Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 964: Falling out

The mysteries were not invited by Kane and came to play.

In fact, since Gu Yi took the initiative to offer the gems and made a deal with Kane, the two parties have not had much interaction.

It feels like, the mystic masters are a bit nagging, and their temperament is deserted.

In the centuries, Kane and the mystics did not have any hatred, Kane did not deliberately investigate them, just through Maria Hill learned that they have not left the earth, and the other development Not bad.

And Mary knew this, not the First Order stared at the Mystic Master, but from Nick Fury.

Nick Fury actively kept in touch with the Mystic Master for his own demands, even if he was ridiculed and sneered by Gu Yi from time to time.

Since about 60 years ago, Dr. Stephen Strange, a strange doctor, has become a Supreme Master, succeeding Gu Yi, and finally saving enough qualifications.

In Kane's view, Dr. Strange's experience can be considered to fully embody the concept of 'creating heroes from the times'.

Without the catastrophe that collapsed, there would be no heroes who could hold the sky, the dragon would hold it, the tiger would hold it.

Of course, Kane loves another sentence "the warrior has no merit".

The kind of group that allows people to make extraordinary achievements, how bad is their own situation, it is necessary to rely on some individuals to take great risks and lift the great crisis of destruction?

This is also a big reason why he has no love for superheroes and personal heroism.

After all, his **** is sitting in the position of the ruler, and the swarm system determines that he is the most compelling type of the Zhao family-the dictator.

The more the superhero shines, the more incompetent the ruler and his ruling team are.

At the same time, it also shows that civil disasters are more difficult.

It ’s like Nick Fury ’s self-explanatory monologue: “Why are they Avengers? Why are n’t they preventers? Why ca n’t the tragedy be stopped in advance.”

The guardian temples of the mystics have been committed to preventing the invasion of the world by extraordinary powers.

After the super bereavement virus destroyed the world, the mystic master represented by Gu Yi was very blamed.

They felt that the mystic mage did not play a sufficient role in the extinction of the human population. Based on this, Gu Yi called on the mystic mage to work hard and live up to the name of the guardian.

After failing to prevent and control the virus in New York, they also participated in the Seed of Civilization program, and they also chose the eligible to join the Guardian Temple.

When the light of the old civilization of mankind is about to extinguish, the mysteries have established the city of mirrors, the outer city of the guardians, in Antarctica.

The whole city is protected by the mysterious law of the mirror world. From the outside, it looks like a mirage. It is always far away and never touchable. Only when you know the law or get permission can you enter and leave.

Although Stephen Strange missed the opportunity and did not make quick achievements, it means that the mystic mage group has developed steadily and achieved outstanding results.

At that time, the transaction between Gu Yi and Kane gave the mystic masters a complete practice system, and the mystic masters were able to absorb extraordinary powers from the outside world, which gave each of them a huge room for improvement. The main thing is time.

The centuries after the destruction of the old civilization also made up for the short board that the mystic masters lacked.

In fact, since the eightieth year, the mysteries have been ready to move.

Like the new generation of UEF, the young mystics from Mirror City do not have the feelings of the old people. They were born and grew up in this extreme area of ​​ice and snow. This vast frozen ground is their hometown.

Although young people have no feelings, they have cravings, curiosity, enthusiasm for making contributions and proving their worth.

For this reason, the mystic masters actively launched the trial of the ruins of the old world with zombies as whetstones.

Their guardian temples, which were set up in London, New York and Hong Kong, have not fallen, but with them as the fulcrum, they can quickly move to Europe, Asia and America.

In fact, 'Black Vortex' is the mysterious side item evoked by the mystics.

As time goes by, the practice becomes successful, and there are more and more mystic masters who can travel to other realms like Gu Yi. The atmosphere of Kama Taj has always been relatively open, knowledge is there, as long as there is that talent, you can take it yourself.

Most mysteries are still very affectionate about this organization, and they are also proud of the guardian. Their new slogan is: Ma Libing, silently guarding the returned civilization.

And they have a big enemy, that is Dormam.

In order to deal with Dormam and his minions, the mystic masters formed alliances with many world casters to fight this great enemy.

