Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 979: Take root

It was approaching dusk, and Zhao Wenrui, who heard the roar, was again like the last time. He immediately used wild transformations, turned into a snow wolf, and blessed himself with "stride.

And this time, he added a powerful effect to increase the cost of a spell slot (2 ring to 3 ring), so that the effect of spell amplification is better.

I saw a white shadow, rushing through the mountains, leaping through the mountains and leaping at high speed.

Recently, he has been busy collecting tumbleweed for a large part of the day, in order to run as little as possible after the snow has closed the mountain. Therefore, he was a little far from the trap area he built, and he had to hurry.

Ling Zhi, just like last time, after confirming his position, he quickly walked out of the nearby void, and then began to chase down.

Zhao Wenrui is much stronger than last time, not only with psychological preparation and specific preparations for coping, but also with stronger armed forces, including cognitive armed forces.

He now knows that the spirits are very forced to turn virtual into reality, in fact, it is a process from the shadow plane to the real world.

The rigid plane understands that the shadow plane is like an atmosphere, enveloping the real world, and then outward to the astral plane, and the etheric plane is like a river on the earth. As a convenient channel for surf surfing.

Lingzhi is not a creature in the shadow plane, but has the blood of the creature in the plane, so he can use the shadow plane to hurry.

As for why he was targeted at him, Zhao Wenrui's current initial guess is that it is not aimed at him, but at every goal that lives on this land and meets the conditions.

What is the specific condition, a complete soul is probably one. Including the Night King, they are all of the same kind, and all represent the hunger and thirst for soul in this wilderness-filled wilderness.

There are actually mistakes and omissions here. The Night King and Lingzhi are not as cheap as he thinks, and they are free to target every complete soul.

Against him, the root is that he was separated from C Kane, saying that it is a human avatar, but in fact the soul is divine.

And this active and powerful divinity can become an opportunity to ascend the gods. Being a **** has always been the most compelling and the best way to get rid of this bad world.

Although so many gods have died, there is no shortage of former servants and successors. After all, with an independent kingdom of God, a little ability and luck is not so bad, it can be done with a good time of hundreds of thousands of years.

For the **** who pursues eternity, the millennium may not even be a flick of a finger, but for the strong man who has only been in the past for decades and has to struggle in the quagmire, the good life of the millennium is definitely a dream.

So in this world, Zhao Wenrui is destined to perform the horror version of "Everyone Loves Raymond", which is what Kane expects. After all, there are things to see the temperament. Kane derivated Zhao Wenrui's purpose, not for multiple copies Enjoy the experience.

Zhao Wenrui struggled with a good heart. This is also the source of his motivation. Just like Robinson believed that he could return to the civilized world one day, Zhao Wenrui had a similar idea. At the same time, he also hoped that he would debut in a more decent way.

As the saying goes, if you want to be preeminent, you have to suffer from behind.

Dealing with Ling Zhi is also regarded as a figurative part of this theory by Zhao Wenrui.

With the experience of the last time and relatively ample preparations, Zhao Wenrui's response was much easier this time.

He tightly grasped the known traits of Ling Zhi's anger, deliberately keeping a relatively close distance, so that Ling Jie seemed to be able to catch time and time again, but he couldn't always catch it.

Zhao Wenrui is not dancing on a wire rope between life and death this time. His speed is now a grade faster than Lingzhi. Based on this, he can also open the distance when needed, without showing off any dodge techniques.

At the same time, precisely because he is fast enough, he will not fall into the embarrassment of being intercepted and intercepted. Instead, he is walking the dog. Through some simple techniques and enough depth, he gradually gathers the spirits to follow. The **** is behind his ass.

Under such a background, when he ran to the trap zone and crossed it easily, the angry and already demon spirits failed to pay attention to the inconspicuous trap under his feet.

Stepping into the air at a high speed, even if you fall down, you will be injured, not to mention the hard obstacles and the spoiled arrangement of the spear.

