Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 997: Blessed

Zhao Wenrui originally planned to complete one stage of personnel training, and then made the next step.

More specifically, he intends to conduct three months of military training on the recruited shadow demon reserves.

From the timing point of view, after completing the military training, the hardware preparation work for the Shadow Demon is almost complete. When the time comes, the Shadow Demon will be made out and reorganized a little bit. The winter will pass, and I dare not go deep into the kingdom or continue. It is more feasible to slam with Freemasonry.

At the same time, this is also an operation of the windshield. He knew that with the style of Freemasonry, he would not be able to give up when he encountered such a thing. In this case, he was not wise to fight with Freemasonry. When others are weak, they should take advantage of flexibility.

But this plan has changed with the weird dream.

Coincidentally, it happened that Zhao Wenrui inspected the old town and found that the water veins connected to the well were indeed greasy.

And the dream created by the black vortex is actually a blueprint background with a dry sacred deep underground, and then generated after a certain exaggeration.

Was connected by Zhao Wenrui and the groundwater veins. He mistakenly thought that his instincts were guiding him, telling him that the water veins were connected to a large underground dome. Once the excavation was completed, it would be of great benefit to him.

Just like this, a trip to the dungeon was put on the agenda. After all, the same dream every day, like reminding and urging, told him over and over again the principle of "the opportunity is never lost, the loss will never come".

The earth is big, and the desire is the biggest. After all, Zhao Wenrui failed to jump out of this pit, interrupted the original military training plan, and began to make full preparations to enter the dungeon.

At this time, the "city" could not be explored. It can only be said that from the information obtained, the dark area connected by the groundwater veins of the old town is very impressive.

Zhao Wenrui also knows the famed area of ​​the famous Falun world. It is also natural to compare it with the underground world he has seen in this world.

Has to say that in terms of richness and magnificence, the dark area of ​​this world is far less magical than the dark area of ​​Feren, but one thing is the same, that is grand.

Under the ruins of the mountain city, he found a huge dome that could only be used as a stalagmite forest when he threw a pile of Burj Khalifa, and here he found an almost large one.

Was also full of feelings that made him inexplicably palpitate, but this time he was prepared to be brave, to explore, to develop, to dig, instead of turning a blind eye like it was in the ruins of the mountain city.

He told himself that he was much stronger now, and he had the killer tool of ‘sacrificial’, as well as the holy wood bundle and the cards of resurrection.

However, in the eyes of C Kane, Zhao Wenrui's thoughts and behaviors belonged to forgiving reasons and he forgot to die.

Where emotion is justifiable, naturally refers to the dependence on divine instincts, so that the illusions caused by evil spirits' invocations are regarded as intuitive omens.

But the desires are also true, and the greed that it shows is better than that of his and his deity. C Kane analyzed it by himself and felt that it was mainly caused by environmental factors.

The original deity Zhao Wenrui grew up within the rules and regulations of the Vientiane door system. It seems that the degree of freedom is very high, but in fact, he will always be taught by various objective conditions in the course of the task.

Simply put, there are slaps and sweet dates, and even more slaps. Sweet dates are mainly earned by themselves. Throughout the road of growth in those years, when there was no cool and cool to fly, it was always high and low, and it was quite difficult to travel all the way. But it has also invisibly suppressed the excessive expansion of desire again and again.

It was this experience that lasted for more than 10 years and occupied the most important years of his life (about 25-35 years old, which was the period when he was beaten and forged as a social person), which completed his later extraordinary life. Lay the foundation. Its significance is much greater than the more than 20 years he spent on earth.

Kane feels that if the life of the reincarnation is compared to the experience of dating friends after entering the society, the various things of the earth age are the first love in the campus period.

The more tortuous and awkward the process of dating a girlfriend by a blind date, the more it will bring out the beauty of the first love, or even beautify it unconsciously.