The specific behavior of the struggle is not only to fight with the opponent, but also to temper the skills and find more powerful utensils to fight against.

‘Black Vortex’ was an expedition involving a mystic mage found in the remains of a temple in a certain world.

Because of this treasure, there was a dispute within the expedition.

Later, a tragedy occurred and two casters died.

The rest of them felt painful and decided to seal this evil, but they underestimated Godhead's technology, and there was a problem at the critical moment of the seal. The only way for the mystic mage to sacrifice himself and merge with the magic mirror, temporarily suppressing the outbreak of this artifact.

The rest of the expedition were also sentimental, and informed the Guardian Sanctuary according to the Mystic Master's account.

Gu Yi was not there at that time. In fact, since he stepped down as the Supreme Master, Gu Yi just went to the dark dimension world. She was going to understand the roots of Domm and then seek a way to completely remove this guy.

So it ’s Dr. Strange who is dealing with ‘Black Vortex’.

In the end, he sealed the "black vortex" in the gap of time with the eyes of Agomo.

In theory, this is almost foolproof, and it is not a problem to seal for at least tens of thousands of years.

But Strange was still not careful enough. He did not think of a way to extract the sacrificed mystic mage from the mirror, but chose to follow the mysterious mage's last wish, with the cooperation of the mystic mage Seal the 'black vortex'.

I have to say that it is easier to do this. Strange knows the secret of ‘Agomoto Eye’ and does not want to consume its power too much.

As a result, within 20 years, the soul of the mystic mage was completely corroded.

And the magic mirror has undergone a transformation. This is the main reason why it has these novel characteristics.

Although the Mirror has acquired many wonderful traits by devouring the Mystic Master, it still cannot escape the seal of time on its own.

You must have external assistance.

So he released ‘evil broadcast’.

This Lich King who used to operate World of Warcraft once used it, and the result attracted Kel'Thuzad.

The gods of DND have been used many times. There is also a name called ‘God ’s Sexy Call’. The person who is called will travel thousands of miles, and feel that only by doing so will life be meaningful. These people are actually those whose soul frequency best fits the divine frequency of the god, and are natural devouts.

As a result, it was the mysterious lord of the Star Yao Club who responded to the "Broadcast" of the Mirror.

From the perspective of the essence of the law represented by the attribute of extraordinary power, the two can be said to be the same kind. They are all the forces of chaos, but they are all lawful camps. If you have to find a similar and familiar example of existence, then the devil is more appropriate.

Demons are chaotic evils, demons are order evils, and the extraordinary powers they use have strong negative characteristics.

‘Black Vortex’ does n’t like this kind of thing. It instinctively realizes that the real purpose of the other party ’s feedback is to devour and kill it. It is the same, but it has no confidence in winning.

In this way, a chase game began.

"Black Vortex" wants to get rid of its difficulties, and it needs to get enough power, while Xingyaohui wants to take advantage of the weakness of "Black Vortex" and pinch its paws, and finally get it.

That's right, neither Lucius, Zhao Wenrui, nor anyone else in this incident saw the main body of the 'Black Vortex'.

The body of ‘Black Vortex’ is indeed an extraordinary mirror with a magnificent Xinghai background in it, not an abstract existence.

The Black Abyss is a great manifestation of the ability of this artifact. It is called ‘Black Vortex’ for a reason, and it ’s multilingual.

After many years of disdainful struggle, the "black vortex" has been forced to the end of desperation, and there is nothing to do.

However, a traitor emerged from the Xingyao meeting. Jack Rogers did not want to see Xingyao master this evil artifact. Therefore, at the critical moment, the "black vortex" took the opportunity to make a final stroke.

The struggle of the 'Black Vortex' triggered the early warning mechanism of the seal. After receiving the information, the mystic masters looked at it and started tracking it. It was already more efficient to be able to rush over so quickly.

Today's mystics are also very arrogant. After arriving, regardless of the reason, the whole area was first wrapped up in the world of mirrors.

Under such circumstances, it becomes very difficult to open the space to reach and leave.

After all, under the devastation of Rennes, the storm of extraordinary energy in the entire area has raged and has formed a strong interference effect.