With 9 heads, there are only 3 left in 3 seconds.

Even so, these three Lingzhi still ‘only you in my eyes’, staring at Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui slowed down and detoured, deliberately let Ling Zhi catch up, Ling Feng fluttered, Zhao Wenrui flashed out, Ling Ling fell into a pit.

The other side of Ling Ling fluttered again, and it was a pit again.

The third end was not in the trap, there was no trap in the vicinity.

But Zhao Wenrui doesn't need it anymore, just leave a head and just practice the combat skills in the wild transformation.

So, the Snow Wolf was fighting with Ling Ling, who was three circles larger.

Zhao Wenrui took out some of the usual fighting ideas and confirmed it, and also practiced the skills he usually practiced. The result was naturally beaten, and it can even be said to be quite embarrassed.

But Zhao Wenrui's gains are huge, and his progress is extremely fast. Especially after observing the application of Ling Zhi's flail-like tail, he also noticed the magical use of his tail and found that it is not only the key to maintaining balance and flexible turning, It can also be regarded as the third hand and the third leg.

The latter does not need to say much. The simple understanding of the third hand is equivalent to holding a feather fan in one hand, which can block movements and sway the other party and attract its attention. It is also a weapon when used well.

The two sides fought for an hour, and it was dark immediately before the battle ended. In the end, Zhao Wenrui also relied on the characteristic of restoring the transformation to be a full sleep, and the ability to transform 5 times a day. It was a win.

After the victory, naturally checkpoint harvest. However, there is really nothing to repeat in this section. Because the best hunting season for Lingzhi is summer and winter.

A little common sense of hunting knows the early winter hunting skin, but the winter hunting spirit is mainly not for the skin, but for the ice gem. Of course, the skin is also good. The frosted mane is not only beautiful, but also an extraordinary material.

As for Lingzhi on a hot summer day, it can provide fire gems and flame mane fur. The key point is that Lingzhi has a unique energy strange and can absorb additional elemental energy for its own use. However, they are slow to perceive the attributes of wind and the earth, so in the spring and autumn, the most lacking features, the only advantage may be that they are relatively weak, without the blessing of elements but irritable.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a year has passed, and another winter is coming.

Zhao Wenrui, who was wearing only underwear, stood in front of the huge floor mirror, looked at himself in the mirror, and confirmed that he was indeed taller and stronger.

From the beginning of his stable life six months ago, he has entered a strange development period. Now, he has grown from less than 1.8 meters to 1.92 meters, and his weight has increased to more than 240 pounds. With a little bit of gentleness, he is now an absolute macho, and even his face does not change much, and he laughs with a fleshy face.

He himself did not know whether the problem was in the diet or the druid. Originally, he also thought that he would develop toward the skinny hag because of taking the shadow road, but unexpectedly he went to the governor of the heyday.

However, his muscles are not as stylish as the governor's, and even if he deliberately pursues them, he will never achieve that effect. But in terms of muscle mass and explosiveness, the governor is estimated to have a BMW to catch up.

After appreciating the symmetrical figure, Zhao Wenrui was troubled by the shiny eyes again.

This started six months ago.

First, the eyes are getting brighter, especially at night. Against the background of the fire, like the eyes of an owl, the bright ones can't see the pupils clearly.

Later, it began to shine.

Now even in the daytime, there is light around the eyes.

Compared to these, the beard and hair are a bit heavier, but they are still acceptable.

He intends to find and contact a civilized society in the spring, and his body shape is already very conspicuous. With this unique eye, he is definitely attracting attention. Attractive psychological expectations.

But how do you converge the light in your eyes? It has been quite a long time, and he has made many attempts, but he has not been very productive.

"Aoao ..."

Ling Zhi's roar burst in his heart.

Zhao Wenrui's lips were raised, and Ling Zhi regularly delivered vegetables, which had become a part of his life.

So far, he has not studied to understand what mechanism is behind it, just like he still does not understand the root of the various visions of the ruins of the mountain city.

