Infinite Terror of Others

One hundred and six: Anyone who sees the curse will die.

Wen Yiyue's eyes. He was able to see ghosts, and his innate talent caused him to be ostracized and ridiculed by those around him when he was a child. But as he grew up, he developed a sense of superiority that no one else could see. At some point the bizarre death was visible to him. However, this advantage also has a hidden danger. Allowing him to more realistically feel the pressure from that power. Just like pigs, dogs, cows and horses. Able to sense where ghosts are. Give yourself more intuitive shock and fear.

Just when Bai Yu was about to get up, Wen Yiyue was already entangled in death, waiting for the end. However, when the gap between the doors appeared in front of me. there is none left. nothing left. Wen Yiyue's heart almost burst out of her throat when she felt comforted. But often the moment you are least prepared is the moment you die.

The origin of time does not know where it begins. Don't know where it will stop. A long time ago a scientist made a hypothesis about time. Think of time as a circle on a clock, with the hands spinning around and around. In other words, a large circular perimeter straight bar display. Above is an electronic watch that keeps jumping. When this line is filled up with the largest unit number nine, a new display will appear and start counting from zero.

Because the example shape is a circle. Just like a wheel. So a new term reincarnation emerged.

All the lights in the aisle suddenly went out in an instant. Pure white, deathly complexion. Deep black hole-like eyes. The face appeared on Bai Yu's right shoulder. Wen Yiyue's pupils were instantly dilated with extreme fear.

At this moment, Bai Yu suddenly felt a biting chill piercing his spine from his back. He looked back hurriedly, but couldn't see anything. The lights returned to normal in the blink of an eye. Bai Yu looked at Wen Yiyue in front of him. He felt for his pulse with his hand. The heartbeat has become weak and invisible. Looked into his eyes carefully. Pupil dilation. Proved to be brain dead.

Wen Yiyue died strangely in just a few minutes. Although Bai Yu couldn't find the murderer. But he knows. The second attack began.

Bai Yu had made a decisive decision and heard that Yi Yue's death was a signal. Bai Yu will also try to rescue him in vain. He ran straight to Zou Hang's room. Now that the crisis is coming, Bai Yu doesn't care whether Zou Hang is well or not. It's completely a subconscious action. Passed the fish mission. It can be said that Bai Yu and Huang Jian Long Bao didn't like Zou Hang's approach. But he has great trust and affirmation in Zou Hang. Zou Hang is the strongest trump card to survive in the terrifying world.

But when Bai Yu and others jumped into Zou Hang's room, it was completely empty. The bed and quilt were neat and not messy at all. Zou Hang isn't here? Where has he been? No time to think too much. Without stopping, Bai Yu woke up several old people and put them on guard.

"What's going on?" The sleepy Huang Jian was a little dissatisfied with Bai Yu disturbing his erotic dream. When Bai Yu came in, he was still naked with the actress. Huang Jian wasn't too worried and spent a long time with the actress after dinner.

Long Bao could see Bai Yu's nervousness. He said with some fighting spirit: "What's coming again this time! Let me take care of him!" He took out the heavy machine gun from the space bag. It seems that the 'massacre' operation has been repeated again.

"I didn't see anything! But Wen Yiyue died in front of my eyes just now!" Bai Yu replied silently.

"Tch! What does it have to do with us if he dies?" Huang Jian said disdainfully.

"No! His death had something to do with us! He was with me when he died. He didn't have any wounds or any attacks. He was normal one minute. But he died all of a sudden. And he seemed to be scared to death. Yes! What can you think of?" Bai Yu quickly recalled the scene just now! While speaking, he was always alert to his surroundings.

"Ghost! He seemed to have said before that he could see ghosts since he was a child! But isn't this a bit contradictory? He has been seeing ghosts for more than 20 years and was still scared to death by ghosts. Then why didn't he die earlier?" Long Bao asked. Think of ghosts. There was no vivid description in his mind. After all, he would not be able to watch supernatural horror movies if he joined the army. My first impression of ghosts was the mist-filled ghosts in the fish mission. To be honest, the strength of the wronged soul cannot be feared or strong, but in fact there is no fearful entity that can be remembered deeply.

"Let's go!" Bai Yu didn't want to explain anything. After all, there is no evidence now. What happened was Wen Yiyue's sudden death. There are many uncertain factors in it. It's hard to say for certain. But if you want to survive in the horror world longer. All you have to do is to maximize your sensitivity. Any slightly absurd idea may determine life or death. Although Wen Yiyue died for only a few minutes, what if the ghost-like enemy appeared. We must race against time to gather everyone together to resist. Otherwise, they will be defeated individually. Time is running out, maybe now is the time to say one more word. One more of those newcomers may die!

Ke'er, the girl who stutters, is still alert even though she is sleeping with her clothes on. Bai Yu just opened her door, called out and she ran over. The zombies yesterday frightened her, but she kept those fears in her mind and did not dare to cry and affect other people's emotions. The only thing that can be done is to remain obedient for the first time. Ke'er knew that he was useless and could hold them back even if he couldn't help at all. Those people had every reason to abandon her. Just like that young man with snow-white hair and strange eyes, Zou Hang, already wanted to kill her. Let Ke'er not dare to offend them. Without the protection of Bai Yu and others, she would be like the newcomers who had turned into corpses.

"This kid sleeps like a dead pig!" Long Bao slapped him. The 'body' on the bed was motionless. Bai Yu, who heard the noise, took Ke'er into Luochen's room. After a quick check, he found that he was indeed still alive, as if he was asleep, but he couldn't wake him up. If you leave him alone, there is no doubt that Luo Chen will definitely die. Maybe before death, he would feel extreme fear like Wen Yiyue and be frightened to death. Might as well have set him free with a bullet. Bai Yu could only let Long Baozhan carry him away.