Moreover, the world of mirrors of the mystic masters is shrinking from the outside to the inside, just like using multiple pockets with shovel heads against the ground to fit the entire area.

This kind of operation first made the 'black vortex' urgent.

It is now a strong foreign player, and if this tentacle is also cut off, it will lose its last extraordinary cost. God knows how long he will be imprisoned in the gap of time.

When he met someone uncomfortable, Zhao Wenrui was an old beep. He had a very high resistance to the trick of the pitman. In addition, he had golden fingers and the development path of growing up step by step also fit his cognition. He always thinks You have to eat a bite of rice, too big steps will pull eggs, the risk of high returns is high, don't gamble if you can be stable.

So he has a very high resistance to the temptation of the 'Black Vortex', and he doesn't even have a dilemma.

And the green skins have tried unreliable, their chaotic nature makes it awkward to have a higher priority than "attributes", it is no problem to let these guys do things, but they should be urged to do more delicate things. Things, or forbidden, you ca n’t do it.

Faced with the difficult situation of life and death crisis but lack of available talents, the "black vortex" can only be a gamble. It violates the usual principle of giving dry goods first, and then making demands.

In the past, there were no rabbits and no eagles. The phrase "I obey the black vortex" is the soul contract. Once signed, it has a way to directly target the soul of the target. At least it can make the other party pay a heavy price for disobedience.

Now, it depends on the conscience of the other party. If it is the kind of gratitude, then he may have the opportunity to escape from this robbery. otherwise……

What makes the "Black Vortex" depressed is that Zhao Wenrui is still a conspiracy theorist and a victim of delusional delusion. Bai gives it, or gives it back with conscience. This will not only make him overjoyed, but will become more suspicious and afraid of inner There are pits.

In the words of netizens from the source world: online games, the most expensive is free!

Zhao Wenrui, afraid of being hidden by the hidden mystery, refused to grant the gratuitous power of the "black vortex".

If "Black Vortex" has emotions, I'm afraid I'll be pounding my chest and crying. How do you foresee such a shameless thing! ?

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui comforted himself like this: "Even if there is really no pit, I recognize it. Some of the fortunes are doomed to make no profit with my character ..."

This is when he saw the way of life again, his death spirit subsided, and he wanted to survive again, so he was so calculating. Otherwise, how could it be that the **** had come to its fullest extent?

The main reason for seeing Sheng Lu is C Kane.

C Kane is also very impatient, and said: "Although my life has not been very good, there are not so many 'dengyun ladders" that can be stepped on, but a dead end, but your tendency to self-destruct It's a bit heavier. Why do you have to drill into other people's eyes? Why can't you really give it a go ~ ~ Got it, when a scorpion ant bears this fairy fight? "

Of course, Kane complained so much, not because he didn't really know why.

He knew very well that the fundamental reason for this was the arrogance deep in his heart.

It ’s okay to endure shit, urinate, suffer, suffer, and suffer. However, he ca n’t do it if he has the power to put his life and death on others ’mercy or contempt, or on luck or destiny.

He is the kind of person who has the strength to use his own destiny.

So he couldn't learn from the old Nick's kind, he just counseled, succumbed to the point of death, and didn't open up. The ant's design hasn't collapsed, can he survive this game, destined to look at other people's choices.

When his character suffered a life-and-death attack, he collapsed again and again, coupled with self-destructive tendencies, and a little wisdom and on-the-spot calculation, he squeezed into the eyes of a strong man.

Now, he is the successor of the 'Black Vortex', and it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to stand out.

The mystic masters stared at him from afar, and the leopards also watched secretly, but UEF, Aegis Bureau, Avengers, First Order people had no intentions.

They always wanted to know who was the diamond VIP who made the Black God personally come and invite everyone to come to the play temporarily. After a brutal elimination, only Zhao Wenrui was left.

Kane was also very depressed about this matter, and he messed it up.

He knew very well that once his human avatar was treated specially, the test results would be inaccurate.

How to do? How is the play going on next?

Kane opened his divine thinking and got over two hundred ways in one thousandth.

Then he chose one of them, and laughed at himself: "It's a good tradition to talk about it. You can always get a high value return through this kind of unintentional accident. I hope you can have this luck too! Take you!"

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