So ask yourself, which period is the most critical for his mental growth. The answer is the life of the reincarnation. Even if the years of the earth are the foundation of the life of the reincarnation, from the perspective of the present, it is indeed that the life of the reincarnation is more important, not only lays the present Everything, at the same time, has played a role of inheritance.

And his humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui, he self-examined and admitted that he did not do well. He felt like some rich dad who was busy with his career. Say not to love his son, right, the son still has weight in his heart Yes, they will also protect shortcomings and are willing to give them. Let ’s say I love my son. He ’s very cynical, and he ’s not caring enough. He only interacts when he thinks about it. He always excuses himself for various reasons.

He has also made an in-depth self-analysis on this, and feels that this is not only because of the original impure motive (using humanity as a tool to discover his own drawbacks), but also because of the impermanence of human nature.

C Kane found that the expression of human temperament is unstable.

Temperament and temperament refer to personality and emotion. Personality may have inertial characteristics that are hard to move, but emotions are relatively easy to fluctuate.

When these two concepts are combined, the former is bound to be affected by the fluctuations of the latter.

So he also commits a problem that many people would commit, that is, when it is cold and hot, sometimes it feels that the world is colorful, and sometimes there is a sense of boredom to see through the world. I feel that nothing is so serious, and I am not interested.

From a long-term and macro perspective, this kind of good and bad human control system is not as delicate and colorful as the Vientiane door system, but it will never fall below the mechanical system of the horizontal line.

A divergent association, which is why the rule of man is not as good as the rule of law.

Anyway, C self-examination at the same time, also saw the reason why his human avatar, Zhao Wenrui, the deity, and even his distance.

The smoother the road of life, the easier it is to overturn when encountering Kaner; but if the road of life is a series of Kaner, it will take a few minutes to eat Huanglian, and it will feel terrible to think about it.

Therefore, people are really hard to wait for, and there is a problem with whichever side is missed.

Human avatar Zhao Wenrui's current problem is that the steps are too big and the walk is too smooth, the non-lethal little stick is a little bit less, and the egg will be pulled soon.

C Kane clearly sees that the grand underground dome is simply the remains of the kingdom of God on the ground, which was the core of the former kingdom of God. For Zhao Wenrui, there is hardly anything he can use at this stage, but it is a step by step killer. Be careful to be infested by the depraved divinity, and its self-righteous death and resurrection is simply a joke. After all, the soul is polluted, what is the significance of the resurrection of the body?

However, C Kane does not intend to block or remind in any way. If the human avatar can't pass this hurdle, then it will sink or be destroyed. Using his own death to give him a profound lesson of "eating a long grain and gaining wisdom" can also be regarded as the best use of human beings.

The autumn rain is lingering for several days, and the last trace of summer is gone, and the feeling of bleakness has gradually grown.

Zhao Wenrui silently watched the trained shadow demon reserve, and the mood was not very good.

Like the first deity, he is now beginning to savor the true meaning of the phrase "the more people I contact, the more I like dogs."

Take these people in front of them, they do n’t understand that people are willing to teach them knowledge, skills, and opportunities to correct their bad habits. They also have a good heart, a sense of honor, a sense of self-esteem, and want to be excellent. But they can't overcome the bad habits formed over time and fully integrated with the good and evil in their nature.

Of course, if you really want to change it, at least from the perspective of Zhao Wenrui, there is still a way.

Or, in his memory, there are actually precedents, even if many of these natives are already in their thirties.

But that undoubtedly takes a lot of energy and time, and he does not want to invest that energy, one by one to painstakingly targeted guidance, to help him re-build self-confidence, a positive attitude to life, and good habits.

So Zhao Wenrui is not in a good mood, partly because of himself.

He found that he became impetuous, utilitarian, and indifferent.

He never treats these people from the heart. He just uses them as a tool, just like making sure that these people can achieve all the indicators he wants, and then enter the next environment.

He realized his depravity, but in the end he chose to compromise with desire, while savoring the torment, Ren Renzhi vanished a little.

In the end, he set a very bad precedent, completely abandoned the original plan, and ended the military training.

