Infinite Terror of Others

One Hundred and Two A World Without People

There is no one in this world? So where did these zombies come from, and why haven't there been any traces of them before? Zou Hang squatted beside the pile of meat, his eyes focused and silent. But right now. The corpse of the evil god of vengeance seemed to be divided into space particles. Small cube-like particles began to separate from the corpse and float upward. The most incredible thing is that those almost tiny block fragments seemed to be separated from this The space is peeled off, and I don’t know where to send it. When Zou Hang stretched out his hand to feel the fragments, the tiny fragments seemed to really not belong to this space and passed directly through his palm.

Everyone was still in astonishment. With his hearing strengthened by nerve responses, Zou Hang could hear the groan-like roars nearby that had rapidly diminished.

At this moment, Zou Hang had flashed from his squatting posture to stand next to the wall. Flick the white curtains in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking sideways and far away, the sky has become bright, and the fish belly white has begun to appear in the distant east.

Only then did everyone who was still in a daze come back to their senses. There was nothing abnormal about the corpses after the previous zombies were slaughtered. And now the disappearance of the evil god of vengeance may have a cause and effect.

"All the zombies outside have disappeared!" Zou Hang had already left the window, and everyone who was crowding around shouted excitedly.

"Those rubbish seem to be afraid of us. I'm not bragging. I'll kill one of them, and I'll kill two of them!" At this moment, Huang Jian suddenly appeared in the crowd. And he was naked from top to bottom, with a fierce look on his face.

Dragon Bao put the gun upright next to him and said with a smile: "You are strong, but you'd better put your 'gun' away!" Dragon Bao sneered at Huang Jian's 'weapon' that was flicking around as he walked, in the main god's space , when Huang Jian changed for the first time, everyone discovered that his clothes had become fragments. Once restored, he was naked. And there are more women in the team now. Bai Yu's sister didn't react at all during the day. Maybe it was because she was used to it in the killer camp. She seemed to take everything indifferently like Bai Yu. But newcomers Ke'er and Dong Juehe both screamed and covered their eyes.

"What's wrong? Haven't you seen it?" Now let you see it for free. Huang Jian said that he did not feel ashamed but felt embarrassed, and began to walk towards the two people's positions. The terrifying cycle of reincarnation has torn away the masks on people's faces, making them unscrupulous. These two women have no offensive power. It can be said that they are killed according to Zou Hang's inertial thinking.

Zou Hang acted as if he didn't see it. And this further strengthened Huang Jian's confidence. The muzzle of Luochen's CZ550FS rifle was pointed at Huang Jian's head.

"Boy, if you move, I'll blow your head right away!" Luo Chen said.

Another self-righteous person. And it's quite extreme.

Huang Jian looked at Luo Chen mockingly, with a murderous aura in his eyes. But at this moment, Bai Yu said: "Okay, don't make any trouble." With one sentence, he stopped the duel that was about to start.

As a killer, carrying emotions is a failure. Even if Huang Jian doesn't have any special skills in killing, as long as the shield is transformed, those bullets cannot move at all, and if Huang Jian fires a shot. Luochen absolutely can't escape.

Zou Hang sighed speechlessly. If you don't kill now, you may regret it, so let them experience it!

Huang Jian walked towards his android's breasts in a daze, and grabbed her breasts with one hand. The other hand took out a set of clothes from her pocket. Huang Jian's space bag is on her body.

After an interlude. People took to the streets. There are too many people now. It can't even fit in that BMW. The surrounding environment has not changed at all, it is still that lifeless silence. The temperature in the morning is relatively low and slightly chilly. Different from yesterday’s excitement. Today the horrific attack is coming. Zou Hang felt that there was something strange about it.

There are too few clues and the city is too big. Everyone walked along like this. Seems aimless. But along the way I encountered two corpses. He was bitten all over and died. Two newcomers who had met just yesterday. What was left next to him were stacks of US dollars that he had collected. It's a pity that they don't know that in this world, what they do is not even as good as Robinson Crusoe.

It could be a coincidence, but it depends on a variety of factors. Necessity and contingency are intertwined. None of the twenty people moved too far away. Wu Tian, ​​who had just gotten up on the road, saw this group of people.

Wu Tian followed up in two steps and said, "Hey! Everyone is here! Let me show you this." He took out the high-configuration computer assembled yesterday. He said with some show off: "I think this thing will definitely sell for 100,000 yuan on the market!"

Everyone ignored him, and a few newcomers were still afraid of the terrifying zombies. The old man even despised this brainless person. But Zou Hang's heart moved. Said: "What are you doing after dark?"

"I'm just sleeping? What's wrong?" Wu Tian was a little strange.

"Sleep." Zou Hang recited it silently, and then asked: "Then nothing happened while you were sleeping?"

"What else will happen while sleeping? What on earth do you want to ask? Do you want to look at my computer?" Wu Tian was a little depressed. No one appreciated the high-end computer he assembled after a busy day, which made him a little depressed.

