Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 970: Gods like dogs

After learning about some situations in the world that Zhao Wenrui went to, Kane couldn't help but sigh: "Nothing is too far."

In that eye, this universe, which he named ‘Great Star Realm’, already belonged to the late stage of decay and was dying back, and the destruction was imminent.

The main reason for all this is that there are too many redundant gods like salaries.

These guys, like the sun and the sky, like some emperors, began to prepare for the burial of the scenery after death.

Of course, the specifics are actually not that bad.

It's just that there are more things and it's no longer expensive.

There are so many gods that they are torn too often for various reasons. This forced the **** ’s first task to build a divine kingdom that was difficult to attack and even completely self-sufficient, so as to strategically deter opponents and let them know the cost of the attack, while also being in a more strategic position to rely on The powerful kingdom of God, even if a strong enemy comes to attack, makes it disgraced.

That is, these divine kingdoms that invested a lot of capital, after the death of the gods, became the tombs of the gods. Each of them has a loyal prayer and a strange guard of the transformation of the Holy Spirit.

The tomb of the gods is wandering like a ghost ship in the vast astral world, disintegrating a little bit more slowly than the degradation rate of plastic products, and also waiting, waiting to be remembered, being priest, and then resurrected.

So in the world, Kane saw all kinds of strange appearances.

For example, there is a profession called ‘selling letters’, and people in this industry, through specialized and systematic training, can output the power of a belief called ‘public trust’.

This power of faith is almost omnipotent and can be absorbed by most gods.

Although it will bring some very bad hidden dangers, it can "eat" after all.

After taking this bite, you may be able to keep the believer from growing up, thus keeping the **** position.

In this regard, Kane called it the God's version of usury. I have to say that many mistakes made by humans are made by many gods. For example, one of the three illusions in life is "I can kill".

There is another strange aspect that makes Kane impressed. It is a family of friends and relatives in the category of MLM.

"I'm going to be a **** soon. You believe me, and I will absolutely cover you. For so many years, who am I? You don't know yet? I won't treat you badly ..."

"My parents, uncle and uncle, I have grown up since you were a child. Who else can you help me if you don't help me? Besides, I am equal to fight for you, the garden after life. , I am looking for someone to take you to the Kingdom of God to enjoy the blessings, it ’s beautiful! "

"What needs to be done? It's very simple, just spend a little time every day praying. More cost-effective business !? I don't tell him yet!"

"In addition, you can go offline and tell your friends and relatives about this gospel. If you develop well, there will be various feedbacks ..."

From these phenomena, it is not difficult to imagine that if the gods are not forced, people will be slow and slow, making the situation of more monks and less monks worse, thus promoting the breeding of various vicious competitions.

Streets and alleys frequently hit, and what is dropped by God is not uncommon. Voters, sons, avatars, etc. can also be hit by throwing a brick, but the Holy Spirit is more expensive, Ken devoutly believes in a god, anxious There are too few people who are anxious, think about God, take God as the ultimate goal, and strive to assimilate in that direction.

Zhao Wenrui did not know that the world he was in was a wasteland played by the gods.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he knows it. After all, he has been in a state of survival for a long time. Being able to survive in this ghost place is his current main goal.

Then live better.

Then there is the accumulation of power and material, able to go out and see the world.

This is his trilogy.

After a successful sleep without being harassed by any unknown force, Zhao Wenrui felt that he was close to achieving his first goal.

However, he soon discovered that he was a little bit floating, thinking things too optimistically.

The main reason is the problem of losing the San value.

This thing is very abstract, but it is easy to fall and difficult to rise, and it has a somewhat unreasonable quality.

He only went a little deeper into exploring the living cave, and as a result, San's value fell.

This makes him very depressed.

He was not timid and cowardly. Although he had never done anything on the grave, he had done all the trekking in the wilderness and walking alone in the mountains. He also had an experience of confronting the beast with a survival knife.

So he feels wronged by the San value.

The heart said that I am not afraid, and not panic, calm if I have confidence, why would I lose my mind? This curse is just like a cow? Everywhere is like a shadow.


It ’s okay to understand this.

A more accurate description is actually an extraordinary energy hunger.