This is a few times in his life that he actively and completely gave up a project, and it was when the project had not completely failed.

He gathered the Shadow Demon Reserves together and gave his last speech:

"I am announcing the bad news this time." He looked around at everyone with a blank expression: "The training plan failed. The main reason for the failure was that I overestimated my ability and patience, as well as your basic qualities. "

Everyone looked at each other. These words were too straightforward, which was very different from Zhao Wenrui's words and phrases in the teaching state. Some sensitive people already felt that the situation was not good.

"Also, I must confess that from the beginning, I have no good intentions for you. Although it gives you strength and is more deeply controlled by me, it is far better to me than hunger and fatigue in the mine. ; Although I use "useful value" or it is not a good thing to let myself look at your slavery with integrity, but in fact this kind of rhetoric still inevitably conflicts with my moral cognition. This is my responsibility for you Deciding what is good and what is bad is itself an infringement. "

Zhao Wenrui has been as straightforward as possible, but for many people here, it is still a bit complicated and difficult to understand. Their thoughts are not so complicated. Many of the things that Zhao Wenrui said have not been considered at all.

However, Zhao Wenrui has been reluctant to pay too much attention to these. He ca n’t wait to end the project and replay the gongs and drums.

He directly announced the fate of these people: "Between the failure of the project, I will completely end all traces related to it, including you."

"Here, I say sorry to those who have made great efforts in the training process and have made amazing progress. You have done nothing wrong, you can even say that you have done well. But you have been implicated."

"The main reason for the involvement is my lack of confidence in your loyalty, especially after using the death elimination method to deal with the backward players who have been with you all day and night."

"So I made such an extremely selfish and unfair decision to let you meet the end together, so that there is no hidden danger, no follow-up trouble, no betrayal ..."

Zhao Wenrui explained to everyone, but also to himself.

Explained to everyone because he felt that the ‘truth’ was the last bit of respect for these people and let them know why they died.

Said that the point of listening to himself was that this incident made him tired of interacting closely with people.

Or, tired of interacting closely with the existence of self-independence.

He walked on the path of loneliness without turning back.

He told himself that from the moment of independent consciousness, people began to truly face loneliness.

As a traversal, he is more lonely than others, and no one can really understand his feelings.

Finally, the path he pursued for power was even more solitary.

Perhaps through the calculation of probability, there are indeed his confidants in this big world, but he feels it is not worth looking for and discovering.

Because of his strength, he kneels and licks to please impure motives; those who can share troubles, but cannot share prosperity; can not tolerate lies, and the moment of telling the truth is when they break up ...

If he thinks about it, he can come up with a bunch of possibilities to make his scalp numb. Whether he shows his trueness or plays the role of poor hanging silk, it is difficult to grasp the hearts of the people, and it is more difficult to estimate the changes in the hearts of the people. It is estimated that these operations have impure motives in their own right. It is difficult to believe that friendships with such motives are good and long-term because of the so-called causes and consequences.

So, just pull it down!

Why not find those unhappy?

Sometimes to endure loneliness, maybe bitterness becomes a habit and not so bitter.

Especially his combat power system and production system are thoroughly commercialized and work-oriented, do not mix emotions, extraordinary direction, intelligence, high automation, puppetry, set rules, and other women are passionate in this regard.

As the saying goes, the more the truth becomes clearer, now speaking to everyone in front of him is tantamount to self-defeating. He believes that in the years to come, this scene will be echoed again and again, becoming a profound lesson, and alert him .

So Zhao Wenrui did not evade the expressions and eyes of these people before he died, instead he tried hard to remember everyone's final expression.

In less than a minute, these people died. The original contract made them helpless, and even afterwards, the soul will not dissipate, but will be more thoroughly integrated into the body and become the shadow demon embryo.

It ’s just that such an embryo needs to re-use the spirit-enhancement technique to gain consciousness and wisdom. Zhao Wenrui ’s original intention was to retain his original consciousness and make this small group led by him more popular, rather than adding a group of people. tool.