If it were Zou Hang. Let me first say that this person is dead. Even if he doesn't die, he won't care whether he lives or dies. But Bai Yu is different. He advocates for the vast majority of people. In other words, it is absolutely not necessary and no team member will be given up. Let those who know the relative pros and cons of what you do think over it in their minds!

Huang Jian approached Dong Juehe's room but faintly heard sobbing. The (,,n) doors and walls in the White House were made of high-quality sound insulation materials. Maybe it was blown by the wind. Dong Juehe's door has been closed, and Huang Jian walked alone. After twisting the door latch, the first thing he saw was Dong Juehe sitting on the bed with his back to the door. At this moment, Dong Juehe's heartbeat exceeded 280, and he was out of breath. Don't dare to sob loudly.

"Damn! What's wrong with you in the middle of the night?" Huang Jian was a little surprised to see Dong Juehe like this when he opened the door and said. As soon as Huang Jian finished speaking, Dong Juehe seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He started shouting hysterically: "Come here. Help. Come and save me."

It turned out that it was just a few minutes ago. Dong Juehe suddenly woke up from his dream with excitement. A chill suddenly arises. There seemed to be an overwhelming fear coming from outside the door. Something is coming, something is approaching. Dong Juehe closed his eyes like an ostrich that hides its ears when faced with danger. Don't look directly at the things that exist around you. Although fear is not transmitted visually, she can hear and feel it. unstoppable. The feeling was so strong that she couldn't breathe! I will soon be suffocated by the pressure.

Fortunately, Huang Jian is here at this moment. Dong Juehe desperately pounced on Huang Jian who was approaching him. He held on to Huang Jian's body tightly, his hands as good as a vise. It's just that the danger has not yet been mitigated. Dong Juehe can still feel the presence of 'him'.

"He's right behind me! Help me, help me!" Dong Juehe kept shaking Huang Jian's body and yelling. Trying to make others feel the horror she felt, so others could know how desperate she was.

"Why are you so fucking crazy?" Huang Jian was a little angry. Dong Juehe's hand seemed to be embedded in his body. Moreover, Huang Jian did not see anything in Dong Juehe's skill. But Dong Juehe's eagerness didn't seem to be completely groundless. For a moment, Huang Jian was a little shaken and began to feel uneasy.

Huang Jian took a few steps back and dragged Dong Juehe out of the room. By the aisle, Bai Yu and others also came out. I was a little surprised to see Huang Jian and Dong Juehe's appearance.

"What happened to him?" Bai Yu asked.

"How do I know? He's probably crazy!" Huang Jian replied.

Dong Juehe was still shouting hysterically, "He's right behind me! Help me, please help me!" Her words made everyone feel confused.

No! Nothing at all! No one saw anything strange in their eyes.

Bai Yu felt a little anxious, I'm afraid something is really going to happen here. Must leave immediately. Right now, Zou Hang and Zhang Xun are not in the team. Zou Hang is not in the room. Bai Yu has just confirmed this. I just wanted to go to Zhang Xun's room. At this moment, the two places are dozens of meters apart, at one end and one at the end of the aisle.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Zhang Xun flashing out of the door not far away, his eyes reflecting the light brightly. Staring at the crowd with a high bow, he was in the same posture as when he wanted to attack Zou Hang at noon on the first day. Zhang Xun roared in a low voice.

"Come here!" Bai Yu shouted to Zhang Xun. But the reply he received was a low growl with an even higher decibel level. Bai Yu just took a step, but Zhang Xun became even more hostile. It seems that as long as they get close to Zhang Xun, they will attack without any doubt.

Bai Yu glanced coldly. Disdainful in my heart. Although Zhang Xun is a human, he is somewhere between a wolf and a human. Apart from his appearance being the same as that of a human, his habits are undoubtedly those of a wolf. This is potentially dangerous. I don't know when I will go crazy. Time is running out. Bai Yu didn't want to stand in a stalemate with Zhang Xun and delay precious survival time.

"Leave him alone! He's just a dog. Let's get out of here first!" At that moment, Bai Yu said for everyone's safety. Give up and take Zhang Xun away. He didn't care whether he was alive or dead.

But after everyone turned and evacuated towards the exit, UU Reading www. He looked back from time to time to avoid the moment when Zhang Xun went crazy and bit someone. Zhang Xun was on guard. His eyes were wary of the 'long-haired woman' who looked like a corpse on Long Bao's back. Watching Dong Juehe who was screaming hysterically, the pale-skinned 'little boy' was climbing behind him.

Suddenly, the head of the long-haired woman behind the dragon suddenly turned to one side, and "Gragla" made a skeletal sound, and her white eyes seemed to turn to the side from the black hair. At the same time, the little boy who looked like a koala behind Dong Juehe also turned back together with the long-haired woman.

In this extremely tense moment. The tip of Zhang Xun's nose moved slightly, as if he had caught something. Then he let out a shrill scream and turned around as fast as he could. Ignore the hard glass on the wall. Breaking through the shackles and falling down the second floor.

Zhang Xun’s voice and behavior at this time. The people across the corridor couldn't help but be a little surprised. They don't understand what's going on with this dog!

(A point of disclaimer: I have already said that this book is only suitable for a small number of people to read. If you have different opinions, please reserve your opinion. Don’t assume that everyone is the same as you. I also had to ask the editor for the strong recommendation. , I definitely cherish these few days. But I am not a full-time writer, and I also have to eat. The unit that I was supposed to work for has notified me of the probation period in the past two days. I am also very uncomfortable mentally. Therefore, there are many fewer updates. Me too After a hard day, I gritted my teeth and squeezed out some sleep time to code. Please understand me!) -

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