The waste soil here is not the waste soil in the traditional sense, but more refers to the lack of a particular element.

Because of the lack, he showed a state of hunger and thirst beyond imagination. Just like the extremely dry land, it is extremely unfriendly to water vapor molecules, and even wet things dry extremely fast even if they dry in the shade.

San Wen's value is fast, and Zhao Wenrui has no intention to explore carefully. When he thinks about coming again, he should prepare for the zero-level spell "brightness" to see if the light helps to slow down or avoid the fall of San's value.

The cave is temporarily unavailable, and the food can cope with it for a day or two.

However, he has smelled the breath of the cold winter from the climate, he still has about 30-40 days to solve the survival problem, and then face the severe winter, so every day is very precious.

Thinking about it, he decided to make waves, and now he could barely make waves.

The so-called "wave" is to pin the hope of improving the situation on obtaining materials from the ruins of the mountain city.

Like a pile of items around the eyeball stick. That should be the original owner of the dog box. When the dog box was exploded, everything spit out. Zhao Wenrui hopes that there are utensils that he can use.

In order to avoid fighting with tentacles, Zhao Wenrui turned into a coolie and moved the stone to build a platform. The stone used in the half-giant's stone house was large and heavy. He finally put together some dead wood as a rolling wood and pushed it under the stone, which made it easier to transport one piece of stone into place.

After that, weave the thin rope with grass and spider silk, and then weave it into thick rope, and then dig the roots to make the winch. The angle of view and angle, waving long rod hook fishing items.

The whole process, he spent nearly 10 days before and after, before it was done.

In these days, he always goes down in the morning and no more than 14 o'clock at the latest. It can be said that when the light is the second best in a day, he is going up or down the mountain, and at the best, he is working on the top of the mountain.

Never greedy much.

In the past 10 days, in the face of the golden finger that has been developed to the legendary position, he was ruthless and raised his level to 9 at a stretch.

At 4th level, the druid gains the ability to resist natural temptations.

In human language, this ability means extremely high resistance to spell-like spells such as tree spirits and goblins.

Level 5-7 is to gain wild transformation ability.

This ability is undoubtedly very subversive for materialists. The coffins of famous scientists such as Newton are suspected of being lifted off.

But actually got used to it, so I don't feel any more.

Zhao Wenrui's view of it is that it is not white.

Battle benefits, not Mao?

There are three good wild transformations.

First, the items are all fused.

For example, heavily armed, quiver, bow and arrow, travel bag, battle axe, and armor are many.

After wild transformation, these items will merge organically.

However, it does not work. Whatever the ring or wand is, it has no practical meaning.

Unless it is a magic artifact specially made by the Ashes Covenant, it can appear in the corresponding part of the transformed Druid in the form of a pendant. This is effective.

Other items added after the wild transformation will fall to the ground once restored.

Zhao Wenrui noticed that although the equipment will not play a benign role, it will not play a bad role. For example, the weight is too high. After the transformation, the problem is basically solved. , Great.

The second best is wearing sheepskin jacket.

After transforming into a beast, the fur of the beast has a warming effect that is much stronger than ordinary clothes, and it also has an unmatched fit. Very beautiful.

The third best is a magic weapon for recovery.

Every time you use wild transformation, you can restore the life value equivalent to a full night's rest.

Here, the life value is a very abstract concept, which is the aggregation of various elements.

Generally speaking, by transforming to restore the state, many problems of Zhao Wenrui were solved at once.

In particular, the 7th-level druid can be transformed into 3 times a day, and the maximum time each time is the level of the druid. In other words, in 24 hours, he can exist as a beast for 21 hours.

At level 8, large animals can be transformed.

However, the druid must be familiar with an animal to be transformed into that animal. This familiarity is perceptual knowledge, rather than rational knowledge of the animal's detailed data.

In other words, a druid who has never left a temperate forest cannot be transformed into a polar bear in any way.

At level 9, a talent that Zhao Wenrui cares about is acquired, poison immunity!

Moreover, the poison immunity of the Ashes Vow is different from the poison immunity of ordinary Druids. The poison immunity of the Ashes Vow allows them to eat poisonous food without being negatively affected.