One body, Zhao Wenrui stood there, it took a while to calm down.

But as the emotions calmed down, the feeling of emptiness and burnout suddenly struck, everything became unhappy, including the ‘journey to the dungeon’ that made him feel hot.

He remembers that he had so comforted himself in the first autumn and winter when he was alone in the desolate land-now lonely and lonely is for a better taste of lively and warm happiness in the future.

But he is now exposed to civilization, but he suddenly found that he was more lonely than before. And this time there is no way to comfort yourself.

Suddenly he felt that buying a drunkard was actually a very good life.

Then, like a belly of evil fire finally found a vent, he could n’t wait to get fooled. After all, he had never really experienced such fallen days in the past.

Knew that at this time, he still had enough vigilance, and there was no lack of self-deprecating thoughts: "Suddenly became ill, and it seems that in the past period of time, the negative emotions are indeed more backlogged."

However, even if he made up his mind to hold his left and right, eat spicy and spicy, he still allowed the bone beast to carry the shadow demon embryo into the pool of shadows, "marinated" properly, and checked all the belongings again to confirm the status, and then started the road. .

He ridiculed himself for this along the way: "It should be a lifetime of suffering, this is the case, and I still can't afford to be poor! Could it be that the opportunity to lose the" Underground Tour "is even greater? Really sesame watermelon!"

Zhao Wenrui is like a teenager in a rebellious period who quarreled with his parents and ran away from home. At first, he felt a sense of relief.

Lao Tzu can't control Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu can do whatever he wants, and I will recognize any consequences!

But this excitement does n’t last long. I have n’t waited until the Jinjin Cave, and I ’m already a little bit down, but I do n’t want to go back to the kind of life I ’ve been actively struggling with before. .

Don't want to think about anything, do nothing. Zhao Wenrui found a place nearby, dug a stone cave, and then took a big rock at the entrance, hibernating directly inside.

Last year, he spent the winter in hibernation. That was because he was tortured by the people of the Righteous Church, was eroded by the Holy Power, and needed to heal.

This time is also healing, hurting the soul.

C Kane saw Zhao Wenrui's change of mindset in his eyes, and thought of a certain Shinto saying:

Said that in this person's life, ups and downs, there is always a period of good luck and extremely poor state.

Blessed people, either cover their heads to sleep, or lazy at home, spent this time.

The unlucky ones will go to the streets, and they will not be afraid of anything and do n’t care about anything. As a result, they will cause trouble and even risk their lives.

From this perspective, Zhao Wenrui is obviously a blessing.

It ’s okay to let go of the waves and get drunk in the sea. Adults, who has n’t had a time to vent? The general decompression method does not work, so do something, usually the price will not be too much ~ ~ The problem is Zhao Wenrui's mentality, especially not much contact with the **** dogs and horses beforehand The content, based on the urinary nature of this kind of business in this world, will most likely take him as a son.

And he is something that would normally endure, which is not possible at this time, so once you go to those messy places, there is a high possibility of causing trouble.

Then I hit the small one and lead the old one. And the more this kind of business earning unusual money, the more unusual people are standing.

Then, he did n’t think that the person who held this kind of camp would have any master style, or that he would be mentally handicapped to send people who were only a little stronger than the last time to use the other person ’s foot pedal as the foot pedal. Rabbits also use their full strength.

Especially for this kind of opponent who has great potential at first glance, since it offends, then before its growth, the power of the Thunder is completely killed to avoid becoming a big problem in the future, so Zhao Wenrui may be caught by accident. dead.

Especially his poor condition, he did not pay attention to all the causes at all, but it was something that was not on the table, fun and fun, and breeding the wind and jealousy. It was so irreversible that he passed the past and formed a hatred. Or even catch your life ...

Therefore, if the thinking is unclear, it is really easy to fall into the black pit. The more sensible and cautious at ordinary times, once reversed, the more often it falls one quasi, and the fall is particularly miserable.

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