If you do n’t understand it, do n’t understand it. After a long time, some things will be ignored, and you will no longer be as indifferent as you were.

This is not only the result of years of passing, but also the result of a state of mind.

His current mentality has the meaning of ‘sometimes there will be a hit.

He didn't think it was because he became lazy, but more free and easy.

He walked out in a big step, and his clothes were worn like he was alive.

This is an advanced application of ‘Mage ’s Hand’.

Practice makes perfect. In the past six months, the zero-level spell slot has almost become the special place of this spell, so that the fire is perfect, and the use has not been limited to experiments and work, but deep into life.

Compared with the original ugly armor, the suit he is wearing today is called a craft, which has both the regular symmetry of artificial creations and the smooth and smooth integration of natural products. It is this near-perfect combination of artificial and natural that makes It has a unique charm, the shape and style are nothing, and Zhao Wenrui is not talented in this respect.

To put it simply, he was originally a man with a far greater sense of craftsmanship than his spiritual creation characteristics. He also had imaginative thinking, but basically did not focus on artistic creation, but on speculation.

Zhao Wenrui ’s armor is not only uniquely beautiful, but also has the characteristics of low-key luxury. The main manifestation of luxury is expensive and sophisticated composite materials. The low-key is expressed by artificial distress, which gives people the feeling that the once gorgeous treasure armor has withstood the years. Sharp, revealing the charm of time.

The probing arm opened his hand, and the staff came.

After undergoing different stages of evolution, the final weapon is two kinds, the staff and the short knife.

In fact, it can be regarded as two knives, because the tip of the staff can eject the knives sharply and stably, and the sharpness is extremely high.

Walking out of the cave with his staff, he hit the ground with a blunt cone at the bottom of the staff.

'Boom! ’

Like the dull sound of heavy drum hammering, the dark green energy ripples spread from the hammering point.

The focus it brings is not the ring-shaped tumbling diffusion of earth waves, but the alienation that occurs with diffusion.

It is like alienation like turning over playing cards one by one. The flipped side is black. When you look closely, you will see black smoke like moss lichen, that is, they make the ground black.

More interestingly, this peculiar aperture is active, always centered on Zhao Wenrui, wherever Zhao Wenrui moves, the aperture moves.

This is not a domain, but it already has the meaning of a little domain.

Zhao Wenrui has not become a great druid, and he achieved this effect not because of his talent, but because of the divine influence.

Good things are good things. While coveted by outsiders, they also give holders special advantages in appropriate situations.

Zhao Wenrui called it Shadow Aura.

In the aura, the power of the shadow kept gathering, but it was not affected by the external environment. The black mist, like a snake and a vine, approached Zhao Wenrui from different directions, and then coiled up, gradually plating him A layer of black light, and finally black smoke rising, completely wrapped, only a pair of shining eyes.

After waiting for a few minutes on the open land, the spirits appeared, 13 heads. Since three months ago, the number of spirits has not been under 12 heads, nor exceeded 15, this time is quite satisfactory.

After seeing Zhao Wenrui, the spirits hesitated, and then saw Zhao Wenrui's mouth, giving a high and strong roar, just like the roar of the Tyrannosaurus, very wild.

The Lings did not feel timid by the roar, but instead they were directly irritated and rushed towards Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui waved his staff, ‘Om! 'The outermost periphery of the shadow halo rotates and spreads outwards. This ring-shaped aperture has not stirred up the earth waves again, nor has it faded and narrowed due to the rapid expansion.

Within the aura, countless strange seeds like fangs carry floating sinkers. When this aura comes into contact with Ling Qian, it will form a jigsaw-like effect, causing more terrible tears.

A quick-response Ling Jian tried to jump through this damage by jumping, but was in the air, but was stabbed by the spear-like branches that the strange seed grew into in the blink of an eye.