Even, food poisoning is an important means of the Ashes Vow, used in the manufacture of magic weapons, alchemy pharmaceuticals and so on.

In this regard, the Ashes Oath have the meaning of the legendary evil wizard. Imagine the appearance of slanted eyes, yellow teeth, bad breath, and dark green saliva ...

But in fact it is just an extraordinary version of chewing betel nut, plus a little sequelae.

Since eating is mentioned, it involves pulling and vomiting.

So to some extent, the Ashes Oaths are really disgusting. They play with their vomit and **** seriously, and from time to time they emit bursts of night-time cat-like weird laughter. The nagging thoughts of my own **** ... that image, nagging ...

Interestingly, although the Ashes Oath turned the body into a pot of poison, it was far from death as a necromancer, even elemental and arcane mages, far less than Drew in terms of body maintenance Yi.

Because nature knows the best way to balance, as a child of nature, the druid is also very good at maintaining the balance of the body state.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the means and objects to restrain the ashes of the ashes are the techniques they know themselves, and they are on themselves.

Therefore, for ashes pledgers, peers are the real enemy.

After all, neutral goodness and neutral evil do not violate the Druid's tradition, and goodness and evil are difficult to coexist.

In terms of natural magic, the 9th-level druid's daily spells are 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, and 1, which means that up to 5th-level spells can be used, while zero-level spells can be used daily 6 times.

Fanfa has a total of 9 levels, or 9 rings, the fifth level is more than half, so there are some powerful techniques.

However, what Zhao Wenrui valued most was the fossils among them and the muds into stones. With this technique, he could transform the cave a little bit and transform it into a comfortable cave.

In addition, 5th-level druid natural magic has some very practical.

For example, an enlightenment technique that allows animals and trees to gain human wisdom.

This means that you can get great partners. For at least a long period of time, the animals or shuren who were affected by the enlightenment were all straightforward and sincere people who had the heart of a child. Not only is it easier to get along with, it can also bring positive energy.

Asked nature, this technique can understand the terrain within 1 mile per level, and is very helpful for quickly grasping the geographical environment in the area.

There are also treatments for fatal injuries and prevention of death. At a critical time, life-saving techniques.

The holy dwelling and evil dwelling can make the destination sacred or evil.

These techniques are very useful.

Zhao Wenrui found that, whether it is a holy dwelling or an evil dwelling, it can produce a special barrier effect, which is no longer affected by the value of San ~ ~ In fact, this is the change of direction. Cover yourself.

In this twisted world, the unbelievers mean that the fat of the unowned can be eaten by anyone.

What Zhao Wenrui encountered was nothing but the world's hunger and omnipotence, but it wasn't too extreme. The real cruelty was those gods. If the place where he came was a little special, he would have been chewed and devoured by the gods.

After the establishment of Shengju and Xieju, Zhao Wenrui just seemed to understand something, and realized the importance of 'stationing' in this world.

It ’s just that the “natural” thighs that he rightfully embraces are a bit miserable, but because Zhao Wenrui currently chooses to be in the wilderness, there is no comparison, which is not so prominent.

After Zhao Wenrui became a 9th-level druid, he solved many problems that bothered him.

Like the eyeball bone stick, it turned out to be solved by using the 4th-level magical technique of "walking in the sky".

This technique is not equal to flying, but allows the subject to walk in the air. The difficulty is equivalent to climbing a 45-degree slope.

It is conceivable that it will not be fast, but slow also has the benefits of slow, just like the hover of a helicopter.

Zhao Wenrui performed this technique, stayed in the air, and then fished, which was a smooth way to catch the eyeball bone stick and a utensil.

As for the hard-built stone tower, there was no waste, and he created the base of the Jureta.

In Druid's 5th-level magic, there is a call to summon a thunderstorm.

Anyway, do n’t use it every day, and expire it. Through this technique and gathering towers, he obtains electrical energy, which is also a means of collecting raw materials.

For extraordinary craftsmen, the violent and dangerous lightning energy can also be material or even crystallized. Zhao Wenrui has long coveted the magic of magical artifacts and has a high level. Too.

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