense has become his fatal weakness!

It’s time to open your eyes and fully experience the shock of that fatal blow, the infinite terror! Or is it possible to keep closing your eyes and completely forget about time, and experience the endless darkness?

In fact, there is not much difference between the two. The only difference is that one is to immediately collapse oneself and leave this world. The other is to let him fully face the torture of losing everything in the endless darkness and live longer!

The blood-killing skills dissipated. Of course, Zou Hang seemed to be isolated from the world. Maybe he wouldn't know it if the power that had always been outside his eyes hadn't disappeared.

The disappearance of the four senses is an almost devastating punishment. But that sixth sense still exists in Zou Hang's remaining sanity.

Sixth sense, these three words are somewhat vaguely defined. For example, Wen Yiyue's yin and yang eyes fall into this category. Zhang Xun's channeling also falls into this category. Everyone’s sixth sense is different, so what is Zou Hang’s sixth sense? crisis! Zou Hang is absolutely, almost deceitfully loyal to his own sense of crisis, no matter whether it is big or small, right or wrong. Zou Hang had this feeling of trusting him ever since he could remember. The feeling is still very strong at this moment.

"Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight..." In the thinking space where there is no light and no objects exist. In the body without the five senses, only the spiritual body that has not gone crazy is left. Perhaps the most important thing here is time!

time! Forgetting the existence of time is the source of madness and collapse. If you don’t know the time, then one second you spend here may be ten thousand years in his eyes! If you stay here for ten thousand years, your body may still be intact, but you will have died here.

Do you still remember Zou Hang’s counting game in the main god space? Zou Hang has been the only one in his world since he was a child. His only game is to silently count the time passing before his eyes! Perhaps Zou Hang is the only person in the world who knows how to play this boring game!

Zou Hang was in a state where all the windows through which he could perceive the outside world were closed except for his vision. His consciousness approached the darkness, and he had subconsciously begun to count. Counting without any reference was just based on what he thought was correct, and that was enough! If there were people in the same situation, there is no doubt that what they would do is open their eyes as soon as possible. One is instant death, the other is endless pain. Which one is more serious? I think anyone with a little wisdom knows how to choose.

But obviously Zou Hang never thought of opening his eyes before it disappeared! Because he made several inferences about this!

(Third, the ghost in the second dream is immortal, or immune to all attacks. Fourth, to the maximum extent, it can only cut off all feelings, causing people to fear, collapse, and die. Fifth, it cannot directly harm people. of**!)

The reason why Zou Hang thought they were immortal. It mainly came from his sense of crisis. With the blessing of his existing mental power and so much blood, the blood-sucking skill did not lose the slightest bit of power from the little boy. Although it does not have the attack power of God's Punishment to cover the entire area, Cain's blood has also been diluted a lot. But the blood, which was extremely destructive to both spiritual and physical beings, completely failed and had no effect. This was enough for Zou Hang to come to this conclusion. Other possible factors cannot be ruled out.

Now when Zou Hang closes his eyes, it can be said that his mental existence is more seriously frustrated than his paralyzed body, so his body may also be intact. He is not dead yet. Looking at it, the ghost is not stupid. Zou Hang did not kill him when he was most defenseless. What else can be said besides this inference? It is also enough to provide sufficient theoretical support for his other two arguments.

Endless darkness, nothing. Enough to destroy anyone's will! Let you collapse here and die here.

Although Zhang Xun couldn't close his eyes, the little boy had already moved behind him following Zou Hang's flash. But there was still an atmosphere of fear lingering around him. All Zhang Xun can do is to stick to himself and not give up! He is lucky.

Perhaps in the eyes of the little boy, Zou Hang's abilities were much more powerful than Zhang Xun's. Got all the little boy's attention. Only then could Zhang Xun survive.

The mutual confrontation remains like this. Neither side is willing to go too far! On the other side, what will happen to the people in the reincarnation team led by Bai Yu?

The moment Zhang Xun broke through the window and escaped. Several people hurried downstairs.

"Everyone, gather outside the White House!" Bai Yuzou shouted loudly at the last moment, alerting himself to possible sudden attacks. The White House building may indeed have been a fortress in one aspect, built to withstand large-scale enemy attacks. But look at it on the other hand. Everything is relative, good fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on good fortune. If you face several invisible enemies in such a small place. There is absolutely no escape.

After Wen Yiyue died. Bai Yu's first reaction was that this time the enemy might be hidden. So leaving here is the first condition. But Bai Yu may have overlooked a very important clue. Dong Juehe was frightened like crazy after hearing Yiyue's fear before her death. It is true that Wen Yiyue must have seen many ghosts with her yin and yang eyes, and she has been fine for more than 20 years. But Bai Yu thought that this place was not a display. Are the ghosts that may appear in the horror world comparable in reality? Just hearing about Yi Yue's death might be a coincidence. What about Dong Juehe?

Therefore, Bai Yu may be a person with high overall quality, and his personality is more suitable for leading a team than Zou Hang. As the saying goes, if you make one wrong move, you lose everything. Because he can't see the reality clearly. The previous failure to kill led to the current killing. He did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of him, and he also put himself and the three old people in danger.

Long Bao's muscle tissue has been strengthened, making him the best among them. Running at the front of the pack. When he opened the door to the White House and rushed out. Something jaw-dropping happened. Long Bao suddenly stopped, and his sudden braking caused a traffic rear-end accident for the following people.

Huang Jian was right behind Long Bao, bumping into Long Bao's strong muscles. The dragon was so violent that he didn't feel anything, but Huang Jian's eyes were filled with stars. He cursed angrily: "Damn! You're crazy. Why did you stop? Let's go!"

Because Longbao is strong and tall. The two open doors of the White House were almost blocked by Dragon Storm's body on one side. Make it difficult for people behind you to see clearly.

Huang Jian didn't react when he saw Long Bao. He kicked him disdainfully. Open the other half of the door yourself. But what appeared in front of him made him at a loss! Bai Yu keenly discovered that there was something abnormal about Erren. He walked forward suddenly and shouted: "What's wrong with you?" Huang Jian was already standing behind him while shouting. At this time, he was also at a loss.

Right in front of Bai Yu's eyes, the gate of the White House that should have led outside... -

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