Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 966: Ash Covenant

The appearance of the witch who claimed to be a **** of death made Zhao Wenrui realize that this time he traversed a world with a very extraordinary atmosphere.

This is obviously an important reference factor. He originally planned to take the muscle stick route of the previous life. After all, it is good to be able to fight and carry an explosion.

But if the spells are flying all over, then the caster system takes precedence, otherwise it will be too bad.

Just like he talked to the witch just now, the other party can directly sense the thoughts in his heart, but he can't sense the other party. How is this mixed?

However, he did not rush to hammer out the choice, he felt that it was better to choose according to the actual situation, and try to avoid making mistakes by taking things for granted.

Kane is happy to see this, which is convenient for him to modify the content of the golden finger and put the Druid system on it.

So after a break of about half an hour, Zhao Wenrui began to explore the surroundings.

This world gives him a bad impression.

Let me talk about the air first, it smells stinky, the smell of sulfur is very heavy, and it seems to be mixed with the smell of blood and metal rust.

Then let's talk about the scenery. The dusty sky does not see the sun, it is clearly daylight, but the light is dim like dusk, and it is faint.

Into the eyes is the barren wilderness, even the vegetation is sparse, and most of them are dry. Because it is the Gobi landform, there are gravel and gravel everywhere, and no soil and living water can be seen.

At the end of the line of sight are the black mountains, and I don't know if there are trees, water, or food.

Regardless of whether or not, he has decided to move towards Gunsan.

There is no shelter in the wilderness, he does not have long-range weapons, and considering the need for overnight, I think it is better to find a capable environment.

After a brief self-check, he was on the road.

Time is a little urgent for him. First of all, it is necessary to solve the survival needs first. After understanding the new body, there is time.

Of course, even so, he has a certain understanding of this new body.

The other party does not seem to be from this world, at least not from this area, not only because of wear, but also because this person's fine skin and tender meat obviously do not match the environment of this area.

Zhao Wenrui is a little slow, one is that his new body needs to adapt, and the other is that he is worried that excessive exercise will cause a lot of sweating.

Hunger can be tolerated for a while, but thirst is a big problem. He must plan ahead and plan for the worst.

After walking for a while, Zhao Wenrui had to admit that, of course, there are often deviations from reality. Like this Gobi area, if you pay careful attention, you will find that it is not as barren as it was.

This is good news, but the bad news is that the weather is much worse than before.

The gale, the gale with the icy cold wave, roared through the wilderness.

Zhao Wenrui was dressed in clothes, the texture was still very good, the kind of thermal insulation and breathable, but there were a few breakages, cold wind was poured in from these breakages, which soon made him feel chilling.

At the same time, the strong wind also caused the tumbleweed to roll around, and Zhao Wenrui got some useful things from the tumbleweed, including grass ropes, small wooden sticks and so on.

He picked up the appropriate flint by the way, clamped it with a wooden stick, and tied it firmly with a straw rope. He suddenly had the most basic tool-a hand axe.

The straw rope also has the advantage that Zhao Wenrui understands the deconstruction of the straw rope and can try to weave it by himself. And weave the straw rope, the grass armor, and the living clothes that can't say anything.

No more inflow, it can also protect the wind and cold.

But his opponent soon stopped being confined to a harsh environment, a beast-sized beast.

The body has a boney shell, bone spurs, fangs, and claws as sharp as a steel hook, whip tail, and its most end is like a mace, full of long spines.

Zhao Wenrui believes that such a terrible evolution of this little thing is enough to illustrate the cruelty of the natural environment of this area.

Zhao Wenrui didn't want to fight with these creatures that were living in a community, but these grim little beasts refused to let him go.

In desperation, Zhao Wenrui can only escape, and by the way, he controls his gold fingers to give himself some extraordinary abilities, otherwise he may not run past these little beasts.

Then he noticed that the golden finger even had a search function, which seemed to be acquired after absorbing the power of the 'black vortex'.

This function automatically searches for the laws of the world and performs deconstruction analysis.

Up to the present position, he can be provided with a magically revised entry-level battle-Ashes Vow.

This branch actually originates from the world of Eberon. The Ashes Vow is a typical darker wind druid, often playing the role of natural avenger.

Zhao Wenrui was quickly attracted by the details of this battle. He felt that even in the introductory stage, the gains and skills gained were extremely practical and the price was not expensive. He quietly calculated that if he is willing to invest, he now has enough experience to get him to level 10.