While everyone secretly sighed that this person was really lucky. Wu Tian spat on the ground. He picked up the computer and said to himself: "I don't know how to appreciate it. I might as well hold it to the zombies!"

"Zombie?" As he muttered the word silently, Zou Hang held the Desert Eagle in his side and pointed it at Wu Tian's head. Of course Wu Tian is not blind. Yesterday Zou Hang confirmed the authenticity of the pistol in public.

"Didn't you say you were sleeping yesterday?" Zou Hang asked calmly.

"What are you going to do? Don't kill me!" Wu Tian's calves were trembling with fear, and his heart was filled with panic.

"Answer me! Don't test my patience!" Zou Hang is like a cold-blooded snake, bending his body and ready to harvest other people's lives at any time! At the moment, Wu Tian was a little incoherent and just kept begging for mercy. Zou Hang reminded: "Zombies appeared throughout the city at night."

"Ah how is this possible? That's just something in a movie!" Wu Tian said in surprise. What he acted at the moment definitely didn't seem like he was hiding anything. Everyone could see that Wu Tian might really know nothing.

Long Bao may be the most talkative person. Although he wanted to speak at the moment, it was difficult for him to speak. However, Bai Yu, who usually spoke very little, said: "He may really not know anything! Let him go!"

Zou Hang's head tilted to one side as if having a cramp.

(People are never as simple as tools.)

At this time, Zou Hang did not scold Bai Yu, but said lightly: "Kill all the newcomers this time!" As soon as these words came out, everyone turned green and frowned.

"Why kill them?" Bai Yu asked hurriedly.

"It's just that I want you to kill me!" Zou Hang added. As soon as he finished speaking, it seemed like a stone stirred up a thousand waves. No one took action. Zou Hang shook his head, this move was very slight. No longer go straight to the topic just now. He turned around and stared at Wu Tian with a dead look. Wu Tian was also startled, fear arose spontaneously, but it seemed to stimulate his memory. Wu Tian seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "I had a dream last night, and there were zombies in the dream!"

In other words, in the eyes of everyone, Wu Tian's words were perfunctory. Maybe he vaguely saw zombies in his dream. But to Zou Hang, it had a different effect.

"Dream?" Zou Hang murmured alone.

There was a gunshot! Wu Tian is dead. From other eyes, it was Wu Tian's perfunctory words that irritated Zou Hang. For the murderous Zou Hang, another senseless killing was left in front of them. But is this killing really meaningless?

Zou Hang's ear sounded from the main god's prompt. Deduction of one thousand survival points, no doubt. For Zou Hang, his main purpose in leading these tools is to kill those he thinks are dying. But now he still needs to do it himself. It seems that the tools are no longer handy and cannot play their due value. "Don't regret it!" Zou Hang said calmly as the smoke from the gun dispersed.

Red and white blood and brain matter were scattered everywhere. ‘Ugh’ and ‘vomit’ the two girls immediately started vomiting. What was a bit surprising was that An Ran also seemed to have the urge to vomit. Zou Hang was a little disdainful of this. After three horror movies, I still can't stand this scene. Enron should have ended long ago.

In a daze, Zou Hang felt a little tired of the people following him. The existence of these people is a source of uneasiness and a burden. It was far less simple than when he was alone. Moreover, with the obstruction of these people, he blocked his normal path, but he had to pay more attention.

His world is just him. He should be pure.

In the next few hours, Zou Hang seemed to be leading several people in circles. I have walked through some streets several times. Some people in the team have begun to complain mentally, but they can't say anything due to Zou Hang's threats. And for several newcomers, their psychological prejudice against him has deepened since what they just said. After all, you shouldn't have a good attitude towards a guy who wants to kill you.

If there is a discerning person among them, you can also find it on UU Reading In fact, Zou Hang didn't take them around. At least after repeated repetitions. The few corpses that everyone encountered again did not appear again in the itinerary. Almost the morning is over. After counting carefully, they were able to determine that except for the twelve people in the current group, the rest of the newcomers had died in the mouths of the zombies. The bodies left behind bear witness.

Directly south of the White House, the presidential residence, there are green grass and the Washington Monument rising from the ground to the sky. The monument is 555 feet high, and its small gold tower-like spire is the commanding height of Washington. When you come to Washington from any direction, by any means of transportation, the first thing you see is this monument to commemorate Washington's great achievements. The Washington Monument is hollow, and visitors can climb up a total of 898 steps from the inside. They can also take the elevator directly to the top of the monument. The monument is surrounded by a lush lawn, which is often a gathering place for Americans. On the flagpole surrounding the base of the monument, fifty stars and stripes fluttered in the wind.

At this moment, after Zou Hang confirmed the number of people still alive, he walked directly towards the Washington Monument. Maybe it was because of the direction in which the strange golden ball landed at the beginning of the mission, or maybe it was because I saw this thing every time I looked up. Zou Hang is very curious about this place.

However, Zou Hang's feeling did not seem to be confirmed this time. I walked around here silently for several times, but still didn't get anything special. Originally, this uninhabited world was a very strange existence -

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