Knife and saw wheel, this is the name of this technique. After all, Zhao Wenrui still failed to control the whip and spear ghost vine like Lucius, but he also had something plausible, more shady and more changeable.

In the end, Ling Zhi, who had escaped the wheel of the saw, saw, and gun, didn't even have half, and had no time to catch his breath, he already had to face the crow's culling.

In fact, this trick is also plausible. These are not real ravens controlled by Zhao Wenrui, but also ghost ghosts with raven soul as the core. The reason why they appear to be crows is entirely because Zhao Wenrui's aesthetics is at work. This template was deliberately made so that when this trick is used, it looks like a group of crows dancing, and even black feathers flying, it can be said that the details are perfect.

The essence of these crows is actually Zhao Wenrui's revenge.

Knowing the name, the idea of ​​revenge is closely related to the "revenge value" peculiar to the Ashes Oath.

Indeed, it seems that a group of crows attacking the enemy is actually a mental attack of feeding.

Being able to have such an effect is also related to divinity. The divinity affects the soul and makes it have certain characteristics of the soul. It is the main reason for Zhao Wenrui to present intangible spiritual power in the material world in the way of shadow teeth.

The vengeful black crow passed by, and part of Ling Zhi's soul was taken away. The damage caused would cause Ling Jie to tear and hurt, and affect its control of its limbs.

Therefore, it is often that Ling Qian wailed and fell, and then the black crows that were being tossed and twitched incessantly twitched. When the crows disappeared, Ling Qian had only one body left.

Lingzhi in winter and summer is not so inferior, they can still fight a few times by the power of elements. Lingzhi in spring and autumn is really a dish. If it is not expensive, Zhao Wenrui even intends to raise the spirits that appeared in these two seasons for some time before killing them.

After Ling Zhi died, from the black area at the foot of Zhao Wenrui, bone beasts appeared like fish jumping out of the water, rushing to their respective targets.

These bone beasts are made by imitating thorn beasts. They are not as quirky and versatile as thorn beasts. They have to be rigid. They are acting as hounds, at least for now.

Bone Beast looks like a combination of wood sticks and bone sticks. There are empty racks, but the strength is not small, it is easy to pick up the spirit, and then drag it back into the shadow aura.

Zhao Wenrui now does not lack superficial brute force. It is no longer necessary to get things done in person like before.

After the death of Ling Ling, he had another half a month of cessation. Now he is very used to this kind of normal farming and occasionally playing the life rhythm of fighting monsters ~ ~ Of course, there is also an important part of adventure .

In this respect, the ruins of the mountain city are really a treasure. It feels like throwing all the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex to a dog for tasting. I do n’t know if I can bite it for a lifetime.

This also caused Zhao Wenrui to slow down the progress repeatedly, just like the original tumbleweed, which was regarded as an operation to find surprises, rather than a work that has strict requirements on the progress of exploration or the amount of acquisition.

In short, one of the skills he has mastered in this ghost place is how to control and adjust his mentality. The reason behind it is naturally the San value problem.

He now sometimes even deliberately drops the San value below 50 to obtain shadow resources.

Accumulation and practice have made him very productive this year. Although he is still at level 13, his overall strength has doubled. And finally it has the characteristics of a little ashes vow, instead of just hanging the name of a bluff.

However, in terms of vengeance, there has been no good progress, which is also an important reason why he intends to set foot in a civilized society.

Fortunately this year, his foundation is too thin, there is no good entry for revenge value, and he does not lack the skills that need to be improved. The root of the Ashes Vow is, after all, the Druid, and many basic things are common.

But if there is no improvement next year, it will cause a drag.

Moreover, his 'small farming' has basically reached the standard. If he wants to make great progress, either there will be a major improvement in technology or a large expansion in the richness of the resource category, otherwise it will increase the thickness, depth and further Systematization does not help much.

So in all aspects, he was pushing him to find all the resources he needed in a wider world.

But what surprised him a little is that shortly after entering the winter, this piece of land was a visitor ...

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