At level 10 and above, he entered the ranks of senior warriors, resting in the world of swords and magic, even if the count met, he would be given a very high courtesy.

However, Golden Finger currently only provides the first level, he thinks it is impossible to rise to level 5 at a stretch, and can only be stuck at level 4.

Zhao Wenrui made a quick calculation, and finally made him determined that it was the slogan in his hometown: "10 yuan a piece, all 10 yuan, 10 yuan you can't buy a loss, you can't be fooled ..."

Now I have the feeling that if you do n’t upgrade at level 4, you will get to level 3, which is cheap and good. You can throw it away or use it as a deputy battle position.

In this way, Zhao Wenrui used the golden finger system to bypass the tedious onboarding process. With a flash of light on his body, he became a Druid apprentice.

After obtaining this qualification, the emerald green light overflowed on his body three times in a row, and he was promoted to three consecutive levels. Under normal circumstances, if he wanted to become a Druid of level 3 from an apprentice, the speed would be 3 years, and the speed would be 5-7. Years, and Zhao Wenrui is a frenzied maniac.

There is naturally C Caine's pot here. He doesn't mind whether Zhao Wenrui is quick. What he wants is Zhao Wenrui's psychological activities in the face of the incident. However, if this outsider is an ordinary person, unless the luck is high enough, otherwise it is almost dead.

This is Kane ’s helplessness. There are not so many right environments, characters, and events for him to test. The imbalance between the two can only be solved by him, and for now, open up to Zhao Wenrui, It is a relatively cost-effective option.

After Zhao Wenrui became a Level 3 Druid, it felt very different from before.

At level 1 druid, you can get three special abilities, animal companions, natural feelings, and wild identity.

Animal partners are loyal assistants who can grow as the druid grows.

Zhao Wenrui does not have the conditions to obtain animal partners. Moreover, the animal partners are used well, which is very useful and worth some thoughts. Therefore, Zhao Wenrui also prefers to think about it and then get it.

Natural feeling is to strengthen the two specific abilities of natural knowledge and survival.

After having natural feelings, he will acquire the ability like a special talent, can better understand and remember the knowledge related to nature, and also have a stronger ability to survive, such as tolerance, resistance to harsh environments, etc. Wait.

Wild identity means being able to influence the attitude of the animal through body language, tone, expression, etc.

To put it bluntly, it is possible to conduct simple communication with beasts, even though it is the kind of even guessing, it is also different from the ordinary.

These three special abilities at level 1 are most useful to Zhao Wenrui now, that is, natural feelings.

Responding to the chasing of the grisly little beast, I obviously felt calmer.

The special ability of level 2 is to wear forest.

As the name suggests, it allows the druid to walk at normal speed on prickly plants, dense bushes, or similar terrain without taking any damage.

The situation in front of me does not seem to match the situation targeted by the skill, but in fact it still has an impact.

The Gobi is empty but not flat, high and low, and gravel feet.

And Zhao Wenrui basically ignored this problem after gaining the talent of wearing a forest. It can be said that all terrain is smooth for him.

So the substantial benefits it brings are obvious, and the way out is also labor-saving.

The special ability gained at level 3 is the untraceable step. He can make the druid leave no footprints, and can only be tracked through this item. But there is a premise that it must be on natural terrain, such as clean tiles, pure white blankets and other unnatural terrain, which are not within the scope of the special ability.

This ability seems to be of little help to Zhao Wenrui now.

In fact, it is also useful, because this chasing little animal named ‘Mr. Mouse’ has eyes like snake eyes, with myopic characteristics, and the tracking of smell and marks is the key to hunting.

After Zhao Wenrui has the Infinite Step ability, their tracking difficulty has been greatly increased.

Then Zhao Wenrui also acquired a unique skill of the "Ashes Pledge"-shadow smock.

It is a spell-like ability that can improve performance in stages and requires active play.

At this stage, this skill has a major flaw, that is, it cannot be used in direct sunlight. It can only be used at dusk, night, or in shaded areas.

Cloudy days are fine.

And now it is exactly the weather of heavy wind, dust and haze. Zhao Wenrui puts on the shadow smock, and there is a thin layer of light on the body surface, just like the effect of dazzling and seeing ghosts slightly.

A little further away, the person will appear hazy and unclear, and the further away it will become more and more faint, and it seems to blend into the environment.

And the shadow smock can also isolate the smell.

This makes Zhao Wenrui doubt whether the 'Ashes Pledge' is closely related to the Stalker battle.

In fact, the relationship is not very big. The Ashes Vow is different from the ordinary Druids in that they are good at making and using magic weapons. Among them, the totem system is the most representative.

Speaking of totems, it is easy for people to think of shamans. The totem spells of the Ashes Covenant have indeed borrowed from the shamans.

But the power of essence is very different. Shaman totem, through all spirits, better control the power of nature. The Ashes vow is focused on ‘revenge’.

To put it plainly, it is those negative forces of nature.

After all, nature includes both life and death, beauty and terror, peace and violence.

Therefore, the same druid, the camp may also be opposed to each other, such as neutral good and neutral evil, did not violate the druid tradition.

The Ashes Vow is focused on the negative forces of nature, so its casting is also terrifying and horrifying. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is even easy to judge them as evil wizards or black wizards.

Of course, if the ash vow druid happened to be anti-human, then the dark wizard was actually fine.

Zhao Wenrui has only just started, and there are still many differences. But it also showed the extraordinaryness of the war fighters. After running around, the squirrels were thrown away.

The rat is a nightmare on this Gobi. Their teeth and horns have paralyzed toxins, and they also infect a virus called the demon plague. This is an extraordinary virus against the soul. The role of human beings is limited, and they are full of mental energy, such as spellcaster professionals, but it is a nightmare. Some in this world are people who specialize in catching squirrels, acquiring this virus, and then using it against spellcasters.

After Zhao Wenrui got rid of the squirrels, he never repeated the same mistakes and was stared at by another group of squirrels. He even strengthened his understanding and cognition of natural knowledge through natural feelings and made himself a walking stick.

The cane was like two extra legs in his hand, which made him more labor-saving and speeded up significantly.

As the saying goes, Zhao Wenrui failed to enter the mountainous area from day to night, but it was fast. The high mountain was already looking at. The rock was green and black in color, huge, and sharp, making the mountain dignified and majestic. Solemn monument.

"This mountain is very good, stands proudly, overlooking the Gobi Wasteland." Zhao Wenrui really looked at the line, feeling that this is a lonely mountain, not a mountain.

The reason why it is regarded as a mountain in the distance is because it is too large, like a long mountain, and it is only found when it is near that even if there are some ups and downs, the foundations are all the same.

If some people say that this mountain was actually a big tree in the sky, or a pillar supporting the sky, but it was cut down, leaving only such a pile, Zhao Wenrui will choose to believe this statement.

Because it is to give people the kind of effect of being cut off on the peak, which is still unfinished.

As a druid ~ ~ Zhao Wenrui is more sensitive to the natural environment now than he used to be.

He judged the sea to the northwest by the insignificant seawater tide contained in the wind, and it was not particularly far.

"Like a pattern where thousands of miles of lonely mountain stand alone, I am afraid that there will be a story. I have to be careful."

He reminded himself in this way, but still chose to climb the mountain.

The Druid battle made his intuition sharper. He instinctively felt that the foot of the mountain was not safe.

Of course, this mountain is even more unsafe.

But at the foot of the mountain is the imp, and on the mountain is the king of the king. The latter will not show up easily, and he may not be able to meet him if he wants to touch it, but he can borrow his tiger skin to deter those sprites under the mountain.

In addition, he is like a camel now, and he can smell the breath of water far away, and there are springs on the mountain, which is another reason why he went up the mountain.

Soon after going up the mountain, the ruins of the ruins were discovered. It used to look like a mountain city, and the building was full of exotic style.

Zhao Wenrui made a comparison with himself as a reference, and felt that it should not be human. The creatures using these buildings are generally about 2.8 meters tall, similar to the ethnicity of the Titans to which the Tyrant belongs.

"Semi-giant?" He wondered in his heart, but the man didn't step forward to investigate.

When the ruins of the Gobi Gushan are a little bit, it is easy to think of this special place, which may be a little greasy.

And most of it is a ruthless event that people of his strength level can't afford.

Therefore, instead of being immortal, he just came here to spend the night, instead of copying the wasteland alone, it is better to be less curious.

Moreover, the witch also reminded that the night in this world is a bit unusual.

So, he didn't even look for the spring water, he found a stone gap nearby, he was about to spend the night, and waited until dawn to say it again. As a result, something went wrong ...

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